Î i T H V R S DA Y, JANUARY 17. U»-*. TOW N A N D VICINITY Received Shipment— Morrison Knud E n te rta in e d a t D in n e r— A L. Rob er'.« had d inner w ith M r. and Mr« son company, contractors for the city of Eugene at W a lte rv llle , received a P r a tt Holverson on Sunday. carload of coal through Springfield Dislocated A nkle— L oria l ’âge dis­ yesterday. The coal is from V ta h , located his ankle M onday w hile s p rin t­ ing on the high echool grounds. V is ite d C ou sin— Mrs. lla tt ie Kens 1er and Mrs. Em m a Sales, cousins of D o » n from W angling— Joe G rlsky was N , A. Rowe of Springfield, motored down from the Booth K e lly lu m b e r) 'to the city Sunday w ith M Atiualsv camp num ber SS and spent th< week j ^ ^ >WJ#mpa|Uw, by Mrg •n J w ith I X Endicott ¡Sales' daughter. Lola. Experim ents a t (h<> station at Cop valll« have shown that hay pul Into *lo ra g e in th« sum m er moonlhs In ciwased several pounds per bale dup lug the w in te r and usually reaches Charles G rant was in front Thurs­ Its maxim um in February or M arch ton Monday. It takes up m oisture from the moist Nick M iere of Csmp C reek was a a ir and the bales are considerably Springfield business vis ito r Monday h eavier at mid w in te r than they a r * Jess Gales of Csmp Creek was In at mid sum m er. T h e hay gen erally goes back to nearly Its o rigin al the city Saturday on business. , W ill Grim es was a Springfield via« wi Ight the follow ing summer. or from W a lte rv llle Saturday D IB D Joe H a rt was in from C-klar Flat H A L E Y — A t the home at Goshen, on Saturday Janu ary IS. 1*34. G w irge Z. H aley, Alva McPhsrson of Thurston was In at the age of 3H yld Candle H a rris , of R ainier aigh t engineer on the m idnight alvtft f YoUB< by C ari olaom of this city. M r s e rv ic e w ere held T hu rsday a fte p was la town Saturday a t te Mountain States Pow er companv Youn([ g ta tM that b0 at N iagara 8. O M ushier wav taken III a t his noon at 3 o'clock nt the W alked chap g ian t, resigned his position Saturday |pa)1> OB , b# , w elfth of , btg month. el In Springfield, the Rev M r W a p home Friday Burial Home from Hospital—J a c k H e n d erer but that he w ill soon be “turnin g h it M rs O liv e Root. who has been III ner. of Goshen, officiating was made In the Ijr a r e l H ill rem et* ry. was home from the M ercy hoapital In face tow ard the W e t " again. H e w ill fo r some tim e p as t is slowly t o E n g in e Tuesday a fte r undergoing an return home through Chicago operation there several days ago D ro ve to Cottage Grove— M rs Chas. Eggim iuin and Mrs. C arl Olson drove to Cottage Grove M onday and spent They returned th-,« afternoon there th e same evening. „ , W orking fee Slate Highw ay— E a rl R oberts w ent to Pleasant H ill Sundaj to w ork as chain man fo r the stale highw ay commission there. H e w ill -w a r n in about one w je k . V isits Daughter— I- Jacobs, fa th e r of M ra J * Stew art, arrived fro m K la m a th Falls Saturday to v t.it d aughter and fam ily. He h i. returned 'proving M rs H a g a r and son of M arcola W .n t to E xh ibition — Several Spring , w w togfn for m edical tre a tm e n t field ladies attended the exhibition of Monday antique shawls at the U n iv e rs ity o f Incss visitor George H a rt Oregon in Eugene on M onday Among In Springfield Tuesday from Cedar those who w* nt vp.»re Mesdames O F la t. . B. Keaacy. C. E S w a rt*. W illia m Long* M r and Mrs M orris H ill o f Jasper II' F. V I1’„1V-.