THURSDAY. JANUARY 17 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS POUR lliia of Ho aulire"»» >'omi in dealy- fronrniher ifSTaTFtgiatersd Ta O rata» ra te d «101.144 14 ing veld tS* In» ag alla« ih» ta« There was oae fatality due Io In­ between May 14 and December 11. • y Special supervising sad consetfalloa ouinSl*- dustrial accidents la Oregon during 1911, are contained In a report pfe- Correspondents slou. pared by Sign A. Koter, secretary of the week ending January 10. ««card Report« ree«lv«d In Halen» during Ing to a report prepared by I ha staia _____ state. the p«»t few day» iadioatg that tkara Industrial ayyldaat cent mission The CAMAS SWALE PLEASANT H IL L _ . j County courts and municipal conn- ‘• • I T Brief Resume of Happenings of : ella, under an set ot the 111! legta- vletlm was*01« P Ophus of Fewdrs. wilt ba at laaal Ihre« ceedldatea. the office of secretary of «tala at M m Tiwvis K a rr and son Marvin Unary Ur»s»m*n. a former resident I who was eagaged la coastruotfea ' lature. may appoint county and city it the Weak Collected for work. A tptal of 411 aecldaata ware republic«« primary .looilo« oext here but now of Springfield. visit d visited Saturday at the home of Mr. , health offtoere at any mealing, ac » lie ft« Included among tha mao m iai a few days this week at the hom ' and Mrs Johu Wullarhl-tgr. reported during the week. * ordlag to a legal opinion by the at Our Readers. Ik Mt« promlesntly la eonnaocian with Mrs. James Richardson was taken of U. E. Jordan ’ Clagaup of the Roosevelt highway ! tomey generai. coartai ara Rom A. Kuaar. Jncum seriously ill at her home Sunday but in Tllismaak sad Cooa caumiaa. of The Union high school at thia place In a cutting affray at Cottage O rate Contracts for the ceostructlnn of tha Mount Mood lobp. sxcluklvk ’of Carl D. dttoomakar. aaarattry gf eent four deb «atea to the high «chool was reported a little better Monday Ralph L s a a e rs suffered injuries from 187 refrigerator care at a coat of more stole flak «oaiialaaloa. oad A H conference held at the U . of O. last night. tha W hite rlvar bridge; of tha Jahg than IS.000,000 hava been awarded to Mr. Oscar W illiam s rante down which he died. lormdr aoeraiAfy of tha state we -k The delegates were: Gladys Day htghWay to Unity and of fT«* tha Pacific Car d Foundry company board. A. D. Webb, 77. of La Grande, was Wheeler. Anna In tte n . Cheater Wheel front Wend ling Saturday to visit Dallea-Calt(prula highway la K lam a^ at the home of hia brother. E E. W il- killed whoa bo was «track by the tip of Portland by the Pacific Fruit Ex­ Indiana from all par«« of Orogoa w « er and Wayne Overholaer county waa adopted aa part ef its press company. M m B arnett Schrent and Infant j Hams. r t u r n iu z Sunday of a railing tra». program by M « stela highway com ta ««••* '■ !»•••'>'*'* JtR utry 3«. •Jib The multitudinous duties of the of daughter return'd horn® last week Mlsa Lena L a M tk ' visited over Sun r«fr«a»a>*(l*M Fadorotiog to Th« CorvalUs school census has la- tnlstlea. Io aoaaloa at Pnrtlaad from Meadowvlew where she » „ ¡ d a y alght la Craawall at Ute home of creased 101 during the pant year and flee with the correspondingly low Woman's (Jlnhe of t'allforala. Graduo oa« hugdrad sod fifty Uaion coun and Washing*«« salary of 175 a month has been given Tha * H ld h h fv . spent the past month at the home of her slater. Mrs George Rickets, has now passed the loot) mark. as the reason for the resignation of ty fdfmnra sat down at a baoquat at a her par.Wits. Mr. and Mrs Baker. The number of births ta Laaa coon 0> „ MoCluaky. district attorney of meeting la Imblar. sad tha assai coat bavosi» iataraatad I la tha «lalm cf U« T H U R S T O N NOTES C. F. Hyde a»d fam ily of Eugene; India» tri M a af ft » « u p < * # • ■ ' ty during IM S far exceeded deaths Lln<.oln county. them Juat I« canta api«««. Nearly . . ... moved out to their form Saturday i ---------- till owe. dwaa |ls.»M,W I avarything on Ib» tabla« was tha firn- "»• « « » * * •» ••< «till Births were 3«( and deaths 241. i . . . . . .. I A union of broccoli growers has which was recently purchased from Frank Taylor and Melvin Buell for lands lying » •» ' •< » *• Cg»«A4da " illlam t lemoas. 38. waa instantly formed at Rossburg, the growers duct of tbe farm, and tha oust a Plata and south from the Columbia river to A u Kruse drove to Santa Clam to the Farmers killed at Bead when his skull waa , im ,ated with tha Oregon O rew ar.'Co- waa computed at the price tha farm ­ Pleasant H ill high beak Magoola Union last Friday. the Rogue rlvar. wklok »«re proolidM aaaoclatloo having signed up er was paid for tha products, plus tha F rtd ar night In a basketball game Loren M m tatoa. Herbert Tnvlor. fractured by a log roiling from a flat under tha tranty of I«««. M « PlUU labor coat of preparing the food. ** if • ' »•< .