T lt l’HSDAY. JANUARY. 2«. 102-t. PAGE FIVB THE SPRINOPIELO NEWS NOTICE O f FINAL SETTLEr.tEhiT (Continued from Face 1.) iturna from the tourist business will hare outstripped the return» from NO TIC E IB H E R E B Y O IVB N . That 3 Hates- In sunny Hpaln with PH- our other lin to r’a n t Industries, ex­ the und' rslgned, administrator of the estate of Fannie E Johnson, deceas- 'erica and Itafeal. Button cept our major Industries of lumb-r, • •II what you want to M il, buy what you want to buy through those wl. has rendered and filed In the Coun- 4 H eneon-A long the road Put field agriculture and transportation. column». W rit» or phono TW O ly < ourt of the Btate of Or-gon for | | “My conviction la that the money the Covjity of lain * his final account nam 5 Blaladall—Tw ilight town Little, spent by the tourist Is dlstrtbut d end that by an order of aaid court F o il MALE W hile Hi enintereil W II|L G IV E a good home Io middle Saturday thn 33rd day or Februaiy. <1 Hower I-onesome land Burt more generally and more evenly erel Price $500 Phono 38 J17-26 31 ng d woman In return for kitchen through the channels of trade than work Four In the family No hired Ml the hour of ten o'clock In the foi • HliLDhltlNG O F ALL K IN D * On nl 7. Bradley -The »lory of the pony the return» from any of our other help Permanent poeliion for right noon of »aid day ha* been Hied an»» '»xpren» McClurg. bank- IndUMtrle».” ley b-twee (he Loop unit Binned 1 ;person. Mre E II Tinker. Crrewell, apputt>ted a . the 4ay. tlino »«><1 P>*™ | g H ra d y -T b e ring and the man W. M llunjuln J17 ' Oregon. It I. *4 tulle south Pleas­ for the hear'yig of objections to said NOTICE OF FIN A L HEA R IN G final account and th- aettlem -nt there Moffat, ant H ill cemetery. L O T for »ale on very easy letms. Can of All objections must be In writing | ». Hrochner— Danla.n Ilf * In town Notice Is hereby glv. n that C. D. • pay for It in work. Bet E. H and filed with the Clerk of said (o u rt and rountry (Our European neigh Rorer, the administrator of the estate I W HEN IN aiJMENE on or before said day anil time. of <• w Barger, deceased, has filed! Kepner. if (feted this 23rd day of January 19.4, «, « rv. u . u final account therein, and Cast FOR T H E OAT OR W EEK W F W A L K E R . A d m ln litra to rl 10 Brown— I n< le Davids boys gaturday, the 23rd day of F bruary.l ■TO P A T T H E NOTICE OF FIN A L S E T TL E M E N T of the estate of Fannie E John- Lathrop. 1924 at ten, o'clock In the forenoon i M a t l o c k h o t e l * son. d-ceased n Buchan—Sir W alter Raleigh nt said day, and the County Court NOTICE IK IIEItEIIV HIVES' that PORKER MTII A W IL L A M E T T E Frank A D- I ue, Room. In the Court House at Eugene.; A <’ Clerk. Die adiulnlslratur of the Attorney for the ***••*■ , . . . . ~ , Oregon, in said city, have been fixed «-stale of Alfred Htarks. de<-a«-d J 24. 31. F 7. 14. 21 J 12. ( able— John March. Pouthe-n „ th„ t(me and for hear)ng an , | line rendered and Sled with the Cl rk F o il K E N T —Clean modern furnished " ' Orowaet (Scribner). settling said final account All per j of llin County Court of the Hint t of aparuiicnrtie 3 bio-ka (from Main Dr S Ralph Dlppel. Dentist, V itu s . 13 CanOe-ltl — Kidnapped camp -rs »on* having objections to said final I Oregon for the County of L in e, hie el reel, block from street car. , ... . „ u ....... account are notified to file th? same.! nnal account end that by nrd- r of Harper. building. Springfield. Oregon. )n wrU,ng w,th C(mn, y be , it 413 8 3nd at »«Id Court Saturday the Ittth day of •----------------- J 14. Clemens (Twain)-—Pudd'nhead f„re »«id datP February ' I 924 at the hour of ten FOR BALK— 8 room house In Spring- PVRETEST ASPIRIN TAB- SUM M ONS Wilson Harper. C. D. RORER, , . . . o'clock In the forenoon of »all day at field Electric light, water. Price ... THE C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E >«• Dickinson A flklnner—Children's Administrator of the -fetale ot L E T S are made from true As- the County i ourt room in the Cou I ¿ w ? ? - k .......................... - < .............................. r „ , , c a « » j * JI4DO terms, or would consider car house at Eugen Lane County, Oregon, hey been tlx d and appointed aa the as part payment Phone 1875J or day, time and place for th > henrlnx | Grethen H illy, Plaintiff. work r fltokee call at 1675 I.swretic* Eugene. of oh)e» Ilona to »»Id final account Carl Hlltv. Defendant ; 17 E a rl-C a p ta in of th ‘ school! and the seltlffmeni ‘ hereof Alt ob­ FI K M S IIE It Ap.irthicnls and rooms IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E jections to »aid final account muni T o CARL H IL T Y . th above named team Penn We recom mend PU R ETE aT for rent by day or month. Elite STA TE OF OREGON FOR L A N E he In writing and filed with Hie Clerk defendant: __ _ _ 18. Eastman— Yellow Star L ittle ASPIRIN TABLETS for the re- Hotel, ird and Main street. tf ‘ CO UN TY: of said Court on or Info e »aid day IN T H E NA M E D F T H E B TA TE Ferber-slfew« O'Hara. Grossst „ „ lief of pain, headaches, colds, and time OF OREGON: I , New arrivals In Sp< Ing Millinery at A (' Clark. Adntlnl ■' rator of the I>v:^«. D.rferX , r ¥R neuralgia pains etc. We guar- You are hereby required Io appear I Stokes I. ■elate of Allred Starks, deceased, The Mods, Springfield. J24 and answer the complaint filed against f 20 Fitzpatrick—Jock of the Bush To 8. B Deverell, the defendant antee them to give satisfaction, Frank A. Deihn- Attorney (or the you In th ■ above entitled suit, within Longmans. above named i x « Mint«* the time hereinafter set for you to do, in t h e name of t h e STATE; H andy m etal boxes for the Glllmore (Haynes)— Pho b- E- Springfield News 31 25 per year. J 17 24 11 F 7 14 »0 or the plaintiff w ill apply to the OF OREGON you are hereby requlr pocket and big economical bot- court for th» relief prayed for In said nest and Cupid. Holt, S2 O o o d .n g -P letu rcq u e New « « • of ¿00 tablets for the medi- complaint, which la In substance as follows: 'land Hougbton. entitled suit within six weeks from Cine cabinet. For a decree of the court dlsaolv 23. Greene— The right of the strong, (he date of the flr«t publication of, Ins the bond- of matrimony now -x this summons, being the service tZ 1 her . and , defendant lstlng ....... .. betw»en ....... ,, , est. Scribner this summons upon you and If you SHOE REPAIRING BURTON ARANT. PIANIST and for such other and further relief 1 Haggard— Rural Dm inark and fail to answer for want thereof the' FLANERY’S DRUG STORE as to this court may ae m Jual and (# , lx)n(!lnani, plaintiff will apply to the court for j Work Promptly and Weight and Relaxation Technle prop--.-. .. . ... .a decree dissolving the marriage con-, __ «« __ Carefully Done This snmmcns Is published In The - • llalevy A bb. onstantin. ( ro (r>r( b