TltVRBhAY. JANUARY. 24. 1524- T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Personals TO W N A N D V IC IN IT Y »• | --------- A Las* county agricultural aud In Colonel M »rcer and B n Keeney, ,,ustrtal conference under the mis in - , Hom«__Mrs R R Gilm ore, Visited Broths«— Mr, R M Baker county assessor. were In Springfield I t,|r(,a o, tho Grenon Agricultural col I . " , “ « ." « * u « . . . .. « - » t - yealerday. I*g* has been called for Kugenv F b- day visiting It r F M Roth .. ruarv 13. 14 and 15. Committees for suffering front Influe«». I’hettaplac* of Mount \ Ver Homer Phettaplace er bav„ b..,.„ appointed ,. n u ..i. Sick «< M o w *— M r». F ra n k Gonion non selling some ............. ........ arranmmi-Bla >n was in tn town Tt.esdav Ttte are making arrangements H»r* fo r T re a tm e n t— J lw . »«« <. >t he(. hom<. w hh ,nrt»m m atory Dairy Fall Crock »»» in Rprtngft.-ld Monda. , rhwn|a|W m 8h„ wa, laken . lck Fri- hoga front hta ranch for medical treatment. day evening III at HoW»— Mrs Burtts is »I * On Inspection Trip—G H. Campbell, her home on Mill street suffering route agent for the American railway express, was In Springfield Monday from rh 'umatisnt. checking up on th » books In thy 8outh Went «o Cottage Grove— Frank An ern Pacific depot. demon ot the Anderson Manufactur Dislocated A rm -F rem on t Torbet imt company went to Cotta»* Grove dislocate,! his 1'ft elbow Tu sdav today on business. night at the high school. The dlsloca Home tor Week End—John Tomseth. tl> Grove; V M Rulter. Junctlec Clly. Farm Crops •» F»Mland. was In Ralph latini, chairman, Rout t No Springfield on business matters Frt day-. .. Creswell; C. 8. Calai. Motor Route George Perkins made a round trip Rügen»; Joseph Glmpl. Route No -------- „ Sunday . — visit v._ Salem to his wife 3 Kus,,n o. M j i.afke. Junction City; who H HI there In the hospital. Ira Gray. Route No 3, Springfield j j ohn Abbot was a Springfield bust Livestock Cal M Young, chairman. Motor low. . W . eek-End . . . . . . . Th..r»tnn__ Spent at Thurston— ° >ss visitor Saturday. Route U. Kugen«; E. A. McCormack Left for Home— Miss Eileen Killeen . jgls» Thelma Hastings spent the Rouf« No. 1. Eugene; W. W Hawley. Patients at Hospital left for her home in Portland Saturday j week end at Thurston visiting her Lorane; Leat r Millican. W altsrvllle; after spending two weeks at th-> P ,te . &Unt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Virgil Moon waa admitted to th • W J Butler. Creswell Hastings. Springfield hospital Tueaday for a Tom seth home. Horticulture H om . from H o .p ita l-M r . Nlchot ' « » » r o P * « tlo » . He I. recovering G eorg, A. Dorris. chairman. Spring Baby Recovering—The baby of field; C K Stewart. Cottage Grove; Mr and MPs Walter Laxton. who as Mier of up the M c K e m t w a s nicely. brought home from the Mercy h o. > J u * ’nte Robinson of Sant» Ctara Sam O Thompson. Croswell; Claud has been III vrlth pmumonia. is rap pltal on Tuesday and is now staying underwent a ma>ir operati,-, , ra ter , Fvhrack. Ix ira n s ; F L. Bissell. Motor idly recovering. with her daughter. Mr. A C Petti- / ' • ' » ’ »prtngfle.d hospital Part Rout« A. Eugene. cord, here In Springfield. Iof mb was rMn0V*d 8° n” ‘ “ m* of » a " limb Industrial Returned from Portland— Mr. and ago he accidently shot him self, and C. D. Rorer. chairman. Kugene Mrs. J. E. Stewart returned Sunday Went to Wangling— Herbert Cox of now this further operation was nec s- from Portland w> antj y p , Charles Colcord. here form Noti. stopping with M Mrs. B rt Doane. She came Monday and Visited from Cottage Grove—Miss w ill spend about a month in Spring- U -id. W hile here she is taking med­ Gladys Oaks, a former Springfield It’s Cheaper to Eat at Our Restaurant Than at resident, visited Saturday and Sundav . ical treatment. Home with Mrs F. E. 'Lenhart. Mias Oaks Spent W o-kEnd Here — George is now making her home at Bamlon. j Catching spent thy week end here in although she is teaching at C ottage. S U N D A Y D IN N E R M E N U Springfield with hia wife, coming Grove this wint-r. down from Westfir where he Is fore­ man for th Western Lumber com­ IT PAYS TO C O N TIN U E ____ Soup pany An audience of over 400 hear,I 'be Went Io Portland— Henry Tuinseth dramatic performance of Kmma Dee went io Purl land Fnturday for a few Randle, entertainer from the Wilson days' visit at the K ille n horn. White lye mm bureau, which was .(aged Tuesday night at * >3 1« ’*,» high school auditorium under th» auspice, of the 4 L's A number of Springfield's representative men w >re the object of some pleasantries which furnished entertainment for II, • rest of th» audience The next lyeeum number will I»' a lecture by Dr Mattison Wilbur Chase on “N Mghhor Study' a« »«> aid to s If upmlorslanillng Dr Cbaae'. theory le b o * d nF ibe wortl» »f S\,crafe.. '' Know thyself." and on th , line from, Alexander Pope. "The prop er Study of mankind 1» man '' Dr Chase's 1« lure» are sai l to be abounding In human Inlerwt. with good old fashioned logic ami "horse sense." rather than th mods u Isms." He Is know for his humor, and his syuvpath 'tie viewpoint of hu Mity Nice Bread inan ity Underwent Operation—Clark M»r ton of Bug**,« waa In Springfield Tw.wday where he underw ,«l a min or operation Sunday Chicken Dinner 4 0 c I You'll look nice docked out In one 400 --------- HEAR LAST LYCEUM ’ of the Mode's snappy nsw spring data. FARMERS CONFERENCE DRAMATIC ENTERTAINER jM CALLED FOR FEB. 13-14-15 Long D is t­ ance Drug Customers Almost without effort our trade continues to extend beyond the boundaries of our own locality This Is due to the fs , I that our st of the country, the United State» D e -1 partment of Agriculture has shown that in w- ll managed associations j there is a gain In the average yearly i production of cows from year to y w r In other words, even though the poor cow s are culled out at first It pays t? keep ,-veriastlngly at It as there is always an opportunity for profitable im provem ent To Illustrât , this, figures of butter- fat production for three associations, one each )n Michigan. Ohio, and Penn- gyivania, show that for the first year ' aT. rage per cow was 237 pounds, for tf,e second year It was 255 pounds. for t}le third year 278. for t b , fourth j 2»2. and for theflfth year 305 pounds, -p^e last year In the series showed an averag - production of 88 more pounds of fat than the first year At 40 cenfa # th|g amountR , 27 20 a h anrt f()r a hPr„ of 20 ,-ows the Increased a ypRr produrt)on rerorrt„ 17405 pnre cowr , h