*• with the Umpqua Valley Brodeoil placed In the local gymnasium, the (Dorothy Travis and Helen Eyler at- oar- will ba mads at th» MtÄiag m»«tjgg Seventy thoustytd Income tax glrls scoring 21 to 17 and the hoys 51 i t.mded ,h * high school convention M artla Perry of Hood River was the Growers for the preaapt year. to obtain further reeogultiaa of lb« to «o in Eugene at the U. of O. last F rl-j last parson to obtain a IM S o|«tor The worg of reraodeltag the depot blanks, filling a total of 104 tpsll cla|m from tka gavaraaiam Wnm«o license. H is plat»« bora the rucilltlea at Oregon City la com pi I saalta. war« aiallad out by Clyde 0 It is stated, have b««a laatrumsgtgl Miaa Bertha Manning alaitod tn .day and Saturday. , » /.('¿‘.S ' -Vpkj | .nee with an order of tha public eorv- Huniley. colleLtbr 6t A ta fta l rAV^yuc In aiding tha Callforala ladlaaa IB oh Springfield a couple days last week i The Thurston orchestra practiced nua^er 14.887. at Portland, aa official afiboun/smant and attended the Evangelistic m eet-,at John Price's last Thursday and Approxlmately «300,1)00 la all the > ice commission will be started as soon lalnlag their money aa a similar tngs there at the Christian church will practice at Mrs Cooley's at Mt. atgte money the highway commission <■ authorisation Is received from the that the tncoma tax paying season la claim. ' *• “ • • D. E. Linton la the proud possessor Vernon next Thursday evening. will have for 1934 which la not aub- management of the Southern Pacific on again A blank was sent to every Individual, corporation and partner of a radio and Is now spending th e, •ph-' grad school took their ex- Ject to agreements. Left far Wsndllnip—Max Cogiti "in- -tnea f* 4 ship la this district that filed a return evenings entertaining his friend». aminations last week. ploya of the Springfield depot. I«ff Births In Albany during 1933 ex­ Final settlement of the LaFayette for the year 1833. Mrs. W. L. Bristow accompanied There were three games of basket ceeded deaths by a total of 89. One State bonk, which closed Its doors Wednesday to take up his new duties A decision to call a meeting of as clerk In the îhjuth ‘Tu Pacific at her son. Mortoa. and wife in an auto ball at the Thurston hall last Friday: hundred ninety births were recorded August 30. 1931. w ill be made F ri­ wheat growers and business men from Wendling trip to Independence Friday, return evening. A team from F u g u e ami against 131 deaths. day About 41t» per cent on com all over Dragon to form an urganlta ing Sunday. W alt -rville played. W alt >rvllle win- •More then 18 per cent of all the merclal deposits and 9# per esnt on (Ion to support tbe Wallace plan for Lyman Tinker returned bora from nlng by a score of I I to IS. Coburg ' CA1«I, AN D SEE Dr N W Emery persona married last ye«r In Mult- savtaga deposits will he paid, it ta «»• tbe marketing of wheat was reached on prices on plate and other work, tf R?d Bluff. California. Tuesday. M r. and Thuroton ptavnd a double header nctaoh county had previously been parted. at Pendleton by representatives of the and Mrs. Tin ker will return next Coburg boys won with the score of married and divorced. County Clerk Florey has Issued a Umatilla county farm bureau and the week. 14 to 15. The Thur-ton girls won I A moating for farmers Interested tn further n tlce to dog owners of Jack Pendleton Commsrclal association. Mrs T E. Haurigan. who has been'w ith a score of 32 to 38. Ill in the Eugene hospital, was brough* Mrs Frank Tayfior has received the growing of asparagus, straw son county that dog licenses of 1924 Thu slate meeting wtll be held In Pen­ home Saturday news that her nl-'ce. Mtss Thelma berries, graphs and early potatoes will are overdue and that failure to get dleton January 19 a license means that all dogs without The Community club h Id regula- Fow l-r. was brought to Eugene to the' be held In Hermiston January 31. The epidemics of diphtheria and Turner Oliver. 