PAGE FIVE T U E 8P R IN 0FIÄ LD NEWS THURSDAY. JANUARY 31. 1924. UNWISE FARM PRACTICES NOTES 8»««« D ‘>artmenf of Agriculture. ... which ha* been devoting much aUen CAUSE CLOVER FAILURES gHV0ra) „( the young people met lion to Cheeae making In -nt years. Th« underalgneil ha« b -en appoint- >1*1 uiliukiilsirator of the «aiata of at John Price'« Saturday »veiling. Tb • Cooperative work with several fac- •« II what you want ta aall. buy what you want to buy through th««« A good »land of red clov r baa been even|n|j wa, »pent In playing game» torlea In Ohio have shown that the Lwme All n Blair, by lhe l 'omity column«. W rit* or phon« TWO m)mi ljaur, |lu th returned to Port- trouble known among maker« as Court of Lane County, Oregon, and Increasingly difficult Io tacura and ¡all person« having claim« against maintain In many aeclloiis and for jand |aa( wee|, «her »be bas ent red "glass cheeae" can lev previ nted by maintaining In the milk nsed a proper FOR MALE—dtottle nice fllberi trees W ANTW Ih- to rent or I a»« m od'rn'»aid «»Ute will present same duly quite a number of y err There are a convent. tf[varlfl«d at tb*- off» e of Whitten Mwaf- 'a number of cauaea for thia partial Mr» Rosa ratio between the fat and th» casein. He< Welby Ml vena or M M Peary ( home Addresa 123 care New» Haturday evening as ¡ford, 31» M and W. Bldg.. Eugene. ¡or entire failure with r d clover which AU factories which followed the d-- f7 V A R IE T Y STORK, only one In city, Baughman and son Herald were on tow„ 3000. big future, quilting bu.l o ^ " n «■ <* •<« " 'u" lb '' »<»“ together or .e p .ra le ly The , o Th#r, t(M, th , 11|fht(l „ „ p a rim e n e recommendation, had no K lilt H A I.E W hite llivnioiersd cock , n«ss account heart trouble Terms !,b l* ‘,aU’- I moat important of theae. In that tbsy . ..... T* „ trouble of thia kind, while four fac- tbelr «-ar went out. Th y were on ervl Price »6.0« Phone 3» Jl 7 24 31 Januar«', are the most common and widespread. ,__ tori s which did not comply with the If desired Addi '«« bos 144 Hprlng I I * ’ * 1 “O'* brBl their way to a garage when another .................................. ' ' ___ are due In a large measure, according condltlons had trouble as -.-fore. •I. 1924 car »truck them throwing Mrs. Baugh­ |,t»T for sale on very easy terms. Can' Held, Oregon T *sts were made with the centri­ PRANK E BLAIR. Adm inistrator,to the United Mute» Department of man against the window cutting her pay for It in work. Bee K. F. M A T E R N IT Y cases cared for In my . Whitten Swafford, I Agriculture, to continued unwlae farm fuge to Improve the “eye” formation fac» and breaking her collar bone K«pn«r U own home or In private humea. Mt* attorn«y. [practice« and can be remedied only In Swlaa cheese, and In nearly every Th Te was a potato buyer In Thura- case the c-mtrlfuglng Ora«-« llarh lt, 6th and A street«. | j ,jt - j ¡¡j. »x, by changing those practice« A run- r suited In N O T IC t o r F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Pprlugfleld, Oregon f29 -------------------------— [down »oil la an abua d »oil. In m o atilon *a,|i Saturday. cheeses with fewer but larger "eyes.” [cases such a soil can he restored to **r- and **r" Ernest motored thee»«» made at th» Grove N O TIC E IH II Kit E ll Y G IVEN that A C Clark, the sdinlnlatnctor of the : WAN FED It-liab le woman to keep rv«sonable fertility by rev ersing the to Oakland last dnlunlay, return ng pa creamery from separated W IIK N IN HCGBNK estate of Alfred Murks, deceased houo«- and cure for child -Small proreal (O whlch its conditions are home Sunday. m ilk 77.6 per cent were fancy. 7.1 per POR T H E DAY OR W EEK has rendered and filed with the Clerk j wages but a good home to right (dUB | nwt)«< tlnna to »aid final account Ft,R SAJ.F3-6 room house in Spring. , the ^ that n c rte r of o u rt .......................................... and the »«ttlf hearing of objections to said as a conaequ-nce the clover heaves '' ay * a * ° Crunk A. ■Hel’ue. Attorney for the - for rent by day or month. Elite final account and th -ae ttle m nt there- bad,y , he Bpr|nK the drainage ■J,ek Kaf*»“ - who te working at H appy «lays, indeed, fo r estate the m otorist forearm ed Hotel, Ird and Msln street tf of All objection» must be In writing „» , n e-nvte Reedsport, came home Saturday but J 17 14-31 F 7 14 ____ and Med with the Clerk of said Court n™»‘ Impro’ Od or all other e-o rts Reedsport Tuesday. H H with a battery k e p i in on or before said day and time. will be waated. If condition« are auch the p in k o f condition ls»t.