PACK 8 IX THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2S. 1U24. TUR SPRINGFIELD NEWS Eugenv to attend a meeting of the P. K. O. slsterhivod. day night receiving treatm en t of an Injured hand W hile working al III ' F ish er L um ber com pany at Marcolu. H ere for Day— Mrs, A II Cole and Mr G ossler suffered an Injury to his M argaret itu»«»ll was la f",ut son. K enneth, of E ugene w ar* In left hand, which wan bruised by a T buralon un Matnrday. Left H ospital— Ml»« Alice Shahan tSpringfield and sp en t S aturday after Her« from W estfir— B ert DOAae piece of alah-Wood. He will It. unable Mi« Goff n i th è Flsb H s td ie ry was * * • In from W estfir and »pent th r left th e Springfield hospital on Tuea-i noon w ith Mrs Roy A. Ilu u tp h r'y a to work fo r som e time. i shopping un S atu rd a , day. having recovered from h e r r e - ' vrs-ken«! w ith his family. W ent to T esa» —G eorge Black went Mr and Mia Jack I.arsoti lu o to n d cant Illness. Going to C orvaille—The past mas lo Yoncalla <»,» business Frhlay Io Miami, T exas, on Friday m orning R eturned Home— W ilbur J. l.epley (era, the preMent m a ste rs and the He plans lo rem ain th re Indefinitely Mr» Law rence Hill was dow n fro m W ent to Scio— The lloy A H um ­ r e tu r n 'd hom e from O akdale on Miami was th e old home town of w ardens of the Masonic fra te rn ity O n k rld g e on S a iu rd a y phreys fam ily left for S d o yesterday T hursd ay evening will hold a in ,•‘ling In C orvallis tie culled th ere by th e d eath of Mr th e Blacka for m any years E. S Jones was iitschargr.l frinì» Her« from Glendale—G ent Redfielo, H um phrey's nephew night, which will he attended by a Ihe Springfield hospital S aiurday and P urchased Property— J W. Oram num ber of Springfield men • ' A. wna ahi ' lo Ve al work Monda»- fa th e r of M. E Redfield of th is city, Hand Injured—Guy Whltely of the bought thn J W Seavev t u o a . s e Sw arts. C. K aS w rts C. E W heaton arriv ed h e re Monday night from Glen­ Mr and Mr» J S Day w ere In Vnderson Motor com pany Injured hi» tru e l of land on th e highw ay north and John F K etels T here have been dale to visit h is son right hand betw een two c a rs which of town T h e deal w as m ade verter' two m eetings of like n atu re held in tow n Saturila»- frolli t h ’lr dabll» ranch al Ja s p e r day. Back from School—G eorge Lusby, he was unloading this week. Eugene uml one in C ottage Grove A num her of ariny rlflea and « art- who has been atten d in g th e Mon­ Looking fo r Location— Jam es W Out of Q uarantine— Fred llaw lon P lanning Dance—T he F ortnightly rldge bella bave line,, recelved by thè m outh norm al school, was home over P erk in s and H T. P erk in s of Port- W ashington's birth d ay and th e week­ and family, who have been q u aran tln d u ll Is to en te rta in Ita m em bers with A m erican I .'gioii from Gin govera ed for dlp lh eria. will be out of qua.*- ervlll.'. C alifornia w ere In Springfield a dance tonlghl In St «veils halt Mil m eni, lo he usisi al ceretnonlals. end v isiting hts paren ts. and vicinity th is week looking for a m in e today. ton Cyr. preal.l ml, and K G S utton Mr» II K lllll w-aa In town Sat- a possible fix atio n T hey a itlv e d R eturned From T rip— Mrs Maude W ent to P ortland—Ju liu s Fulop h ere from E ugene on S aturday, re­ secretary , a re In charge of the ar* urdav m ornlng troni Mohawk B ryan retu rn xt home T uesday even­ W G M artin arrivo,| In Springfield w ent to P o rtlan d y esterd ay on a tu rn in g to th e ir hom e on W ednesday rangem epta. ing a fte r two weeks sp en t in P o rt­ business trip. He will re tu rn Imlay. m orning land with friends. W hile th ere he visited his b ro th ers, H ere from Albany— Mrs. John Lam H ere fo r Location—J E. Brown. F. D. I.. Fulop and X. J Fulop. b erty and little d au g h ter, t'h n rlo tte , L. Brown and fam ilies and W illiam B rother Vlaita— P. B Davis, broth o, Albany, a r r iv a l h ere F riday morn Bel tie arriv ed h ere front C anada this e r of Mrs Lida MacGowan. w as up Ing, and w ere joined on Sunday by week and expect to m ake th e ir home from C alifornia T uesday, stopping In Mr Im m berty. W hile h ere they vis in Springfield o r vicinity. Springfield for a few days before go­ Ited Mr. L am b erty 'a m other. Mrs X ing on to S isters. Oregon. He visited A. Rowe. T hey re tu rn e d hom e to- Back from C alifornia—X. A. Rowe a t th e H enry Korf home. r-'ih e r