The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 14, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    T iit'H sh A Y , n c i i n v A m
.. Personals
n. 1
rlm .
Typ I. 77. MT ». 91; Hap.
H t 'w art, Ix iu l»
I». 41;
graVe. «Wee» vol(^, »nil m ofi than all, I T _
Gen He ». »1; Meeh I»r. »9;
Eng 3, 3»; deom 1. l>ap. »0.
f ,,* » J
the dear transparency of her charge -
I O WaFCl O il C O lu S
ter—all these, and more apiiealed to '
him aa no other girl ever appealed.
,t ,g n e r eH 0ary to keep th e
George had not appeared at evening. '
and fttelaon. somewhat against hla de whole »yHtein toned Up HO th a t
»Ires, went In aenrrh of him. Tracing !
. .
him through 1.1. cnmiea. he found bin. you will poHseHH the reulHtauce
at Iasi and convinced him that there
Pi>nib a t KerfllH
was one thio» for him to do—to return , t o t o n i o a l 8 r ,n "-
and straighten things out.
George returned with him. Stetson
dhl not wait to «ee the outcome, but !
when George went to his room aome
time afterward Stetson followetl him ,
"Fix It up? Sure!'” George replied'
to his question. "Ray. hut she Is a |
pretty thing, Isn’t she? I'm going to
take her out tomorrow for a good time. .
Is fine for this pu r­
Nothing like having a way with the !
pose. It's a rem ark ­
girls, deacon."
able food tonic th a t
I .iile on the evening of »he next day j
e n ric h e s y o n r
Ktetson met her on the stairs, winsome .
and appealing In a white dress, after
her evening with George.
Made from fluent
He nodded anti started to go by. She i
quality Norwegian
caught his arm. and her voice was ;
oil. pleasantly flav­
wistful as she spoke. "Please don't t
ored. Highly con­
look at me that way. I know how yon '
feel after—after til« dereptljp; but j
centrated- but easy
you have been so good to m e!”
to take.
“George seems to think—”
Valuable in the treatm en t of
“He thinks that he Is to me what he
thought he was at home. He Isn't. He general debility and loss o f
flirted with me th en ; I’ve been flirting f Jggjj
with him today, and I'm ashamed of !
m yself; hut I did want to give him a
w c D V ’C G D I i r S T H B P
doae of hla own medicine. I really am r L A N L K l o L/KUL» 3 1 8JIAE»
not aorim ple as I look !"
xte 5 ^ 0 * ^ ’
Station laughed.
“Little girl. I ' !
don’t blame you a bit. I'm glad to see
your spunk. I only wish from the hot- ! Phone 1«
tom of my heitcnuhat you would stay
a Uple longer,
I—" He paused,
checking himself.
"I—I—might. If you want me to," t
she answered. fear^JIy.
He caught both of iter small hands
Simple glycerine, buckhorrs
In hl». "It's a bargain, then!" he »aid
with vehemence; and as she raised her bark, etc., as mixed in Adlerika»
dark »yes, luminous now with a sort helps any case gas on the stom-
iight. he longed to draw her to him. ach in TEN minutes. Most med-
but decided that that and other thing» ¡cines act only on lower bowel
could wait.
but Adlerika acts on BOTH up­
33; MAM. U ; bat 3. M; Dep. II.
Tomeelh. A b b i— En» 3. 17; Al»
Yarn»«. Raymond—C at 3. 91; doom ». 3»; MAM. 70; Gen He 3, M; D*p.
b * * * * * -
The Mprlngflald Mill «net (Ir»In vont
1, I»; Ani HI». »3; al », 04; Dep, »4 76.
pauy recai*' il « carload of aoy bean
Turbar. Framnnt—En» t. 00; Al»
nu'«I «nil « larloail of tnlllnin feel
I. 30; Anc MI», 03; den He 1, I»;
tl<>«n>'. Dorthu En» 2. 33; Al» 2,
frutti Portlanl on Monday.
j I® . I V » . S r U e C la ra N fw a p .p a r S r a 4 lc a U )
dap. 01.
The Andarono Manufacturing coni 98 • Oon Hr 2. 01; UH 1. 00; Dep 04. .
