3 ?AQ E SIX TH U R SD AY. JAN U AR Y 31, 1924 TH U R S D A Y . JAN U AR Y 31. 1924 A ttended M eeting—I» M Olson and ftp Al Klledg«. P o ttag e Drove Mr and Mrs Roy A K um phreya left Ml Al Klledg". C ottage tir o » ’ lor P ortland H a'urday evening w here 71 I’. K Cat Ills. Walton 76 Georg* llaellngs. C o t t a g e Mr Olson and Mr H um phreys at- S tu a rt W alker P lay ers Will Olve Court Name» Men Who Will Have I Hided a m eeting of th» B rotherhood Grove C harge of Work In • • D istricts of W ent to P o rtlan d — B A W ashburn* Hera for T reatm en t— H. K. Mmtnu« D ram atic P erfoienance at Heilig S3. G It Perkins. Junction City, of railw ay clarha Ituseel and C harlea, cf D ex ter wa* in town Monday. He w ent t<> P ortland Sunday on business. County T his V eer eons of Mr and Mrs H um phreys, T h e a tre N ext Week route I has been h-‘re for m edical treatm en t. H» retu rn ed Monday pen! th e w eekend wWh tharly In • ra l w eek , spent in th e eouth. W hile of “ * wk of * * ' W lltee. w ere both in from M arcola which com w to the llelllg th ia tr e at up th eir new duties Im m ullately T h « ',h. w„„k , W(1 , ruck, of lh , Hprlng- Hpringflsld Sunday afternoon. while Monday fo r m edical tr> atrnent. gone he stopp 'd in Texas. bio. Mr Olson retu rn ed Munday on the Eugene. W ednesday night. February roajorlty of ap p o ln lm .n l» were men n#ld M|)| ani| Bible ns a great O liver Allen cam e from Roseburg W ent to A lvador—Mr and Mra. N ln» F en n Im plem enta repaired. 3. Ray HUI. Springfield. route 1 J « 1. « • U V, . . . . , ’ ’"«‘•h o u se of poetry, rom ance and yesterday to visit Hugh Jollltf He it A. Rowe went to Alvador on bu»ine»a Injurwd Back— M M M art.« of this >nd M n y #tor1w G eorge W O rr. at roee from Herond 5 Je sse G ates. Springfield, route sp< ndlng a few days In the city Sunday W hile th ere they «topped at city injured h i. back while w orking Avenu« G arage pj Th„ S. G eorge Canady. Crow C harles J >ssen of W sllervllle wus th e John D ornath home. a t th e t a m . s Lum ber com pany at „ d tw m a.l.n l 7. H R Noll 'th. Eugene. 4k5 Third ,n )|n buslneas today. !>r H Italpb hippie. laM tlet, Vltug S tu . r( w>> . „ . „ „ n e d b y ,.v e n u e e a st Away O ver Week End—Clayton Lowell on T u -.d a y The injury was Ed W earin wa» In from W allervllle Ibilidlng. H prlngftrld, <>r«x»'i> , he |(n |# g August Vitus Eugene B arber left Springfield S atu rd ay for l u m b T * ' * ftla* * heavy pile of , fc# crU)c, of s> w y „ rk thia morning of Its p resen tatio n th- r e as th e great » L. A H ack. Jaap r W endling » h e rd he sp en t the week­ Um r ’ lloh Mtevens of W allervllle w as a 10 J a k e Ma.-guth. Cresw ell, roule 1 Sprlngtl. Id visitor thia morning end. While tb< re he visited his broth R eturned from W ashington T r i p - »>"«>• p resen tatio n of several sea 11. O lio Morton, Cresw ell, route I | M. J W ealing of W allervllle wm er, T haddeus A. Barber. W. G. Hughes, pr-wident of th e Spring ,l' n< IS. C. M H am ilton. T ren t In (own y w ferd ay on business T h e first p art of Jo b Is called thr Here fo r Week End—John Totnseth. fl ■ Id F irst N ational hank, retu rn ed 11. John W right. W iilker T hurston atten d in g to business mat Swturday from several w eeks’ trip prologue, w hich Is < l< tleered In narra J r a rr iv 'd S aturday from Camp 34 14 John W right. Walk >r. tors Monday a t W endling and spent th e week-end to W ashlng’on. He was delayed for •iv,‘ form by th e n arrator». T hey tell 15. Al Klledge, C ottage Grove I W aller PInit of T hurston win» « tim e at Tacom a through Illness. ®f 0> ’ m isfortune« th at have l>efallen with his parent*. Mr and Mrs. John 15 John Calloway Eugene, route I