□■VOTED TO IN T tR B tT | . OF tPRINOFICLO A h , .a (J. IJR H *T T H « FARM ERS OF TH W IL L A M E T T E V A L L I. X TWBNTY-FIHHT YRAR TALK RECALL OF SHARP AND RONEY 1IJC SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINOPIELD. LANE COUNTY, ORBOON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1924. VICTIMS OF FIRE ¡ONLY TWO ACCIDENTS BURIED YESTERDAY IN MONTH AT SAWMILL Mr». O. B. Nawman and Baby Are Hacord for Ov»r 200 Man Employed Interred In Mt. Vernon; Many Believed Oue to Vigilance Work R elatlvee A ttend Funeral "Th* People's Papar" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BETTERS FINANCE $ 11,000 NEW STREET GRADE INO SEWERS «UEO THREE DIVORCES ARE Outstanding Bonds $188,000 G R A N TED BY C O U R T Threat» Made to Ou»t Commit- Funeral eervlcea fo r Mra, (J. K. New- Only two negligible accident» over] and Delinquencies Amounting Council Provides for Laying of •ionerg Because of Road mm, and baby daughter Eva l.ucllle, period of more Ilian a month with i to $56.000 Are Out; City Three Sewers and the Grad­ who met tragic death* by lire o n ; 'uore than 200 men concerned la t h e l ^ hree Couple» A s Separated and Policy and Nettie Timber $100.000 in Debt Above As­ ing of Seventeenth Street; February 12. 1924. were h Id ye»l y. record of the ItoothK elly saw m ill In Two File for Oaeree» Before Cruise Contract. sets, Figures Would Indicate day morning at ten o'clock, the Ray- • report marl ■ nt Ita regular aenalon , Circuit Judge Houses to be Numbered. nrend Mr. T. O. Yarnea. pastor of the,'*» Monday, February 11. , --------- The city of Springfield bettered It» Providing for the grading of S er­ Springfield Methodist church, official-, Conatsnt vigilance and nt, restrlc- Thr>e divorce decree» were grant­ ing A number of brothera of th e',Ion a placed on preparedness are ed and two complaint« for divorces bn'incea I**1 ’,”a' taking up 311,-, e n e enth street In Stewart'» addition dec aaed woman c a m ’ from out of thought to be the reaaon for this nl*‘l ln circuit court Wednesday. Nora ln outatandlng bond», according aa 1 e lay*ng ,,f three »ewer», or- town. aa did her fa,h.-r, Frank D ean.'condition. «Ince all appropriation« Ngtaoo, of Springfield, filed ault for to the report of Pity Trsaaurer C. It-j - ”*nC**, **’’* paMaed by lb i Sprlng- of Linton, and nil her alatera but one naked for are Immediately grant d divorce from CUrene» Nelson on Hughe« to the city council last Mon- e ’ c ty ‘>ouncl1 at Monday nlgbt'a Interment w a. made in th . Mount; A , . w change. tf> b), mad, lnclude «roudn» of dmmrtlon and cruel a n d , day nlght. The c „ y hag ou(. re7umb'«r an order for the placing of algna near ^ “h u a V n T X " ^ v m ‘ 7 7 “ « » » < » « bond* amounting to 1188, and routine bualne, transacted led lu It» molhrr» arma. I the entrance, to the mill to warn hW hu"»*nd sent her to Iowa to live The accident occurred a, the real- *orker» on how b »t meet the traf * « h her mother then prevail:«! on her ’ •*• and d »"duencl a in »treet, An ordfnancs provide« for the grad­ E u g -tie in e rrh a n ta den.-.. Of M r and M r . N e w ,,,,,,, tw o f c a t certain place* lo avoid accl.lent «° l' ”nB ba< k laat yaa' ,^ tcr he sidewalk and oth er, amount- ing and graveling of Seventeenth street from Ninth street north to the themaehrea. A portable railing le,t ,or ra ,,,o r,>Ia «nd ah«- »ay» »he ing to more than 156.000. Who will run to replace th com- mile eav, of Utwell while Mr. N e w - baa not seen him since. Frank DePu i It would appear from the trea su re's Paul Brattaln line. Th • street wilt bo lolaelonere nt the recall election lia r man graded 30 feet wide and graveled in Ith th Hill Lumber company, wa« «*"•■ » stairway down from the m ill,1’ h,>r a’,orn,’y- report and the recorder's book» that no t been made known Colonel V. <• H Mercer, until lately an avowed at work a m il’ and a half away and where there «na a chance (or a 8aniuel K. Bualck. of Co’.tage Grove, the city has 8100,000 indebtedn as the center 16 feet wide. Ordinance» providing for 12-Inch friend of t'ointulnaloueni Sharp and About two o'clock Mr» Newman had possible Injury by falling For fur- hae been granted a divorce from above it« aaaeta and those who have H on -y. mad - the recall announcement l ut h e r on e and a half v e n r old ba b y ib e r In au rn n ce n r a ln s t A re rlak. a eer- Mary ß o.lck on ground* of d aertlon »tudled the «ituatlon declare that in »ewers to be laid in the alleys from "intb to Tenth street» between A Monday lie rlnlnia that It cornea af to »I.- i - b a« ii .nal and left her on the ’",n B*bt was ordered suspended from Tb«^ couple wars married at Roseburg future substantial »Inking funds should •K in September. 1919. be provided In the cord budget every and B ’rtree’a and F anw m l f n a ____ _______—__« «. »- » . intention to start r alizlng on these t_ _ equally divided 1 ” married women in their homes wh n Ing for these sewer assessm ents. T he issue differ« now only in that a X“rda *w|ay passed at the m eeting Thia measure • "" " .b ack assessm ents to reduce the ln- , Those who do not must pay as soon thetr husbands ar» away. debtedness. year at the "Fharp mad buildlm, i Although »b» knew that to enter wa* thought to enable the com m ittee ¿Mary J. Cooper of Cottage Grove, . as the Improvement is completed or policy" has been experienced ind oa !h« building meant suicide, she rush 'n function m or’ satisfactorily. L. h has been granted a decree from Her- ° ,r ,a *ur'*r a report «hows the have a ,j3n on lh e p ro p e rty . P ro p e r ty follow ing receipts and disbursements e- e » •— -» frrs something concrete lo talk about cd lu to save the baby, whose cries N'»et. regular chairman for several hart j cooper on grounds of d ser- on which a lien is placed can be sold during the year 1923: Tho Neaaa limber cruKe .on tract lb ’’ could ,H",r s l*e iound <*»• cblld ar,P">n">d Frank E Lenhart to , |on The roup,e wer, raarr1ed tn in 30 day«, the council was told by la a new feature In which m e op- ««»»•*»« “ “d p.lta bed lo escape the “Ot as chairman of the next m eeting R eceipts i the city attorney. ponenls of the cn itu laslon . n declare * ^'rapping It In a quilt she » W McKinnon Is to continue as Mand R g j , rards won a decree 1922 balance on hand Dec Treasurer C. E. Hughes gave the they used unfair methods In I ’ltlug b“f'««l front 'ho building, collapsing secretary of the group. frt>m Rnber, L Ed ward•• whom she ' 31 .... —---- ----------------------- 820 232 ,3 connCi| a detailed r- port of the city’« the contract, that It binda *be cou«i- • iuw fo**1 fro“' u had guue out lo the Council v i s read, setting forth the turned ¿64 «4 ot boases In the city. From now on On th s other hand friend» of the I» o to a nearby houae when Mr. J (’ Parker, head millwright report rr r-talns custody of the boy and A. 4. 5. 