I I O BVO TB O T O IN-TBRBB T OR B R R IN O F IB L O A N O T H I F A R M E R * OR T H E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEn S P R IN G F IE L D , L A N E C O U N T Y TWRNTY-P1KHT YEAR ne People’s Paperi* Ultra, » L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 2 O R E G O N ,T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y . 24, 1924. HIGH SCHOOL M S SEMESTER EXAMS F IF T Y N E W B O O K S S E N T G R IM E S B U Y S M A R L A T T LOCAL BOWLERS BEAT BENEFIT ROR PLAVBHED* T O S P R IN G F IE L D L IB R A R Y P L U M B IN G S H O P IN C IT Y WENDLING IN TWO GAMES AT PAUL ORATTAIN HOME The Hprtngfleld bowling team For the benefit of the new Section of State Traveling Library Manager of B u tin e» » Hare Since L»»t defeated the Wendling team play »lied» at the Lincoln »chiari A u g u st; W ilt C o n d u ct Arrivée In City; For Use here last night by a score of ih.» Hprtngfleld Civic club will E s ta b lis h m e n t nearly 500 pins. The game was of Everyone give a social at the home of played In a series of three • ! • Mrs. Paul tim i («In next Thurs­ games Tb ♦ Springfield team . Debate Teams to Argue Income Fifty bonk» from the «tats traveling To conduct the htmlnes» strictly »» Springfield Youngeters O n l y . day, January SI. from 2:15 until won each garm. thereby win­ • j Tax; Basketball Players to library have been received by the a Hprtngfl dd establishm ent F. J. One* to Make Honor Roll nt • « 3 0 o'clock. Card», music anil • 1 Meet Monroe Aggregations: Hl rlngfield library Tbe»e book», Grimes ha» purchas• il the Raymond • ning the match. County Eighth Grade Exam- • need I- work will take up the • A bowling tournament ha» *1 Junior High Beats Wendling. aent for »lx month» free, are for the.M arlatt company plumbing »hop and ufternoou in the way of enter­ inationt; Six Graduate from ju»e of everyone both In town and »tock on Went, Main atreot. Mr • been held at Wendling during tainment Itefr ■»liinoiita will be the last two or three weak«, • F'emeat'T examination« at th e the country. They are m m « of the Grime« baa been manager of the «hop'» Junior High. . served. finest In the s t a t » library. .»Ince It wa» opened here last August (» and the Springfield team had • Springfield high achool begin Wed- The Parent Teach ra a»»ocla- A • a i n ’»day, January 30, and will continue 1 If you do not find the hooka you j. „ » ha» already tak n possession j• llk’-wlse been practicing. Three Springfield student» are the lion, the »chool pupil» and nov­ short time ago the Springfield want In thl» Hat. a»k the librarian to of the buslne»» and It will be known.» ouly on«» In «he county Io ho placed , ‘on Thursday. Friday will be given erai other organlxatton« and In­ »end to the M ate Library, Salem, for future aa the F J. Oriroes Plumb- • team d iv id ’d Into two teams on the honor roll for pa»»lng tha • over to the teacher» for marking the dividuala have contributed to­ 'right h grade < xamlnatlon« with an hooka on any »ubject In which you ¡m* company. 1* for practice, and a team of 1. • ’papers, and Saturday for posting the ward the playahed fund until N. Endicott. W alter Conrad. are Inter»»!*«,. U «ta of booka on J « r Grimes ha» had 11 year» ex average ot 80 pee cent or "ho»« WIF tb.« debt la well In the road to • ¡grade», according to Principal J. K r Wesley Stevens, Arthur Rob­ agriculture, child car«, fiction, bual pnrlence In the plumbing buslne«». llam Pollard, aged IS. had the h lrh e.t ward liquidation Everyone In erts and Arthur Larson defeat­ ne»» trade» and b<»l booka for chll- , bdtng employ ’d In large »hop» in rating, with an average of M S per Torbet. No students will be admitted tereatod In the achool and civic ed 8 G Wright. Jess Meats. dren will be aent you by the State gpohane and Vaklma before aaaoclat. rent Kvan K Hugh««, ag*d 13. was to the high school building on dither work are urged to he at the en­ Leonard I-epley. Clifford Bry­ Library upon request and you may ;lnK him self with Mr. Marlatt. Mrs second, with a grad» of SO 7, tioaely Friday or Raturday. Mr. Torbet said tertainment Thuraday an and Carl Senaeny by a total »elect book» f u Wish from these Orlme« ha» al»o spent several year» followed by Agatha Lorraine lleala. this morning. of 66 pin» in three games. Hats. Srveral of th '»e Hat» are at your iB „fflCe work In plumbing eatabllab- aged IS. who averaged »0 6 per c e n t Exemptions for the examinations llbrary and may be consulted there nienta and will assist In the bu»tne»a Graduate» who will enl«T the BROWN REVIVAL MEETING were posted at the high school Tuee- Following la a list of the book» h«re Springfield high acbool with the h»- day morning These Include all stu- W ITH LARGE AUDIENCES now here: I The Marlatt shop ha» enjoyed a IN S T A L L M A C H IN E R Y T O glnntng of the aecond »enie»ter on M A K E C H IC K F O O D H E R E denU wh° bad a" «»erage of W per 1. Altsbeter—The Texan triumph large buslneas since opening up February 1 are; Albert Weaver. 'cent or higher for the entire sem es- Tonlgpt Is Lincoln School Night; Sub­ Appleton. ¡la Springfield last August and Mr. in npnn«n«"iu ----- Kvan Hugh -a. William Pollard, Na ter. ject "Did Man Evolve From I. Barstow—The colonist« and the nts examination« given under the dlrec land, together with h l. chart »ermon Potter, vice-chairman. It will be held mal Instructor and l*rlmary Plans,” ¡now being made bafore the feed Is ---------------- I.O W o e iu g I im u c lion of Mr» Ora 11-tuenway, principal are the main feature» of the revival in the W. O. W hall, and will be open teachers’ magazine. Ttw H ,.y club gUKPd a stag mix o f the Lincoln school. In accordance i Tonight will b,< Lincoln school to tha public. Mrs. Ora Hemenway. H A M L IN O R G A N IZ E S C L U B S ¡definitely on the market. «U h the ruling affecting the county, night AH the children are Invited principal of the Lincoln school, will IN N O R T H E R N S C H O O L S New » I« « and gTadcra ar> ns ' Tuesday evening at the high school ed and new roll» will be used fo L , g g o.cIocfc the dinner The examination purer, were turned to come. Thore will be -oom In the address the assem bly on "Law En­ John N. Hamlin, son of Mr. and cutting the grain Into v> ry| a gttrnes were provided in the gymnasi- over to E J Moore, county s u p - r ln 1 auditorium and gallery for every forcem en t” uni the comm ittee, nd mt B at , ssew Eugene. will be high arhoo„ t P lH I'U t giw»»»-- , body. —- Friday - night - W. D. Smith. 4L field representa­ Mrs F B. Hamlin. Is now In Portland, cubes. B esides these n>w mac n , night. The subject will be. "Did Man tive, ts expected to be h.*re from and will soon return to Springfield there has been some remodeling o n . On Fsruary 1 the Springfield af- for a few days vi»lt with bis parents the (»pouting. will debate _ W E L L S C A N D ID A T E F O R « " » ’ • irom • “ " " ^ 7 „ ____.firmatlva debate debate team w team i l l ____________ Portland. has __ Just returned from Seatttle G. G. O. Btashman Bushman * t 8»“ Sous, - proprietor«., with the Eugene neagtlve team at ______ will be d is­ , He ______ O. night Mr Brown will give hl» last The regular business L A N E D IS T R IC T A T T O R N E Y lraVl,|„KUP on foreign countries. It ....................... a bu.ln. s . m eeting at wh.-re he organlxed a Rer -bllcan club balleve that there 11 Eugene, while th» Pleasant Hill af posed of at ^ ¡n Z “ to th” ’ firmathre will meet the Springfield . 'is hl« greatest Chautauqua lecture 7 30 in (he .waning, and the a d d r e ss 's, ,h , V nlvers.ty of Whahlngton. a . field Another hat I. In Ute ring for dis r w))| wt(h bn.utlful will follow at 11:16. The regular meet- k , did at the Pniverslty of Oregon “ of raiglng t>abv chlckR. negative here^ Alice TYrmseth ajnd trtrt attorney with the rp(1 . , ldn. « ^ a y will he a great Charline Lambert will compose the log was not held last month, due to „„d Oregon Agricultural college H e ; rhe to be o f Gordon Welts. Eugene attorn ey day The E vangel,.t will speak th te . affirmative tram and Ralph Cltne and the holiday season. that he will be a A. nine forty live he will de donai com m ittee a» chairman of a »«» p p Pauline Jack the negative. The sub­ republican Ucketa »abject to the May addr). . g womPn „„ ject In both cases 1«: "Resolved. Estra Shift at Milt committee for organising tntercol S w , X a e i X u for ra-I' M..h.....m ed .n t.m »nd W oman', RUv- B IG A R C H , P U B L IC M A R K E T , That a graduated incom e tax is a d e­ An extra shift of nine men was put uegtate clubs for the party him«« that one or WX-" D oe hundred women are wanted on at tl»J Booth-K'dly sawmill at five >n> H is tw o assistant» «re working In B O O K L E T T O B E T A L K E D sirable feature of a »late taxation.~ etertlon and It I, hluted the one o These men will other parts of the t ’nlted States. , , The girls' and boys’ basketball , . o tidier Eugene law yer, may th. * o'clock Monday night, BRW<7 g«sf|fs» «aaasse • ---------- - ------- — run The building (muding or a ren » v . do «, t •——- of a great arch serosa « m i from «vurue Monroe wm »rill Pi»y play the run a couple of planer« that have Royal Jordan Is organising the clubs Itenocrat« are pr-vslllng upon Rep which time the church will be dedteat- p„ , opei, t|on ,o ,ake care of In Chicago «nd vicinity. Jack H ayes (he s here m e road a, at the entrance of the town Springfield high school tram tr« ---------------- resentatlve Edward F. Bailey. Juctlon ;* ae V, * A ■ I . 2 1 *» w f lln graduated from - T Harvard la st n ghtng of a general publicity bookUJ on a candy sale at that time to add he run« he wilt likely be unopposed — ___running st. edlly a ftir the holiday va spring H e will soon be back and go wt„ be among Important topics dia- to the student body fu n d s The tw o in the democrat primaries M . E. B R O T H E R H O O D H O L D S cation. on to California. cussed at the regular m eeting of the Springfield teams will m eet Cobnrg 10TH ANNUAL HOMECOMING Chamber of Commerce Monday even- on the n igh , of February 1. Attended Dance Would Foreclose on Timber lng. Plans have be?n drawn for th e' The boys' team is made up of: Car Turna Over ( a - The tenth annual hom womlng meet-1 T w in ty four couples attended the h± ,° w L L d ^ ^ c u R l ' n i o f » r o t h , rhood w a . dance In Elevens hall Friday night. Ernest Lyons sunereo in r e e broket u r u » c . a r c h and comm ittee« are ready to " aYn,> Hawke, captain and managpr. Ernes, suffered three gsttKie was f l l^ U e d n e da, ‘ , „e.d Monday night In the church It was given by the Fortnightly club, riba. Injured fingers and a black eye malte favorable reports on the other nd Jeff Bra,tain, both guards; John court by J. H. t h . n l.er» “ ,ba»en«nnL In honor of the occasion and was s a d * the direction of W. H when a car driven by his wife crash- undertakings, says President Fred * 01 and P““1 N ,ce’ who substitute« « ro v e '» m « " ™ » ’ "«»‘■ •‘J \ „ glipp„r wag gerTCd at 6:15 by the Adrian. Music was furnished by the •ad off the aldo of a bridge near Noth Walker tor Cart Lewia’ forwards. and Her- H. C Jackson, of W alterville. o r -|b" ' H° rni“«’ c « t » r . Bertha V. R otliv « ,* * “ Judina' Aid for Ute 10 men attending Harry Woolley orchealra. turning tw ice over. The accident oc­ Tbe UP ot ’b* ff‘” s ’ team la. for< close on a arge rn. o n,« charter members were nott ---------------------- -------- curred Sunday afternoon when Mr. ganlzer of the Farm er. Union U Lane county, wi.l address the chamber on « ‘ T barker, manager, center; Lu land in southern n“ r‘h’ ™ flad ()i , ht. gathering, a number of | Rebuild Mohawk Bridge „„„ l„. Lyons were _ ................... . and m Mrs. out riding with ™ » In* ’da Co«- Douglas counllea A ttorneys tees a„ „ ndetl. gom» who w e r un | The piers of the bridge across the>thelr frlNldg Mr and Mrs. R A. Tay- the establishing of a public market In * ” • i Springfield. - a ni A M.ni.< . ih„ Anderson, both amounttng to 66000 la asked able to be present sent letU ra which Mohawk river near Donna will be re­ , lor. He _ will explain the co. c o - caP*aIn- ______ «nd Mabel __ The suit of Melvin Hansen against Mrs. Lyons was also bruised, bu, ioperation necessary between the town ma ,"a}San an built at once .according to County , „ ik llansen were read at the galhrrlng ------------------- ------------------- sever ly Mrs. Taylor was badly L , d the farTOers. > ^ e X ^ e ^ i n c Meh ¿ -s Augusta C. Ruck d t over the Commission?r L. N. Roney, who has inspecterl the structure. He report« bruised, bruised, but Is abte to be up and i ------------------------------ }. 1 Springfield Junior high school Auto pork In west 8prlngfl< Id has hut is ahte to te u ano ------------------------------- Veteran Olven Jewell been dlsmlsaed by the court five year veteran's Jewel there 1» danger of fhe water washing around again M r Taylor was^seve e R E Q E K A H S V |S | T C R E S W E L L »ng Junior high team with a acora of L. M Travis has sued Ed Dompter was twenty presented to F F Barnard at ° Id P«*" awa>’ • llowlng ,V .haken un. but not seriously ,o. to recover money on a doxtut different a regular meeting of the W B Tengra bridge to collap.a --------- - ling. The same team had won every claim s Entertained In Eugene Encampment numb, r 67 I. O. O. F on Twenty-three SprlngfrMd ladles, gitoie played to date. The line no P. E. O. to Entertain Needlecraft club member» were en Friday night In the Odd F'Uowa hall members of the degree team of the was as follows: Ed Bates, conter; Building Hou»» The P. E. O Sisterhood will have tertatned at tha home of Mrs. Martin The Jewel, awarded by tha the ancamp- encamp Tbe . . . . . . . . . J „ local Rebekah lodge, spent yisterday Hugh Cowar, and Marvin Nystrom. . . . ... n party for the B I. L .a Monday. Miller In Eugene on Thursday after- IO€al w e»»" u* • e Kxcavatlon wa» begun T»e»day ment. wa« preaented by M. F. Walker. n ------- " — *-— •'— » forward«, and Benjte Endicott and . . . . . . , _ . . ___ _ „ „ .'a ftern o o n at - Creswell where they put h i the in* Ancnorage in r-ugene. inoon. Ja-nuarv i ne aiiernoon was _ .o . . . . . evening a, Anchorage In Eugene. : noon. January 17. The afternoon w a s:« 11 rno< morning on the Io, owned by George presldi*nt. Austin McPherson, guards. _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . , . _ _ v I o n the work of the lodge. The trip There will b j a dinner, followed by spent In fancy work. Later refresh- on the wor^ ° ® Perkins on Fifth nnd C etraeta, pre­ They played the Coburg team on a social time. Mrs A R Tiffany o te men,» were asrved to the following »»<* ’ ot an '"’ ltatian ®- paratory to e n d in g a building. Wednesday. January 23. at the local Entertain Kensington Club , Eugone I. in charge of arrangements .members Mesdames A. ^ W lls o m T hpre inc,uded: gymnasium, azid de'frat'ed'thJm 6T to I Mrs. 8. Ralph Dlppel nnd Mra Returned from Trip— Dr ajid Mrs. ¡H. Nee, entertained the Kensington rivu ri un, » i »8»---•»» . W' 11. Pollard returned Friday after club ut a one thirty luncheon at the A number of Springfield people are ; Kinsey. W J. Scot,. Scott. Carl E Fischer, Fischer. i I _ # KnM Mrs P. M ortensen., ¡C IV IC C L U B E L E C T S O F - Mrg R. R p Mortensen. a trip to Portland, Oregon City and i Anchorage leahoue? In Eugene Frt- plannlng to attena attend m the e c colonial hall R. P , - V e t . ---- ' , ____ planning o lo n ia l n an Harry Stewart. Stewart, v O. . n H. Jarrett, j a r r e n , ic. . 'Mrs. Black. Kosa modi - r F i IC e E rn e F c r O \ R a s C ' / O m M s i IN s i /' wc Iiniinled day. January 18. Red carnations form v , . . _ , . . . . ’ „ Mrs. Lillian Black, Mrs. Rosa Mont Tlgardvllle Thev were accompanied RS G YEAR apanina z. > (given by the D. A It s tomorrow nigh’. ■ Mortensen. Onsets of the club for , u _ i„„ Robert ed ed an an •« attractive centerpiece Members " • Arn)ory ta KugpnJ I" gomery, Mrs. L. Lansberry, Mrs. Jan. . r. rw -. somery. Lansberry. Jan by their sons. W’llllam and Robert tr.ct.v c centerpiece n u u v ii • . . In tbs« A m i n r v Lu k llir » » n .' »Has r x 'a u tr in u u r p Mra M P S . J J. . D 1). 1)«V1S the n occasion were Davis i pan „ „ Jphn _ . Mrs. WTille al Portland Dr. Pollard attend ¡present were Mesdam •» Henry Kort. ____________________ At a special meeting of the Ladies’ and Mrs T. A. Klng^ The next meet- Ogl) Gray „ „ -M a m eeting of the Northwest Dele 'o I, K w ""y ' p Train Men Her» lng will he held with Mrs. M cKinley. Efflp McKpnz)p Mrg Ppar, clttrk, Mrs. Civic club held yesterday afternoon gales to the Methodist general con Hutton. • Knox C. Engineer McCoy, In charge of work 650 E Fourte nth stre.’t. Eugene, on Korf Mrg R(,ey SnodKrasa, at the home of Mrs. George Catching at 7th and C streets, Mrs. Maude fe r n n e e T h e d e le g a t e s met In tba i n>’ Munliv w C ",l 0 ,6 Natron cu toff, nnd Foreman the afternoon of Feruar> 7. Mrg H -)en lX)naldgoni M(PH. Edith Bryan w as elected the president for Kite., Methodist church to discuss » ? " • * • • ? ' ? «organ MeCully in charge of the Southern Larimer. Mrs. Howard Freeland, Mrs. the coming year. problem« to b . carried on to the gen Rebhan I aul Has ord ” 7 " " ' i Pacific work at Oakridge, were In Former Resident Dead— Word has Cora Hinson. Miss B essie Bench, Mrs. eral conferee« beginning May 1 a, W F Walker and Miss M nn swart«. ■ Mq • ------1 Other officers elected arc: Mrs. been recelvJd from the east In a Mamie Richardson and Mra 8. S. ifjrarp Rraltaln. first vice-president; Hprlngfleld. MaHsachusetts Dr. pol- Guests were Mra. Carl Olson anil Mrs. , P _ _ _ _ _ _ letter to Mrs. T. J. McCracken to Potter. Ward. The next m eetin g ' Mrs. Carl Olson, second vice-presi­ lard Is one of 800 or 800 delegates Sidney will h e w ith Mrs (). It. Kessey. I Le,t ,or A|b«ny W ( McLagnn. the ,„ r effw t tha, W. G. Graves, a former . dent. Mrs. R ose Montgomery, third to the large confèrent-.». Others will _______ ____________ |chlef engin eer of the Mountain States j resident of Springfield nnd a m ■m her Restaurant Changes Hands , , Vv-Fi . . . . o Mrs. , - vice-president; Myrtle McGow- com e from all over the United S tifte« u n a Power company, left Monday morn- of the Springfield Methodist e church, Fred W’ashhum e, brother of B. A. Alhinv cr1R)(1 (hprp by (hp ............ . , ------- . --- , - , . The E lite restaurant, formerly con ans. fourth vlce-pr.wldent; Mra. Ellxa- and foreign field. died t three three weeks ago nt w<< s aco it his n s home o m ^ucte(j by mck sharnien and Mra beth Page, secretary; Mra. Halaey. as- Washurne of this city, was In <” ” » :„tnpM mo)hpr H „ wpnt on ¡.(„¡f'"fPr ' N ate Bldw-'ll. hap been purchased . alstant secretary; Mra. Emma Val- yestenlay from his home In Portland. I thprn ( ) r)a||BH wh hp lngpw . In Falrhury. ■. ” raa a. lived In Springfield and vicinity Leaving for P o rtla n d -!) M. o , " ° " h|g bro(llPr 1 " , for . I from the former by Tom Shoey w h o.en tin e, treasurer K l a plant, a,nd returned to Springfield about , up thp ________ „„„J ______________ six } years. r u n n _________ e r - opwwd nn(, , _ w m i„ con about alx ?ars. He was a charter and Roy A. Humphrey«, em ployes of ____________ _ _ _ _ _ 'yesterday. men.biY of the M ethodist B r o t h e r - , ^ R |n fu|ure Mf ghoey ,g Rn the Southern Pacific railroad In the Take Masonic Degree Spring.,eld d.pot. l a v e Saturday for Mr. and Mr. Alfred Morgan w ete I I e J 7 T i 7 m h « ^ . H E Magnus b”° ‘' " ” ’rV‘Ved a” experienced restaurant man. H e for- Portland where they will attend a , boats mt Tuesday evening at dinner --------------- Two Wendling men, Bert Nesblt Injured by T lm b en -H . E. »U ««»a , and .everal children. One daughter Is p , .. rpgtauran. bugInpgg m erly was in the restaurant business and Julius Beck, were in Springfield ng of the Brotherhood of Rail to Mr. and Mr« It F. D wa« injured Nebraska and a son la In Canada meeting Mra Cnrl I nil Olson and Mr. of aprlngfield 8 pvlngfleld R. was Injured at Centralia, Centralia, Washington. W ashington. Tuesday night taking their first Ma i-lerks. They will return Sunday, ¡and Mrs. Hnrry W h l,m y and daughte-. j ant|ary j 7 employed falling tlmb r. ____________________ way cl Plenty to eat. properly cook.d und I so n (, d>grpp . .,___ u „ io ...» win visit with Mary Elisabeth. They «pent the even- Thp ax »Honed, severing com pletely, ..................... „ __ . __ The slipped, completely W hile th «re Mr. Olson will visit with Died at Albany—N ew s nas been n - good servlcs Is the p-ls.n Mr. Shoey lng listening to the radio. the middle (Inger of th- left hand, and Ralph Davis, «■elv ’ l 1' t the moi her of Mrs. W. aXpPCts ot build a large business on Surprised on Birthday also cutting a severe gaiili. while he C. M-Logan died Tuesday morning at here, W. M. Green was taken sick Tues-: wllg cuttlng a wedge, Went on Visit— Mr. and Mrs Elmer A surprise birthday party was giv­ her home near Albany. Mr. and Mrs. H'srbs and little daughter Virginia, day morning with a stomach attack, Saturday —_ night for Mrs. Al Per- Mi Lags n have hoeYi there this w 'ek. Inlured in Camp—-John Bell, while j| en — ------------ Left for Callfom'a— W J. Loplt • who have h» en hero from Kelso, and Is confined to his bed. left last night on the midnight traia The funeral will he held at Corvallis working in (he Fisher lumber crrnplktns. when 20 of her friends cam e to Washington, visiting Mr. and Mm. above Marcela, s irred and te l, ans-iher heme and spent the w ening play- tin s site-n oon at one o ’clock C. II. Petsold of ten m iles west of for O ak d al', Callfo-nlit, to he gon Milton Cyr, h 'l yesterday morning ------------- ■ ■ - - - 1 taining som e Int-lrwU injuries. H u , lng "500.” The gue’ ts brought their "( for Medtord They will also go on Eugene on the Crow road was la several month». Mr bep’e r uts , > Mi Is of Camp Creek was a was admitted to the Springfield fcos-jown refreshments, which were served do Ashland where they will vlsK Mrs. Hprlngfleld yesterday selling hogs aeas in D 'kdalo which its is t ” t f . • ( n r I n town vasterdav Dital for treatment. later iti the evening. from his ranch. down to attend to. Herb'» «later, Mrs Evie Prleat. 1HREEI » OLD f PUPILS RANK HIGH ; “ a wa a a a ¡£ ^ w . a - ««'>•"« - , e x “ a a n “^ . e : : 3 -*