THURSDAY, JANUARY, 24, OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST r ( I Seventeen hundred end twenty •«van »ingoing veaaela intrrad t»e Columbia river during the 1113 aae »on or navigation, according to a re port leaned at the office of the deputy collector of cuetam» at Aatorla Thia Initneaee fleet rapraaaoted a net rag latered taaoaga at 4,»88.680. IN C O M E TAX IN NUTSHELL | EDITOR OF CRASS WHO7 Mingle peruana who had VALLEY JOURNAL PASSES net Income of »1,000 or more or William I W’eatTfleld. editor of the groan Income of »6 000 or more, -»— r ~ and married couple» who had I Grass Valley Journal for the pant 2« Brief Resume ef Happenings ef net Income of 82.000 or more years, died «udd' nly at hla home of heart failure, at 7 o'clock Sunday or groan Incom » o i »5,000 or the Week Collected'for evening. January 13. 1124. at the age morn )mu«t die return» Tha laat of the 1883 wool d ip of WHEN? The niltig period 1« from of 60 year« and ana month Our Readers. loth« cauaty waa sold a law days ago The funeral earvlces were held In January 1 to March 15, 1124. to Elseman NreUlnrs at 114» ca sts a WHERE? Collector of Internal (he Grans Valley Auditorium Friday Medford'» dr« damage during tha psund Thera were lie, too pounds af revenue for the district In which morning at 10 o'clock, the Rev. E. b. laal alas moalha waa only »40.396 7». wool In the 1st. which Included clip» the person lives or haa hla Jidinson. of the llapUnt church, con I ha general Indabtedn««» of (ha city belonging to O'Keefe brothers, J. D. ducted the services, after which the principal place of bualneea of Pmdlaton waa reduced by »24.000 Kelleher. J. H. Owen, O'Connor I HOW 7 body waa taken to Portland and laid Instruction on Fo-m brothers and J. L. Lyon durln« 111», 1040A end Form 1040; also th-« to ItM Anal rest by the «14, of his Indication» of an early spring are i taw and reguatlona. daughter In Riverview cemetery. No automoblla nh«w will ba held William I Wenterfleld was born at la Kuaaaa thia winter or spring, ac­ seen In many parts of Rugane. Vari­ WHAT Four per cent normal L qfayetti, Yamhll, county, OAngon, cordio« to a derlalou of dealira of tha ous bulb plants such aa hyaclnihs, tag on (he flrat »4.000 of net In­ daffodils aad erstuaee are shooting December 13. 1803. He came to Gras» city. come ln ercena of the personal up through the ground, wild flower- Valley In the fall of 1818 and took A total of 417 accldenta In Oregon exemption aaid credits for de­ charge of the Grass Valley Journal Industries wars reported to th» «tata lug currant vines are beginning to pendents. Eight per cent nor- show their plak blossom» and lilac _ , . _ . , _ . . [»nd ha« been actively engaged In Its laduatrial accident commission dur- mat tax on balanc of oet Income. I . . . bushes are budding aad showing , ___ __ ________ publication up to th e time of hit Io« the week ending January 17. Surtax from 1 per cent to 60 green, . aflgHcdi rTft. death par cent on net Incomes over Ona hundred aad twenty-flva man Mr We»t-*rf)eld waa an active work­ The contravaray over lacrosse In »8.000 for the year 1123. ara aow »agaged la clearing the right er for all business and social activ­ of » a y far the gorarameat »action of grailag («as la national forests Is ities that were of benefit to the com­ TIPS FOR TAXPAYERS temporarily aattlad with a ruling by tha Koe»burg-R»adsport_ highway. _ munity In which he lived and the tha aerretary of agriculture agalnat No. 4 * tekaa by 18 high school any change, according to Oaorge II. In making out hla Income tax re- county at large. bay» under the direction of automo- He was a member of Odd F d low s Cecil, district forester at Portland, j turn for tha year 1123 the business Mla d ealy« avowed that »84 of 171» The continued depression of the live- man professional man. and farmer a°d Encampment lodge« of Grass famine« Ir Attoria own automobile». stock Industry la given as reason for will be required to use Form 1040, Valley. The January campaign agalnat ae th» action Resides his wife he leaves a son, » m m regardleaa of whether hla nM Income cldaala carried an by the employe» The Oregon public earvlca commie- wa" or Bot *n «xcaaa of »5.000 Floyd C. of flpringfleld, Oregon, two "4 the t'rown-Wltlametta paper mill» »Ion ha» coat urred wltk the Idaho pub- The sm aller form. 1040A. la used for daughters. Mrs A lvina Phodall and at Oregon City haa proved a big auc- lie service commission In filin g the reporting net Income of »5.000 or lens Miss Vtda of Los Angeles. California, caha. valuations af tha Idaho Power com d'rtved chiefly from salary or wagm two brothers. George of Portland and Protest haa bean made by W il­ paay for rate maktag purpose« It waa A*l Itetea of gross Income