83. for many years them will be summarily dealt with, seslon Saturday evening and elected Mercy hospital last week* She Is measles which hava been raging In x dairy productf exchange has been Portland for several weeks are rapid officers for the year as follows: presi- seriously ill Plans are being made prominent ia Oregon public life and dent. C. E Jordan; vice-president. C to remove her to a sanitarium in particularly in the Grand Konde val- organised by dealers of Portland and Idly waning, according to (he records ley. died at bla home In La Granda. »m begin art I vs opsratloaa n a il of the health bureau There are now L. W illiam s; seer tary. E B Tinker. Portland at one?, and treasurer. Frank Moore. ) M r and Mrs. Ira Gray and M r The first woman to aanounca her week. It will be known aa the Port but sixty cases of diphtheria In quar- 1 We mnkfi a «peclalfy of The Farmers Union held a v-err and Mrs A B. Mathews attended ranJidary for office In Jackson coun- land Wholesale Dairy Produce Ex amine as against about 165 during the certified milk for bableg interesting meeting Wednesday even-, t the Farmers Union at Santa Clara ty la Miss Delllla Steveas. who seeks change and starts out with 15 charter peak of the epidemic, and only 258 Ing. The officers for the coming year las Friday. the republican nomination for county members nini sick people. cases of measles against near loot) were insrniled and a business meet M r and Mrs Arch Shourh and M r clerk. A movement to provide for the during tbe epidemic's worst period ing held at which time arraneffnents ami Mrs John Price attended the re- Mrs. George M. Tucker and her maintenance of the forests along the County Judges aud commissioners wer“ made for tuberculosis test and vival at the Christian church in grandson. Grant Burrows, about 3 state highways throughout dtf/areat who gathered at Salem In annual con­ a committee appointed to take up the Springfield last Sunday evening, years old, were burned to death at parts of Gregoo has been launched by vention were requeated by W. I Ful­ work in this locality. Up to date 347 Frank Taylor Is ill at his home, the home of George M. Tuclggr la the state chamber of commerce, which lerton. commissioner of Celutpbla bead of cattle have been tested with Jay Grant was 111 and absent from 1 j osepb Is seeking the aid of the United Slates county, to go on record urging Gover­ only two reactors The committee -school Monday. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON nor Pierce to call a spec'll session of T. M. Hurlburt. sheriff of M ult­ forest servioe. comprised C E. Jordan. H C. Wheel Methbirg of the Farmers Union met Income tax return blanks have been the Oregon legislature to untangla the I nomah county, was elected president PHO NE 3«F3 e r and S H. Jacobs The officers tn- at Mt. Vernon Monday and made of the state sheriffs' association, adopted by the state tax commission tax situation following lbs recenlAc- stalled were: president. W L. Wheel- quilts for M r and M-s. H arry Jack- which met in its annual convention at er. and arc now being prepared by er; vice-president C. E Jordan; secre- son. who lost everything wh n their tbe state printer. Names of persons Portland. «->rytreasurer. Mrs. C. L. W illiams; house burned a few days ago affected by the Income tax are being The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph conductor. X G. Lorentr; chaplain. Mr and2 Mra. W alter Edmtston I) E. L ln to - who have been In California for sev- b»» notlf.ed tha public ajro assembled, and It Is likely that the work of sending out the blanks will Th • Chri flan Endeavor societv of -‘ ral weeks, returned home last Sat- lc® commission that It has dlscoh- this rlace r -e planning on an all-day urday. tlnued its exchange at Placer. Jose- start within tbe next week or ten days. meeting at th« church Sunday, Jan Mrs. Bell W im m er Is again giving Pbine county. Ott Good Groceries this year will return you a greater Operatives of tho state prohibition wary 20. with a basket dinner at noon, instrumental lessons to her class at 1 Bend's biggest year Io building da- profit If you buy here. The quantity and quality are al­ Several voune people of the E B Thurston after a vacation of a fe w , velopment has Just passed, the total department caused the arrest of 530 ways right. cost of new structures being «425,570, persons on charges of violating the U. w ill be present to as-dst In the weeks prohibition laws during tbe nine meeting T be 2I-phone line held their an or 46 per rent greater than in any months ending December 31. 1923, ac- The W O. W held a meeting Sat- nual meeting Monday svening Th y previous year. cordlag to a report prepared by George nrdav evening >n th “ Woodman hall re-elected the old officers again fo- Thomas Robertson. 42. secretary of L. Cleaver, state prohibition director. Plans were di«cn««ed for a social and the coming year. the Robertson Hardware A Steel com W. M. Orssn, Prep I Fines daring the nine months aggre- program to be held in the near fu tu re I --------------------------------- pany of Portland, committed suicide i* A committee wa ainoln*ed to secure D r 8. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist, Vitus , by shooting himself la the head with th e serv ices of Magical Mulkey, the building. Springfield. Oregon. a .32 revolver. dafA to b * d elded on later | --------------------------------- Official figures from WaghlogtoB P a r rr Shelley is ill at his hefne Trouble Ahead place the value of imports io the Ore- OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Community News 3* W- Riverside Dairy W. F. Cline Your Investment Community Cash Store with inflamatory rheumatism FARM R EM IN D ER S • • • , . If vetch Is to be planted for hay this vear. seeding »nould take plac« In southern Oregon and In the W i. Ismetta valley principally before March 1 In some of th® higher al­ titudes and in tha coast district a little later seeding is p-rmlsslblc bnt beat results are always Recured with early planting. For March plant­ ing. peas and oats are usually bette- than vetch and oats for hay or green purposes. Wanted—A real rough guy— I want a cow hand who knows cows Not under 35 years of age nor over 50. One who smokes, drinks, swears, tells th? truth and hatea sheep herde-s W F. H . the T h r-e B ranch. Largo Canon. P. O., Aztec. New Mexico.— Ciassifled adv. in Ajo (Arizona) Cop per News. Folks who want summer pasture! for bogs can plant Dwarf Baaax rape at about 5 pounds an acre In April. ■ May or early June and have a good! bog pasture In six to eight weeks a f-1 ter the seed is planted. Tbe later) planting«, if th * «oil has been pre pared early, u-sually make a good deal of excellent summer hog pasture. The best spring planted annual legume hay crop or silage crop oro g rem feed crop for the coast region is peas and oats. W hite Canadian field peaa at abont 90 pounds an acre with 50 to 60 pounds of oats make a large yield of feed which reaches the hay state about the m lddl) of the summer. I t ia good for silage or for hay and may be cut for green feed a long time before 1» reaches the hav stag». It Is Important that It be plant ed early, as in late March or In the month of April L ater plantings do not get good yfplds. DR N— A t Crow. January 13. 1824 Mr. and M rs. Charles Oates, a rhtef, weight seven pounds. Mrs. Rs »-as Miss Clara Ray of Eugene »re he- marriage. 8°“ customs district for November at »»»9 347, making the total for 11 months «9,808,648. Governor Pierce has appointed Earl P. Conrad as district attorney of Lln- coin county to succeed G. B. McCloaky, resigned. Mr. Conrad 1« a practicing attorney and live» at Toledo, FtgHEP» ahowfrg that 4Q300 care Form the Habit of buying Round Trip Tickets T H E U N IV E R S A L CA R L ooking A head T A F T Eprirg a total cf 35G.CCO peep'e were disappointed in ■L j not being able to obtain deliver ies of Ford Cara and Trucks, aa orders were placed faster than cars could be produced. T h e (Lerna nd for Ford Cars and Trucks tk i* Spring wilt, acatrd- in * te all indications, be far greater than last Spring. The Having made on two trip« by pupchasing ‘'return” instead of "one­ way’’ tickets, is approximately the cost of one round trip ticket. 3 Trip« for the Price of 2 In addition to saving you money, the train can be depended upon to furnish you with Safe and Comfortable service, irrespective of rain, snow, ice and other unfavorable weather conditions. W in te r buying Ivae bewn increoaitg at a griuter rata than ever belorc. A ctual reta il deliveries the past 60 days totaled 30ft, 170 Ford C ars and Trucks, an Increase of 1,961 a day over a year ago. O ver 200JXX) people have already ordered Ford products on our purchase plan, the majority of who.n w ill take delivery in the Spring. T h e above facta are given w ith the «uggcMion that you list your order promptly w ith a Ford dealer i f you contemplate tbe pur­ chase of a Ford Car or Truck lor uae this Spring or Summer and wish to avoid iklay in delivery. Ride the Train £ Local Agent w ill gladly give you any In­ formation you knay wish regarding fares and train schedules. Detroit, Miclii^un You nsod not pay *a»ll lor your car You can arrange «o make a »mail drptnil down, la k ia g tars o( tlw Iwlan- • In »«ay paymenta. O r, yon can b u y on i n Ford W e akly Purehare Plan. T h is p-ue you OB lb® prrfrrri'U ofdirf IiM and Inaurea delivery of your car at a uma to he deieruuned by youiaeli. JOHN M, 8COTT Aest. Pass -tiger Traffic Manager PORTLAND, OREGON S o u t h e r n P a c if i c Wing Motor Co,