- «aaJ M U .» k I’ eery W W a lk e r and a rk w ere In town M onday Roy Holverson was taken sick w ith i Here from Toronto— Mias M ary Scott, sister o f C. F. Scott of Spring- inflnensa F rid a y t* here visiting h er b rother She I T h e Carbollneum Wood Preserving plans to stay In Springfield u ntil M a rc b plant shipped a carload of t r e a t'd : poles to C a lifo rn ia Wednesday. l' “ « ^ n she visit- A rth u r Bushman, salesman fo r th e 1 • - p h e w „ K a n s a . C ity. M U ro u ri “ oma is In Toronto. Canada, T ro u b le in Power Plan t— T h e exciter he*» for the big turbines in the M ountain T h e Springfield M ill and G rain com I H e r a fro m Ju n c tio n City__D. Lingo. o f near Junction City, was a caller In «Springfield Saturday. H e stopped to v is it B A. W ashburne. w ham he for- nr?rly kn w in JuncGon C ity. S ta t'a Pow er company's plant burned out Tuesday morning, and t h * burden of the power was put on the top pole line .from C alifornia. T h ” "*«*> »as replaced on the exciter, and It was in use again yesterday. tric t inspection. baiiy shipped a carload of feed and i ftonr to 01 ndale S a lu n la y and an o th er to M arshfield Monday. A car- •» b«,|n* today to Powers. ¡Oregon M m . L . W C lark I* recovering from a serious illness of bronchitis. Hera ’ r Om H e p p n e r— M r a*- 1 Mr«, rh n rie a Ijrto u re l of Heppn r. O • «gun, w rie In Fpringfleld Friday, ati.l stop ped to see Mtsa Osll G ray. T h e y were 'on th e ir way home from a trip south. through Roseburg. M y rtle Point and On inspecting Tour— Ernest S,r0U J ’ otb ,r pia r , tra in m a s te r o f the Southern Pacific ra ilro a d w ith headquarters in E u c -n e . H e re fro m C o rv a llis — Jess S eav ey in Springfield Tuesday on his wag b e re ( rotn j , j , hop ranch a t Cor- w ay to O akridge on hlv reg ular dis- vajj^g Monday, hauling w ire from the hop yard of his brother. John Seavey W e n t to S ilv e r to n -M r s John Tom - M r. John Seavay is tearing np part of e d b "ud v and Mrs. Pete fotr.seih hi» hop yard, and digging up the hop w ent to S Ive ton Sunday la o ra ih g * “ « • " h - r e the crop was ruined by tr- a tt-n d the f'in e ra l of M r h. J r k k - the flood. H e plans to raise stock on part of his land. «"[i. a fo rm e r Springfield re ud nt A Rare Stock of Soaps A perfect soap is one In which the m aterials pure and In combined fec tiy are which as to w ithout absolutely they are go dean-tie possibility Jury to the skin Here from Cottage Grove— M rs Has New Machine— A new Am erican Ceorp Bjorset of Cottage C r o r - v. a n n ls h -r was purchased b y W H In town Sundae visiting ii r grand- Gott fo r hi» shoe rep air shop on Mon- |r>other She went on to D -« t r to day. T h e machine was installed T i l e s v is it r e r parents. M r. and Mrs. T hen: day. T h e finisher 1» an «lectrlc one. as Sikes. M r. Bjorset went on .o F o rt equipped w ith brushes, trim m e r, sand- l«nd on a business trip . er and all the re g u la r apparatus It j «<— la one of the newest models and dnst- A rrived from M arcola— M r and Mrs , . . . less M r. G ott plans to use It es B Riemenschneid r of M arcola are , , u j »■ a . a pacially fo r ladle« shoes, and w ill spending some tim e in Springfield. . ... _______keep his old one running also T hey arrived Sunday and M r. Riemen- schneider is receiving im M lc a l tre a t ' . . . Drove to Lebanon— M r. and Mrs. A. D)<*Dt u* r*. C. W ilson of Springfield, accompanied L e ft fc r Portland— D r and M rs. W . by M r and M rs. L es te r M a rtin and H . Pollard left Tuesday fo r Portland, two children. M arian and H o bart, of a/vom panied by th eir two sons. W il Eugene, drove to I>ebanon Sunday and liam and Robert. T hey w ill visit D r. spent the day. T h *y visited M rs L Pollard's m other Mrs. Wood, and go J. G ray, sister o f M rs. W ilson, and to Oregon C ity to visit Mrs. Pollard's Mrs. A lice E llio tt, m other o f M r. Mar- parents. tin. T hey returned the same evening S u rp ris e Candidates fo r Bhsrltf P a r ty T h e birthday of M rs, Roy A. Hum phrvy« was the occasion of a surprise party glveo In her honor by a group of her friends on F riday nlaht Flv couples wen* present T he evening was spent in dancing and playing cards L ate In the evening light r e fr< e l*ii*'» la brought by Ijfe guesla w ere served Green F ili h -r. m arshsl «ml depuly sheriff al Collag» Grove; Hugh Earl* In te rn a l revenue deputy, ami Bud Kompp are helng groomed by friepds as candidates fur sheriff to succeed Sheriff Fred Mtlckele Mr W ick els w ill noi b.* a ra n d 'd a le at the coming election P itcher la a republican w hile Karle ami Kompp BIB .lem*** rate, v- Bell Theatre ■ SATURDAY NORMA TALMADGE in her grantast achievement “SMILIN THROUGH” 8 Reals of Storm and Sunshine 8 Reels you won't forg*at Wo urge you to • • • this great photoplay COM EDY— S TA N LAUREL IN “T H E NOON W H IS T L E ’ SUNDAY W illiam Fox presents Springfield M ill and G rain company, w ent to O akridge Tuesday on busl Teaadsy. H ire New D riv e r— Floyd X o llc th . of Eugene, has been hired a* a d riv e r fo r the A rth u r Steinm etz ta x i service. M r. N o lleth has tak* n up h t r?«l- dence here. H • iregan w ork Satur- day. Had p r- and Rome makers products. excelickii e It is of goods o f are delirious and are one of the' lending products of our popular* line of baked goods. It's "Mlty Nice'’ to have one of our a ttra c ­ tive cakes to serve when you have company. Try Our Gingerbread of ta have gained reputations for the p u rity MITY NICE CAKES th* Ir this and you will come bark for more. MITY NICE !’ uh tri tu “ra n t be beat." character which we featur«. O ur stork Is large. erythin g It embraces ev­ in the line of BATH, 8H A VJN G , NURSERY A N D F A N C Y T O IL E T S O A P S Use Bread Made in Springfield I . doss of tump Dhede^ by soaps, you'll find one here th a t you w ill w ant to select for re g u la r use P ric e s A re R ig h t Springfield Bakery Fred Frese, Prop. UiS. tiin Dyck, Two Reel Comedy, “The Gun Man” WEDNESDAY I f yon haven’t any special choice in 4 Gene Stratton-Porter’s Famous Novel “Michael O’Halloran” Has been read by millions. Now on the screen. Sanitary Meat Market COMEDY— "DEAR OLD PAL" The best meat at a price th at will bring you back and make you a regular customer. FREE D E LIV E R Y 9:30 a. m. DAILY Special Clearance Holverson Bros, Props. of Heaters Shoes Repaired I have purchased the Shoe Repair Department To make spaces for our spring mer­ chandise we offer our full line of Heaters at ’ of Hall's Cash Store and I am prepared to do t . first-class work at reasonable prices. • . f A Trial Will Convince You. > JOHN A. NELSON 2 0 % D ISC O U N T «g n)orvH nee A ò tv c e . DAVENPORT Wright & Son Paints Hardware Furniture We now have on h*nd a full line of Overstuffed Davenports and Chairs and can give you just as choice a selection of coverings a. you can get in Eugone and at a better price. 9ee us before buying.