O I V O T I O TO IN T K R K B T O F B P R IN O F IIL O A N O T H t FARM CR B OF T H F W IL L A M IT T K VALLEY t i. oí O. lA ra ry ¡ x A il T W K N T Y -F IU H T Y KAU STUDENTS TELL OF 0 .IC . E SPRINGFIELD NEWS n i.i ■ il ■ ■ »m i ■» « w - , ----------- . . . . . , 1 1 ...i , J U . ~ .. — S T . P A T R IC K S B E N E F IT JU R Y IN D IC T S W O M E N ASK NEW C O U N T Y J A IL A Peoplt'a Paper” L IV E NEW SPAPER | IN A L IV E T O W N ■- 8PKINGPUHLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FKUKL'ARY 28, 1 824. (C IV IC C LU B W IL L G IV E "T h e R ecall Movement Reported F iz z lin g BEST SHADE P L A N T IN G NUMBER 7 TREES RULES AND G IV E N j| Recommendations of Eugene Feder­ Com m ittee A ppolntsd by Mrs. Mauds Mrs. H llem an C h irp e d W ith Pass­ ated Women's Club T ree Planting ing Bad Check on Spring- Bryan, P resid en t; M ett In Meetings Not 'Well Attended and May be Applied Here field Store Two W aske Statements of Colonel Mercer Branded as False R ecom m ending th at a new countyi ON MANY PROJECTS T ree planting rules f o r m u la te by Many Members Added in Cam­ the F ederated W om en’s clubs of Eu­ i paign; Headquarters to be Jail be bull! the Lane < ounty g ra n d Elect Officer»; Washington started gene can well be applied In the tree The recall m ovem ent Jury m ade lie rep o rt Wedn -s la y a f ­ Moved to Morrison Hall; To Girthday Program Given; VommiastofiiWM E m m ett planting cam paign In 8pringfl»Id. Fol­ ternoon and was illam lesed by Judge against Take Part in Colonization. S harp and Nets Ron ?y Is reported Basketball Team Defeated. low ing a re th e kinds of tre e s and G F S klpw nrlb N um erous In d ic t-1 to be on the wane. M -«tings sched­ bow to plant them according to data tnents have been retu rn ed by t h e , P rogress on com m unity projects un* RepmeeteiliA*« of Che Bpi|iigfl«ld Jury which has served since la s t uled by Colonel M ercer, the profess­ published by th e club tre e planting derw ay was reported and new ac­ lu sh school who a I tended lit« or«« spring M J McKlln, of Hprlngflsld, ed Instigator of the recall, have m et com m ittee of wblcb P rofeasor E dgar tiv ities were sta rte d a t th e m eeting Kim A gricultural E ducational Exposl- with little o r no response, accord- E OeCou, of th e U niversity of Ore­ was forem an of th e grand Jury, j of the Springfield C h am b îr of Com­ to people who have been w atching gon, Is chairm an. lion Friday and S atu rd ay in Corval- O ther me tubers w ere: W C. Seavey. m erce Monday night. N early a dozen the m ovem ent closely. Ila gave a lull report ot til« affair K in d t of T re a t for Parkings R ichard H llem an. O tto B rabham . new m em bers jfere added to th e rolls T he first m eeting held a t C ottage a t an aee-tubly on Monday The Oral (T ested in E ugene)— F or deep, George W C arson, J. W. H ockaday G rove was not a success, friends of w ell-drained soli and rolling hills— a t th e m eeting and sine» as th e re ­ period » « • used for th e talk» S tu ­ and J E Skelton the com m issioners state. A m eeting N orway m aple, sc a rle t oak. European su lt of a m em bership drive now go­ d e n ts who spoke wore: Ralph Cline. ll-fo re ad journing th e grand Jury scheduled In Junction City was not w hite birch, and English w alnut. For ing on. Scores of old m em bers have Oeorge Moon and Clifford P richard retu rn ed four m ore Indictm ents. One paid dues In advance and th e re la held A nother in Springfield did not poorly-drained F acu lty m em bers atten d in g th e con adobe to ll—Norway of these wa» ag ain st -Mr». F lorence occur when tb » tru stees of the C ham ­ m aple, C arolina poplar and A m erican general satisfactio n th a t th » re o r­ f»rence were F M Holb and A J H llem an on a ch arg e of p a stin g a ber of Com m erce refused to let the w hite ash. F or narrow parkings— ganized cham ber will accom plish Mo gan Ralph Clin« rep resen ted bad check on th e K etels Drug sto re g re a t things for tre city. colonel have the cham ber room s be­ P aulas double sc a rle t haw thorne. th e school In lh« "Selling O regon" for *7 60 To Move Cham ber Headquarters cause th at body "w as not In politics.” c o n te s t at O A C . In which each N orway Maple— B est all-around An Indictm ent w as brought a g ain st T h e cham ber voted to m ove Its T he m eeting held In Coburg was not d e le g a te boost -d hl« own com m unity. parking tre e In U nited S ta te s; good Bad Check A rtist at W o rk Ruth D alton. ch ar gad with forging h e ad q u arters from tb» C om m ercial well attended. T h e glrla of lh« stu d en t body or­ grow er with a com pact head, hardy, A num ber of checks for sm all a check and ag ain st whom an Indict­ S ta te bank building to the M orrison T he gen eral feeling seem s to be ganized Friday afternoon, and elected am ounts w ere cash si in Springfield m ent was relu m ed a few days ago free from pests, clean, doesn’t heave i hall. T his m ove will be m ade im­ the following officers president. Halurday. draw n w ithout backing in charging h er with larcen y of an against th e recall. Paople who a re up walks. m ediately. T he ow ners of th e build­ avowed enem ies of C om m issioners A udrey M cPherson; vice-president the bank S carlet O ak—Rapid grow er, f in e ; tin e for the sum of 25 autom obile. Jointly w ith tw o o th e r ing will im prove th e hall and leave and tre a su re r. P auline J a c k ; secre­ was ta sh e d at th e H warts and Wash- women and th ree men. It Is charged S harp and Roney declare they a re proportions, beautiful leaves, scarlet It to th» cham ber for one y ear tary Alice T o in s’th A dvisors of the bit m e m e lt m ark et signed by C II In th e Indictm ent re tu r n 'd yesterday not In favor of this m e th o d ,o f ou st­ In the fall. T he cham ber voted a t the m eeting stu d e n ts will be Miss Anne lllll snd ¡Brown ati-J Indorsed by ll H Brown tbul lh» woman, who claim s to be the ing county officials. E uropean W hite B lrch -H an d zo m » , moVPment and au Ih o , , ZPd th e , Dt. None of th » sensational ch arg es ra th e r slen d er rapid grow th «»Yer I m ent ()f , WQ m em bprs M r. M M McLean T hey plan Io It was on th e C ulled S tate« N ation­ wife of Frank St. C lair, one of the , be rnee| each Friday Io discuss eth ical al bank In E ugene. A num ber of un-n accused of stealtn g the car. th a t made have been proven and as the w hite bark, graceful droopy foliage f. com m ittee which will work tim b er cru ise (o n lra c t becom es more problem s and vocational guldtuic« E nglish W a ln u t-B e a u tifu l tre e ’ f o r ; w(, h thp H(a(e rhafflhpr of com m erc? o th e rs w ere c a a h e i in Springfield, «he passed a check for 120 at th e C fam iliar to the general public th e op­ wide parkings; rapid grow er, begins . (he ra „ roadg |o c a „ ng ne„ The III Y «lut» lis te n 'd ,«» U 1««'- none over *7 In am ount J. Hrt -r sto re In E ugene Ja n u a ry 17. position to it s -ems to be dw indling to bear in two o r t h r 'e years 1W H demon», ratio n on L .« le rw The com m ittee will be com- t« r* *o A t IBM lh N«*w T •»,a m an t has been Funeral serv ices for W illiam I) draw n on th e F irst N ational bank The Farm «.-. I n Ion w hose nam e | , rm m r tr |cal. does well on low groun » »(artlhl lor I tir» on,lug se m e ste r ti­ of Raymond alo n g w ith th e g ra n g e , w as linked j p a u l.g Dou4lle S c a r|e , Hawthorn«— X « ted to th e r r a f « t h o m e proparo «11 »fiuti en,-* who wl»h to W alla, e. 79 y e a r old pioneer of Jaa- Gull d mo L u jan and B ernardino *** a* am a„ tre e for narrow X'. r earn an e x tra ii<-«lil. to tak e the I , - . wen- held Sunduy u.om lug at Aguirre. Mexican railw ay laborers, with the recall m ovem ent e m p h a tic Mo>t (■ally deny the charge and b r a n d ! __ e .___ ... .____ ,_. ______ seekers m ovem ent in history during 110:30 at J a a p ir. ¡parkings. Rich, luxuriant foliag? th e coming season slat,- exam ination In lh« subject Mr W allace w as born In Iowa | were both tndldted on chargee of Colonel M ercer’s sta te m e n ts as now ers hrI(,hl „ „ ,onj? aprayg som e tim e during lh« m iddle ol May. larceny In a »tore. They w ere *r- T he com m ittee in charg e of the N ovem ber 21. 1684. and died al his j Real haw s on tre e during much of win- Il Udall S co tt 1» tb. lo sim clp r r «ted a lew day» ago having In th eir building of th ? arch rep o rted th e Follow ing 1» a resolution sigend by j (pr iio m e In J a s p e r F eb ru ary 22,1924 ; The staff of the "G o-G etter" plana stru c tu re underw ay ami th a t h e a rty | How to p |a n t the T ree, he crossed th e i pomo-saion clothing stolen from the the offlcals of the F arm er Union: to pul out th e paper next T uesday. With hl« fam ily supply sto re on th e 8. P. right-of- “WbMTMS. there has been c a u se d . p , ant centpr Qf abont support had been received from citi­ plains, com ing to Jasp er, lout«* coun­ a< < ordllig 1« J F. T orbot. principal way In Eugene zen.«. More th a n 220« to be published through th e news- !,<. , o 3„ feet ap art and one.balf this ,<*!»> P u t the good surface soli the U nit#of his death Of this. 200 1 T he benefit program of t h ' Par«*nt- th e paper L ake w ater m eeting a t A lbany re- sioners S h arp and Roney, and a c res w *re p art of th e old hom estead • Jam es P ointer, p asto r of the C hris T each er association featu rin g W. A. around roots Shoot al! holes in hard- an organization io r prelim - "W hereas. It Is co n trary to th e pan or shaly rock with dynam ite be- )nary wo, '- < ldlre«tlon both si hoots In celeb ratio n of W ash­ of p. ta ilin g sum m er discussed th-» 23000 bond is- Soak , hp tre e s thorou(rtJly bu„ d , npw m anual P M Morse, «-ounty surveyor, and e n te rta in e r during th e w ar. and has H, r. f e r n . . to 1» ta l.e . mielea-...-.x w |ndg, in g to n 's birthday and w ithout foundation in sq (ar as | ... , . , . sue ,o a new m anual t.a tn lu g with w-aier once a week, during th eir ouitatng. h iiild lne T t he He will T he Springfield high achool boys’ p arty n arrow ly escaped aertoua In­ been In Chautauqua work ne issue issue of or honds nones, which wnten ju ries when an autom obile in which he asslwted by local talen t. The funds the sam e concerns ,h » Lane C o u n ty ',, bask etb all team was defeated I t to Farn«er's Union, we condem the at- • r ’ r- ' n __ will be voted on M arch 15, has ro- {they w er • riding turned o v er on the from th ? benefit will go tow ard pay­ r. by th e team from St M ary's »end- ----- ----- ------------------ ceived th e endorsem ent of th» cham- Ihlghw a) n e a r P lea-an , lllll Wednos- ing for th e playshed w hich the as- tem pt to associate th e nam e of th e i ber ...my In th e gym nasium last F rid ay F arm er’s Union, as an organization. B O O T H -K E L L Y C O M P A N Y Iday evening T h e lights of th e inn t Miclatlon built on th e Lincoln school night T he defeat was attrib u ted to R E -E L E C T S O F F IC E R S T he president of th ? cham ber w at with this proposed recall o r w ith the I chine went out and it la reported to ground» lh<> absence of th e coach, and to the --------- ' ! authorized to Inform th e Civic clob selection of the candidates. I have slipped off th • g rad e on the new j T he program ha» been announced n e c e ssity to r using sev eral aubail- O fficers and d irecto rs of th? B ooth-; th a t th e cham ber, would support th e RALPH P. LAIRD Hood. Ite.-ldcH Mr M orse those In * as follows: luti-s Tb • re tu rn gam e Is sched­ | Kelly com pany w ere re-elected a t a tre e planting cam paign in th e city. C ounty P resident. lih e c a r Included Mr» C a rte r am, "B arn y ard M elodies’’— F red E m er­ uled fo r th e high school gyncnaalum stockholders' m eeting In E ugene P resid en t W. F. W alker outliu»«) th e H L. BOCK. i d aughter, M argaret, of hhtgene, and son Brook*. ■ tom orrow night at 7 on The tim e T uesday. T he officers o e le c te d w ere plans for plan tin g 1000 shade tre e s In County S ecretary M lss(» llorolhy and Priscilla E akln. i ‘ Jay h aw k er G reen and th e D airy hi«« been set early ««> «» not to Inter- R. E. D anaher, p resid en t; R. A ?S pringfield during th is s p r in g ., of A storia T hey hud bean visiting Cow"—W. A H -rnenway. fil e with Aie P aren t/T m h e r pro­ Poles From W ashington Booth, vice-president; H. A. D unbar, M em bers received last m eeting and friends and relativ es al P leasan t lllll j "Jay h aw k er G reen. C hased by a gam The gam e with C ottage Grove The C .rb o lln eu m W ood-preserving!’ w r e ‘a r ^ ' ““ d A c Dixon- « » « « « * • applications since include: R. E. Hlg- and w ere sta rlin g home w hen th e B ull"—\V. A H em enw ay. on M arch 7 will he th e la»t of th e T he d irecto rs re-elect»«! a re as fol- gins, K enneth A. Tobias, Jam es H a r­ com pany received a carload of poles accident occurred. "C h a ra c te r S k etch ”— W. A. H em en­ R. E. Da.naher, of D etroit, pol». H. H. Jolllffe. Paul Pcalfe, A. season for creosotlng on Saturday. T h?y a r ­ low s: way. B aseball en th u siasts hnv • organis­ Mich.; R. A. Booth, of E ugene; A. C. jF . Flow ers and W. H. S te a m ie r. rived from W ashington. The company M in a te l Show Progressing "L ittle Brown B aby"— Paul Law ­ ed and el«-et«-d W ayne Hawk m an ­ - ■ ---- ■ - .......... also shipped a carload of poles to Dixon, of E ugene; F. H. Buck, of ; ItchearsalN for th - A m erican Le­ rence llitnhar. ager. He has been w orking on a San F ran cisco ; P. v H. B rum by, of Girl Given $4500 Dam ages C alifornia, and a carload of treated gion niinalrel »how to lie pti, or. by Solo—-Mr*. J F K etela—Select -d. schedule of gam es to till tb s F ridays railroad ties to U tah on the sam e P ortland; London C. Rose, of C h ica-' D am ages am ounting to 24560 -vaa th e Spring hold post ar» going for­ "T h o F irst Settle*« FtoFy"—W ill from the m iddle of M arch to th e go; C. H. Davis. Jr., of P o rtlan d : M. aw arded In a v srd ic t of th e circuit day. ward A m eeting was held Monday C arter. H. K elley, of Duluth. Minn , and H. court Jury to M arjory R oss. 12 year- end of May. night In S tev en s hall to decide on "C o u rtin ' U nder Difficulties"— The freshm an class took m ental A. D unbar, of Eugene. . . old girl, ag ain st the W illam ette Tran>- Hospital Patients Jokes for lh » perform ance, and a n ­ Music— High school Glee club. te s ts F riday under th e direction of ------------------------------ ' fe r com pany. T he girl, d a u g h ter of o th e r on T uesday night to arrang«- W. T. Givens of E ugene w as dis­ “ A Vagabond P rin ce"—Ed M< lion- N eedlecraft at A nchorage Mr. and Mrs. E H. Ross, of S an ta Miss W lz a b 'th ......... . w l,h for th e music. T he com plete cast aid. m issed from the Springfield hospital ru nning from U Io 