T in 'H h nA Y JANUARY II. 1«34 X . , —, - CLAIM EVERY ELEVENTH ------ ------------ [Community News By Soecial C orra apondanta FARM HOUSE DESERTED th e price asked Is (« mi high, and h* Product* go through ta r loo mauy hands. If farm -re received fair pro will not buy It. It la m ost Im portant for term ers fila for th eir producta today, and the lo realise th a t If they hope to have m iddle Internal* added th eir present profit» and ekpvu*«*. food pnaluel* th e ir land w orth anyw here h e a p what would go to consum ers nt such high they paid for It, they m ust put a prlcea they could not buy. Ho. In vain« In th at land. II 1» up to them lo m ake farm ing profitable In order o rd ?r th at title middle loll «ystelu lo m ake land desirable. T hia inunl may continue, product* m ust he sold al coal, o r lo»». from the furiuets lie done In th e sam e way th a t a tell lag m an u factu rin g Industry la reor giuilted anil pul on a paying haals T h ere m ust he an o rganisation 'h a t ra u sell th ? product« of thu farm at | a fair m argin of profit. Marrl*o* Lie*"*** l**u*d M arriage licensee htsu ■ I d u ring lb* past week bv in • 'ouul> clerk '(»’’Ili I» ti ativlll B erry. «I. B r Is visiting a t th e hom e of h er sister, th e hand» of th e co m m ittee. T his tv through foreclosure o r b ankruptcy; Mrs. K Y Swift. will he annoum «1 n >xl week o v er li-'.fi'H) have lost th e ir |>roplr propertv If thia o rg an isatio n n ev er went hum e In T ren t. h ard lim e social Io be held nt lh ? only through th e leniency of creditor» ’ of buying Mr. and Mrs Loris M iller of T re n t com m unity hall F b ru ary S. Anyone The«» figures from th is source fu rth e r th an handling Its producta ; a re receiving co n g ratu latio n s on who »how» sign» of prosperity, who should mean som eth in g to th e farm front th e producer to the r< taller, II . ♦ he arriv al of a baby boy born Jan- 1» guilty of adorning th em selv es w ith ¡era of O regon It should w arn th. m would m ake term ing profitable If It nary 19 T h ' little fellow tlppcl th e Jew els or com * dressed In th e fash- th at If th *«• con d itio n s x m lin n e that n e v e r got a cent higher prtc «a for i scales 10 pounds ions of th e lim e stan d • v ry good ,h e value* will drop out of th e ir land product» th an now, but could llaaK ( Mrs. Kber Bolin h as gone to Al- ch an ce of being fined. As fo r the as it has dropped oui of the G erm an ta k e over a large part of th e mlddl j Tli<> tuning ninth’ on two trips by b any to ta k e tre a tm e n ts In s local men. th is will be one tl m » when It m ark. profile, (arm ing would he profitable. pnrt busing "rt’tu rn " liiHtead of "one­ sanitarium . will pay them not to »have, an d ' to Tha day has gone bv fo r m aking way'* ticket». I h approxim ately the R etail prices ar«< high 'nough now M iss H attie Brown h as been assist- w ear ov eralls and co llarless sh irts, money In farm in g by buying a place rout o f o n o p o iiiu l t r i p ticket. to w arrant prosperous a g ric u ltu ra l' leg in th e hom e of T. E lla u rig a n th H ard tim e re fre sh m e n ts swell as of land and selling It at a profit The Conditions T he trouble Is the pro­ last week. Mrs. lla u rig a n has been b ran s, e tc , will be served. T he ad- buyer today u ses cold figures and 3 Trips for the Pries of 2 d ucer do a n o r get the profit* be- 1 confined to h e r h-M fo r sev eral weeks- m ission will be one apple, th e cheap- (hard estim ates. Can he m ake six or tw een he and th • consum er. An arm y J le r d augh ltr. Mr». H ad srath . of N orth e s t thing on the m arket at present, In ndillllou to Having you money, seven per cent In terest on the prlci of m iddle In tercu ts lire off the added , B»nd cam e to n u rse h e r and w as tak- ' ------------------------------ the train can be depended upon to 'a s k 'd fo r th e te rm ? If he cannot costs ti tw een th e farm and the hom e i cn ill w ith quincy. W ednesday of CAMAS SAALE furnish you with --------- ----------- -------------- la s t week Mr. H aurigan was sudden lv tak -n with an a ttack o t la grippe, j 01.1 acq u ain tam a of l est »r Thorn- Safe and Comfortable All a re re p o r te d ' som ew hat b e tte r 'to n . who whs a resid en t of th is vicln- now. ¡tty for sev eral years, will be so rry to ‘ service. Irrespective of rain, snow, T he upp er grades of th e P leasan t learu of his very serious illness. H e : Ice and other unfavorable w eather H ill public school w ere close«! T hura- h as been 111 fo r o v er a m onth and Is k conditions. d ay and Friday of la s t » sk due to now in a critical condition at a hos- Is the science that is restoring health to thousands th e I'inos» cf th e teach er. T E Hauri- f.ra l .n T '.ig cn •. ac- rilin g to latest Rids the Train who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsilitis, nervousness, gan. ¡reports. T he children of Floyd I.ord. G eorge I Mrs. W alter H ager w as a visito r sleeplessness, headaches, enlargeed prostrate glands, high l.oc»I Agent will gladly give you any In­ L ord and John P alm er of E n te r p r is e !S atu rd ay of Mrs. J M Shilton. The form ation vnu Su»y wish regarding fare* blood pressure etc., by scinetlfleally co-ordinating the prin­ a re having th ? m easles. la tte r is slowly Im proving a fte r h er and trai), «eh«-dille« John F ain ter of E n terp rise, who was recent Illness. ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results W J. B u tler retu rn ed S atu rd ay from q u ite badly h u rt last week when he are Safe, Sane and Sure. JO H N M, SCO TT fell w hile building s’alrs into t h ' P ortland w here hu had been in th e A»»i Pa»« «tiger T raffic M anager c e lla r of th e I F. C ircle home. Is in t e r e s t of his son's health, DR. GEO. A. SIMON ab le to be about again i R. H N ewhall re tu rn e d to his hom e P O R TLAN D . OKHOON Examination Free Over Ludford'* T he teac h ers of th e T ren t school in fre sw o tl S atu rd ay * ft? r visiting Phone 3S5-J 916 Willamette Street a re m aking p r?p aratio n s fo r a b a sk e t ^MTeral ja y s with Mr. and Mr«. C. E. social to be held In th e n e a r future. W illiam s and fam ily on his n u ich EUGENE. OREGON Mis» Alta ManfiinF. te a c h e r *t here C oast Fork, atten d ed th e T each er s Ml»* w M artha and E lira Downs ar- In a titn te In Springft?ld S atu rd ay 'rived M onday from S u th erlin w here Owing to th e lllnes« of th e teach- th ey bave Btt?n d in g high school, er. Mrs. C. X W infrey, th e low er T h ey flntih ,h ls sem esfr* » work g r a d 's of th Pleasan" Hill public a{ home along w ith o th e r tint! « school had no school th e fdre p art ra \ v , j te r H ag er spent Monday of th e week. ‘visltlu g w ith Mrs. Ja m e s R ichardson W oodman hall wn« p a rk ’ d to th» Miss Ros? R uegger retu rn ed Mon- doors when on S atu rd ay night, J a n - '(j aji. frotn C ottage G rove w h ere sh e n a ry 24- Magical M uikev and his ran hJQ been v|-slrin«r th e la st few weeks able a ss ista n t gave an ent rtin m «nt Mr an»en asked by th e au d l'-w e and )n m any cases Fell from Pole— Bill Darling, em ­ displaced such cleverness that It was ev ienthe had h» u fnllv prom oted by ploye of th e M ountain S la te s Pow er s e m e of th e rM lden’s of Pl ease nt rnm pany. while clim bing a telep h o n e pole Monday, fell and bruised th e H ill. J. Sorenson 1» ru ttin g wood on the right side of his ch st. ra n ch of E B T l">»r. T he fa in rs of th e upper W il­ H ad Ton*ll« Out— M rs C harles la m ette valley d is tric t a re Irpklng H avse of D exter was in Springfield forw a-d to the firs’ of F eb ru ary when | F riday and had h r to n sils rem oved. It hoped 'h e t -leohone lines will be connected once m or? with cen tral. HE DEMAND FOR MODERN NECESSITIES, progressively supplied, T he firs' high school d bate will be C ard of T h an k s W s w ish to th an k o u r m any re la ­ held Friday night. T h e girls from provides steady employment for the permanent properties of Moun­ C ottage Grove will d eb at? ag ain st th e tiv es and frien d s fo r th e ir k indness tain States Power Company 365 days in the year. 1 P le a sa n t Hill girie and for th e m any floral offerings In C ounty School S u p erin ten d en t E. J. o ur h o u r of g reat sorrow and loss M oore visited schools at Pl a san t Hill i of o u r d e a r wife and m other. TH E VOLUME OF USEFUL SERVICE and the number of people an^ la st week R A. McLAGAN industries served increase steadily. New plants, extensions, additions and T h« T ren t local of F arm ers V nlon W C. McLAGAN W L. McLAGAN m e t a t T re n t W ednesday ev ining. improvements must be constructed each year to keep pace with commun­ MRS EVA MINK Ja n u a ry 23. W. L. W heeler presiding. ity growth. MRS. R I'B Y BEDFORD C E. Jordan reported th a t t h - t-s tin g Form the Habit Round Trip Tickets CHIROPRACTIC 1 40,000 STEADY CUSTOMERS ARE BACK OF THIS INVESTMENT T TH E BUSINESS DOES NOT FLUCTUATE. It is solid and dependable, FOR SERVICE CALL F. J. Grimes Plumbing Co. Residence Phone 113-W and therefore, makes possible an investment of great strength and stabil­ ity. OUR 7r; GOLD NOTES have become a favorite form of investment among our Customers. A large construction program for 1924 provides new opportunity for investment that pays a good return with safety. The investment may be made by Cash Purchase or on the Monthly Pay­ ment Plan. | (X | LET US SEND OUR ATTRACTIVE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET SHOW­ ING THE PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY. Walrus Brand Raincoats, Pants and Leggings. States Power Company Fish Brand Slicker Clothes EUGENE, OREGON Hall’s Cash Store "YOU SHOULD BE AN INyESTOR" A . "t . I. • ♦ « « 4» «îtarsuL I