6 »nd 7 8t. Imo. „ j’o_n "*rh block will be assigned 100 num- Newman arrived. Ail efforts lo give ed that several reeomm n d a tlo n a nt- “ts »15 from the father each month Den. Imp Sinking fund — rommtaalonera declare there Is a «99 no hers, the even numbers on the one Main St. pav. sink, fund ... “nigger In th • woodpile " They »ay medical aid were unavailing »Ince fered by the sta te’» factor» inspecto* for the hoy's education g,. side and the odd on the othar. th« real opposition Is not the Nea»e both had bodies no badly burned had been performed tn thy letter ^jteklng collection of 8600 alleged Main 8t Fav- Interest ....... death came within two hours, while 125 40 Councilman and Mayor Eggimann du ■ on one note and 8600 alleged due Fewer «inking fund cruise but no rnil»o at all Timber 2.757 26 expressed them selves as enthusiastic F o r tn ig h tly M e e tin g B e tu rd a y Int »resta, it I» alleged, are behind the they wer < being taken to Springfield on another, both Issued In January. Bond »inking fund ............. - 895.35 ovf>r the CI ar I^ake water project The home o f Mr«. Maude Bryan Í1M2 Ksyton Fluster has filed su it A' movem-pl. Several county off1, Ini « to thv hoapttal In an ambulance. " ®,s ' ,n ‘ skK ________ and several mombers of the council Mr» H altle M. Newman was 29 waa the scene of th» E'o-tnlghtly again«, Hsrrv W. Meet through Her­ nre of the opinion the real attack 8 51.925 10 Drd Springfield Chamber of Commerce Total .......... ................ Plie la survived by her m e,ing of a "500** club on »Saturday bert W Lombard, attorney of Cot­ Is not the Neaae crulae hut to knock Xeera old will attend a meeting in Albany Frf- her four y< ar-otd son, a -iv ? n l„ g . Six table» of guests enjoy- tage Grove. out the crulae altogether. ch ic, husband Paid Out -•ay to hear further plans for the idne-y-ar-old daughter, who was at with o n eio u rse refr aliments Those among I hat»' 1- Assessor B n Keeney Coneral fund 8 12.487 58 mammoth undgrtaiinri Cpn’ncilnt'ti who unhesitatingly declare« the con school at the time of the fire by her present >veie Mr. and Mrs. E O Sut St. Improv ment fund 2.97976 Club Meets with Mra MeKlin declared they favored Springfield con- tract O. K and Ju«t what la needed ia ’b«"’- Frank Dean, and by « e v e -s ljo n . Mr and Mrs. John Edward«, 522 86 The A. E N. A S. club met at the Sinking fund ................... -ectin g with the valley wide system t„ 1-ane county to equalise th, (,IX broth' rs and sisters An unci« Gsorge Fred C lln g a p , 9|rg. JO'lla Cantrell, P e n . im n In t Sinking 10.34183 heme of Mrs. M J. McKlln on Tues­ •r i, could be worked out at reasonable Dean, came from his home at Three M Grace Roberta. W elby Steveps Ini plena. 2013 day afternoon The house w a , a t­ ft Street Interest ........ c o ,,. It was pointed out that if Jim Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Do- . 11.000.00 District Attorney Clyde N. Johnston I'tnea to attend the funeral. tractive with d'Jcorations o f pussy­ A. 4. 5. 6. 7 S t, Imt>. » ocn nn Springfield grew as prospects se*med Pue, Mr and Mra. J. F. Ket la. Mr. l . O n O . U U a a . a A. 4. 5. 6 7 St». Int. . call d upon the court In the taxpay­ willows and red carnations. Seven , , to i-d icate the rre«ent water svstem and Mrs. Ronald Roberts. Mrs. Jess 11.94D. 4 b . . . er»' m eeting to rescind the N ease ARBOR DAY EXERCISES members and sevrn guests enjoyed a Balance Dec. 31. 1923 would soon be inadequate. contract and was sustained by the HELD AT HIGH SCHOOL _ s‘‘av,’y ”r . an'1 Dtp , . . Mrs . . . s . . . .. social aftem qon which ended with ; Total ___ ....... ........ .8 51,157.92 taxpayer« Thia the court had »o far '' , . / ‘ \ . ,,abt refreshm ents serv?d by the host- N eedlecraft W ith Mra. M cK enzey Arhor Day exercise» were held at 1 nnd Mrs. \V. H Adrian and Mr and ess. refused to do Johnston threatened Members presen , w ere Mes- The treasur s report shows the fol- I D. I»,rimer, b ’sldes the host­ to break the contract tn court but tha Springfield high school on Members of th ” Ne?dlecraft club dau«M e- W rUh‘’ Brown,n*' ^ ’»'»«<1. lowing bonds outstanding at th,« be- the holders say they are not worried day afternoon owing to a sudd-n ' 1?' « ’ . «' lt had been C ™ » .!. The firs, prig. .« card. nnd N - - *'nn,n< <>< yaar' Mrs. A. P. M cKinley at her home It» W. Emery. The guests were Bonds Outstanding announced on Thursday that It would I" “ ’ won by Mr" Ronn,d Rob' rta Rugen? on Thursday, the 7th Instance Mesdames W. N. Long, Williams, l i l t , » ;,n.\i|.> jo |i» a o , t 4n o j,,i non . A. 4. 5, 6, 7 Sts. imp. due ¡The afternoon was snent In sewing Valentine, J C. Parkefr I-awrencp 1« not clear But It la clear that the h" postponed when the ahowera gave 4-h-24 ...........4....................$ 50.132.37 and coversatlon. Auditing Book» Most attractive rltlxena of laute county are about to 810 «vldence of a b atin g Sp» chea May, J. T. Moore and Stearmer. 2nd St. budget, due 4-1-24 3.000.00 wprp g ( Valentine m otifs used about have both ear» filled with a barrage on ,ba beautification of the city in H. B. Rose of San Francisco. Cali­ Gen. Imp. first issue ....... 50.000.00! (hp rooms where red carnations. of propaganda ho'h for and against p,ant,n« various organizations In* Barker and 'Lucille Fritts, centers: ih e elty will meet lo talk over law P a tie n ts a t H o s p ita l Anna Dillard and L licltls Lambert, enforcement Heveral lodges. chuT h Edward Jones of Westfir, who w as guards. A game will be played with es nnd Four L's and other clubs nro discharged from the Springfield hos­ St. Mary's academy In the near future. expected to have representatives. pital on Ffynary 11, w as re-entered Has New Hear»»— A new gray n,o ¡Tuesday as a new patient. tor hoarse has been purchased by W. Naw School Established Mrs. Arile W intner was discharg­ F Walker from the F’lfth A v ’nue A new school has been started h) I, garage In Eugene. e d from the hospital on February 8. County Superintendent E. J. Moore Ì She returned to her home In Eugene. Initiated Candidate»— The regular nt F’wlssliome on the Kluslaw river, meeting o f the Odd Fellows w a, held Virgil Moon of Springfield, who un- H e r e to fo re Hwlsahome has been nine PVPn)|nf nt lhp l o . O. F hall jderwent a major operation recently, miles Von, the nearest ssfinnl ot Twn ¡was discharged from the hospital on Two men took degree work. Ma, leton A building hns h' m se ­ February 8 cured and the school will start Mon Mrs. Delwin Klntzlev of Lowell The P. N. 0 . Club Meeìv«ent Flevd Coahraa ira» bar» troni Mabie work while the asili U running nt M esiay fall blast. .ah.* A Measle» Prevalent An epidemic of m easles Is preval­ ent thm urhout the state, according ta tha «U te health officer, Dr. FrM- -Tfck D. Stsleksr. He reports <12 asses A aeorv af ecsea have boea repbragtl la B agase »nd tbsrr are «a»»r»l M S p riM «««