17» out of a poe- The N eedlecraft club w as enter- I C lara, was injured when h e r fa th e r’s ha» not yef been chosen, o r tn e dale ■’Ja y h aw k er G reen a t th«» Barn on E aturJny. slide 2»O The av erage w as 109.06, lalned a t th e A nchorage In E u g r n e , c ar ran into a parked W lllain ett > ««, for th ? perform ance. Jack Bell of Marcóla, who recently Iktnce'L—W. A. Hem -nw-ay w hich Is considered fs lr for f.csh- on Thuitad&y nfrornooft. w-ith Mr«. T ran sfer truck on th e highw ay. T he was MXtsk— S elected —M csh ler M urphy underw ent a m ajor operation. W. N. Long and Mrs. O. H. J a r r e tt , little girl was throw n Into th e vlnd- im- it.Mr. Torbi-t suld. Many a t Social dism issed from th» hospital F ebruary q u artet. as hostesses. D ecorations of daffodils shield and disfigured. I he About Ml pera.liis utto,idl'd '•Tfiic H ero of th e HUI"— g d w tn 25 and fernp gave the atm osphere of S P R IN G F IE L D L E G IO N T O W ashington’» b irth d ay aiiclnl held Vance Cook. Mlss Altee S hahan. of Springfield, G. A. R. Ladies Have Social spring to th e tables. An elaborate A T T E N D ‘ N IG H T IN P A R IS ” Jointly by th e m -n’» and women’s was dism issed from the hospital on “ L nughln' ”—Jo sh Billings. T he ladies of th e G. A. R. enjoy­ thr?e-oourse luncheon w as served at Bible classes at th e M ethodist church the 2Rth. 1:30 and the ladles spent th e after- ed a social evening T uesday w h e a - B ^r M em bers of the sprlliglleld post of Friday night. Colonial picture», hag» F riend Hojik of E ugene w as ad ­ noon at gam es ap p ro p riate to W a s h - i ^ ’ y w ere en tertain ed by Mrs. Al May Have ness and Social Meet m aking I and h unting wc»(> th e dec,»:v«,tloli» Hie A m erican Legion a re m itted to th e Springfield hospital on At th e L. L L. L m eeting Monday Sunday and underw ent a m ajor op­ Ington s birthday. T hose p resen t It. M ontgomery at h er home. Rcfresh- plan» to atten d th e "S tag Night In ! for fin* occasion Gumi-s and a pro eluded: Mrs. C arl Olson. Mrs. A. P. m en ts w ere served by the hostess. P a ris ’’ n,Ml the Legloa Follies on F ri­ grain carried ou, th ? Idea of Colon­ night in ill? W . O. W. hall the Idea eratio n on Monday m orning. M cKenzie. Mrs. W. H. A drian, Mrs. T hose present w ere: M esdam es Mont- day and S aturday night» In Eugene, ial time« R efresh men IR wok - served of having two m eetings a m onth was Mrs Anna M itchell is g ettin g along Doane, W. F W alker, Mrg. T hom as D. Joy, B ean. Lom bard, B ert diacuased. Instead of th e usual one being s ta g 'd by l . i i n e county post late in th e evening very well. C harles E ggim an and Miss M ary Y arnes, Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mrs. E. E. m eeting. T his would ni -an a business nu m b er 8. The arm ory In Eugene Is Vln W illiam s Is reported to b? about | R obert Druryi Mrg Ca rL R oberts. A num ber w ere ab sen t due m eeting, at which th e m en could talk being especially fitted up by the d e j Had Lodge W ork—T he Blue Jxidge the sam e ¡F ollard. Mrs. Ito th» inclem encv of tho w eather. | F isher. isher, Mrs. Mrs. W. W. H. H. P Pollard. o iittng co m m ittee Hits m orning. Masons me, In th e I O. O. F hall for over th ? lr problem s, and a social Mrs. G. C. Redmond of M arcóla Is | M artin Mill?r, Mrs. R B. M ortensen, j - " ~* m eeting to which men and th e ir fam ­ A rratig'U ieuts for the »Ides,hows dagree work T uesday night. Tne Im proving and may be able to go Mrs. H. M. S tew art, Mrs. Long and j ¡Helen H a rb e rt retu rn ed F riday nf- an d the special Illum ination of the work wna In th e th ird deg ree of Ma­ ilies could go for th e evening. hem e th e last of the we?k. Mrs. J a rre tt. ' te r tw o days spent in P o rtlan d on 8. 