----- THE ^HINOFUCl.PNg^------5.................... ................................................ ............ .......... . .....................~ pn,p. r PAGE SIX apUat. Thia will have Io ba changed In a law day* IB pr»vvnt Iha elbow By Soec»rv Shraedcr eon of Mr*. Hyde (tower» to ’J>e following atch thia * h hlgh schlH)l w 0ek. Mr IVw,„ . Maxine Baughman, Community N ew s T H U R S TO N NOTES . Mr» H. chart W ela. »pent the wee Kenneth Jo n U n. Mr» w ee .e Mr». J «torn. ‘ronte S Sw „«.y. Mr» T h. Haurlgan and Mtis R .rtha Manning Mr» Had»rath. who h a . been In n .a .a n t Hill for the laal three w eek . nurwtnw her mother. Mr. T E H .url gan. returned to hor home laV O rth tend Sunday Ml»» Hat le Brown la aeal.tlng at the H.urtgan h’™ [a R Christian The m em ber, of the C h r l .l l .a K En a deavor society are planning «a bar- The high school observed Arbor dav of Mi»» Rertba Manning lug tne the a g irl. glee . club of bv cleaning up the yard and moving the ttb,en ce of the Sunday »chool lag .n . ...w " th » E B s u p w . . » ^ ^ . - ----------------- _ ... .... an hot dt»h dinner at noon. ’and the assistant. H. C- Wheeler. Sun church soon The dale wilt ne A large crowd attend d the dance dav February 10. Mr». B o r. Harden nounced later cioeerd ale c « T n X 'took Charge of the Sunday school at A t a meeting of ,h “ " « ’ • " J “ * end with bvr parent». Mr. and Mr». w „n„ , R o.» Mathew moved to Pleaaeat Hill IfO» Kugene Rena Edatlaton I* In Eugene caring „ v |n t 0# , he r, nch they pur for her daughter who baa the mea»l. ' cha„ ,4 | ag( j Umraer from A G Km»c Mr». Roaa Baughman w a. able to ' _ ha< enWnK, ,» « a d the we *k-end at Thurston * hlgh .ebool Two radio exhlbltton» were held In f ,, Mannlng .o n Bernice and »he hall last week One by Mr M ey Vern, aBl, of or» and the other by Mr Wei*», both , w ew .» Heaaant Hill of Eng ne. i w xln »day right v la itl.g at the home Curtis Price of Corvallis »pent the , he Pleasan Util I hrl.tlatt < hu • week-end with his parer.’s. | The Cotta«» rove » Belmont Russell returned FrW.y , hating team has c h a g h m nigh, horn R edspor«. He V lS S e l “ Hlggln» reported that Mr Alexander cured from fl»» X » « Lindsey dmdiod lu u*o the building work r « T 2 Ä * S Ä - | « ............. = l s s r X been called by C. L " llllama Saturday night. February I« . . . . . X W ghT^ \ ^ r 9. - r ^ ■” ln n * ” o 1» now line PE ‘ - - - - - ’ .d n .. . . . < - 'J .,, held L u y e a r ...... FARM REMINDERS I C om ing to EUGENE 100 Per Cent Satisfaction Dr. Melienthin to assured every customer who buys here. Cash price« are • lower— the tput'lly 1« higher S P E C IA LIS T I am Mary Oulley and Russell Hendricks son. Tinker. H I« « .« . SchrlBk. D .yl» groBd " S - ’ f e w '^ e lk .T n d '.r e »,1.1 trapping «. Mr. A J. H lggln. presiding K eep Your Kidneys W ell from the rorch night, breaking nt o f diseases of the kidney» and bladder. Price 50c Place your order now with the ( Springfield Army Goods Store for your camping outfits, t nt», ca n v a s! folding cots, army water buckets, folding chairs, at very low prices, f 14 J —-------------------- G. M. Spague, Mutual Life Insur­ ance Co- Eugene, Ore.. Phone 8*7 t f ’ past tw elve year. Community Cash Store DOES NOT OPERATE W. M. Grssn. Prop W ill be at Mr. On Tuesdav afternoon the high Mr. and Mrs R. J. English enter- -- ----------------------------------------------- school boy» graded and leveled thU r if lned at dinner Sunday. February , bag -ball diamond. H> H?r guest» Included Rev and Mr* Mr and Mr. Albert W?wver were W. A. Elkins of Eugene. Mr and Mrs In Thurd.ton Monday night. C. F. Hyde and »on Emery Schr».der, Howard Baughman was unable to formerly of Eugene. attend school this week. The teacher of the Trent public A. W. and Clifford W aver made a school g a te a very yntertainlng pro business trip to Grants Pass Monday gram Saturday night. February 3. af ____________________ j u r which ,h -y had a box social real Backache 1» quite a common CAMAS SW ALE ixiug $<2.25. Some boxes »Old aa high ______ 'as $i «5. complaint and 1» usually caused Mrs. Riley Petty resum d her duties The Ent»riJrl'-e public s ’hocI which as t awcher In the Camas Center school has been closed for the la s’ thre > by Inactive kidney». Monday which she had been com- w -eks for measles, op ned Monday. p«-lled to close for a week and a half February l i ­ Don't neglect your ktdn-vs for on account of a severe atack of the | Kenneth Jordan, the youngest child kidney ills may lead to s rlou* gr!ppe of Mr. and Mr». C E. Jordan, ftll Mr and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Cot tage Grove wera Sunday afternoon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W ullschleger OSBURN H O TEL TU ESD AY. FEBR U AR Y 19 O ffice Hour»: 10 a. m. to 4 p- "»• Sanitary Meat Market O NE D A Y O N L Y No Charge fo r Coneultation Pr Melienthin 1» • regular gradu ate in medicine and »urg-ry »«d I»’ The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make you a regular customer. licensed by tti ■ »,»«« •>’ Oregon He j FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY does not operate for chronic appen dlcllt». gall stone», ulc *rs of stomach. | tonsils or adenoids. He has to hl» credit » “il l. rful M •ults in dis ases of the .toma«‘h. liver. bowel», bkmd. »kin. nerve». | heart, kidney, bladded, bed wsttlug. catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism. _ sciatica, leg ulcers and rwBal »!' j | Holverson Bros, Props. menta. Below are the name» of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon j. A. Smith. Ontario. Ort.. ulcers o( the stomach. ( L sm a Ford. Washougal. O re, ade uolds. W H. Kellendonk. Estacada. O re, high blood pressure Mrs. Ed Eberhardt. Bcto. Ore . gall atone». E C. Nlcho». I^bunon. O re. ap­ pendicitis. Remember above date, tha, Fon- sultatlon on thia trip will ba fr e and that his treatm *nt 1» different. Married wome« must be accom ­ panied by thetr husbands Address: 211 Bradbury B ld g. Los Angeles. California CHIROPRACTIC la the eclenc« that la restoring health to thousand« who Buffer from stomach trouble, tonallltla, nervousness, BleepleMoesa, headaches, cnlargeed prostrate gland», high blood pressure etc., by aclnetlflcally co-ordinating the prin- ciptoa of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The result« are Safe, Sane and Sure. DR. GEO. A. SIMON O»»r t.udford'a 91« W tllam alle Street Examination Free Phone 355 J E U G E N E . O R EG O N N e x t S p r in g - W ith over 2 0 0,000 orders for Ford Cars and Trucks already placed for delivery during the next few months, we are lacing a record- breaking spring demand. Each successive m o n th th is w in te r has witnessed a growth in sales far surpassing that of any previous winter season. This increase w ill be even greater during the spring months, always the heaviest buying period. T hese facts suggest th at you place your ord er early to avoid disap p o in tm en t in delivery at the time desired. •«it1 ■M /Uot(rr'(3vm/iant7 —- J u s t tw e th in g « h av e m ade M p aa e ib ie twr u a te giva y e « th is 2 0 % re d u c tio n o n T u a e d e : I 1. A re d o e tie o In th e o ee t e l K entw eky D u rle y teb aoo e and In p a e k a e * "» •- te rln la , as w e ll. 2 . T h e c o n s o lid atio n ol th re e at e a r Wg p la n ts Into o n e . (B lr. F ord m ey n et be In th e tob eece b u a in e e e b ut he ie rig h t abo ut o a n a o lid a tla n .) T uxedo Is a lw a ys F R iaN . Every p ao kage l a - /h i/ »’ ml It I» d l»tiUniteti free amt MB* then, “■ obtain M by writing Io the college at Order yo«r »"X H,"ul « ’» P 1*1* Corvatti» and requ-allng exp-rl,.,e:„ form» with the Sp,p.««elil Arm» • »talion circular number M ¡ , L . » Store WE ARE AT VOI H In In te rn a l M edicine fo r the ^ ‘"mo’ther0 | tlle,r hull...............- HEItVK K C«»ME IN I.K TF GET Peach leaf curl »pray of borileutu VAINTKH rH • • • • • • • • ftg.(IO muni !*• ap|lle<|| before lit» " Inid« lo g in I« b re a k to to b • • tf‘ < T h e g re a t Io»» o f »lone fr u ll t in e a rly v a rie tie s lik e the » o d s , y to Oivs »uppsr—The Wo djJ- |() h n ,wn nn th e m an - F or’lgn Missionary »oclety of a w a rm w u n lh * r w ill b rin g on clp rrjm en, at. «Ion Io the Metluallat Hnlaropal