PAGE THMOt THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2fl. 1 924. ad lb riiTMT ahjMBore mon*|. T h a n WE ARB agent» for the Designer Pal. O N AND A F T E R this date I w ill not baM BM d appTBYal bf I M bureau Cutting of bag limit« and ahortealag la a general Impression that tha money public ro o d » for tba forest rood «ac­ terns A. R. Sneed Department ba responsible for no bills contracted of open aaaaoua for flab aad game la waa a part of the loot atolan from the tion« of tha llooaevelt highway, Seoa Stara. (29 by anyone except myself and daugh­ the laleraat of wild life cuaaarvatlao Aurora bank. tor McNary was advised. Tbeae funds ter Viola. la a definite program agreed upon by CAIqL A N D 8BB Dr. N. W. Emery The Fidelity A Depoalt company, »re to be uaed as follows: Reedsport. the atate sportsmen'» aaaoclatlon at W IL L IA M RUSSEL. OODDA; on prices on plate and other work, tf with headquarter« In Maryland, which Cooa bay section, three mllea. 1M.174; Ita annual meeting In Portland In April, IMS. bonded George 1* Brush creek, Mussel crook section, Brief Resume of Happenings ol Theodore T. (leer, who aerved aa 'Cleaver, »late prohibition director. In tenth governor of the atate of Ore­ I ihe amount ot 16000. ha» notified Gov­ »76.100; Naskowln-Hllets section, 31.6 the Week Collected for miles, »228,600 Another allotment for gon In the years 1IIIIB-I*og, died at hla ernor Pierce and Ham A. Koaer. aec- still anothar section la (or (68.000. home, 470 Bant Fifty third alreet Our Readers. retary of »tale, fhat the protection af­ County agricultural confereacaa to North. Portland, aa the reaull of a forded the official under the bond consider tba agricultural program atroke of paralyala Buffered recently. you are going to be one of the many customer» who know i would be terminated at the expiration adopted at tbn economic conference Carlr trait tree« ara blossoming la The ex governor waa 73 yaara old. what real Service and Satlafactlon mean. You of the 30day period at tbn Oregon Agricultural collage the ! Rugnno. Mllea Cannon, field t-ommlaalener of I get Quality at Economical Prices. There were three fatalltlea In Ore­ laat of January wlil be held soon In ’ H»nd‘a (Irat automobile ahnw wa» the bureau of reclamation. Waahlag gon due to Industrial accident» (lur­ four counties Ruch conferences have hold laat week « lib It make« of car« too. II. C., met with loo Klamath Irri­ ing tbu week ending February 21. ac­ already been held In Lane, Josephine, liicluilhia 35 inodnla, on display. gator» to hear complalnta and recom­ cording to a report prepared by the Jackson and Deschutes counties. The ararllon of a cannery la Naw mendation« of the water uaera. Can­ state Industrial accident commission. Crook county will have one February W. M. Green, Prop. liorg waa aaaurml al a meeting In that non'« finding« on thia project will be The victim» Included: C. A. Moran. »1 March 1: Malheur. March 6-1; aubmlilcd In a report to the secretary Portlaud. faller: Ernest Soaah. Scap­ elly <>t more than loo trull grower*. Union, March 7 ». and Hood River. InilliBlIona nt a good nxdialr a«a»on of the Interior poose. truck driver, and A. 0. Aid March 10 12. A meeting of the labor officiate of ridge. Rector, logger. A total of 688 tor Dragon growers are ao«n la report« from the «mat of coutlnund firm mar Oregon. California and Washington accidents wa» reported. The heat loaf of bread In a recent j probably will be held within the next kata. Fines collected through the activi­ btiklug contest for negro club girls In few week« to determine (be beet ties of the state traffic officer» operat­ Linn county P«ar grower« have ba methods to be used In handling un ing under the direction of the law Arkansas received a score of 97.25 j gun their drat «praying of the year points. A m* mber of the staff of the employed In the three atatea. It la an­ enforcement bureau of the »late motor Unlv-<»r»lly of Arkansas Judged the ' aa lha li ml a are now «hooting forth on nounced by C. H. Gram, atate labor vehicle department during 1823 ag­ the branrhea. bread, wblch waa baked by glrla rep-! commlaaloner. gregated 128.711.16. according to the riotunting clubs conducted by negro I.. W Met>gor. contractor, will con Helen II. Moore, 19-yearold daugh­ annual report of the traffic depart­ alruct a building In Murahfletd for home demonstration agents In n in e 1 ter of Mr. and Mr». H. L. Moore, of ment. F e e « totaled »33.429 «8 The re­ the t'ooa and Curry Telephone coin Arkansas counties The lowest score, Salem, waa declared winner of the port Indicate» that the traffic officer» puny to coat flrat prlxe In the context conducted by covered 247.881 mile» and made 1571 according to reports to the United i States Department of Agriculture, w as I In a ape« lal school election Klamath the Salem chamber of commerce with arrests. 