8. P o tte r presided n t th e m eet­ stre e t» iron, 7:80 to 7:30. and parade sonry. A p art of th e C raftsm an ’s John C rall of D exter was admitted % — .. .........— ..... | busin-288. ing as tem p o rary ch airm an In the on W illam ette street Friday noon. (lull of Eugene. Including U niversity for treatm ent on the 23rd. Gone to Hospital -------- * of Oreon stu d en ts, took part In the ab sen ce of G eorge D avenport, who Mrs. M. E. Redfield, who attemptsd i * Is til th e south. In stead of m aking A num ber of Fprlnglleld ladles a t­ I work. A nu m b er of out-of-town Ma- Flow er Club Entertained -suicide by d rinking lysol. h as gone-* DO Y O U S T A N D FOR COM a speech, Mr. P o tte r dispatched a tended a m etlng of th e Prlcllla eluh i sons w ere p resen t. M U N IT Y D E V E L O P M E N T ? to th e s ta te h ospital in Salem to re- |* e o m iiltte e of E d g ar 'K e s te r and Mrs. J. E. S tew art ^ d Mrs. Tad nt tho homo of Mrs. A. J. McKy In o v e r from h er nervous state. T his ; • W ent to C ottage Grove A ffair— A Moody A. Neet for Icy cream and L uckey, of Eugen», en tertain ed the^ E ugene Friday. T he afternoon was C hrysanthem um club w ith a m atinee s only tem porary, according to W. H .j* DO Y O U W A N T T O M A K E sp e n t In playing "600.” Those p res­ 'n u m b er of th e M em bers of tra Sprlng- cake fo r th e crowd. S P R IN G F IE L D T H E B E S T She w as : • y esterd ay nfternoon a t tl»e C astle Pollard, h e r physician. ent w -i-o: Mrs. L. W right. Mr». 1. D. j field post of th e A m erican Legion L IT T L E TOW N IN THE com m itted to th» hospital S a tu r d a y :• th e a tre In Eugen». Follow ing the K. F. Club at B rattn ln Home L arim er, Miw. N orm sn b . Howard. and the au x iliary w ent te C o tta g i. W IL L A M E T T E V A L L E Y ? morning. I * T he hom e of Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul m ntlnee th e ladles w ent to the home Mrs. J. H. Seavey, Mrs. Riley Snod­ Grove Monday night to n ttend th« She w as well enough to leave the • M. < Luckey w here a two-cours» g rass. Mrs. C. A. Sw arts, Mrs W. H. A m erican Legion affair th ere. Those B rattaln w as th e scene of a pnrty of lunch of w as served. T hose attend- iSprlngflekl hospital T hursday, but Itj* YOU DO! THEN H ARNE8S S teerm er. Mrs. John T om seth. Mrs. wlio w ent lift-hided: C harles Scott. Friday n ig h t given hv th e K. F. club, U P W IT H T H E C O M M U N ­ was thought advisable to send h er II. <1. F reeland and Mrs. Alfred Mor­ ¡Rny M cPhorsmi, Je s s M eats. Orlo of which th s lr son Toni la a m em ber. Rig wei-s: M esdam es W. H. A drian. IT Y T < A M t _ T H E S P R IN G - to th e sta te h o sp ital fo r treatm en t. Jim C lark. F rank DePne, M aude B ry­ gan. A tw o-course luncheon w ib ¡N ettleton. Mrs. H oward B. Freeland, T w enty young people enloyed danc­ F IE L D C H A M B E R O F C O M ­ R efraahm w ita of an. Jo h n F. Ke.:?ls, Mark M P eerv served. T h» club will m eet la trlngl1eld. High School Girl* Organize and A Civic d u b benefit was planned for Hl. P a tric k ’s day at a meeting of th e org an isatio n T uesday night ut ih home of Mrs. W N. Long The i oiouillte«! on gen eral arran g em en ts Includes: Mrs. C arl Olson. Mrs. Riley Hnodgmss. Mrs Clark K W heaton. Mrs Paul llra tla ln and Mrs M J. McKlln. as appointed by Mrs. Maude llryan. president T hues presen t a t the meeting were: Meade,ne« llryan, Olson, Huodgrass. Wheaton. W II S team ier, W right. S. W. C. M cLagan, M J McKlln. J. A. V alentine. L. K. Page, W ulter W il­ liams and C E Sw art« The next m eetin g will b > tw o week; from th a t d ale ul th e hom e of M r. Kry an f J