T i lURtì DA ¥. PBURVAHY 2K, i TU R SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS POUR 9»<- Walker school. the girl«. Joe Walker and Berry vary entertaining comedy Friday Hannah Hqua»h Music furnished by th« Moil«» | The following chlltlrwt enter»«! the Mauney of Treat won first and sec­ tor." The cast of evening. "Oh, Doc By Special orchestra was much enjoyed hy those boya beat th« high «chool girl« al • ond prizes Htmutg the boys The characters were: Corra apandante game of baseball Friday alteration prizes were fountain p«'»» A s the D im - Quack ............ Howard Merriam present by a score of 19 W T- Spark Plugs won the race It la the Sam Green The pupils of Clov«ml»le taihllc Oren Cartoony T he following children entered the duty of th.« Barney Googles to enter« school gava an Intereating and en PLEASANT HILL Herman Delp llirinington Brown CAMAS SWALE tain them This will be done by a Atlanta Whit? ..... Mac Kdniundaon lertalulng program Saturday. Febru­ public school al PL-ssant Hill Mon­ day. February 25. Itob?rta Lawson. [Very attractive cards picturing a hard time party Friday. February 29 Hannibal Gray Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zlnlckker nt Carl Lowry ary 23. followed by a pie social. The Rubltia Lawson. Jeesla laswson. Vir­ The following students went from A rnbelIt, Snow .... proceeds of tits social will be put Creswell and Ml»»«*» Pauline and young girl and young man ami a Charle« Cox gil llllla and Vida Hill». received the Pleasant Hill high school Thurs­ Norfolk Black B ose Ruegg«-r wer? Sbindsy rlaltora diamond rjng have b'en dktvld Calvert toward paving tor (he playsheil al the front Flagstaff. Ari»nna. by many day to Corvallis to attend the high of Mr. and Mr*. W ullschleger. Mr. and Mr». George Rk-kefs of friends of Miss EH* Bristow an­ school conference h«dd Friday and Chester Wh»eler, Kay Creswell, who have been visiijng the nouncing her engagement to Charles Saturday: laiwrence Dilley, Eugene past week In Salem and Albany with Parnell Mason Mis* Brjstow 1» the Olsen. relative«, are here for a »hort visit at only daughter of Mr and Mrs W L. Kn«'wl««s and Orval Gullev. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr». Bristow of Pleasant HUI. Sh« 1» a The freshmen of the Pl>««sant Hill I graduate of the Pleasant Hill high high school are planning on giving ' August beidtke. A family reunion was held at the school and the S*et! Normal school a reception to the upp««r classm en home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong aud has b * n a v»ry successful and sophomores In the early part o f Sunday when three daughters with teacher In the E'C'*”' schools until March T h|s is In return for the re- i their fam ilies were prJssnl. Mr, and last fall when the accepted a |»>»i- iception given Io them by the upper Mr». Carl Landers aud l|ttle daugh lion jn the schools of Flagstaff. Ariz­ 'classm en In the fall. ters. Erma and Doris, of Marvola; ona. The wedding will take place The Goshen Dramatic d u b which Is ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Allen Day of Eugene. some time next June me "ting with much success staged a ’ W ITH IN A FEW YEARS the investment securities of this Company Mr. and Mrs. D G Linton ar» re­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mush and little daughter Hazel of Lowell. Others joicing over the arrival of a baby have become a favorite form of investment for our citizens. IT S WORTH FORDING MILES present were Mrs. Armstrong’s sla­ boy born Friday. February 22. Mr. ter Miss Teresa Callaghan and broth­ and Mrs. Linton now have five boys TO S E E - _ Y O U CAN FIND OUR SECURITY HOLDERS in every part of town, PLAYING er. J. C. Calaghan and family and and two girls. Mrs W. L. Brjs-ow of Pleasant Hill Mrs. Brown, all of Eugene and George followir^ every kind ofoccupation and of varying degrees of wealth. Arm strong a nephew, of Camas entertain«*«! Mr» Herman Knut -on. 'Til 11:30 p. m. Saturday ¡Mrs. R J. Kngitdi and Mrs. Hyde Swale. w OUR DOORS ARE OPEN to every man, woman or child who cares to Visitors at the home of Mr. and for the day Thu-sdcy. February 21 become a part owner of the service properties and to participate in the Mrs. Charlie Williams Sunday after­ An elaborate dinner was served at noon w ire Mr and Mrs. Bill Mack­ noon and th? after-tow »pint In reasonable returns paid on their investment. lin and daughter Evelyn and son, making quilts for Miss Elda Rrlstow. Harry Gregg and Russell Goddard la summer bride-to-be. Friday Mrs THE MONTHLY INVESTMENT PLAN places this opportunity within and Elmer Rogers, all of Springfield. Bristow had as her sue»ts Mrs. Tru Mrs. Macklin Is Mrs. W illiams sis man Robjnvit an I Mrs. Edwards of reach of everyone who can earn and save a little each month. ter. Misses Gladys and Bertha But­ Eugene. ler were also visitors nt th? W illiams Mr. and Mrs. John H im h e tt of THE MONEY of our security holders is invested here at home In ex? home Sunday evening. Albany were at Pleasant lllll Satur Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong day visiting their nelce. M bs Bertha tensions and .Additions and the dividends paid as wages remain in the and daughter. Mrs. Peat* Bush, and Manning. community. nephew, George Arms'rong. ntrtCorwd Miss Anna Latten of Plsasant Hill to Lowell Monday Mrs. Bush was attended the program and pie so cfii As long as we grow we can put additional money to work in useful returning home after a vjsit over In? at Cloverdale Saturday night. week end at her home here. Mrs. Robert Mooney and infant son public service. The Camas local of :ne F E. and having been dlsm issc I from the C. I', of A. will hold ’heir regular Goshen hospital have returned to meeting Wednesday. Several m atteis their hour? In Dexter -X .J , u OUR INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT of interest will be discussed a n # j Mr. and Mrs Walsh and fatuity, there will be a supper served by th» who have been living oa the Tilton WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU lady members. ! ranch since last serin s, moved to Mrs. Riley Petty, ‘eacher in the Eugene the past week Mr Walsh Camas Center school spent the has accepted a position with the - - - -f-— w»ek-end at her home on Beat Creek highw'ay commission. », w ith but was compelled on account of the Mr and Mrs. Johv H’lls and fam­ TONY'rwr «*»»»«« rainy weather to board here at the ily and Mrs. Tilton and son Earl have W ullschleger home another week moved on the Tilton sla g s at Pleas­ Oirtcttd by ** JACK BLVSTONt ant Hill. Mrs. Hills Is a daughter of SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr. LAFFS! LOVE! THRILLS! Mrs. Tilton. X W. Emery, dentist. Sutton Bldg. Community News A Favorite Investment of this Company TODAY ■ fu ® tf WE ARE agents for the D signer Pat terns. A. R. Sneed Depa.tment •tora. * f23 MATERNITY cases cared for In my own hom-' or in private homes. Mrs. Grace I'trbit. 6th and A streets. Springfi