TTTTRBDAY. FEnnVARY ¿R. P2». PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Oregon, within aix months from ftie IN THE CO UNTY. hours of two o'clock p m. end aev»n MIX'S LATEST FUNSTER date of this notice. CJOURT OF THE/ o'clock P in , there will be eubniltted iDated at Eugene. Oregon, the 28th GOOD AS “SOFT BOILED" STATE OF OREG ON./ C IT A T IO N day of February, 1924. IN AN FOR LANE* to the legal v o t T i thereof the quee- L EN A M. KNICKERBOCKER. ¡(ton of contracting » bonded Indebt- Those who recall Tom Ml« In his CO UNTY • • I I what yeu want la aall. buy whet you want to buy through these Adm inistratrix of the estate of , . In the M atter of (be Estate | i-dneea In the aum of »3000.00 for the uproarnusly funny comedy picture: ot E E Knickerbocker, dsceaaed. ealumna. W rite or phone TWO {purpose of building and equlplng a "Hoft Boiled." will welcome the news Minerva Billings. Deceased Young ft Ray, ___ manual training building In and for that this athletic star has made an- To James It Hillings, Martha A { Attorneys for estate l.t|HT- J«r<«y milk row. about * r o l l FALK F 2AM 6-13-26-27 Furnitur« houaehold •aid acbool district. other funster, "laidlea lo Hoard,'*! ,- * * rnaD- l-eot“ M Alexander. Thomas years ol otber persona Interested .. . - . . . . In th premia-*» herein aeaenbea, tterl Fl«l«e. t'reawell It II No. I. W right and Hon. MS "Bonds and the word "Yes" or be­ th * -experience» of a hard boiled cow i q reet|Dg • F »8 Mar S IS SO tween Ih-v word "Bonds" and the word puncher who Inherit» an old ladlpa jy Till*' S’AMt-’ O F T H E STATE home with all Ilia attendant tria ls -O F OREGON. You a.-e h reby cited LO T for sal« on vary easy teims. Can NOTICE OF »ALE OF D E LIN Q U EN T "No" which Indicates his choice The polls for the reception of the and fortunes— good and had. ¡and required to appear In the County pay for It in work. Hae K. K STOCK Court of the State of Oregon, for the Notice Is h-reby given lhal there ballot« cast for or against the con Kepner. tf >. nr u ,, County of L a » ’ , at the Court Room ! I Is delinquent on subscriptions to traction of aald Indebtedness will, on W est to Walton— Mrs W M Green thereof. E . - -e. |e the County of ; slock of the Eugen- Punndiv and said day und dal - and at the plan* of this city, accompanied by her son- bane, at the Marc! term thereof, to | W IIK N IN RUORNR I Machine Co by virtue Of calls aud FOR TDK DAY n u WEEK tsrcHsnieui heretofore duly m ale aforesaid, be opened at the hour of In law daughter and granddaughter, i w it; On or before the 25th day of | ! thereon, th everal amounts set;two o'clock p. nt. and remain open Mr. and Mrs. R E Yoder and baby March. 1824, at 10 o'clock In the ■TO P AT W E , . . ... i fo r’ noon of that day, then and opposite the names of the respective , ((,e hour of »even o'clock p. m. , Martha, M ATLOCK tlPTC L. ■ of Hhannon. went to Walton t>,ere to ghow cause. If any you have. There are many times that "‘( b X V * . ^ t h i r t y ahnres.'** ,he day wh',n * * “ • • h“ " ’ th* P“ at returning Naturday. | why the petition of Lloyd U Martin, FORMER hTH « W IL L A M E T T E every man must Incur obliga­ »3ob0 00 (ba clotted, (The Yoders and baby went heme lo a * administrator with the will annex tions at the (ime be does not Itv order ,,r,l«.r of n t th» the district school j Shannss nn Sunday, Rnndnv end of the tb ’ »state (State or of Minerva Mining Billings . Ptiltler, fifteen n shares, I By Shannon on and Mr. Mrs. n«u« O r’ en, **d ot FtlR K E N T —Clean modern furtilshod ’ ’¿J,1“ have lbs ready cash. He is cer­ Ther.fore In accordance with lb b,’“ rd H* h<>o1 D,* ‘ rlC‘ . N ‘í . . ° J ' Í " tw n * ' y . w.1» Mrs _M. A. Green. ! „ . j of"?he‘ real oroperty belong” apa rim m W a. 3 blocks (from Main! T h e reft..- .» . v . . . . w,,„ tain of having the money to ,___ ___ — ________ ____ - Idtne County, Oregon, mada Ihla 15th , her mother-in law. In Eugene, drove tng t© the estate of d e ’ ased. to-wlt street, H block from alreat car { governing «taint - ami an order make payment when due. It ts i( the hoard of directors dulv made on day of February A. D 1824, Ito the Fish Hatchery In company with 80 feet In length of the entire North at such a time that credit la 413 N 2nd at. W. H POLLARD. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Appleton of E u -I? nd "f L? t’ 2? VPn 1 l i t « zotn day of February. 