The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 14, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    T I tvnspA V . EEBltCAhV H
been proceaaed. T he atore» of th« ba
Injured a t W andllng—Glen Struufe WARNS AGAINST EATING
»HI re»M ,h ,‘ •’ "ip sta lu ro of
a W endllng logger, w as tnju-ed Mon
POISON PORK ANO BEANS l.oP ng wso-r a»»»l«l hours
day while w orking for t. H Menefes
B otult.m can he p - »venie I by e « r
T im ber com pany. T he m ain line flew State H ealth O ffic e (» p la in s Oaadly
risin g the following precaution»
off th e ro ller h ittin g hla 1« ft leg The
Dlaaaaaa W hich Took T o ll In
L Do not us.« any canned food
F a .lls g BeWefi^H J »
* ho bone waa bruised but the Injury 1»
Albany and Portland
which show s the »llghlesl »Igo of
h a , b ♦" »1 « « *om * Um* >*•* not thought to he serious.
th re a t ‘tied wRh call atonea. la able
The eleven d*ath» ra in e d roc ally
Il Va» no Vanned fo o d u n ie» » II
W ont to L ebanon— Mr and Mr». A
to be up and around again.
I by eating polaoned strin g bean« at
C W ilson and B G Sankey of Spring m ..Olin» (OOI...O... »im .» i,-—..- « ¡has b«en proc,">»"il a ' high lem per.i
, h)B
,., „««i.dly ..ppllcahle in
Spent Day at C ottage Grove — Mr Held and Mr and Mrs K. C. McKlory Alban« and th e death» In P rilla m i !
„f it,, tyiie that a re u»td
and Mrs. Roy A. H um phrey and sons. of Eugene go to Lebanon today to from Infected pork ha» caused t h e ,
To m e tre high I m perature
R uss 11 and fh a rle a . drove U> C ottage a tten d a banquet given by t h » p ast «late h w lth officer to laaue a wa-h
G ro w Sunday and »pent th e day. re noble gran d s In th e Itch kah lodge lug Following h» an explnnatc n o f . a (,i-w,« u re cooker Is a n ••• »ttv
the disease»;
tu rn in g in the evening
They will re tu rn la te th ia evening
Return,«! from P o rte n d — W
W » lk 'r retu rn ed T uesday a fte r spend
lng „ v e r a l d a y . In P ortland.
W en t to P o rtlan d — Mrs M aude Bry
an left for P ortland Tu « lay m orning
fo r a visit with friends for a week
S prained Ankle— Mrs. I. E Bas-
»ord is confined to h e r hom e su ff'rtn g
feon, a .p tsd aad an k l
She injured
Beugfit t o t
k ip . I Morgan be.
P urchased P ro p erty —S teven Koh
purv'hnsvsl th lot
, , on T uesday afternoon.
m a .d e .e e In V a lle y V ie w a d d itio n ler retu rn ed v esten lay from P ortland
wh re he ha» Just purchase«! pro:
W ent to Portland— 11 A W ashburne The deal w as com pleted w ith Mrs
eriy . T h e Kidtich- fam ily p lan s to
left Sunday afternoon on a business L. M T rav is on S aturday,
move to th a t city In th e n e a r future
tr ip to P ortland
H e retu rn ed to
ohler ___
sold hl« Springfield r s!
Hero for W eek-End—Jo h n T om aeth Mr . K _____
Springfield T uesday m orning
J r . was down from B ooth Kelly Camp deuce In S unnyside som e tlm eago
A ttended ljo«!ge— Mr. A. C. W ilson 3* above W endllng on Saturday.
Had D inner G uest»— Mr and Mr».
an d Mr. H E H iggins w ent to Eu- spent th e w eek en d w ith his p ar »nt,
gene last nig h t to a tt nd a m eeting In th is city, Mr and Mrs. Jo h n Tom I*ratt H olverson and fam ily and Mr
and Mrs A rth u r llob rts w ere d in n er
o f th e Elks lodge.
g u e s t s a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs
Legion to Meet—The Springfield
Mere on Monday— Mr and Mrs Roy H olveraon n a r Springfield on
post of th e Am rk-an la»glon will hold Aden M iller of C reaw ril w ere Spring- SMaday.
a reg u lar m eeting tom orrow evening field vtaltors Monday T hey w ere ac­
H e r, fo r a T im ,— M rs Jo h n W ill-
com panied by Mr and Mrs. 11. F
In th e W. O. W. hall
senried re tu rn e d y esterd ay from Port
H ere from Cresw ell— Mr and Mrs.
H ad G u .ata—Mra. W 8 Blakelev !»»«• * ” e> , she .p e n t tw o w eeks via
V R. Sm ith cam e from Cr sw ell and and tw o «mall dau g h ters. Florence ««<"« »«ef d au g h ter. M rs Jo > Lem
■pent Sunday v isiting Mr. S m ith 's
and Mav. of W alker cam e S atu rd ay '»*>«« Mr « nd Mr’ ,
fa th e r. L. A. Sm ith, and his siste r, and s '.y e d over Sunday w ith N r
* «'h
and w II locale In Spring
■ r s . W. C. McLagan
and Mrs. R J W ard and fam ily.
tern pom rUy. for a m onth or a«.
H ere from P ortland— Mrs Ora Neet.
E xpecting R .lativ ea— Mr and Mrs
L .ft fo r P o rtlan d — Mrs Mary Ma
eister-te-law of . H. Neet. cam e from
P ortland th is week called by th e 111- R. E. Yoder and baby M artha a re gill w ent to P o rtlan d Sunday m orn
and d*ath of h e r fath er. Vln expected to arriv e from S hannon Sat Ing to visit h er d au g h ’er. M rs Lulu
a rd ay to visit Mrs Y oder's p aren ts. L e s e r H er son from llend will at«”:
W gliam s.
Mr. and Mrs. W M. G reen, of th is be th e re w ith hts fam ily. Mr. and
Had G uests— Mr. and Mrs. W illiam
Mrs. Lloyd Magill, and
L ightfoot of Eugene w ere guests of
grandchild whom M rs Magill ha*
M r and Mrs Ja c k
H en d erer of
H ere from C reaw ell—Mrs. J . R not yet seen.
Springfield Monday. T hey cam e over Scott. m u th T of Loyal Scott, of th is
S. P. Offie'ala H e r,— W F Miller,
from Bugene and sp en t th e evening city, stopped in to see h er son on
ncrnl f r i g h t ag e n t fo r th e South
Recovering A fter lllnesa— Mrs Pat
m Pacific railro ad In P ortland, was
A drian of Eugene, who r?cen tly un­
Springfield on bu siness Tuesday,
ical tr-n tn ic n t alm ost daily.
d erw en t an operation. Is recovering
accom panied by L. L. G raham , di«
a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
A ttended P
E. O — Mrs H enry trlc t freig h t and p assen g er ag nt
A drian here In Springfield.
Korf. Mr». Lida MacGowan and M rs for Eugene. M G raham w as h ere
V iaiting Brother— M i s s J a n e Coro A lfr-d J. M organ atten d ed a m eeting again on W edneeday w ith Jo h n M
of M H iger. Oregon. Is v isiting at the of th e P. E. O. alst.*rhood In E ugene S cott, a ss ista n t p assen g er traffic man-
hom e of h e r brother- H erb ert J. Cox M onday night a t th e hom e of Miss a g e r of th e com pany, and A. J Oil-
S he arriv ed Friday for a e re ra i we ka* Mae Gibson. A s«x-tal evening w as 1-tte. agent, th e th re e calling on the
enjoved a fter the program .
fo rce at th • Springfield depot
. I
k I I
( A lla n t;,,« « )
cular pain and tend »mess.
In a disease id Ihla nalure prev n
Hun I» much h e lle r th»n cure. f«»r II
I, ohvtou. Ih a' on«» «''e em bryo «•«
in the general circulation B I» ''«»
lata Th» farm »r who ral»"» hog«
•hould h e egweeted regarding 'h e
danger of feeding Iha uer<M»h"d "Í
fai or rala Plggerlas should he a t
rat proof aa possible. •<>
them e -IV . cuuoot kill and ea» m l
T rlaM fiiaala
Botulism I« a deadly food polann. | WARNING* It I* dangerous to eat
The nam e botulism ha« logt It« ori- raw or underdone pork Pork, ham
glnal »ignlficance which w as snusagn b a n n and sausage may be Ipfeetwl
II w as thought th at tin j with trichina.
germ th at pro-luc » th e poison eau»
T rchlnlaals or trlchlnoata 1« a ,p »
ing botulism would grow only Ir, aaua- rifle Infection with th e th read worm,
age, h ’l» It 1« now known th a t It »III Tr'- bln lie Spiralis, and resu lts from
grow in hum. co ttag e chem o, «»«In;; eating lit "at Infected with the living
beans, corn, esoarugtm and rip«» »live« enevsted larvae of the p aroalle Th»
T here b a r been a m a r k e ! mere««» life history of th e p arasite occtirrs In
In the n u m b -- of V corded nU'nreaLa th ree slaves, th e adult, th • em bryo
of botulism II* th e t 'n l t 'd
S ta te s ¡am
i i the encysted larvae Th« larvae
w ithin the p i t lew y ears T ic pre» »-.• t>«u»lly found In cam lvoroua mu'
ent ou tb reak *o Albany Is ’ll» oui om nivorous anim als such a« rat» and
one In th e >i’r i « v f Or»gon«,atel In ,„ lcr
rB„ hogB , nd „ „ „
the num ber of c a t » and “a te of f i
infection In man I» concerned
ta l li r la one of -he grxntrM II. thl« , h), |>nly BBtroB,
practical Im pon
co u n try
ance In the sp r ad of th e disease I*
Sym ptom s of po'« >u n» « • » '/ p p e u r |),s hog T he rat I, of Im portance
In »« «hor* a pet">d «■ fottr Ilmira and because hog» will consum e dead rata
a , long as six drtv-i a fte r «-v'In» forni
W hen the encysted larvae e n te r
«ontxlnlng th« polann T he g< m ral th e digestive tr a rk of an anlniul cap­
ap pearance ■.( the p .ulent la on of
or Mb)<(
Ih „ ho„
o t »hr
m uscular «eaknwa». tnxloty
'r worm
)B,e x, dissolve
h e lp le s s n e s s , d iffie u l» / In aw allow lnt , he rBp, ul^ WB„
T h r ni,uli p a-aslte
stru g g le for breath, and n n s u rc e » -
from , h„
, wo
ful .P e rn o ta t> a rti, t let«, m aking »
day< Rt)<|
, hrntt<h
Picture Which once e. en will nev«.
n„ lnlv
be forgotten
in tw t'n e T he m ales die. «vh’le the
The poisoning Is caused *>v » toxin fem al s p e n a tra to In the Intestinal
and not th e ge>n> Il may develop la m ucous m em brane sud lodge betw e-u
m any of th» fo»»s w« «-it wh«n m e the epithelium ami c o n a a rtlr e tb - u e
conditions a r ' right. All t'ia» I« ne«--
Tli » m o rtality from trirh ln la Is In
essary for th f. inmtlor- of th e poi- th e I'n '-e d S ta te , I, about hnlf ’hut
son In m any kii-” « . f canned forni. I« for typhoid fever Th re Is a re
th a t s r o r m of t i c «rganl«m rem ain aem blapee in tvpbold
alive w ithin th- co n tain er a fte r it has ed«m a of eyelids and far«, and n’’t
Th« PUbllC »h.'Uld * e l»Ughl I '• '<»
eat urn ««iked or iind r roohisl p " ’ k
or pork products
T hree
n w poult » circulera
rea d y fo - d istr ib u tio n l o realdeti»« of
the Slate How Io convert Ih» peri-
ahl> colony house Inin a brooder
house, the new l«»n hen lavlnp h«>u e.
and 'h e Or gnn A griruBurul college
portable i-olony house a re Ihe nini»*
of ihe new b u lle tin ,
Th» fo riab l» colon» house which
la x by I Í f»vt In alt”* •• d«'«cribcd
In »talion circu lar S3, by ' 0 Lunn,
profesaor of poultry husbandry at th »
college T h is houae Is bulli on run
nera lo facilita'» moving w hich la
an Im portant eonahleratlon u b e ro
d ls c s a e la prevalent
Hoar to «-«invert the p o rtab le col­
ony Into » br«Mnler hou«« la »old h r
Prof gsnr I unn In another rtreu ta r.
In It he alao em phasises the n«< ea-
sltv of clean ground for th ” protlue-
Hon of healthy, vigorous co u n t »«• > k
Th < building plans and hill >f m a­
terials for the new « w h e n laving
house recom m ended l»v the depart
m ent is given In ats'lo lt etcewlae hl.
by Frank L Knowlton a s« l« i.'r| pool
lev h u 'b rn d m sn In ih a r a of expert
m ent work here
T his houao 1« 30 feel d««p by TO
fe e t leng Including » feed room at
one end. which Is 10 bv 30 feet ,» Is
six feel high In th» ’•«»r eight f-»«t
In the fro n t and 10 feel. « Inch' » In
the peak
Selling at less than 50% of Government Cost of pro­
duction Surplus Army Goods at the SPRINGFIELD
Here is the story in a few words: Our merchandise is right— our guarantee of "satisfac­
Do vou know the Man
tion or money refunded." Come in and you will actually be surprised at our wonderful
values we are offering.
who lives ’round the corner from your home
- - the man three blocks north - - that other
man who is building a new home near you?
No ! He doesn’t know
you either - - - does not
know the business you are in - - what you
have to sell or why he should buy from you.
He is going to buy where he has the most
confidence. Has he your confidence.
If you have faith in your store, your merch­
andise and service, tell the people.
If you do not have confidence, do not adver­
tise. Printers ink makes people think - - of
the place that advertises.
Merchants keen to the opportunities of the
times are building foundations of confidence.
If you are proud of your business
advertise the fact. If you are not,
( it’s up to you.?
The Springfield News
Below are but a few of the items which represent
Wool Mixed Pants. Good
for work or dress.
$ 2 .9 5
U. S. Army Shirts made of
quality olive drab serge.
$ 2 .8 5
Dress Pants of high grade
quality and well made.
Value $8.00.
$ 4 .9 5
Bain Test Shirts. heavy all
wool. Special $ 6 .7 5
Corduroy Pants,
savings at the SPRINGFIELD
U. 8. Army Blankets, genu­
ine all wool and in large
sizes. Special $ 2 .8 5
Canvas Work
Army Ixing Pants, made of
O. D. Wool material.
$ 3 .9 5
$ 3 .5 0
Army Breeches
Blue Cambric Work Shirts. Special
All leather work Shoes, solid leather oak
sole, special ............................................ $2.95
Heavy Army Shoes guaranteed water proof
One that will give real service
Army Officer Dress Shoe- a brute for wear
and one of the best for comfort.
Special ..... ....... .............................. $5.00
$ 1 .9 5
Army Wool Overcoats. All
and In excellent condi­
tion. A real
$2.9 5
Moleskin Br«»ech<»s. Exira
heavy quality, JH'IICil
Union Suits, wool mixed,
big value
Best grade leather Packs and oilier Shoes
for work or dress al great savings.
Men's work Socks, 2 pair
Cotton Dress Socks, per pair
.Men's high grade Shoes and Oxfords worth H eather Hose, good dress hose, pair
$9. oo and sells for safne elsewhere. Special
at the Springfield Army Goods Store. $4.95 ¡| Army wool Socks, pair
Hundreds Unadvertised Values on Shelves
Our Ironclad Guarantee protects you and
assures you satisfaction.
We want you to
be satisfied and become a booster of the
Springfield Army Goods Store.
Let's Get Acquainted
Located Main Street, I. O. 0 . F. Bldg.
Corner 4th