Wallace. Thomaa— En» I, 83; Al»
TETSON opened the door nnd
pauy re, eivwl » rarluad «f Intubar Andaraon, Chrlaty Eng 1. 70; Al» 3, | j 9 | Ane MU. «1; dan Se I, 7«; dap.
stared with surprise at the »mall
trntn l'otlaga drnva Mnnday and ahl|> 9®, Ani' III», 10, d«n He 1. I#; l» ’p. »9
person ba saw there.
pad a ■ arlnad In 7/w Angela», ( ‘all I B attìi, Oliver— E l i » 3. 12, Alle III», i
"Dod, Mr. daor»e Hnnlay live beret"
I her sweat, tlrad velee naked.
lum ia, tm Haturday
HO; MAM. Ine; MT, 30; 'Dep. 10.
"Why—er—no,'* lie anawered. "but
Th l'arliiilltiviitii W ihh I fra* rvltig
Ilrnafleltl, Alda E li» 1, 33; Al» 1,
come In out of this nl«bt ruin.”
piatii alili pvd a larlond nf trealed 34; (iati he. DI; UH I, 73; Dap, 86
Hbe stepped tnaide and explained
rallm sd II •» I» t'tah Mnnday
Brattala. Malati—Eng I, 90; Al» I.
, baaltntln»ly that she wua look In» for a
frlatiil. that aha bad «one to the 00-
Ilulinrl (ìrny waa
w»» In troni Tllttr» ®0; dati Re |. »9; llH I. »7; Dap. 01
dreaa ba bad «Ivan bar, tiut bail noi
Carlton, Iowa- Eng 2. 02; Al» 2,
Inti on bttolnaao M '»ttlay.
found him, that «lie remembered aeo-
Mi' and Mr« Mnrrla Hill of Jasper
In« on one of the letters be liad writ­
ware l,rlti»fl<>ll tlaltnra Monday
ten this addreaa, and In hope of find
dan He 2. 33; MT I, 32; dap. 72.
In» him she had come pare.
Luka Mnrrlmuae »da in from Fall
Clnwrr. Mlldrad En» 1. 37; Al» 1,
''Hut there la no one of that name
4'r ak nti bualttana Monday.
00; Ane Mia I. 03; den He I, 37; dap. j
here. Thia la Mrs. Wllaon's boarding
Arthur (luahman left Monday tnnrn 00
house,'' he went on; "but I can help
In» for a trip throuah »out hern Ora
you. perhaps. If you will describe him."
Cola, laide«— En« S. 80; MAM. 74;
» n ti n il biialnaaa
“I met bltu last summer In the vil­
Typ 1. 71; MT 79; dap. 70.
where I live. He la tall, ba* blue
Mr and Mra A. L. O'Connor were
devina, Edward - En» 2. 76; Al« 2.
eyes and curly bulr, and la rjult
h »re Hunday from MarahUdd
63; (Ian He 2. 8«; MT I. 78, dap. 86
quite handsome!"
Jaea data« of Canip <’r«ak waa In durvaa. DeKtfa—Eng 2. 92; AI« 2. '
Htetaon stare«] at her; then a» sud­
Kpringfleld Monday huyln» food and ,7 . Oan gc j.
p # j, e o ; ¡lap. 04
denly be asked her to alt down for a
Eaton, O rval- En« I, 81; Al« I, 71;
moment. He hurried to Mr*. Wllaon’a
E I* Endrup of Oaktldt waa a d n He 1. 82; MT. 70; dap. 78
Hprlngrtald visitor Hunday.
"Mother" (such was her name
darlneh. Ifarrv —En« 1. 70; Ant-
among her little boarding family)
Charle» Taylor of Thurston w»» In llla 1. 03; d en He 1. 83; MT I. Ine: j
“there Is a little loaf girl downstair«.
Hprlngflald on bualnaaa Monday.
dap. 80.
Won't you go down and see wtint you
I . W L illy waa In Kpringfleld from
Olrard, Dorla- E11« 2. 83; AI« 2. SB;
can do for her?"
O mi He 2. 90; dH 1, 91; D*p. 92
Mr». Wilson, with quick Interest, left
M I- Wallace waa In from Jaapot
llaek. Ju an ita- En« 1. 87; AI« 1.
him and he went up another flight,
yiail inlay.
95; Anc ill* 1. S4; dan Be 1, 01;
knocked on a door and stepped In. A
Mr« Il II Hlavlna of Weatflr waa o *p #3
tall, blue-eyed man greeted him.
a Hprlii«flcld visitor yaatardny
Stetson eyed him shandy. "There’»
llalaay, Mar«arat - En» 2. 88; AI«
a girl downstairs hunting for a young
M r» t’arrla tlraday waa here from *
(}<J0 8c g
, 95;
man she described as you look. She
Coburg y star-lav
H a rtle y . Axalle—Eng 1. 80; AI k I.
has come from some upstate village.