92 5 points, showing a variation of j Full» voter» approved by a ten to one relation to dealgntng an automobile Allotment» um ouptlng_to »430,171 only five points In the quality of nil j vote a 125.000 bond laaue for the pur windshield »ticker appropriate for ad- bread baked In the contest. chaae of a new achool houae alte, vertlalng that city. Ktiarltnent of a law aulhorlilng the A new town »III aprltig up at Odell atate to print Ila public arhool text- I lake within the next alx week» with hooka probably will be requeated al a population of more than 1500 per­ EXTRAORDINARY—SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SHOES AT THE the next session of the leglataluro, sons. according to the railroad con­ A welfare clinic under the auaplcea tractor« on the Kugene Klamath line, of the Portland achool of welfare work ' who plan to extabllah cumpa at Odell of the University of Oregon will be I where a »mall army of worker» will , held In Pendleton March 12 and 22. ! be quartered probably for the next Samuel Boyer. Io. warehouseman (or year Hundreds of Springfield and vicinity shoppers are learning the wisdom of buying at The winter flatting aeaaon on the I aeveral year« at Brlndwnll atatlon. the Springfied Army Goods Store. Most reliable underpriced store—where all merch­ weal of Amity, committed suicide by Columbia river will cloae Saturday ' andise, no matter how low the price is—is fully backed up with a “money back” guar­ placing strychnine In bla coffee while and no commercial fishing wll be per- ! antee. Make every penny count—Springfield Army Goods Store prices mean real money milled from then to the opening of the I eating hla lunch savings. Fourthclaaa poalmaatera have been i regular aprltig aeaaon at noon on May We stock all of- the new appointed In Oregon aa follow» Mr« 1. The winter «eaaon haa been a fair- 1 Sarah Immewood. Axalea. Ilouglua ly eurreaaful one for the comparative- ■ drugs anti keep |tosted re­ county, and William A. la-gore. Proa ly few ftahermen who have had their garding all of the new rem­ neta In (he water. per, Coos county. This time It Is a Shoe sensation—and such values that will actually surprise you. We Roy Klein, aecretary of the atate edies so (hat we may pro­ Knglneera of the Long Bell Lumber purchased at a wonderful buy a great lot of very good Shoes such as D_yton, Santa company have ataried a aurvey from highway commlaalon. announced that > vide anything worthy that Rosa, and Manhattan Shoes—the leading makers in the country in their lines. he had Inatructed John llaker, dla­ the Southern Pacific railroad near trlct attorney of Hood River county. ! is called for. We do not Kirk and leading Into company tint to proceed with the proaecutlon of the her In (hat locality. wait for you to come in Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com­ The NrvadaCallfornla Oregon rail pany on charge» of wanton deatruc- mid call for it before plac­ road haa aaknd the Inleratate com Men’s plain toe Dayton Shoes. Double One lot of Men's Good Work Shoes. lion of tree» along the Columbia river mere« commlaalon to authorlte alx solid oak sole. A wonderful shoe Values from $4 to Special for highway In the vicinity of Caatle Rock. ing it in our order book. mile« of new tine northward from for wear, comfort Friday and Saturday A Hat of bootlegger» and moon­ luxkevlew Into timber tract». shiners in Waaco and Sherman coun Senator McNary1» bill to appropriate tlea. was received by Sheriff Chrla- dome here first for new , Men’s high top Shoes that bear the for a veteran'» hoapltal at man from Sheriff Hill of Tulare. Cal One lot of heavy Dayton Railroad maker’s label of International Portland, waa disapproved by General Shoes. Extra quality double sole. drugs and chemicals. « ) The Hat wa» taken from the body of Frank L lllnea. director the vet­ i Roy Vincent, alia» “Alabam." who wa» Shoe Co. Value $9.00. Special A brute for wear eran«* bureau. In a letter to congreaa ! killed by the California aherlff while j Salem merchant» have petitioned , realatlng arreat In connection with the EVERY PAIR OF THESE SHOES CARRY THE IRON CLAD GUARANTEE OF 100 the city council to draft an ordinance ! Moaler bank robbery of