THURSDAY, FEBRUARY H, 1924. N O TIC E OF H H B K IF T B »A LE ON execution in foreclosure . Classified Advertisements Notte» la hereby given that by sir- tu« of an execution and ord«r of sale "The Isle of Lost Ship»" probably In for closure l»ou«»inablng of «11 l.lm.» Fprlngfinld, Oregon. f l l l „ Treasurer _ _____ of 7 the 2_ B u te of Oregon. In a photoplay—the Harga»»o frf». On Main, Broil's house. neat to NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Constituting th" State M n d Board for The 1 haractera In the drama are the Hewart'a addition Mr», M W Ilrtc o the State of Oregon, plaintiff», recov j¥OrB n1 nuB1erou» »hlpwr cka. NOTICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN that S " g to the - enter of the m.aa of W A S T E Oh I (• i lio n « , w o rk < in A (', Clark, the administrator of the who will do cooking Can »toy »1 «»tale of Alfred ........... .......... ....................... ... » u n i o f 81066 00. with lntere»t there- »raw»- -d. where they eatabllah a col- Stark», deceased per annum from January f>||>. cHt/enden M arriott, the fam home night« If sbewlshes, Address ¡i«»” rendi're,? and tiled with th e C I rk on at « o f Hie County Court of the H ta t. of :io»h. 1624 until paid und th fu-ther a„ ,bor, ha» furnished a plot that 37 N ’ ws Oregon for the County of lau «, tola »um of 3180 00 attorney» fee» and th ", , i r|klngly original and fascinating final and am i — dl hMMtt Ul» bercia J » 2 > « la rirtkin g iy o n p m i a « iui accownl »»«»«a»»»»» ••» •»« thaï »•»■»«> •»,» by ord . r --- of .....’» ----- HALE Hom » knit wool boa« ih The picture I» playing at the Bell »»M Court Saturday the 16th day of aum of *h h h Jud/i.ient wan I'hoiiu Syr 43F2. February 1916 at the hour of ten enrolled and dork»*n-nxle River to the east Usa I T ry one of our genuine al for rent by day or month. Elite of aald section Number (26) and v. 8. Army BlankMa. Very reanon- NOTICE TO C R EO ITO R 8 thence north on section line 46.24 #b|„ p rjcej gt the Springfield Army Motel. 3rd and Main atrwut. U m o r e o r le a » to t h e Dlace of* L __ f|g The undersigned haa boon appoint chaîna, more or leas to th« place o beg'nclng. containing C2.9 acre» m o re,0 0 ®®’ b,ore- W A N T E D — I« rent or Base modera «<1 adutnlatrator of the estate of .or leas of land In la n e County. O r> home Address 133 care New». tf ......... ........................... . . . . .Leone A l i n Blair, by the Countv ty Court of the State of Or-gon for the Couyity of Labe hla final account 1 and that by an order of aaid Court | Saturday the 23ni day or February. ,1624. at tbe County Court room In the Court House at Eug ne. Oregon, at the hour of teu o’clock In the fo u noon of said day has been fixed and appointed as the day. time and place for the hearing of objection» to »»Id final account and th »ettl«.m*nt there-1 of All objection» must be In writing and filed with the Clerk of said Court on or before said day and time, fa te d this 23rd dav of January 1924 W F W A L K F K Administrator of the estate of Fannie E John­ son. dveawed Frank A D Pue. Attorney for the e s U te ^ ? St. E ugene O regon A. A. ANDERSON dr . N. w. EMERY BARBER D E N TIS T Button Bldg. t0 - ’ SHOP For Sale— New and Old Razors 7lo»ld«nco Phono 126 W Bprlngflold. Oregon $1 00 to 32.00 (I D. W. ROOF JEW ELER The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield F IN K W .vTCH REPA IR IN G A SPEC IA LTY Bprlngfleld. Oregon « WM. 0 . HUGHES FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE Rucceaaor to John Edward» and Ballinger ft McPheraon Insurance agencies Offlce B‘ FIRST NATIONAL BANK S p r in g f ie ld , All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on M ill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC 8utton S u l d li o g Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. YOUNG A RAY Specializing In tho law of Real Property and Corporations. Office» 860 W illam ette (jp-eet Eugene, opsbod JO HN