Mr« N Job of Veneta waa her» for g#.
, g<; „ „ ,
,Mp S4
Know anything about her?" The man a
medical tnatm ant Monday
Hawton. Catherine- En« 2. 84; Al«
face changed and Stetson went o n :
Marion Wallaea of Ja.p cr has bean , M Qen g(. ? #1. gpJUI ,
“Your name aa I know It Is John Han­
qulta III. It 1» reported.
ley ; abe say» »be wants George Han­
Charlo« Jaaaan of W altervlll# waa
Homing, Edith—En« 2. 87; A1« 2.
here Munday.
Beeson sighed. "I'm guilty as the
73; d ti He 2. 89; Typ I. 72. dap. 88.
per and lower bowel and re-
A C Wlnnev of (’orvallla waa a
devil, Hon. 1 was out on a lurk with
Hrynrhuk. Anna En« 2, 84; A1« l(
Here from Seattle— Miss Theda moves all gasses and poisons-
visitor In Kpringfleld Saturday.
86; dan He 2. 88; Dep. 86
sin s arrived yesterday from 8 a - Brings out m atter you never
flirted with her. She heard the fel-
N. laaaea of Cotta«» Grove waa
Inman. VUrtri— En« I. 86; Al» 1.
lowa call me Hanley, hut I told her my attle. Washington, to attend the fun- thought was ity
here on btialn»«* Haturday.
88; Anc Ilia, 86; Gen He 1. 87; dap.
name was George. Went to see her a eral o f her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Excellent for obstinate consti-
Henry M alh’wa of Pleaaant Hill
vevlon Guards against appendi-
number of times, and »he fell In love Perkin».
waa In on bualne«« Saturday
W ILL SCORE BIG H IT head over beela. I didn't think »he'd
citis. Flanery’s Drug Store.
It W Veach o f Cotta«* drove waa
J*f u. < *< »
I get serious. Gave her a fake address.
, In Kpringfleld for tn d | | b a .1 l treatment
I , . , . I n , a n t M j S A n c H l * ' 84 i °*B 86 *' 90 i D * P . '
The oi!«inal and ever entertaining! thought »he'd write, not get a reply i
western »tar, Tom Mix. will ride Into and give np, How'd »he find me?"
Walter Platt of Thuraton w >. In
L / A l * « Sffln gfleld Bunday and scor
the ; Stetson told him. and he »Ighed again.
3. 79; den He 2. 04; HR I, 92; dap, 92
town yeaterday.
greatest hit of bis screen career at "Why does a girl have to be »o serl-
Lombard, Frank—En« 3. 88; AI« 2,
W 11. Chirk was here from hla
as a. U as. as u ta „ . fa . «1 the Bel1 Theatre. HI» latest photo ou»?"
Downstairs Mother Wilson had pre­
home at Hayden brld«e yesterday.
‘ ’ k bm
. ' r«-a at 'i 70- play. "8 JumP" Ah'ad." produced by
pare«! a warm lunch, and made the j
' w illiam Fo«, presents a aeries of
Chari«» Grant waa In from Thurs­
Will Present
dark-eyed girl change her wet gar­
<,rn '' a. L
i v *P . |”
thrill» that xceed even the previous
ton Tuesday.
, ur
( f ia r f * » N e i* of D ow ell wan In , Lyneh E ath er-K n « 1. 74; A l, 1.
The little group chatted together,
67; Anc Hla. Inc; den 8c 1. 84; D p.
, n th|# p|f|ur<> wh, . h ,M # r(r(k
and Stetson discovered that her name
George flporaa of Marcola wa» here <8.
. ..................... I story of the W estern plalnr. written w„ R(lfh Hargrave and that her »mile '
T h e d a -E n g 1. 70; Anc Hla an), dtrected by Jack Fori’. Tom revealed even, white teeth that made
Mlaa Gall Gray returned Tuesday 1. 77; Gen 8c 1, 80; I>»p. 89.
Mix la aaalated by Alma Bennett an.’ her adii prettier. He came to the con-
night from Portland where »he had
McPhorooB. Paulino— » n g 1. 88• "Tony.” the wonder horse of the (lima elusion that It ought not to be a dlfti-
Al« 1. 77; Anc Hla 1. 80; den 8c. Th(g ,g ,h „ npg( eBgagemMii'<of Miss ««’» ««»» ,o *•" ln ,<>ve wl,h her'
b w n attending Buyer»' We k
But George Hanley did not come
it th«
M Brown of W altervllle was In 1. 87; Hep. 03.