laat Novem- I prohibiting preacher», peddler», itiual ber. PER CENT LEATHER AND ARE BRUTES FOR WEAR. clana and varloua rellgloua aecta from While In blattlnn «tump« j operating In certain aectlona of the on their land between Aurora and GALORE business dlatrlct. LET’S GET ' W ilsonville. Naef brother», proaperou» BARGAINS The public aervlce commlaalon haa I farmer», found In the wreckage of one ACQUAINTED suspended uniII a date to be fixed by big stugap a 110 gold piece and (wo On Main S t, Cor. 4th. Springfield the commlaalon the proposed new allyer daJIara A careful »earch fall- _____________________ tariff filed »time time ago by the Home ------- -------------------------------- — ---------- (— We— - i i i i Telephone * Telegraph company of »out hern Oregon W C. Culbertaon. one of the own era of the Cornellua and Seward hotel« In Portland, waa appointed by Gov ernor Pierce Io succeed Arthur C. Spencer aa a member of the atate The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make honua commlaalun. you a regular customer. In future all auto camp« operating FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY IIE R E V E R grew grows, garden flower« can grow. I f your yard provide« within the corporate limit« of the city sunshine and good soil, and sufficient moisture can be assured, you of Pendleton will be required to pay can plan a good garden w ith confidence of delightful results. In c ity an annual license fee of »1000. accord­ and country the good old annuals are becoming more popular year by ing to the provlalona of an ordinance year. Sweet Peas* Cosmo». N astu rtiu m . Zinnia. Poppy. Verbena, adopted by the city council Aster. Sweet Alyssum and other beautiful flowers are enjoyable in —T" 4 the garden or cut for indoor decoration. Formation of a three county export N orth ru p. King & Co.’s flower seeds produce fu ll »lie blooms commlaalon league In aupport of the of rich color, true to tvpe. For 34 years they have satisfied MeNitry t>itl firmer re m illions of flower lovers. Easy to select your packets lief took place at a meeting at The from the upright Sterling Seed Box. Dalle» attended by more than 200 farmer» and buslne»» tnen from Was­ I co, Sherm«n and Gilliam counties The Oregon Slate Retail Merchant»’ association closed II» «étalon« al Eu- gene with the adoption of a reaolutlon For W o o d w o rk pledging the aupport of the merchants , to the McNary Haugen wheat price regulation bill and the Kelly-Stein manufacturing bill now before con­ greaa A uniform ayelem of accounting and statistical records covering all trans­ actions of the various automobile passenger stage and truck corpora For retinivhine ihabby, worn floor» or lions operating In Oregon will be da F o r F lo o r» w oodwork) (or (urniturr that is scuffed tnanded In rules and regulations now and dull, just try A cm e Quality Varno- being formulated by the public service It reproduces the finish of finest commission. hardwoods Siatns and varnishes in one I. H. VanWinkle, attorney general, quick, easy operation W ith it you can acting at the requost of Governor change furniture, woodwork or floors to I Pterce, will a»»lgn a »pedal proae harmonize with a new color schem e. cuter to Yamhill county to aaalal »he W e recommend Acme Q iu lity Varno-Lac dlatrlct attorney there In handling the hersuae it in made in one of the large« and case» against Waller Tooxe Jr., and best equipped varnish work« in the country. Yuu cannot g o wrong on any Acm e Quality j . m Templln, prominent resident» of Fo r Puraltur« probuct. A»k us lor color cards. McMinnville At a meeting held In Condon and .omposed of the maloally of farmera and business men of Gilliam county, V A R N O -L A C two resolutions were adopted with out a illasenllng vole, urglilg congress to pas» the McNary Haugpn export cor­ poration wheat hl?.. In addition to thia every man and woman present contributed to a fund to be used In defraying oxpnri end rdhanlxod thenvedrei Into '> * and UwUncfl" Hvn'n limme OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST li you buy here Community Cash Store DANCE - Springfield Steven’s Hall, Friday Heart Breakers Orchestra Rare Drugs and New Remedies SPRINGFIELD ARMY GDOOS SIORE A Real Shoe Sensation We Have Placed These Shoes in Four Lots $6. $ 2 .9 5 $ 4 .9 5 $ 3 .9 5 $ 5 .0 0 ARMY GOODS STORE Sanitary Meat Market Garden 7loiversJhat Everyone C a n G rou} Holverson Bros, Props. N orthrup . K in g &C ojs M*akes “ mahogany, oak, or walnut” out o f plain pine acme quality Wright & Son V