Sprlnr TOi!l t h , r e Th injury which wns in Springfield since last W Is lllutrln.ir< I tied th ere one ■ } The S t ringt*. Id Mill and Grain Iif-< an 1 energy gj-p m ain, I. < ter Nown ui n, I aw 11. rom p a y shipped « . url< ! < left for th eir home in law A n g e la . betw een thl' Bnk,e and the knee of Je b and hi" th a friends F ’ i.iiii'-d in i very Utume o f i j le jth o left I c w Brady, II. rii l e resu lt of a pile of co m w and coups is with them While C alifornia. Monday night. ’rflakt flour lo On li e ye ite: I xm I Y. I lumbe r falling on the coung man. H > e re Al i Dowell. tt hit a e loading an iter for th ey a re talk in g a »term breaks ar.l Fa Creek, saving for P ortland— Miss Ostl j was aent to the Mercy hospital In W I l L a t t it i bon In a voice from the w h'rlw lnd srenfcs t . U il» 1.1 : hi y o u r Idmid G ray plans to 1 sv e S atu rd ay o r;E u g e n e Friday night. 24 Rt rt Wills !.. rane route I. Job. It Is th e voice of G ot At Ih- J T I.ltilo b ’bu, a prom inent nier* N ijif (o he In nn Imjvover» Sunday for Portland w here she will Jo. FI < k. ( rev eban! oí .M»*a4owvbw waa b rt» Mott lahud eoditJuii w hlen w ill Drove up the McKenzie— Mra. Kir. end th e niches a r 1 ngaln Illumina* ••t att.m d B uyers' W eek, doing her M It E L. M athews Eug. »lav foi a Jrurk )oatl < >f »upt tig»» and th e n a rra to rs give the cenci»:*' >n eau«*« » lowt'i-t'd v ita lity . spring buying for th e Mode M illinery m a Cl son and sou, Odin Olson, and It O ne learn s of th e Jov and plenty J C S tn p lrto n of AlvM'lor waa a Mr. and Mrs. B. E. luinsb rry and shop. 27. C harles Anderson. Point Terra«? I f yon feel «lull, la, k en­ business visitor Mi leprine rt 44 Tue« children. B ruce Jr.. Maxine and Phyl th a t falla to J e b ’a lot and the num ber Jg. H sus P eter-on. F lorence ergy have liitllgegU on, akin day V isaing P arents— Paul B ratt.iin J r lis. drove up th e McKenzie Sunday T-'nr» wh rein he dw ells In pc 29 P fte leunH'n. ||tM*aht •■rnpih.iirt o r o th e r Indira- A! G. Iltriird , Male* tiutuager for is home visiting h is p aren ts. Mr. and and visited a b ro th er of Mr L ans ani* h«PPln'’” W. Shin v AlUon*. L ln«liw tlona o f Im pure blood, lake (h r C ountnl Meal com pany of (Jr en M ra Paul B rattain. of this city. He berry. Coy L an sb erry and fam ily, who Aside from "T h e Pook of Jo b ." Mr Tom f u ll n. Maple* « m i Hay Wlttunnstn, vIMtei! yei»(«*r«lnv u h as been spending sour? tim e on his reside above W a lte rv ld i. W alk er will p resen t several plays of A. C Jean*. .Mapleton. lh»» rliy with hl* ohi school fri u»|, hom estead n ear Paisley. Oregon, and his own w riting a t a sp«eial young J F rabble, W ahun Home for Tim e—Odin Olson, son of John Huikhman. who wan bi* rtxon has ju st be n on a trip to S’nn Fran . p e o p le s m atin ee on W ednesday F W i v . 'on. N od Mrs. Em m a Oison. and Russel Olson. cisco, California m ate at O regon Agri» u lin ra l <*oilega so will will Includ’ “Six W ho Purs F ar! C lark. Hwlwahonie. '»on of Mr. and Mrs Carl Olson, a r lu toll«** «lay* H r in ou hl* way to W hile the L entils Poll." “ S ir Dnvld 3G P C. Harncfen. Eugene. M It PirrcKssed P roperty— Mrs. Anna rived home T uesday evening for an I hit, I.-, an bonetti, re li­ C alifornia to upend th»« winter. W ears a C row n,” and "T he K ing's „ Tuhy purchased th ? home owned by extended visit w ith th e ir p aren ts able I i I im h I purer nm l a gen­ G reat Aunt " On T u esd ay evening he -j* XV M Siitrnn* *. IMrt» M rs Jo sie C asteel on t h - co rn er of They d ro v - down from B ridal Veil eral tonic. N eediecraft to M eet—T he \i - Mie will p r sen t his piny. "T he Very Nak* 33 K. Xells«*n, Eugene. Crow S tag South D and Second stre e ts. The wl^p-e they hav been w orking in » raft m eetn next T buraday afternoon ed Boy.” end two of th • inaaterplecea rout la k e It now and eutub- deal s n s com pleted Monday. Mrs. -he mill. at the hom e of Mra A. P, McK. b ro th er of Mountain " nn l ' The M nrdgrera *' 40 Iliac, Go!d*on heights. '* rs- • Onnks o f this city, w as F o r s h e - r gripping dram a, for tech 41 Oyer. Junction ('Ity. rout« Mr and Mr» J !»