Bennett as leading lady for |h e pop-
ln a o marketing a load of hog» yes
Manning. J essie—Eng I. 70; Alg 1. u,ar „»j,. an(] ),er po), wa> w ry well down and Stetson Anally went up to
be told by a maid that she oaw him
•>! A»<-
« • » 8 * X 8«l
, A Mix nlcht at the local nlayhouse go out A# hack way. “Tha bessUg.
•poc" McPhorwon of Mt, Vernon »8
coward I" Stetson thought In anger.
Parmelee Eng 3. 80; j,>g c(>nie , o be a standard ^Df excel- "He's a good fellow in some ways, but
was In Onwn yesterday
Btan 1. 74; Typ 1. 74; Dap. 80
,en, screen >nte 'talnment, and the his moral sense Is minus!”
Masterson, Dorothy—Eng 1. 88; Alg present picture *wen exceeds the pre-
On his way down he planned the
1. 89; den 8c 1. 80; Di? 1. 91; Dep. 94 v)ou, efforts of the well liked Mr next move, which was evident when
Morse. Grace—Eng 1. 88; Alg 1. jjlx. Thrilling action, sn exc llent he explained to the wondering girl
67; Anc Hla 1. 83; Oen 8c 1, 71; D*p. cast, a real love story and many com­ that he had been mistaken—her friend
tohpom oret
edy scenes make this sn Ideal pic- was not in his m o b .
Anderson, Mabel— Eng 3. 89; Geom
Morse, Ijine— Eng 1. 71: Alg 1. 59; ¡ture to appeal to everyone.
George did not appear the next
1. «1; Am Ills. 7° l
<JeB gc 1. 69; MT 1. Inc; Dep. 88.
l morning, and Stetson was at a loss
ADM ISSION— Children 25c; Adults 35c
Barker. 8 t . l l . - E n g 3 8«. Civ. 7».
NadTorn|k „ att, ^ meB
, what to do. He ended by spending the
Investigate O vertim e Claim s
1 day with the girl In a trip about the
Bipl. 80; I * 88; Dep, 91.
J M Dev 'r< assistant attorney
When he returned life had
« r r ! , 11 -a Biol -9' Dm. 93.
Nadvornlk, Cbka.—Eng 1, 80; Alg 1. r,.rFra| and former district attorney city.
Reserved Seats 50c
changed for him. he admitted a hit
"* 111 Giaiiva En« 3 *4 Biol 84; 94; Onn 8r *' 85; MT 7 ,: D#p' 7S'
D*ne county, spent a few days at grimly. Her dark head at his sjioul-
’ Tx
M ” p 89
’“« - e ™ ’ •
AI* »• 8 l = the court house this week ln v e.tlg .t- der, the quick, shy uplift of h ereto »
Lnt I.
o Anc
gg. Qen
g |. p ep go
(he cinim o f road work p h for when amused $t his. commep
< owart, >ron
Paddock, Wade—Kn< 1. <>; Alg 1. overtime. Men work d 10 koura a day i
Anc Hla. 74; Meeh Dr. Inc; Dep.
83; Gen 8c 1, 73; MT 1. 71; Dep. 83.
during the last county ciurt admin _ _
Phillips. Viol t—Eng 1, 52: Alg 1, ¡«»ration and several have presented j
Cox. Charles— Eng 3. *6; MAM. Inc.
76; Anc Ills 82: Gen 8c 1, 72; Dep. claim s against the county. The law
Typ 1. 84; MT 3. 80; Dep. 93.
.provides double wages for overtime
Cox. Ida—Eng 3. 8»; deom 1. 76.
Poller, A rth u r-E n g 1. 78; Alg 1. but It 1« claimed only straight »im
MAM. inc; Biol. 89; Dep. 92
77; Oen Sc I. 79; MT I. 74; Dep. 91 was paid.
Donne. Belvln—Eng 3. 71 : Meeh Dr.
Rehhan. Constance— Eng 2. 90; Alg :
■ ■
Inc; Biol, 73; MT 88; Dep. 83
3, 39; M&M, S3; den Sc, 8S; Dep, 78. i
Frill». L ucllh— Eng 5, 88: Alg 2., Richmond. Helene— Eng 1. 65; Anc I Young Man: "Can your sister—er—
70; Biol. 88; Span I. 81; Dep. 92.
Hla, 6?; den 8c 1. 77; DS 1. 85; Dep. cook?"