must be Alexander of McMinnville. Oregon, lam ette valley farmer« over the new necessary far the two commlaslooa reported In the case of a «torekeep- and a host i f friends throughout rail rat«» on hay from «astira tira­ ta ranalder the valuation« jointly In w cro«s income usually consists of Sherman county who mourn hla loss. gas ta W illamette valley and Coo» bay that the company operates extensive­ the groan profltn on sal m. together —Grass Valley Journal. potata. with Income from other sources The ly In both Oregon and Idaho The prohibition force for Jackson Repeal of (he law making It possible return inuxt «how the gross sales, county, whoae »«pen»«» have been FARM REMINDERS for (be governor to send special lurch»»««. and coat of goods sold. running from »»»(> to »1800 a month, The professional man. lawyer, doc­ prosecutors Into aountlea of the slate ha» been reduced by the county court to supplant district attorneys, or tor. dentist, must Include all fees (F ro m 0 . A. C. E x p e rim e n t S ta tio n ) to three men. amendment to the present law auth- and oth ir compensation for profes­ The 1924 spray program which is (tame movement In hop« I» again la orlslng an appropriation with which sional services Th« farmer must re evidence In (he W illamette valley, but. I , 0 permanently a man for thia por* a" Income the proceeds of off th epress may be obtained by writ­ accord isi to dealers. It Is la the tia w«rk will be submitted to the ligia "al* or •,*chan«n of products raised ing to the Oregon Agricultural college ture of a flurry and promises no por- (sture at Its next aeealon by 1. H. Van on th“ ,arni ane male bird frequently to see Sam A Koaer, since May 23. 1920, Juat when Oregon m o lo r l.l. will b . Mr()gg ,n(.(ime from g(>urTeg that he is in good flesh. A tomato secretary of state, has announrad that held subject to arrest for not equip­ Taxpayers, In order to take full can wired to tb> side of the pens he will be a candidate tor reeloctlun ping their cara with 1924 license advantage of the deductions to which Just out of reach of the hens makes at the republican primary contest to plates has not baan determined by the , they are entitled, arv advised to study a good place to feed the male and be hnld May 18 J secretary of etate. accord a , «0 an- car , he lB(,tn|(.ltong on lhe form, Insures him getting his necessary Crows are being assembled at Dee, noun cement Approximately 3000 ap- feed. where work will be etarted soon on plications for Ureases are being re­ nos» or profession ' construction of a new concrete dam calved dally, aad It la because of thia -■ - - j Growers that have pe-chea suscep- across Hood River by tbe Oregon fart that the secretary of state has Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, DentlaL Vitus tlble to leaf curl are urged to »pray Lumber company been lenient with car owners. building. Springfield, Oregon. W o re the end of thia month. Chances lll'ls for the Improvement of approx­ A ir w kind of pocket gopher ta ------------------------------ of failure Increase rapidly after the im ately 94 miles of road will be opes making Its appearance In th« W il­ O M flpague. Mutual Life Insur- fore part of February because the od at a meeting of tbe state highway lam ette valley and threatena to be­ •n ee Co., Eugene. Ore. Phone 877 tf'tlp a of the bud» come out then and commission to be bold In Portland come a aerleus pest unless It la check­ February 4 and 8. ed immediately, according to Ira N. A favorable report has bean mads Gabrielsun. rodent Inspector of the by the eenatn commerce committee on United States blelnglcal survey. The the bill giving the consent of congVasa dlatrlct south of Oregon City haa been to the construction of a bridge acroea vlalted by tbe rodents. The gophers are shout (he atie of a mole and are the Columbia at Cascades North Powder's financial standing more destructive than the common seem s to be good. The treasurer and variety of pocket gopher. recorder report that the city will bo Ralph R Lewis, poult ryman of out of debt In a year with the ex ­ Odell in Hood River county, received ception of the bonded Indebtedness. word from the officials of the Puyal­ II. C. Topping, sheriff of Jefferson lup. Wash., laying contest that hla county, ntisalng for aeviral weeks fol I entry of five Mingle Cotnb Rhodn la- lowlng the discovery of a 32000 sh ort-, land Red birds stood second among age In hla accounts, has sent his all entries and first among all heavy badge and keys to the county »eat at breeds for the month of December The pen laid 133 eggs or about 86 Madras. Stenographers nt Salem are address­ per cent. Thl» Is declared to estate ; ing more than 70.000 envelopes In llsh a world's record for the breed ' for one month's laying at a public ; which will be enclosed Income tax contest ■ return blanks under the state law The public aervlce commission ha» enacted at the laat session of the leg­ islature and approved by the voters. announced the establishm ent of Joint through rates, affective February 19. Freight and passenger traffic was suspended on the Southern Pacific between Gypsum, naatern Oregon, on line between Eugene and Coos Ray tbe Oregoo Short Line, and points on when logs rolling from a train In tun­ the lines of tha Southern Pacific south of Portland on carload shipm ents of nel fifteen, at Canary. Jammed tbe wall plaster, land plaster and gypsum tunnel and brought down some of the rock. The new carload rate on a SO, walls 000-pound car of land plaster to Eu­ Application tor authority to con­ gene Is 3*44 cents for 100 pounds, a struct a three-mile branch line In reduction of 744 cents (or 100 pounds, Umatilla county, extending from Its or »46 per car. main line to Umapine, waa filed with Reductions In automobile Insuraace the Interstate commerce commission rates which anay result In a saving of by the Oregon Washington Railroad as high as »100,000 In premiums to A Navigation company. the motorists of Oregon In a year According to the official report Is were made public when aew Insurance sued by Dr. J. F. Rankin, dairy berd manuals were received In Portland and meat Inspector. Clatsop county ia Tbe reduction In vat van about 90 par practically free of bovine tuberculosis. cant of the laaurance companies do­ Of the 8818 head of cattle tasted by ing automobile coverage In Oregon. him during 1923, only 1 83 per cent According ta the new manual. (Ire aad ■reacted to the tuberculoslR test. theft lasuranee has been reduced an Acquisition of between 800,000.006 average of 18 per cant. Liability In and 1.000,000.000 fent of timber In the auranen rates. It Is estimated, have eastern part of Tillamook county by boon cut 20 per cant on tha average, the Hhanghat Bulldlag company, fed while colllaloa Insurance haa bean cot «rally Incorporated, with headquartnra 50 per cent 00 th e average. at Shanghai. China, wns announced In Farrolaslaa to build 32 mllas of rail Portland Nearly »4,000,000 Is Involv­ road from Crane to Rums In tbe Ore­ ed. gon timber section waa granted the Parents of children under eighteen Oregon Washington Railroad & Navi­ who are nllowod to roam the streets gation company by the Interstate com after 9 o'olock at night «re to bo ar­ merce romosLston The new road al­ rested and proancutod uudcr charges ready under consttuctlon, Is being of contributing to tbe delinquency of built to bring out the timber In the minors. It waa decided at a coaforence Malheur national forest In northern of all Juvenile law enforcement of Malheur county purchased by Fred fleers la Portlrmd. Herrick. Mr Hcrrfrk has been coil The total bonded Indebtedness of ducting gradl«« operations and the the »fate of Oregon on December 31. work will be carried to completion by ( 1923, was »60,246,830, according'to tlie the Oregon W ashington Hal I road & annual report of O. P. Hoff, state Navigation company. The read from treasurer. H.ghway bond» up the Bit Crane to Rurns will connect with a with obligations asgri gating »38.395,- logging roml of 80 miles from Burns 260. World war veternna state aid north to iteneca in tlm heart of the herds total 720,000.0 >0, district In timber to be milled. The 80-uille link tareat l> >mlit »1,101.390. und rural In io be tt common carrier,-and it t.lso )« under yon-tructioti liy Mr. Herrick «.lcilll l> utlfl. HDJ.iPI. the infection Is likely Bordeaux mix place for the birds, ture In the proportion of 6-6-50 la tha spray used. Considerable alfalfa will probably be plant jd on the river bottom and One rooster to 18 to 20 hens with other warm, well-dralned »oils of tha lighter breeds, and 10 to 15 birds western Oregon next April and May. of the heavier bre>18 Willamette Street Examination Free Phone 355-J EUGENE, OREGON We Can’t Be Beaten For Quality and Price in GROCERIES— No matter where you trade Community Cash Store W. M. Green, Prop. Just two things havemgda it possible for ud to givo t you this 20% reduction on Tuxedo: 1. A reduction in the cost of Kentucky Burley tobacco and in package materials, as «veil. 2. The consolidation of three of our big plants • into one. (M r. Ford may not be in the tobacco business but he is right about consolidation.) Y ou know that it is the desire and policy of The American Tobacco Co. to extend to its customers the maximum of service. Reducing the price of a great favorite like Tuxedo is our idea of delivering this service. Tuxedo is always F R E S H . Every package is— G u a r a n te e d U y Mus Jr K R E f? ' ÍC T I O N