*mon* of Port here Sunday from Engene and had tilcal perf-ctln ti com btn d w ith f,d«l- 1 Left for New Y O rk -lfe rh rt Burgh d inner with .’ j D .n.c. fam ily M.-s Hy to hum an kind and poeti, al In 42. G rant Brabham . Ju n ctio n C lt' land arriv« ti Monti «y e« oning e r left Monday on the afternoon train \n d a Kepn dy. niece of Mr Dnnks D un-rnv s one-art th rille r "T he Mur m u te 4 HpHngfleld to vUH fo r n f»;> uays for Portville. New York, taking the arrived S atu rd ay from W eadttng and d er. ra." Is un.bntbt >i|y . ntltled to at the home of Mr and Mn W fnten 43 P. J Intnan. Elm ira. body of h is father, E p h rta n B urgher, stay ed ov r Sunday. Mr and Mrs. first glac “The Gods of the M o tto - 45. H P. M arkuron. Jun (’it) rled, parent* of Mrs Lwm MA Mr» back th e r fo r burial He e x p x ta to Danka drov? he - ’.oat tv W endllng ‘a ln ’ has been acclaim ed by m e tro W lnsenrl «I will retu rn lo P o n land 49 Je**e Gat»**. H prlnePeld. rout« stay only long enough lo se ttle some in ih eir c a r on Sunday evening. p ollisn rrittex 1 is th e “finest play of with thoui T he I,« m on» have re 51 and 44 H W (\i son. E uk ne. business W h ile in New York be will ¡t9 k,nd (n <- route 3 A large horlxonotal boiler to hr.i yesterday. Springfield as a has? of o perations in a sto re of 34 to 17 and th e high school Ihe kilns will b > Cutnp letniy Install 84. M artin F oster, L orane th e surrounding sm all towns. 85 Ross H uston. Eug «411 girls pil 'd up a acor ■ of 4« ncalnst Crow i-d by tonight at th e Anderson Manu S tage route facturing ronipany plant Work on Niece Visits— Tris R oberts, niece of the alu m n ae girl» who made 7 points. th e Installation was begun two we ks 66 Chari s Gobi. Alms T he alum ni who played w ere as Mrs. D. W. McKinnon, arrived h ere 67 H arvey N lgbsw ander. (.orane ago from S eattle Friday to visit at the follows. Boy»—L aw ren ce Laird, la w m iik ,' ImsineBB good be- r -nee W heeler. Guy Mauney, T heo­ McKinnon horn . W hile down from O ran Pag w as down from Mar dor»' Fldley, M errill B « n ett, Allan »atiH»' wp bave a good pro d u ct W ashington she went to C ottag • cola Sunday. W heeler. G irls—A lta Manning. T h el­ I b u i I h fu domami. Grove T uesday to visit h er sister. F ran k Cavnrb 11 and Fred Gray (n o t alu m nae), Opal Mrs. Dee G reen, and retu rn ed to m a Kim ball w ere in from T hurston Monday. Moore and G ladys Morgan Jack and H arry Ha.-be« »- re in I(l W ednesday The main T he stu d en ts of th • high school are p u rro se of h er visit was to see Miss Springfield on busim-ss Monday busy pr p arin g for th e mill y ear ex­ For Q u a lity and Price in GR O C ER IES— Mary Scott, who is h ere from Canada YV. E. W estrope of Ja s p e r was In am inations th at com e T hursday and visiting h er bro th er. C. F. Scott. tow n .Monday. No m a tte r where you trade Friday of th is week. , bread I h increaHlng in hh I ch . new Janies 1’. Awbr 7 of Cresw«ll was A ttended Play — A n u m b er of ' u to m e n -U.