Oogaler. Charlotte—Eng 3. 86; Span
| Little Brother: “I think she's going
1. 76; Tvp 1. 0ft; D. .
| Robley. Aan—Eng 1. 90; Alg 1, 81; ¡to. I heard her tell mamma that If
Harvey. Myrtle Eng ..
. .
■ a<)n S(,, 90. r)0p g7; Mprh Dr. Inc ¡that fish came here again to».lght
82; Lat 1. 73; DS. 89; Imp. 8V
amUh Qn
, Rfi. A,R j R|)e wbr ao)nR fQ mBkp „ ho. for
llauhnnn, Margaret—Eng 3. 8t>, i M; (} >n
j #J. , )f, j 9, .
him."—American ’glon W ekly.
AeM. 28; Typ I. 80; DH. 89; Dep 9.1. , fl, ah|maBn Nal(U_ Knr t 70. Ala
Hawton. M yrtle--Eng 6, 92; Alg
W; O(>n gc j g l; Dg gg, n<>p #g
Hharnian, Etc.
44; Am Hla. 86; Span 1. 82; Dep. 81
gtpwar, ( ;jUc«ile— Eng 2. 88; Alg
Front: "Wlint do you regmd ns the
Hemenway. Shirley— Eng 3. 89: Alg g g#. 0(>n gc 2 9^; n g * #2. 1)pp 9J most terrible aftermath of the war
2, , 38;
Lenore __
— MAM. 91; DR 1. 87; Dep. 86. . | ______*
____ _ ______
_ 3. __
Center: “The rirls’ learning to ash
Hughe«, Kllxaheth—Kng S, 94.
m Qpom j. gg. ^ nc
j jnr; p Ppt $7 'When do we eat?’ ”—American L
111«. 93; l»«i 1. 92; BS. 92; lh»p. 9 .1 Thompson. Charles—Eng 2, 86; Alg glon Weekly.
Klier. Flor nee Eng 6, SO; Biol,
— ----------
90; Sten 1. 91; Tvp 3. 84: Dep. 92.
We are especially proud of this early showing of the
Lambert. Lucille— Eng 3. 82; MAM
71; Biol. 86; DS 3. 86; Dep. 89.
very new est Spring H ats. The new est things in trim m ings
Layaou, Thelina—Eng 3, 87; MAM, I
and novelties shown a t the Fashion Show Openings have
92; Biol. 89; DS 3, 88; Dep. 87.
Moon. George—Eng 8. 71; deom 1. j
mid you will be buying Flower and Garden Seeds, we handle
been incorporated into these latest models.
77; Meeh Dr, Inc; MT, 81; Dep. 81.
Nelson. Ernest— Eng 3. 88; MAM.
Sweet Peas. We also have those In bulk and packages.
94; Typ 1, 77; MT 3. 80; Dep, 87
Nelson. Viola— Eng 3, 73; Am Hla.
If you want the best onion sets th at money will buy.
8 Xl * •
5«: ClT, 61; Typ 1. 84; Dep. 91.
just come In and see ours. The price is right and the qual­
Nice. Paul— Eng 5. 80; Geom 2, 87;
ity the best.
Much hand work 1 b an especial feature of m ost of the
Clr. 82; Meeh Dr. Int: Dep. 8«
If you w ant to grow big he althy plants or large fragrant
Pember, Ma*—Eng 6. 83; Anc Ills,
Hats show n so you are sure of individuality.
roaes or beautiful lawn use "Pep" Fertilizer. Thut will
W. « n l , 84!. Dag, 88.
tu rn the trick.
T’^ribH Marshall—
J. i J ■ MAM>
7Q; liloR f0? MT 1. 7 7 ;,Dep, 77.
We also handle Mag-O-tite for the protection• of ra d ­
Pritchard. W a lte r -E n g 1, 85; Oeom
ishes, kale, cabbage, onions, turnips and cau llflo w * which
1. 86; MAM. 80; Ilkkg L luc; Dep. 93.
is Infested by root mRggotB.
Redding, Alonso—Eng 3, 32; MAM,
2. 80; Dep. 88.
cky, LIbble—Eng 3. 83; Biol
p i , 88; DS 3. 89: Dep, 92
I, Florence— Eng 3, 87; RIoL
p 1. 82; DS 3, 89; D< P, 87.
art. Harold—Meeh Dr. Ine: M7 A
Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil
Glycerine Mixture
for gas on Stomach
“All A Mistake”
High School Auditorium
Friday evening at 8 p. m.
A Presentation of
Spring Hats
Spring is almost here
A. R. Sneed Dept* Store