1924. ao necessary. , . . . . . . . n > ■ n a - ¡Lot Number Nine and 30 fort off th' ...„ „ ■ « n a n .„ a 'nan7 shares of each pare-1 of said Chairman. District School Board. gene. North aide of Lot Number Ten. all rC R N IH H K D ApartmenU and rooms gbovw , 1( » February. 1924. In a suit wh?;ela Leone A lim Blair, by tbe louai I y ’ ,on the 30th day of January, 1924. In A T T E S T : R. S. BRYSON. 40 Years Court of lam e County, Oregon, and j ...................- - Constant gas causes Inflammation ¡aald court W alter M. Pierce, as Oov- County Clerk. _ gnn. _ ___ hlch may Involve the appendix. Slm- tScal of the Count« Court 1 Sam all perauna having claims agallisi gCH0 0 L D ISTR IC T •O N O ELEC* {ernor of the State of Or of Helpful Service A Koier. a* Sei-r’elary of Htate of the Ple glyceric’ , buckthorn bark, etc.. F 21 28 M «13-20 said estate w ill present same duly ¡ TION NOTICE Slate of Oregon, O. P Hoff, as Stat t,« « “ '«•■'I AtlRrlka helps any case verified at the otiti e of W hitten Swat-j i Treasurer of Ihe Stale of Oregon.: * a" ‘ *>e stomach In T E N minutes NOTICE TO CREDITORS ford. SU M. and W Bldg.. Uugene. »Isle of Oregon. Tonatltutlng Ih H a te Land Board for Most medicines act only on lower County of lame School District No. |ha 8(a|e o r»K„ n. plaintiffs, recov bowel but Adlerika acts on BOTH Grigoa. on or before ala tnonths after Notice is hereby given that Lena 19 aa. cred Judgment against _ th . v ... defendant«,: upper and * * e ! «■ 1 f * gas ** M and A and M«» l ° w* . I r . bowel MM. W ,, ,.11 remorsa a W *• « • Knickerbocker was appointed ad- Itila date. S E Libby and T.ura E Libby for th all poisons Excellent fo- Iiated and Orti publlahed J ttu a r r of »10#« 00. with Interest Intercut there- ther» j i obstinate obstinate constipation constipation and and to to «„«.u guard „ 1 ckerbocker .1. ....... 1. . . deceased, by V.V order of „1 Notice la hereby glvm that at the .»m /,/Y io m ' o O."' with «< hool district bond -lection hereby on at « >'r per annum from January " West of Ihe W illam ette time. Meridian and running thence West 3| Dated this 25th day of February, HOUSE WIRING chains, thence south about 49 chains 1914 Call C H AUN CEY M EAC HEM , to the right bank of the McKcnxIe Prsparad to do Mouawlrleg ef all Fxecutor of tbe estate of River th -nee easterly along bank of Phone 19 Emllv M. Baker. Dsceased. SUTTON TRANSFER the M cK ’ nxIe River lo the --ast line Kind«. A. F. G RAHAM , Corner at and Frank A. DePue. of said section Number (25) 9th aed M «treats. F. O. Bos 188 thence north on section line 49.24 Attorney for the estate. Phone 57 F 2S-M 6-13 20-27 chains, more or less to th place of beginning, containing S3 9 acres more or less of land In Lane County. Ore­ gon. Now, therefore. In the name of tbe Fbr Painting. Tinting and GEO» N, McLEAN M ANY MEN MAKE State of Oregon. In compllanc with Paper llunglnK Automobile. Fire and Life said execution and order of sale and IT A PRACTICE IN S U R A N C E In ordpr to satisfy said Judgm nt. ED THE PAINTER interest, attorney's fees, costa of aull Surety Bonds.. Phone 617 to take a box of our superior la'ave order« at the and accruing costa, 1 will on Satur­ My butine:« le le protect your confectionery with them on day the 15,h day of March. 1924. a, business Springfield Cabinet Shop _! { S60 Willamette th eir weeljt.’ud visit to* wife St. Eugene Oregon the hour of one o'clock. In tht aft r- noon of said day. at the Southwest and kiddies or to Her father’s front door of the County Court House. bouse. And nothing better or In Eugene. Lan» County. Oregon, offer more acceptable could be for vale and sell for cash, at public W. F. WALKER A. A. ANDERSON imagined. Put a good big box auction, subject to redemption as pro- F U N E R A L DIRECTOR vld d by law. all of the right, title, BARBER SHOP in your grip or bag this week. and Interest of sat.I defendants S. E Í B 'lieve us, its contents will be Full Auto Equlp oent Libby, Lura E Libby. J. J. Cha«e. j For Sale— New and Old Rarore highly appreciated. L. M. Travis and all persons claiming W. O. w . block by through or und *r them or any or, »1.00 to »2.00 Office Phone 62 M. Res Phone 62 J either of them in and to said ! pr mises. Fr»d 0. SGekels. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon j »I F 14 21-2S M 6 13 DR. N. W. EMERY Classified Advertisements Establish Your Credit Gas On Stomach May Cause Appendicitis T he First National B U S IN E S S Bank D IR E C T O R Y W recked your car? Second A ven ue G arage NEW BIG PACKAGE u D E N TIS T Button Bldg. Phons Í0-J Residence Phone 129 W Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEW ELER F IN E W A TC H REPA IR IN G A SPEC IA LTY «prlngflaid. Orsgon WM. 0 . HUGHES FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE Bucceaaor to Jahn Edward« and Ballinger ft McPherson Insurant o Offlco agencies. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon Springfield, SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. Vvo make a specialty of cri lsh?“ rock Mid rock sand. Bunk­ ers nt foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON. FOR LANE CO U N TY Grethen H illy , Plaintiff. vs. Carl H llty. Defendant DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL TO CA RL H IL T Y , the above named defendant: DENTIST IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE OF OREGON: Phone 43 You are hereby required to appear Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. and answer the complaint filed against you In th above entitled suit, within the time hereinafter set for you to do so. or Ihe plaintiff w ill apply to th e ; court for th - relief prayed for In said { YOUNC A RAY complaint, which Is lu substance as follows: Attorneys at Law I For a decree of the court d1s9olv-! Specializing In the Inw of Real Ing the bonds of matrimony now x Property and Corporations. Istlng betw?en her and defendant and for'anch other and further relief Office t »60 W illamette Street a» to this court may se m Just and Eugene, Oregon proper. I This summons 1« published In The Springfield News once a week «or n period of «lx consecutive weeks pur­ JOHN M W IL L IA M S suant to an order for t h ' suine mad Attorney for Vet. Stale Altl Com , by Hon. G, F. Sklvworth. Judge of the Circuit' Court for Lane County. Soldiers Donna Loans. Oregon, dated January 14, 1924, an.! I,. B. DEAN yon Hre requlr- d to appear and answer said complaint on or before the las, Attorn-y Stale Land Board, day of snid period of six w eks from Elate School Fund Loans. tha date of the flrat publication of this suaimons. namely on or before WILLIAMS & BEAN tbe 2Sth dsv of February. 1921. or the ATTO R NEYS plaintiff w ill apply to th- above en­ 860 W llllam ette St. Eugane, Or«. titled court for the relit f her'iubvfore i mention- 'd. Licensed to practice In all Courts I The date of the first publication of of the Slat , and United State«. this summons la January 1924. HO W ARD M. BROW NBUL. Attorney for Plaintiff. O M. Spagu». Mutual Life Insur Residence: Eugene. Oregon. anca Co.. Eugene, Ore., Phone 877 tf 17. 24, 31, F. 7, 14. 21, 28 Your Home When In Springfield FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT BORN Br. 8. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist. Vltns At their home In Marcóla. February building. Springfield. Oregon. 20. 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wlltse, Roas Mathews of Thurston was In a daughter. The Infant died a few minutes after birth. town Saturday. LAW NO TARY PUBLIC Button Buldllng EGGIMANN’S The Loop Springfield Oregon. i Wilsons Variety Store W hy A ttend School SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Special Sale W ithout a business education you are not prepared property to cope with the many problems of life. Regardless of your position you need it. and you can secure it nt a reasonable cost. Saturday Mar. 1st The question Is— Are you go­ ing to make ths necessary ef­ fort now, or are you going to k ep i,utting it off until by and by? 2 Dozen No. 28 Wash Basin 2 Dozen No. 20 Mixing Bowl 2 Dozen No. 16 Lipped Sauce Pan W e ar here to serve you and we are always gla-l to tell you about our school. Hundreds of young men and women have completed one of our roars’ « and are today holding respons­ ible positions. 2 Dozen No. 1’/ 2 Pudding Pan 2 Dozen No. 2 Pudding Pan 2 Dozen No. 2 Milk Pan 2 Dozen No. 11 Drinking Cup 2 Dozen No. 40 Deep Pie Plate You may do the gamt. W ill you? 18c 18c Eugene Business College FIRST QUALITY GUARANTEED CRAY WARE This Assortment contains values unequaled by even the largest syndicates A. E. ROBERTS, president l g C— JUST EUG ENE, OREGON I IMAGINE— 1 8 c t.uuutig yememay. i| t-»H C E N T BOORTFRfi.