M. W IL L IA M E Attorney for V 't State Aid Com. Soldleri Homi» Loan». L. K. BEAN Attorney State Land Board, State School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS & BEAN frank a . de pue A TTO R N EY DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Attorneys at Law SPBIHGFIELD GRAVEL CO. Springfield Oregon. À PAINT “a “ ““ Fred O Stlckela. Sheriff of I-ane County. Oregon 14 21 28 M «13 PIANIST Weight and Relaxation Technic Instruction In ITano. Harmony, interpretation l'honv Eugene 1347-L tor appointment A Complete Line of ATTO R N EYS 980 W llll-imctto 3t. Eugene. Oaff. Lici t i 'cd Io practice In all Coltri» of lb" Plat and United State». SUM MONS IN T H E C IR C U IT (’(IV R T OF T H E S T A T E O F OREGON, FOR L A N E CO UNTY. C.rethen H llty, Plaintiff. for every purpose — __FLOOR PAINT and ENAMELS — AUTO PAINT _ VARNISHES — BRUSHES — OILS — HEATH A MILLICAN .» S Dependable Paints Henderer Electric Supply Do you own a Ford? COMEDY— "SHORT ORDERS" Vs. Carl H llty. Defendant TO CARL H U .T Y . the above named defendant; IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S TA TE OF OREGON: You are hereby rh iu ’rc.l to ap rearl and answer the complaint file ! against you In th »hove entitled »ult within the time her (natter »"t for you to Io so. or the plaintiff w ill apply to (he court for th > relief p ra y il for In «aid complaint, which Is in substance a» follows: _ , For a decree of the court dlaaolv-, Ing the bonds of matrimony now x-1 fating between her and defendant: and for such other and further relief , a» to thia court may ae ni Ju»t and SUNDAY -Then you should know that the Second Avenue Garage is an Authorised Ford Service Station using genuine Ford parts. Second Avenue Garage V.’illiiim’ FOX prownts Phnnp 1 Q J Your Safe and Comfortable Way! This aummons la published In The Springfield N«wa once a week for a period of «lx consecutive weeks pur­ suant to an order for th« same mad by Hon O F. Sktpworth. Judge of the Circuit' Court for Lane County I Oregon, dated January 14, 1924. and you are requtr«d to appear and answer ¡aald complaint on or before the last day of said period of six w eka from ¡tha date of the flrat publication of thia summon», namely on or before the 28th dav of Fehruarv. 1924. or Ihe plaintiff will apply to th" above en­ titled court for the relt f herrinbtfore men’ tonul The date of the flrat publication of this aummons la January 17th. 1924 H O W ARD M. B R O W N ELL. Attorney for Plaintiff Residence: Eugene. Oregon. . 17. 24. 31. F. 7. 14. 21. 28 Your first consideration when traveling should be for your safety and comfort. Safety is something we never forget and our roomy, well ven­ tilated equipment insures com­ fort. Irrespective of climatic condi­ tions you can always depend on the Southern Pacific being on the job’ to take you to your des­ ____ tination. SAVE MONEY Buy Round Trip Tickets'. NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING Notice la hereby glv> n that C D Rorer, the administrator of the estate of C W. Ilarger, deceased, lias filed hla final account therein, and that Saturday, the 28rd day of F bruary. 1924 at ten, o’clock In the forenoon of »aid day. and the County Court Room, In the Court House at Eugene i Oregon, In »aid cltv, have been fix aa the time and pine 1 for hearing an 1 settling »aid final account All per »on» having objection» to »aid fins' account are notified to file th ’ «am«, 'in writing, with thn County Clerk be fore »eld date C D RORER. Administrator of the .state of C W. Barger, deceased. Young ft Ray, Attorney, for b .U te ^ y TO PO RTLAND Week End 15-Day Tickets Ticket» 2-Reel Comedy WEDNESDAY "REM EM BRANCE' with CLAUDE GILLLiNGWATER COMEDY— •*MANY HAPPY RETURNS" $5»50 $ 6 .2 0 Low Round T rip F»re. to Other Pointa Call on your local agent for any rail- read Information you may wish— he w ill be glad to be of service JOHN M. SCOTT Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines