1924. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 SPRINGFIELD NEWS N O T IC E Classified Advertisements TO S C H O O L D IS T R IC T S In all (h'hool Districts, of L a in ! Comity, wtiareln a t.ix levy haa bom DISTRIBUTE CARLOAD OF STUDENTS ATTEND MEET EXPLOSIVES IN VALLEY AT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ¡mad« and extend'd on the 1*23 nazeas- T h * carload of Bodatol. the new University of Oregon. Eugene. Jan. ' mant roll, without the proper period ¡of notice of meeting having beep given government explosive, made during If. — (FpeclaL) — Alice Tomaeth. he war, haa been dletrlbut d at Cor- Springfield high school student body ¡und >r the provlalona of the old law, a W ill WALK W hile H r.m n i.r.d cork BOARD A N Il MJgMUNG In * * * * |mealing should be Immediately and vallla Hadatol la sold i t coat to the president; Audrey McPherson, editor arai. I'rice I f t 00 I'bona 3* 11714 31 family 17 a weak Cornar and and farmer« Thia wa» purcbaand by ,h - of the high aohool y ar book; Pauline properly advertlred and held to ap­ D. Mr« C. F. W illiame 117 counties at a saving of about |3&00. Jack, editor of tb * school paper; BOLDKHINO OF A ID KINDH OtTaÌ- prove the budget aa recognized by considering the present market price Ralph Cline, editor of the school l»)f b-Hwea the IxMtp anil Minced« the County Aaaeaaor la orne,- to val­ W H E N IN EUG ENE of other explosives. notes; Herbert Horning, manager of W M Harquln J|7 * ** the levy, FOR T H E DA T OR W EEK id (Dat'd Th , Klger Island demonatratlon on ; publications; Anne H ill, president of Jan it . 1*24 ■TO P A T T H E FOR HALB 4 room hnuaa In Hprlng- December 3rd, by George W Kable. the Women's League and Mrs. Mc- BEN JA M IN F. K E E N E Y , ftnlil RUwtrlc light, wator Pries M ATLO CK H O T E L « Agrlcultural -Engineer at O. A. C„ t-ean, secretary of the Woman’» Lea JI7 County Aaavaaor 11400 tanna, or would consider car m R N E I t MTU * W IL L A M E T T E _____________________ stimulated Interest In this powder, rue; were among the 344 delegates, «« part payment, Phona 1876-J or and many orders came Into the office «»nt from 80 high schools of the state F o il ItK N T —Clean modern furnished! I-on Moor» was a Kprtngfleld caller call at 1075 Lawrrnca Rugane. of C. It Brlgga, county agent at Cor- to attend Ute annual high school con- ap artm ent* 3 block« Jfrinn Main Monday from out of town street, ** block from street car j Otla Petsold of near Jnnctlon City vallla Had it not b«en for the splen- f retire held last week end under F U K N IH IIK D Apartments and room* did cooperation of the farm* rs of the auspices of the Associated Stu- for rent by day or month. Bllta 418 H 2nd at. tf wax In on buvlnea« Monday and sold these throe rnuntflea*, M r Brigg« dents, the Women’s League, and the Hotel, ;«d and Main atraat. tf 4'< hoga from hl» ranch. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E I M r and Mrs 8 J Goddard of Wal would not have been able to pool thia school of Journalism, of the Unlver- alty of Oregon. LO T for aale on very easy terra« Can HTATE PATE O F OREGON FOR LANK tarvllle t»rv w»re In Hprtngfleld Monday. | 0 rflf. one hundred people r-c Ivad High school student body presidents pay for It In work. Bee E. B .C O U N TY: Dr. S Ralph Dlppel. Dentist, Vitus ’ h‘" ,’ * 7 * * * r’ , * nd mor’' m l,h ' h* VP » « ’• «ddreaaed by Kepner. U Kiel In Devarell. Plaintiff, vs H B nad ineir orders com* In sufficiently prominent '¿ducaton of the state on 1 ' ¡ Devarell, Defendant To H It ileverell, th« defendant . :bulldlD<’ *” rln < fl,Id ' Or‘ « ° n ' early to ge, In on the car A line op- the value of the student body and th e ' N O T IC I OF F IN A L S E T T L B M IN T above named port unity 1» glv«n to those Interest necessity of well organlz d and au ' notice is hereby g iven that IN T H E NAM E OF T H E S T A T E | SUM M ONS ed In powder used for blavtlng pur »quatcly controled student activities ■ A C Clark, the administrator of the OF OREGON you are hereby requlr I IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E , - - - — ------------- I Hl t.rk ark«, deceased IZ .’ e . u t . of Alfred H s , deceased HTAT e ' O R ^N ? ^ ----------- — F * G -------------- ------ r L " A N ' E P°*e* 10 tea, Sodatol out and deter- In the high school. Editors and man- of ihZ ?«.umv «' u- f it St i ' rl,f i f |Mln' «»"» M »ln «t you In the above mlne Its value. agwa of high school papers were told j CO UN TY «f Ih" * <,un* (o u rt of the Htnt » o f , titled ault within »lx weeks from Ore,hen H llty, Plaintiff. •Wr Briggs has decided to ojen of the value of their publication In ' ne r J ' ,h " ot “ >• » " « publication of v». another pool on the powder, as ther» th* high school and urged to produce I 2u"« r ."" a ,b ?n b|>« .u r’. r Oi | lW * vumroons. being the service c4 Carl H llty, Defendant said fo u r, H a tu rd a y th . 18,h day of tb l, , umra0M upon you and If you TO CA RL H IL T Y , the above named { la atilt a strong d< mand for It, and better papers and annuals. ► ebruary 19.4 at the hour of ten fa,| to answer for want thereof the defendant: al1 other pools made in the valley are Friday evening all of the delegates1 o clock In the forenoon of said day at plaintiff will apply to the court for IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E now closed However. It It thought attend *! "College Night” given un the ( ounty Court room In th . Cou-t . decree dlaaolvlag the marriage con . . at Eugene „ . l.ane , . , , Oregon, !«r.e» Y o T ^ ^ e r e b y required to appear * um c>n‘ i,rde''* »«> b« taken der the auspice, of the Associated house County, trart now now existing , . | . , i n< between between you vou and and • • I I w hat you w ant ta aall, buy w hat you w a n t to buy through th columns. W rit« ar phone S p e c ia l TW O S a le ON Sym phony Lawn Everybody writes letter« and is glad therefore, to re­ ceive this fine $1.00 value. This Sale 69c has been fixed and appointed as the day. time and place for th • hearing | plaintiff 'and an swot the complaint filed against m i k ' “ P • f“ 11 w lo a d . *o he Is Students, and gained a real Insight In Thla^aummona Is published ones a you in the above entitled ault. within ’ »king orders now on the basis of to life at the University H e r , they 1 FLANERY’S DRUG STO RE down witnessed the distribution of eighteen carload sweaters to varsity football men. 35Le ^ » N c / 4 Ä a » have to follows: p * re-snipped rrom Corvallis, as the saves her from destruction. T b , real Phone 15 Springfield and time first publication thereof I« the 20th For a decree of the court dlssolr Dupont people who manufacture this Ism of thia scene will be appreciated A. C Clark. AdmlnltU-ator of the day of December. 1*23 'T flJ A M R A RRAN i !nf ,he b®nd* of ■ *trtS *O B F»ow ■ l- explosive cannot handle small quan -I when It Is explained that In a rehears- -natala of Alfred Htai ras. dec rested, Attorney. for Plaintiff in d 'to r M m h ^ th /’r' and^furtiier' 'ieli", * '“ * 8oon the to “ * 4 ‘ h la ,a l of the scene, a b ora, accidently Frank A. 'Leíble. Attorney fur th« and for such other and further relief te la la Eugene, Oregon powder w ill draw to a close, so a : struck by one of the boulders, was E U G E N E C O L L E C T IO N A G E N C Y 1 as to this court may se< ta Just and J 17 24-31 F 714 D W 27. J. J. 1«. IT, 24. 27 carload will not be pooled vhless i Instantly killed • I proper. N o eolldctioa, no fee. No antsy Thia summons Is published in The orders come in In sufficient time to The premium la high on Insurance i fee or due* Legal departmeaL Bprtffgfleld News once a week for a 0 2 __ W. H. BROWERS, Mgr. period of six consecutive weeks pur- allow the DuPont Company to del|y-|for motion plctur» star*. suant to an order for th., same mad •, er the explosive in Corvallis not later by Hon O F Skip worth. Judge of than F bruary 20th R E H ill of Mohawk was a business the Circuit Court for Lane County. I Persona desiring to purchase Soda- visitor In Springfield Monday. Oregon dated January 14. 1*24. and to, mu„ d , W H. B R O O K S HOUSE WIRING you are required to appear and an sw er1 .» »< Waldo Hardle of near Springfield said complaint on or before the la s t, «»mpanled by checks, at once, to C A tto rn ey a t Law Prepared to da Houe-tadrlng of all was In towfi Saturday selling his day of said period of six w ekt from R BHggs. County Agent. Corvallis, barley crop. K ind*. K P. G R A H A M , C e rn tr af t h , date of the first publication of Oregon. I n order to pool this car this summons, namely on or before j ___________________ •th and M s tratta. F. O. Ses ISA V. S National Bank Rldg the 28lh day of February, 1*24, or t h e , Phone 838-J Eugene. Ora plaintiff will apply to the above en DARING RESCUE BY B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y THRIFT WEEK m e^.:'nT ,Or ,he r’ " f' he’“ ,nb’ ,or’• O'DAY S PAINT SHOP Anto painting and aato topa Paint la wholesale quantities. Call SUTTON TRANSFER Near the mill race. Eugene, Ora. M2 E »th Ava. I ’bona 1M7J W. F. WALKER F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R F u ll Auto Equip*.tent W O. W . block Office Phene U M Kea Phons (2-J PIANO LESSONS Ruth Scott Byrn* Accredit«! Teacher Phone Eugene 941-L DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phona 20-J Residence Phona 129 W Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEW ELER F IN E W A TC H REPA IR IN G A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon WM. G. HUGHES F IR E ANO AUTO IN S U R A N C E Huccmsor to John Edwards and Ballinger A McPherson Inaurane# agencias. Offlca at Phone 57 The data of the firs, publication o f ! th l, summons it Janti-rv 17th. 1*24 I" his latest Fox production. "Bos, ; HO W A R D M B R O W N E L L of Camp Four.'' Charles Jones make, ' Attorney for Plaintiff a flying tac klf that rivals the n o t, J. 17. 24. 31. F. 7. 14. 21. 28 spectacular play ever seen on a foot- SPECIAL PRICE on plate work Dr. I 1* 11 fleld M ther‘‘ *• oratloni. D 20. 27. J 3. 10, 17. 24 Offices 880 W illam ette Street NO TICE OF Eugene, Orese« G IO ,. N. M cLEA N “The Loop’’ Onos a year all America seta aside a week known a National T hrift Week to review the great “ S*y, B ill, Westinghouse Attention w ill p a t that battery o f yonrs back on ita feet. I t ’f a superior — *n d economical ! aer vice fo r all batterie«, re­ gardless o f m ake.” rules for financial success. Each day represents some principle of thrift. Industry, and financial foresight. WESUNGHOUSE BATTERIES Williams & Bean Cluirg, . reasonable, * 'm lnlstrntor. D. 27 J. 3-10-17-24. heartedly endorses this during move­ the coming week we shall attempt to ex­ plain the principles of T h rift W-s k in our advertisement*. 39 Years of Helpful Service OUR ICE CREAM will be enjoyed by yourself and friends all this new year. Drop in here tor a jolly time and treat the crowd to some of our de­ licious sodas, sundaes and creams. All flavors, and all pure and good. A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S S A L E SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. The First National Bank whole­ ment and W E S T IN G H O U S E S E R V IC E Eugene The First National Bank OF EUGENE Since 1883 EGGIM ANN’S Notice Is hereby given that, pur­ suant ,0 an order of the Probate FRANK A. DE PUE Court of Lane County. Oregon, made FIRST NATIONAL BANK ¡and entered on the ISth day of March, Springfield, Oregon A T TO R N E Y A T LAW ¡1912, In the estate of George Horton, N O T A R Y P U B L IC deceased, whervtn and whereby the undersigned, ss administrator of th e , Springfield Sutton said estate sras duly authorized to sell the real property herein deacrlb- Oregan. Buldllng ed at public auction In the m ann-r ¡prescribed by law and If no satis-, All kind« of grav«l for con­ factory bid la received for said prop ! crete or road work. We MACK’S UMBRELLA SHOP 1 erty a, said sale, then aald adm lr- > llatratnr la authorized ,0 reject auch make a specialty of crushed Opposite Pest Office, Eugene, bids and proceed ,0 aell the aald prop-1 rock and rock eand. Bunk­ Box I M erty at private sale ers at foot of Main on Mill Notice la hereby glven that on th e' Black e r Colored Coovar-. A ll Re­ 28,h day of January. 1924 at th? hour! street. of one o'clock P. M. of said day at | p air Parte Made ,0 Order. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. the Southwest door of the Court House 1 In Eugene, l^tne County, Oregon, the 'undersIgnFd administrator w ill sell at public auction the following described real estate belonging to said estate L. R BRAN, JOHN M. W H-LIAM S of George Horton, decensed, to-wlt: Attorney for State Land Attorney for Veterans State Lot Twenty-four In Block Thirty Board, Aid Commission, three In Fnlrnjount Addition ,0 Eu Slate School fund Lon«#, gene, Lane County. Oregon, now a Poldlors Bonus I-oone. part of the City of Eugene In Lane County, Oregon, In 1h? hlghc t bid­ der for cash and, If no satisfactory bid In received therefore nt such time Ihnl such bids bp rejected and there­ A T T O R N E Y A T -L A W after he wtll proceed ,0 sell the Eugene, Oregon same at private sale 880 W illa m e tte Street, listed this 21i:t dnv of December, Llceuaed to practice In all Courts of tin Slate, the F 'dorel Courts 1923. C. M. DORTTY. and Supreme Court of the Unite,I Slat«' Gen, ml i n . c t l . A l l bust- neae promptly and carefully attended to J A N U A R Y 17 TO J A N U A R Y 24 JONES IN FOX FILM CONCERT Always Open for _ I ENROLLMENT New classes will be orgau- iied on the followng dates: September 17, 24 and Oc­ tober 1st. Courses: MARGUERITE Mac MANUS. Violinist MRS. JAMES LESTER GAULT, Soprano BURTON ARANT, Pianist Bookkeeping, Stenographci or Secretarial, Complete Business and The Bur­ roughs Machines. Special coures by arrange­ ment. Only qualified, experienced teachers employed. ■Auspices Crescendo Music Club .Methodist Church Springfield Our rates are reasonable, our equipment is up-to-date and you are assured of a thoro, practical training. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 8 P. M. Admission 35 and 25 Cents A. E. ROBERTS, President 992 Wllamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon