The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 14, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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niii'A in
B rie f Resum e of Happenings of
the W eek Collected for
O ur R eaders.
P in . Valley
con.ld.rln« erecting
• new ech.H.I building
T h om ., t) Hawley . . . nominated
(or postmaster at Multnomah
Hludent registration at Oregon Agri
cultural collngn (or the college year
.» total. 4174
Wheat shipment, fro« the Columbia
ver to all port» (or the cereal ana-
it reached 1I.SSS.73B bushel».
......................... .
At a meeting o(
of tha
the Newport city
council. Seas Prey, councilman, waa
«decimi mayor Io succeed fa r i Ityck
man, resigned
City ordinances prohibiting minor«
from frequenting pmd halts and the
rurtew ordinance are now being en
forced In Kugeue
The Rossburg Elk» lodge has voted
to procm-d Immediately with the con
version of Farquhar Island Into a city
park and playgrounds.
Establishment of a government
naval base at Tongue point was fav­
ored In a résolut ton passed by the
Monmouth Commercial club
The first carload of broccoli to be
sent from the Umpqua valley this year
waa shipped from Roseburg by the
Umpqua Broccoli exchange
t ault to etajoln the public service thia Stats, It baa been found advis­ neat flklnuer, Mra. Noah Hildebrand.
commlaalon and I H. Van Winkle, at­ able to place ooh or more colonies In .Mra. Ben Uklnnvr, Mrs. W C, McLa-
torney genera,. (rum enforcing order, large case» and pack the lower .-dees jgan. Mra. Georg® Cowart, Mra. Arthur
leaned recently by the commlaalon with straw Field mice n oat In the I Peterson, Mra. Ham Richmond and
providing reduced maximum (relght straw, ent< r the cases and hives, and Mra Charles Kgglmann. Be aides the
rate, on hay. grain, grain producta. destroy much of the honeycomb Sev­ team the following ladles also went:
potatoes and onions.
eral pounds of polnon and Inatru« Ilona Mra Mary Magill. Mrs O. F Klaer,
The commercial club at Pilot Rock for Its use hava been supplied by the
A caravan conalallng of 7.1 peraont
ha. aent a request to the public serv­ departin' nt and distributed by the
(rum Umatilla appeared before tha
ice commlaalon (or a acbedule ol the State bee Inspector A small can of
Umatilla county court at Pendleton
exlatlng (relght rate, aa they aftect poison will be placed at the entrance
with pet'tlona bearing more than 1000
grower» located In the vicinity of that of <-ach hive In an attempt to pr.-vent
,h a ‘ ‘ " " (brW« ' *
city. It waa Intimated In the letter such depredations (hl* wlnt«®-. If
bulH •*«" ' h" »’» ••« > • r,»er n,,*r received by the commlaalon that an
aux-eaaful, thia practlca may soon be­
Umatilla where II (Iowa Into the Co-
Investigation o, the rate, will be at­ come common In packing
tempted with a view ut determining
Salem hop dealer», aa a reault o( the If they are Juat and reasonable.
recent (lurry In the hop market, are
The atate of Oregon, with a popu-
now holding their product W
(or "
40 ” conta
A group of ladles from (he Hprlng-
’n" ,.„ „ o o( 783.388, h a . »417 87 ol b.nk-
a pound
It la »aid that there are | ’*
..„ „ it« » . c o m o a r - fleld Neighbors of Woodcraft went as
,lf prlm„ hop.
ia n be moved
«I with » « « 7 4 for the entire Un.ted gu -els of the Creswell circle Satur­
.. . ,
, , ru M jBg trout 31
«<’•<’«•^1»« to • » '•te tn e n t pre day evening when the Jegre team
B,,y «•"»•’ »« prue» ranging
o r n a i pared by Fr«nk
Prank Bramwell,
Hramwell. stale
atate auper-
super­ from here put on their work and in­
to S3 cent».
t e i.m e n t
itiated two of the (reaw ell ladle»
intendent of
The . statement
The Hood River Oddfellows and Re- ; gbow» (bat Oregon line a total of 381 Into the organisation, in thv degree
bekah lodge» are launching a cam- I banks, the average population per t am going from here were: Mra Wil­
palgn to obtain co-operation of houao- , rJlp|,a ppr bank la 2782 and the aggre- bur Lloyd, captain, Mrs H-trvey Bat­
holders In entertaining delegates to
r„gourco» of these Institutions la ( on. Mr». R. L. Burn-tt, Mr». A. Mc­
Pherson. Mm. Lilia Ith o -ls, Mra. B.
the annual convention of Oregon : j 3 j 2 .j u .130 70.
grand lodgaa at Hood Itlver In May.
* d<)ed m -d for ra(.ord |„ lh , ci«t- Doane, Mias Bessie Bench. Mrs. Er-
It la anticipated that «O0U guests will
, 9UIJty d a r k s office entails the
be present.
I (rangfer of property, which revenue
Confirmation of the sale of «00,000 j , t am pi <>n the document show la val-
poumls of wool, the total crop In the UB<J al jh , »74,500. By It the Croeeett
hand, of Haker county wool growers, T|„ ,ber company, the Big Creek Log
to Kaahland & C o. Boston, was recelv gjn|< coropany and the Crossett W ait
ed at Baker. The price received by Brn | , urober company sell to the Croe-
the wool men was «0 cents a pound. ,
W estern company all their Umber
with the exception of one lot that lgnd holdings, sawmills, logging rail-
brought «3 tenia.
roads and camps and other property In
xn Investigation of the proposed Clatsop. Washington. Tillamook. Linn
walnr pipe linn from Clear lake to | and Yamhill counties. Oregon, and
W illamette valley cities aa far north ' CoVlllx county, Washington.
Oregon'» »hum nt the appropriation
for (ureal roatl au<l trail project» la
ihn large»! of any »late within the
uellonal forest ayalem. according to
word received by George H. Cecil, die
trlct (urealvr. (rum Washington, D. C.
The alate will gel 1136.«»« In 1113«.
Miss Florence Klear. Mm W alter
l-axton. Mrs. Moody Neet, Miss Paul­
ine McPherson, Mra R P. Morten­
sen and Mra. Ik- Webb Following th®
ceremony a social time waa enjoyed.
Th > ladles returned to Springfield the
sam e evening.
It la positively d llcjoua. Every­
one who eats our Ice cream says
that. And why not? It Is made
from the purest materials In a
sanitary factory In all flavors.
Order some today jn bulk or
Certainly we d liver IL
Charles Colvin, a Beaverton young as Salem was heartily Indorsed at a j
____________________ _
man. waa killed Instantly when east- meeting at Eugene attended by .1 ,
, ...
« ..« . rnnnd
bound Houlhern Pacific train No.
130 business and professional men of Bn- , itcckowpors
yo .
■truck a -bug" be was driving
gene. Corvallis. Albany. Sp rin g«.,d It
cal Survey of theUnlteu H a tes depart­
The Madras flour mill was destroy-
Junction City,
ment of agriculture for a d v lci and
ed by fire starting from sn unknown j About «00 farmers assembled at Ar-
help In continuing field nilce about
cause It waa feared for a time that llnglon and formed the permanent or-
the casus w lv re be - colonics are
the entire town would he burned
ganlxatlon of the Ba.’tern
Oregon Export
Oregon Com
w a . P " ^ -d during «he winter monthtn Ihr -
A vigorous campaign to prevent
to the severe weather condition in
overloading it trucks op««ratlng on the well represented Farmer» and wheal
highways of the state la to be started j growers from Sherman, Gilliam. W as­
Under the direction of Ibe slate traffic , co and Umatilla counties were present
and aasl»t«-d In the organisation.
Arrangement» have been completed
Nearly 110 different eutomoblles of
2» different makes were displayed by for the construction of the ftrat unit
21 leading automobile dealers of Port­ of the K u g - n e Springfield Irrigation
land at the l&th annual automobile project, according to announcement
made at the offices of the atate engl
ahow In that city.
neer. The project Includes some IS,-
There waa a total of 132 accidents
900 acres of land, and the water will
Without a bualne»« education
In Oregon Industries during the week
be diverted from the McKenxIe river
you are not prepared properly
ended February 7. according to a
to cope with the many problems
report prepar«»d by the state Industrial ’ The atate game commlaalon anC
iportamen of eastern Oregon have
of life.
accident commlaalon.
been aroused over an alb-mpt to have
Maurice E, Crumpackar. well known
R egardless of your poaUtoo
a bill Introduced in congress to create
attorney of Portland, has announced
you need It. and you can secure
an antelope and aag«- grouse reserve
hla candidacy for the republican nom
It at a reasonable coat.
In the aoutheaatern corner of Harney
Inatlon for representative of the third
county, which would lake In an
The question le—Are you go­
congressional district.
»mount of territory greatly In excea»
ing to make th s necessary ef­
The Cheater Either Logging com j
I of the original reserve plan.
fort now. or are you going to
pany baa file«, with ibe public serv­
Oregon pension« have b«»en granted
k«ep putting It off until by
ice commlaalon application to «stab- j
aa follow»
Mary J Helms, Beaver
Bah a logging railroad over the Ne­
and by?
ton. 130; Thomas 8. W illiamson. Al-
halem highway near Astoria.
oany, »12; Jeaae Kotovaky. Salem. 813;
We are here to serve you and
The Aslorta board of school dlrec- Phoebe J. Itowley. Williams, »30;
we are always glad t« tell you
tors has derided Io dispense with Ibe Charles B. Compton, Heaalde. »2«;
about our school. Hundreds of
services of the school health officer Harold Raamu»»en. Portland. »16;
voung men and women have
after the drat of the coming month, Fr«-d Schmidt. Oregon City. 812; Mary
completed one of our c o u r s e
leaving the health department In U. Woody, Hood River. »30.
and are today holding respons­
charge of the school nurse.
By following a policy of selective
ible positions.
All northbound traffic over lh«» logging through a tract of pin«- timber
You may do the »sm s. Will youT
Southern Pacific railroad was held up bordering The Dalle» California high
by a landslide In Cow creek canyon. way on Its new location from Lava
The slide burled the tracks (or a con­ Butte to a point nine miles south, the
siderable distant«, but was discover Rhelvtn lllxon company will leave a
cd In Ume to prevent a wreck.
•rente border Pf pines along the atate
Recent Increases In the price of road. Mature tree» are being marked
gasoline In Oregon are to be Included for logging, but other timber will re­
A. E. R O B E R TS . President
In the country wide Inveallgallon of main untouched.
gasoline prices which the depart m i nt
E U G E N E , O R EG O N
Ten of the more Important railroads
of Justice has been ordered by Presi­ operating In Oregon have filed In the
dent Coolidge to make at oace.
Marlon county circuit court at Snlent
Bats, which eat food similar to that
of humans, are being used In expert
menta by Mra Jeaaumlne C Williams,
professor of household science at Ore-
' gnn Agricultural college to determine
the value of various foods for chil­
Wages of Lane county road laborers
In 132« will range from 33.&0 a day
for common labor Io 112 a day for
One lot ladles hl-cut Shoes in broken sizes. Black and
men with large tractors, according to
brown, medium- high or low heel. Special at only
a schmltile agreed upon by the ment
liera of the county court, to be ef
One lot ladles High Shoes up to $3.00 values. Now only
(ectlve March 1.
George Pendleton, farmer living In
the vicinity of Hroadacres In Marlon
One lot ladies' Shoes in black and brown, medium or high
county, was-kllled when an automobile
heel. Wonderful values
truck In which he was riding was
struck by a southbound Oregon Klee-
One lo, Infants’ Shoes In all sizes and styles. $1.50 values
trie train at a crossing north of the
Hroadacres station.
Judge Wfulherford, In an nddress
One lot Children’s Shoes. AH sizes. Extra good values
before the Albany chamber of com
C.onie early and get your choice.
mere®, urged that body to start a
Men’s Dress Shoes in black, re-grained upper, niwlium
throughout the stale Io gel a law
pnaasd to la« lh" government-owned
heavy sole, box toe, blucher.
timber land» In Oregon.
One-twelfth of the roads built un­
Men's kid dress Shoes. Cushion insole, ruber heel. $5.00
der federal aid since 1314 are In Ore
at only
son. according Io a report from the
secretary of agriculture. Of approxi­
mately 28.000 miles completed In tho
Men’s heavy Work Shoes. Heavy upper good heavy sole.
United States under Joint agreement,
Our price only
2147 ntllea ar«i In Oregon.
R. It. Thompson, who was elect«!
president of the permanent organisa­
tion of the Oregon Export Commis­
sion league. In a m eetlrg al Ar’lng
ion of ofllcers of the various county (
organisations, left Sunday nlglit. for
sto r e s
605-609 Willamette Vt
52 Store«
Washington, D. C„ to lobby for the
M cN au klaughoo lull-
Why Attend
Great Reductions
Men’s Suits and Overcoats
í !¡ n
MEN’S HEAVY SHOES and HI-TOPS way below cost
v |
We must make room for our new
Spring Merchandise
If you ar« not perfectly satisfied with every purchase we
refund your money
'The Store of Springfield”
Eugene Business
Special Bargains
3 s e ti/ourfôack U ardlP roiïde.
Zfiresh Vegetables JM Summer
size vegetable
C. J. Breie.T Co.
TART aa early aa the ground will permit with radishes and lettucs.
Then plant «ome pea« and bean». Eight o< ten day» later plant some
more radUhe® and lettuce »o they will be coming along while vou ,
enjoy the first lot. Next, sow beet», carrot», turnip®, onions, followed by
the vine crop» »quash, cucumber, melon». And don t forget early,
medium and late varieties of delicious.Sweet Corn. By a little planning
you can have fresh vegetable» all through the summer- and enough to
cold pack some for winter.
When you select your seed», the smallest Item of expense, guard your
gardening efforts by choosing a branded line known to be reliable. North­
rup. King A Co.’» Seed« have «atlsfled professional and aniateur garden-
era for 33 years. It Is easy to «elect them from the Sterling Seed Boxes.
A N Y fP R K E
N orthrup . K ing &C o B s