on Sunday. Is hack from California, having re­ turned Sunday m orning He stopped Begins S hipm ents—Th.) W estern Vlaitai Sawvnllln—0 . F Anderson at Maryavill.? to visit his siste r Mrs. L um ber company, of W estfir, has be­ of Ihe A nderson M anufacturing cor­ E unice Road. and went on as ta r as gun lum ber shipm ents from Its sm all poration. visit,*d a num ber of saw Porterville, mill. Four carloads of lu m b er and m ills on Sunday, Among them were railroad tie» w ere Shipped out through tb.v Bohem ia L um ber com pany at Had D inner Guest—T he Rev C. A Springfield Tuesday. C ottage Grove, th e A nlauf Lum ber E dw ards. of Salem , who delivered the com pany of th e sam e place and the m orning ad d ress at th e Springfield Injured Foot— ll. W Sm ith suffered M -thodist Episcopal church, was a an Injury to his loft foot on Monday Puglaiaw L um ber com pany a t Sag Houseclean ns you w ill s, rub. xvush d in n er guest on Sunday at the Dr. at th e Bootb-Kelly sawm ill. W hile Insw, Oregon m id |H»llsli you sim ply cannot get W. H. Pollard home engaged In a friendly scufffe he was Injured Hand— P M G ossler was 1,mt effect o f real charm unless you u naw are of an approaching team In Springfield from M arróla on Tues decide on new c u rta in s and d ra p ­ W ent to P ortland— Miss Pauline T he te a m ste r sta rte d up and a heavy eries. O ur spring show ing In, h i d e s McClintock, dom estic science teac h er load of lu m b er ran over his foot, a ll llie very newest Ideas and you at the Springfield high school, went breaking a toe may have yo u r draperies made up to Portland and sp-'Ot W ashington'; by us o r o u r experienced drapery birthday and th e week-end with h er P E. O M eets—M rs L ila Mai IMgyple w ill show you how to make g randp aren ts of th a t city. Gowan. Mrs H enry Korf and Mrs them up yourself. A J M organ w ent Monday n ig h t to Here from Red Bluff— Bill and Cla­ th e hom e of Mr» A. R. Tiffany In rence Nelson drove h ere frotr. Red Bluff on Friday to v isit friends and relative« They retu rn ed home Sun­ day TOWN AND VICINITY .. Personals Frhlay a fte r a w inter spent In North T akllM V II Vnrln was h. r* from Hayden Bridge purrhiixing feed and supplies Saturday Fred KennaH. of P ortland was a Springfield visitor on Friday. Mrs Hilda u p la n d of Springfield was ope,a ie ,I on Mon,lay m orning al the Sprlngfi Id hospital Mr» W F W alker w ent to Port- land Monday J a W ooldridge «f n e a r Ju ii' ihm Clly was In lown T uesday on bust, geaa C W lluth was In T uesday from h is hom e above T h u rs to n . W J B utler of C ollage (trove was a Springfield visitor T uesday Will lire 'n of K lam ath Fells. 4 fo rm e r H ugeo« re s id e n t. was In Springfield on M onday S K Pardee and fam ily left for C alifornia this week J)rapdries, and Curtains New Audre Lee PATTERN HATS A Laxative for Infants Visited F a th e r—O rral F sn d raw wag down from Booth Kelly Lum ber ram p num ber 35 above W endling and spent th e week-end with his father. m ust be gentle and n o n irrita t­ E. O. Fandreie H ere from N o rtr Y akim a—E W j in g in a ctio n , but M artin and fam ily a re back Brlnm i results. X orth Yakima, arriv in g In Spring j fIMd this week They a re form er residen ts and have now moved t h e i r ' household efleets back to Springfield, i positive in i Puretest Each d is tin c tiv e and pack- »•<1 in fancy box. T h e y’ re priced very m oderately. Eye— Bert package tig h t- filtillg p a t« « 50-inch Sunfaat English W arp C R ETO N N ES Sun and T ub Fast is Sha|H*8 T rim m e d to Y o u r A Draperiea m ure than any o ilie r Item o f th e properly furnished home, reflect the j»er- souulity o f the person liv in g tin-rein, y e t I t 1« alm ost impossible fo r you to step Into a store and pick out just w hut you most denlr e And have it be In harm o n y w ith the ln - te rio r scheme o f yo u r home O ur draper v s e rv in ' enuhles yon io surm ount this just at( p. in to o u r store and selc-t a few o f f ile m uhfrials, |ta tte rn s and colors you most desire and let o u r experienced drop • ry |,«>op|e try tlie m In yo u r home before you make yo u r selection. T ills Is the onl y way you ta n b e th o ro u g h ly satisfied Here are a few suggestions fo r yo u r convenience Designs o f A rras and q u aint reproductio ns in I'n u lls h ('h in ts Th««re are i, num ber of very desirable patterns fo r yo u r se|e lio n Sum l»y tom orrow and look (hem over, and if you tleslre, we w ill tr y them at you w indow s fo r you. M ANY O TH ER NEW S P R IN G HATS body tem perature. Snook of the T tle P U R E T E S T Cam as L um ber r, mpany. Lowell, had ^*fibipped w ith a his -ye in ju re '1 th e p .a f w-.