- . inning in „,,,1 in Springfield Tuesday on business. J. W. Coffin, re c o rd e r and Justice Springfield peopk« atten d ed "T h e Re­ I bey become re g u la r |*Hir,tnn Mrs. H. R ier o f Noti was in town juvenation of Aunt M ary," p re se n te f of th e pear*, is confined to his hom e j S atu rd ay receiving medical tr e a t­ once tin y j 1UV v l r k ,,j o u r ,,IH< a t th H eilig th e a tre Monday night because of Illness. He w as taken aide W. M. Green. Prop m ent baked goods. by May Robson and com pany. Among y esterd ay and fore d lo leave his I W illiam Jam es of T ren t " as th o se who w ent from h er? w ere Mr , Mrs. o duties to go lio m » to bed. W illiam , in Springfield Monday and Tu sday ' 'n r Donaldson, m arshall, h ai ling Judge and Mrs O. B. K essey and receiving m edical treatm -n L tw ig h f . Mr and Mrs. C E. S w arts ¡ thp C"11'*- court In his absence. Jim W allace of N atron was in F ri­ ■■ ■ '•I: - Edna Sw arta. Mr* Z. , SPECIAL P IIK ’F. T n pl-.t. work Dr day. C antrell. Mias E lsie Weddle and Miss | N W. Em ery, d en tist. 8 u tto „ Bldg Fred Blue, a garage man from Sci„ (but lir e • '■■U iKLHirieM, m any tf n ear Albany, was in Springfield Sun- -____ __ __ varletieB, u ll delicious and Ihe day on business. iH’fll tb u l may be bad any place E. R. A nderson w as In from C res­ «1 any (Ime. well Monday on business Mrs. G. V. O rr, form rly employ!« a t the Spong re sta u ra n t, w ent to work for the E lite re sta u ra n t Tuesday. A carload of hogs was shipped in The best m eat at a price th a t w ill b rin g you back and make from P ortland T uesday for th e Sw arts you a regular custom er. and W ashburne packing company. ure now being baked In la rg e r FREE D E LIV E R Y 9:30 a. m. D A ILY Mra. C h a rlia H ayse of D< x ter had q u a ntitie s than ever before h e r ton sils rem oved Friday. There is a reason— the reason Is A m inor operation was perform ed Hihi we know how to satisfy on Mrs. F ra n k Purcell of W endling o u r custom ers. on Sunday. F. G Lewis, trav elin g ag en t of th< traffic d ep artm en t of th e S outhern Come here w ith yo u r s|»«< lal Pacific railroad with h ead q u arters at orders. |f yo „ w anl HomethJ||K E ugene, w as in Springfield Monday d iffe re n t fro m the o rd in a ry In T he C arb o lim u tn W ood-Preserving any line o f baking Just ask iih com pany had two carloads of poi is fo r In fo rm a tio n . «hipped In from W inlock. W ashing ton. T uesday for a coating of creosote. 1 T he Springfield Mill and G rain com­ We now have on hand a fu ll p any received a carload of w heat from TU ESD AY. FEBR U AR Y G H arrisb u rg , a n o th e r from C u rrie a n d . line of Overstuffed Davenports “ The Gods of the M o u n ta in " and other plays tw o carlo ad s of fead on T uesday. and C hairs and can give you ju s t as choice a selection of, W EDNESDAY M A T IN E E . FEBR U AR Y 6 A carload of Ford c a rs for Ihe Wing S tu a rt W alker's Young People’s Plays coverings as you can get in Eugene and at a better prlco. M otor com pany arriv ed In Springfield ' W EDNESDAY EVENING. FEBR U AR Y 6 Seo us before buying. T u esd ay from th e P ortland headquar- j The Biblical Dram a, “ The Book o f Job" tens. M A IL ORDERS NGfW Mr. and Mrs. C harles E ggim ann mo­ P R IC ES— to r d to C o ttag e G rove on b u sla.'ssL MATINEE—50c. 75c, $1.00 yesterday . EVENING—$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 M rs C harles E ggim ann and Miss EUGENE M ary R o b erts m otored to J'.n o tio n City M onday m orning. APPO IN T PATR O LM EN IN BOOK. OF JO B” TO BE LANE ROAD D IS TR IC TS D EPIC TED BY PLAYERS “ 77ie blood is the L ife” Hot Spring Blood R em edy 51 0 0 Business Is Good Persona’s We Can’t Be Beaten MITY NICE Community Cash Store PASTRIES Sanitary Meat Market CAKES Holverson Bros, Props. Stuart W alker’s Famous PORTMANTEAU THEATRE DAVENPORT Wright & Son P a’ Hardware Furniture Springfield Bakery Fred Frese, Prop. (in