*d thia 23rd day of January 1924 , hat lhe drainage cannot be improved, brother. Harry, accompanied him. by Westinghouse Atten­ tio n — a d iffe re n t aer- W F T ’ b«“ '-1 h» aubatltuted for “ Melvin ’ ' " Buell " and “ Fr»d Gray left for of the estate of Fannie E John­ red clov»r. There Is no use trying red Klamath Falls Tu sdav. v ic e e c o n o m ic a lly son. d »ceased Mias Evalena Calvert, who spent clover on badly drained land Frank A. Di Pue. SHOE REPAIRING , several days visiting relatives here, BURTON ARANT, PIANIST Attorney for the eatate J 24, 81. F. 7. 14. 21 Work Promptly and return'd to her home near Junction W tlght and Rslaaatlen Technic BATTER« 8 ■ land that Is well drained It Is advls- Carefully Done City Sunday. Instruction In W ESTIN G H O U SE n r S Ralph Dlppel. Dentist V ltu . abl« “ » co“ ul‘ ^ ‘ b th* * « ri Maude and Loren Edmiaton attend­ Plano, Harmony. Interpretation JOHN A. NELSON SERVICE Eugene cultural agent or with the State »x- ed church In Cedar Flat Sunday after­ Phon» Eugene 1367 L building. Springfield. Oregon. At Hall'« Ca»h Storo i tension service. In many cases the noon. for appointment Main Street agent will know whether the soils In Mrs. LIRah Rhodes and daughters. SUMMONS that section ne»d lime or eome fe-- Theda and Ione, visit d her slst»r. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E tills« r. and the remedy can be applied' Mrs. Roy Edmlston Sunday STA TE OF OREGON. FOR L A N E Bt once. Where no certain informa- - W H. BROOKE HOUSE WIRING Mrs. Wimmer, who has a class in CO UNTY itlon Is available a simple trial w ill; instrumental music here, was ill last G ret hen H llty. Plaintiff. Attorney at Law grape red to do HeuessSrleg ef all h < x « j t»R the story of what clover vs. week and unable to give lessons. KletM. A. R. ORAMAM, Corner of Sneeds to thrive on that t articular f a m Carl Hllty. Defendant Mrs. John Prtc» Is in Eugene cariiy; TO CARL H IL T Y . the above nem«*d jf j t ja organic m atter that the soil •th a"d M etreeta. F. O. Bo» U. H National Bank Bldg for her sister. Mrs. Baughman. d',fN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE " T » * ' oM‘ " b' Phon« A38 J Eugene. Ore. M r Fox from E. B. U. accompanied OF OREOON- stltuted to advantage providing th» Rev Benton out to Thurston Sunday You are hereby required to appear soil is well supplied with lime, and and answer the complaint Aled agslnst tl>e aoll wl)1 be re«tored to a condi- and a *" ” ' 6*1 w , th , he raus , c O’DAY'S PAINT SHOP you In th» above entitled ’ “iL ' Hon where red clover w ill grow U n -1 Call the time hereinafter set for you to do IM P R O V E M E N T IN M ANUFACTURE Auto painting and auto tope Paint so or the plaintiff will apply to th e ,fortunat- ly. moat of th-» clover fail- To organize and system In wholeMle quanUtlee. court for tb» relief prayed for in «aid urea occur on soils deficient In lime, OF SW ISS CHEESE C O NTINUES NOTICE TO CREOITORS I THURSTON I C lassified Advertisem ents (la p p i v r t B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y WÏSITNGHODSE A Convenience For Every Household SUTTON TRANSFER Near the mill race, Eugene. Ore M l E ktto Ave. Phone 1217-J F U N E R A L DIRECTOR Full Aule Equipment W. O. W Phone 57 GIO.. W. F. WALKER block Office Pheae 11 M ne« Phene 63 J complaint which 1« In «ubstance as and on ( b e r, (be results with sweet I follows^ |ha co07l dlaaolv. 'clover will b» equally unsatisfactory N. McLEAN Automobile, Flee and Life IN S U R A N C ff Surety Ronds^ Rhene S17 My buemese le to prateot yatF buelnsee B60 W lllamett» SL Eugene Qrsgon A. A. ANDERSON PIANO LE880NS Ruth Scott Byrng BARBER Accredited Teacher SHOP Phone KXiffeee 941-L “The Loop DR. N. W. IM E R V D E N TIS T •ut*en Bldg. Rhone 20-J II Your Hom i Whin In Springtisld Residence Rhone 12S-W Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEW ELER F IN K W A TC H RKPA1RIN0 A SPEC IA LTY Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Springfield. Oregon YOUNG A RAY Attorneys et Law WM. 0 . HUGHES AN D AUTO INSURANCE HuecMaor »0 John Wdwards Ballinger * M . l t e r o w laeorMtee sgeacie. Cffioe M FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon Springfield, Bpeelallxlns hi the law 0/ Keel property and Cpiperatloaa. Office« 886 WIllanselM Street Eugeae. Oi FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO R N EY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC SPRINGFIELD 6RIVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. JO HN M. W II4 -IA M R Attorney for Vet«r«wa Aid Commission. Soldiers Ikipas l ean». Bell Theatre “Hurricane’s Gal” titled court b»reavement. mention »d. H E R B E R T BURGHER The date of the first publication of 'this summons Is January 17th. 1*34. and family. For Thrill — For Romance HO W ARD M BROW NELL. Attorney for Plaintiff. CAI4L A N D SES Dr. N. w Emery For all the Glamour of the Sea Residence: Eugene. Oregon. I on prices on plate and other work, tf ¡ J. 17. 24. 31, F. 7. 14. 21. 28 Don’t Miss EUGENE CO LLEC TIO N Allen Holubar s 8-Reel Sensation Starring DOROTHY PHILLIPS AGENCY No collection, no fee. No entry fee or duea I -egal departm ent DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST FIR E Ing the bond» of matrimony now «1- S°Y beans or cow peas may be grown Swiss cheese continue to be made, ac- Jstlng between her and defendant for hay or soil Improvement, but It cording to reports of th» United and for such other and further relief must be noted that If these crops . . to this court may s.«m Just and re „ no ben»- proper. I T h l* lum m oni in published in The fit to the toil Springfield » u rn once a week for a, ..... - — period of six adr BLACKSM ITH1NG and hors shoeing: suant to an order for tn * same mad . . . . . . . . all kinds of forging and tool mak­ i by Hon. O F. Sktnworth. Judge of the Circuit Court for I-sne County. ing. Farm Implement* repaired. ! Oregon, dated January 14. 1924. and George W. Onr. across from Second , you are required to appear and answer Avenu» Garage. J31 : SATURDAY said complaint on or before the last day of said period of six w eka from the date of the flrot publication of Card of Thanks this summons, namely on or before the 28th day of February. 1924. or the We wish to thank our many friends Fer Selo— New end Old Raser« ttJW te »2-00 9»M Sutton Buldllng Springfield OFesee. f33— Umbrellas repaired free whsr« ws recover. All colors and part«. L. E BEAN. R u ts Land Attorney lor Beard, Mut« Mhool fund Loan«. Williams & Bean ATTO R NEY-AT LAW Eugene, Oregon 860 W illamette 3tre«t, Il,.n „ ,1 , i - in all Coarte of the Stale, the Federal ffotirte usd f f i„ .« i c .'e n t «f »ha United «tata« Oeneml em plee- A> *>“ »1- n, , p'ly «"»I uarefully «Bended to -C hn rg es reasonably W. H atize the expense records of a household is ordinarily a task that takes a great deal of time and patience. Yet It is quite a necessary one. But a checking account with us here at the First National anil give you an accurate record of every expenditure and an indis­ putable receipt for each payment as well. . 40 Years of Helpful Service T h e First National Bank OF EUGENE BROWERS. Mgr Comedy— “ Pick and Shovel" NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING Since 18S3 SUNDAY Notice Is hereby glv8 110 ,r a c e o f b it To S. B. Deverell, ths defendant j te m e s s . above named Epstrni Salt is a wonderful IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S TA TE OF OREGON you are herobv reoulr cathartic, especially for elderly ed to appear and answer the com- and . midle-aged people who suf- j plslnt filed ngnlnst you In the above , » 1 entitled »Hit within «1» weeks fmm fer from auto-lnUoxlcation and the date of the first publication of the resulting digestive disturb­ this summon», being the service «." ance and headaches. this summons upon yon n.nd If you fall to answer for want thereof th" Two teaspoons of PURE- plaintiff «11! apply to the court for a decree dissolving the mnrrlnpo con TEST, dissolved in a glass of tract now existing between you and cold water and taken in the the plaintiff morning means almost immedi­ This summons Is puhllshcd cnee n week for six consecutive weeks bv ate relief. the order of the Hon. G F Rktpwnrth Judge of the nbove entitled court msds and entered on the 17th «’ v of December. 1923. and ’ h r date of '*’ ~ ¡first publication thereof le the 20th dnv of December. 19?3 W IL L IA M S X DEAN. Phone 15 8prlngfleld Attornevs for Plaintiff Eugene. Oregon D 30. 27. J. S. 16. 17. 24. 31. FLANERY’S DRUG STORE X4-» -tfcwa r»*»«S HOO6SOM BURHtfT THE FLAME OF L IF E J Á M O K » t)T M tN L F Y O O n O y C T IO N Y . ' U.t Y f OLAt \|F W F L Comedy— “The Pencil Pusher" WEDNESDAY “Why Girls L eave Home” This picture w ill positively be shown on this date even if it is) necessary to transport it b . aeroplane. Bookkeeping, Stenographci or Secretarial, Complete Business and The Bur­ roughs Machines. Special couree by arrange­ ment. Only qualified, experienced teachors employed. Our rates are reasonable, our equipment is up-to-date and you are assured ef a thoro, practical tMining. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A R ROBERTS. President 992 WHamette St. l*hoee e«ti Rugeee. •re»en