-k whip- ^ , r ^'*'8S se a l. 80 w orking with ; n em erv wheel A piece , *, a t B O PPO B itor- - arid ready fo r us. to be removed In ju re d Enables you to have your Draperies trie d in yoor home beforo you m ake your selection 30-inch Imported English and French Cretonnes $ 1 .3 5 Glycerine Suppositories Spoke a t Unity— Rev Thom as I) Y arnes and P ro fesso r Randall Scott went to i nit- Thursday night »-her- are ideal fo r th is purpose. They they delivered ad d resses on the j are made fro m pure glycerine World Service program of the M eth -|a n d are guaranteed to m e lt at • * * * char,h Our Drapery Service S ILK GAUZE 51.CS Y*rd $2.4 5 Y‘ird In d ivid u a l O rder Use Your Ci edit I W o also c a rry Visited in P ortland— Mr» tr Ralph this same prepara­ D ifpel and little d aughter. Mary Pa­ tio n in a size fo r tricia. left for P ortland Friday, and adults. retu rn ed Sunday- of this week. They I visited friends while th ere They , were accom panl«l to P ortland bv M r 1 C H X -H FLANERY’S H ere from P ortland— Miss G race McCann is v isiting here from p o r, land, w here she is employed as a t?ac h er in th e public schools, sh e is a form er Springfield resid en t, and was for some y ears a teac h er In the Springfield schools. Home for Week-EnO— Miss Audrey P rklns was home from Bandon vis­ iting h er parent«. Mr. and Mr«. P er kin«, this past w eek-end. Miss P er­ kins ig a g rad u ate of th e U niv ersity of Oregon, and ha been teaching in Bandon th is year. Came tfo w n fro m W e n d lin g — M r and Mrs. W infred May y|«Red Mr M ay's paren ts. Mr and Mr« re n te May. th,. „ g ,t week.end ro m . Ing down from th e ir home In Wend ling. The W infred May« recently purchased a new Ford coupe. in ju red R ib a - R o b M F ran c), was in Springfield M onday fo r medical treatm en t. While w orking for S ch u ltz, and Schlrellff com pany at Fall Creek he Injured hl« ribs and rwtac-jci by falling off a log T he accid en t had tak- on plac:? e a rlie r In the week. DRUG STORE TA. Phone 16 Xrara S pringfield See Our The MODE Z Un Washington, D, C —John X Hamlin, Springfield young rn in. ha« taken up Ids duties in V -hlrgton, D. t'.. according to word received by hbt puaBity Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Ham lln He hao Just gone theTe aft« r a tour of the United States where he anlfcd collegiate Rei-ubll'an clubs. ÍM l his $170 Four Piece Decorated ____________ l & i Period Bedroom Suite C ho ice of A m e rican W aln u t, Ivory E n am el, S tlve rto n e E n am el ■I P».>WWI ■■IW III j » $145.00 ¿□ j W hen it comes to a sa n ita ry kitchen the sink is the m ost essi n tia l pari o f the e q u ip m e n t We have ail grades, A ttended Eugene E vent— Mr. and Mr«. C. E. S w art« and Miss Edna S w arts, Mr. and Mr«. C larke p- W heaton and O. M. Olgon atten d ed a social « v en t given by th a Aipar ar*h« In th e M asonic h all in Jugene M onday nig h t T he evening was spent In d ancin g and playing card«. Mrs S w an ) had th e high sco re a t ‘500” ïi - - - u __ Window Display Im ported M A R Q U IS E T T E S 36-inch. 75c Yard 50-inch, 51 25 Y«r‘1 sizes and prices in the best q u a lity t ly it money can buy. C om bining ihe harm ony o f a w ell chosen design w ith a dashlnc ..... , , luis produced tills most unusual aullé, w hich lo r real w o rtli u n .H m tlli v ,,f ’' I ” ° r lio n anti finish has never been surpassed to our k n o w h 'd g . T e s H ow-foot lied, fu ll size; a large size Dresser, w ill, fu ll p X m irro r a . 'ñ V ' “ w ell- arranged draw er acciim m odatlonH; a w olj-arranged c h iffo n ie r ,»n,i '» <" ,H' V a n ity Dresser. All cases have do ve la lle d ,fa w , r eonstrueri, i n l X V n ,,1,' Dors and trim m e d w ith polychrom e m etal d ra w e r pulls 1 1 . l i n i w u a l i 'n “ r fered on lid s suite, «« w ell as tin - high c h a ra cte r o f tn e rc h a id b e «h an opportune tim e fo r y o u r purchasing. These eaHy h< (?pp?u,in,‘ , MAKE YOUR K IT C H E N S A N IT A R Y TODAY $ 10.00 Cash - - $3 a week - - No Interest May we call and give you o u r expert advise o r estim ate w ith o u t o b lig a tin g you in a i y way. n F.J. GRIMES P llIM B I’-tG COMPANY Phony J , AM,***** * • I