T I U ’HSHAY. JANUARY, 24, PAGE FOUR N ewfort. that her father, Hr Coleman | T H U R S T O N NOTES is very poorly and 1« confined to his By Secciai bed most of the time Louise Fleming, Miss Kvalena C alvert who It a Correspondents who Is attending school at N, »port. nurse from Portland, Is visiting her has been k »pi at home of late because sisters, Mrs, Bay Baugh, and Mrs CAMAS SWALE of a sprained ankle. PLEASANT H IL L John Kdmlston. The Women's club al P leasant Hill Miss Maude Kdmlston spent see- Travis K rr arrived Friday evening Mr. ami Mrs K. B. Tlnk m t at the community hall Wednesday ,,r„ ,U v, her from Orland, California, where he has daught T Bonnie Jeanne returned last afternoon. January 1«. The following McPherson. I» Springfield Inst » . I. been working the last few months. Wednesday afternoon by auto from officers were elected: présidant. Mrs Mrs. Margaret Campbell and son. H e Is visiting with his wtf > and baby Red Bluff. California, where they had ¡A. J. Higgins; vice-president nt the home of her parent*. Mr. and gone to spend the holidays with Mr George Kelsay; s?rretary. Mrs. Jesse Prank, spent last Tuesday night at It. Mathews. Mrs. Il K Dersham. Tinker's sister. Mrs. F. Btlo«l Itoli Cgrruthers. and treasurer, Mrs. C. L ,A " Sums of Mrs. ( I A. Ms-Mahon's Mrs. J M. Butt«*, who was danger They say the road is In spl »mild con W illiams. Plans ware made Io have ouely til last week at h«r home here, wltlon from Goshen to the bonier "hard time" social at the next regu In the afternoon the deputation t »am on Mr. and Mrs Morris Brown Erl a f "w days last week and assisted dur road to the river is very precipitous from the Christian Endeavor county day evening. It being their wedding ing the illness of Mrs. Sutton. She and high in p la c e . The road from union held a rally and in the evening anniversary also Mr. Brown's birth returned home Monday. ¡^reka to Weed In in poor condition, after supper an Inspiration meeting Mr. and Mrs. E. E. W illiams and lo w i n g (Mck ivf m aintenance, but .w as held The num bers of the C. E Mr and Mrs P R F.dmiaton had Mrs. Oscar W illiams and d aughter,kere also culverts are being put In 'o f Elmira were present at the rally a birthday dinner wtth th tr son, Norma left Sunday for Dallas. They preparatory to concreting From Weed and took home with them the county John, last Friday evening, to Redding the road is In spltvndld banner. expected to return Tuesday. Mrs A, W Weaver recMved the J. G. Buoy and Oscar W illiams went condition. Mlss Effie Gibson of Eugene was a news of the death of her cousin. Mrs The Woodmen of the World here week-.«nd guest at the home of H. C Eleda Morgan, who p ass-J away st to Wendling Sunday wb?re they will mad.» arrangements wtth Mr Mulhey. Wheeler. resum e employment. the Mercy hospital In Eugene last Mrs Etta McKay Is visiting a few 'be magician who pleased the crowd Mrs. T. E. Haurtgan. who has beeg, Friday, days this week at the Sutton home and at tb® Pleasant Hill picnic last sum- quite 111. is improving Her daughter. Mrs Verna l,uth»r. Mrs Phette renew ing old acquaintances. 9 h - ar- m*f. to Kite another entertainm ent at M„ Hadsrath. of North Bend, arriv Bi„ ,e daughter Margery and u>n ; rived from Portland over a w eek ago Woodman hall Saturday. January M. lM t wwU Dale spent last w eek -n d In Portland ' Mrs 1. F Circle return s! from Port Grandma Powell, mother of Mrs. S and has been visiting with relatives Mr and Mrs Jo h n K d m lsto n and land last W ednesday where she had Ov.wholser. Is very III and has been family r |,B ed Mr and Mrs M J at p leasan t Hill. Messrs. Harry. Eugene and Fred be* n visiting her daughter. Mrs Frank taken to the Eugene hosplirl McKlln in Springfield Sunday B u t lr visited Sunday at their home Storer. Mrs. Robert Jakeway» an * son John Harry Yarnell, who has been making hep? Fred and Eugene went on to The members of the Christian En- of Wendllng. who formerly lived at h,„ honie wtlh Pe, , nrowr staying Portland Monday and Harry returned deavor society gave a party Tuesday Pleasant Hill, have b en 111 with the w„ h Mr George while Mr Georg,'»! evening tor Miss Hilda Knutson, who to h is home in Eugene Ctber visitors at the Butler hom e!'» confined to her home with an in flu. (Little Johnnie Is suffering wtth family are In Pendleton visiting a sw elling behind the ear Mrs PhetteplaJ - lias revolved a Sunday were Messrs. Guy Griswold ¡tested knei. The young folks who Allan Wheeler, who is attending | q i er stating her daught r. Miss Eva. and Leonard Ferguson of Cresw- -11 and gathered at the Knutson horn- were E. B. I . this year, spent the w ek end „ h o Is attending normal at, Mon­ the M isses Leta. Gladys and Haxel Mr. Arthur Owens. t i boms. mouth, has the measles. Mrs Robert Huffman was here last ■Wheeler of Trent. The Baby's nam e is The membrtrs of the Clovferdade Th„ Thllr, lon hlr will be lltnl, B burnP(t losin g everything n A. Leidtke and daughter Lena were day. served ¡few w eek. ago was ______ few weeks lurgely '......... attended . » Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kimball of Monday visitors of Mr and Mrs. i Mr Jackson's health I« poorty. Dexter are rrjolclng over the arrival G eorge Rickrts east of Cr, swell. Sunn Leaves 130.000 Estate ------------------------------------------ T — W J. Butler went to Portland on of a son last week. Mrs Kimball was The estate of Frank Dunn, pioneer before her marriage Miss B e s s i- b u sin ess Tuesday. W heeler of T rm t. The bayy's name is ¡Lane county merchant, who died re- cestly . Is valued at 130,000. according Card of T hanks Kenneth Vernon W hil- building a stairway into the ¡to the petition filed in probate court W e wish to express our apprreia- cellar of the home of I. F. Circle. John Mrs. Lenii» E. Dunn has been ap­ ticn to our many friends for their Palmer fell and was quit* badly in- point “d administratrix^ sym pathy in the illness and death jjured. Besides cutting a large gash o f our sister and au n t M Ivina Syl­ in the scalp It is feared he broke Fell off Flume— Walter Scott of the 1 vester. Also for the b autlful floral several ribs and fractured hls collar F ish-r Lumber company of Marcóla offerings. fell off a flume Injuring hls thigh Jan ' bone PHILLIP SYLVESTER Word has been received from Mrs. ¡uary 16. He Is getting along quite I B. F SYLVESTER Myrtle F ilm ing, who now lives at well. AND FAMUES Community News < Ju d g m en t Secured Couple Wsd A marriage license ha» b e e n Is sued by the county clerk to Orlo K llaywoyd. 81, 'IMtooah. und Estolla Woodard. IS. of Florence. Dr S Ralph nipple, Demist. Vitti» Building. Springfield, Oregon A lu.lgui -nt of »H'»0 «•" » pnmile sory» Jiole ami foreiloaure on • 84 acres of land la allowed by the ,-lr- eull court In tha suit of III» hard L. H ly tt agalnal Th-m as Molelm. W F Cline and »»theta. The money la alleged to III th»» unpaid h a la n o 00 a note, Sanitary Meat Market Th« best meat at a pric« that will bring you bach and make you a regular customer. FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY Hoi verson Bros, Props. W U W ÎW W w Form the Habit of buying Round Trip Tickets N o w 't th« tim« to vi »it The saving uuule on I wo frlpa by purchasing " r e tu ru " Instead o f "one­ w ay" tickets, 1» approxim ately the cost o f one round trip ticket. 3 Trip« for the Price of 2 C alifornia In addition to Having you tnonay. the tra in can be depend«! upon to fu m la h you w ith Low Safe and Comfortable Winter service, Irrespective o f rain snow, Ice and other unfavorable weather conditions. Excur»ion» D aily Ride the Train Local Agent will gladly glv» y«»u any In­ formation you 4nsy wish regarding fares and trat,, schcduln, Asst JOHN M. SCOTT I‘itsa »nger Tiaffl- Manager PORTLAND. ORBQON HEY KIDS Look at These Prices on School Supplies FOB. DETROIT r>, X i .. ' 5c Note Books .......................................................... 3 for 5c Composition Books 3 for j 0<; JQ q 5c Pencil Pads 5c Spelling Pads 3 fo r1 0 c 3 for J Q C 10c Pencil Pads 10c Ink Pads 10c W riting Fluid S t a r t e r a n d D e m o u n ta b le R ln u 9 8 5 .0 0 E x tr a W h y Y ou S h ou ld O rder Y our Ford Car N o w 123,607 A c tu a l r e ta il d e liv e r le t in D ecem b er, e tto b lith - Intf a nero high r e c o r d f o r u in ter buying Considering that, as spring ap­ proaches, retail buying will become more active, there will be a greater demand ior Ford Cars this spring than ever before. Therefore, the only way you can be sure of obtaining delivery this coming spring or sum m er is to place your order immediately. 15c Fountain Ink 5c Pen Holders 2 for 2 for15c 2 1 5 c 15c fo rJ Q ^ 3 fo r l()c 60c Eversharp Pencils 45c 15c e Crayolas .......... 1O C a 5c Erasers « ~ 3 for 1 Q c 10c Ruler _ 5c If you d o n o t w i t h t o p a y r a t h f o r y o u r c a r y o u c a n a r r a n g e f o r a tm a ll p a y m e n t d o tc n a n d e a t y t e r m t o n th e b a la n c e . O r you t an buy on th e K u r d W e e k ly P u r e h a t " P la n . See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer '4 ^ ) HALL’S CASH STORE Sacrifice Sale Still Contin ues Detroit, Michigan '"'■g uX2Ea4|H ■