THE SPRfNGFIET.D NEWS PAGE TWO T L IU -e r C D D I M P CIC*I n I M l* J l I x I I x v j i I ILL*Lx TH U R SD A Y. JANUARY 17, H>2 4. er N T U / Q hill« for th,,|r ex-«en1ce people. Yet It I» i not the aoldtera fought In in Prance I l i t . W O state'» duty. Am erican soldier» for the United State« and not for the indlvidunl | states. It » up to the federal governm ent to pass I the adjusted com pensation bill. There are not a ' T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E » » few ex-service men who would like to see the 1 F. C Manager federal bill passed and the states com pensated Ini H. B MAXKT. Editor _____________ e n te re d aa second < i « « m a tter Feb ru ary 24. ISO J at tba the am ounts paid their ex-service men, or as p o,,office. Springfield, Oregon nearly as possible. The states that have voted ... — ■■■ ---- ---------------------- bonuses to their soldiers art* Illinois. Iowa, Kan-, m a il s u b s c r ip tio n r a te gig, Maine, M assachusetts, Michigan. M innesota., O »« T ea r in Advance »125 T h ree Month« SOe' Missouri, New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York Sts Months ?5c sing le Copy 5c N orth Dakota, Ohio. Oregon. Rhode Island. South! Dakota. Vermont. W ashington, Wisconsin, Col- S P R IN G F IE L D . J A N U A R Y 17. 1924 orado, M ontana and Pennsylvania. Published E very Thuraday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon. by E d ito r ia l Editorial Program C om m t the bread­ w in n e r nt A M E R IC A ’S R A IL R O A D S Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wee- tern Oregon. Develop a Strong Trading Po int; Build a City II a , Contented Home«. II I . Im prove Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro- mote the Ra sing of Purebred Livestock and the «ro w ing of F ru it: W ork fo r B etter M arkets IV . T e ll the W orld About Oregon’s Scenic W onder­ e • « land. • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • ’ " • A m eric a » developm ent has b v n a ttrib u ted m ainly to • the railroads. A fte r a period o f several years. In w h l-h • practically no railroad construction w ork waa carried on. • the annual report of the In te rs ta te C o m m e ro commission • shows th a t railroad construction la beginning again. Ap • plication» a re now on (lie fo r authorisation to construct * 3 .4 8 7 m ile» of railroads w hile during the la»; y e a r the • m ileage of new work was 881.7 and 523 m il ’» < era aban i(joned R ailroads of ihe U nited Shale« are the mo»: efficient In ¡th e world. Com parative figures coknplled by Jullu« K ru ll- LAW ENFORCEMENT There Is too much dumping of crim inals by one "vhnltl toT ,h* R“ ,w” r * " “ > .t in in w e a iw m u u u m iu j a - « . - „ .¡ 1 9 3 0 . the railroad« of the U nited States handled JS 71 com m unity on another for the good or law en- ........... forcem ent' Pettv thieves or disreputable people lr«rflc un“ ' ‘ .p it.iis .iio n w ith a v e ra g . ra are often "run ¿ut of tow n” by police officials *•**’ ,OD “ »• “» fr“ «h‘ «* »•«* «•«“ ' Th’ «»»* T hev settle in other comm unities and the same Com m erce rom m lsalon equation, it may be .fa te d by process occurs. The towns dum p on each other ot e x » U a »tio n . c .lc u ia :» . u n it. . . ton m i l « p iu . and consequently neither are any better off. Ev- « * « « w e r m ile . erybodv is trving to escape the responsibility of "T h e railroad« of O rest B rita in handled 8 24 trafflc feeding prisoneirs in JaiL T he city passes its unlts per d o llar capitalisation, w ith average rcc *ipts of prisoners along to the county on the merest pre- 3 039." aaya M r K ru tts c h n ltt. tex of jurisdiction and consequently the county " In South Australia. 10 95 truffle unit» w ore h ttd le d per jails are always fulL Both city and county of- dollar of capitalisation, w ith average receipt» of o ver three flcials are sworn to uphold the laws, state and c-»ta. in N ew South W ale«. A u .t r ilv 15«7 traffic units federal as well as their own regulations. More » e re handled per d o lla r o f eapttaiid«tton. w ith average prisoners shold be serving sentences in the local- receipt» per ton m ile of fre ig h t of 2 49 cra»t« ’ It ie s where they conutted the crimes. u Perhaps you do not know it. but it la a fa r t that the Tli»’ breud wilt tier of Ihe family know» good bread when lie eats it -consequently he dem ands and deserves FEATHERFLAKE FLOUR $¡1___ Bread Made from Featherflake it Better Dealer» Like to See Featherflake Springfield Mill & Grain Co. ;United States possesses som ew here around f o r t / per cent of the world's railroad mileage, and the world today has ¡about 750.000 miles of railroad« In Ib e last century, th e : Statistics are sometim es not w hat t icy seem. ¡y,crB settled by our ■tores in th eir own warehouses to feed their own Com m ittee as busln- »a questions only. I hope they w ill children our mind somehow reverts back to t h e ; ’* approached in th a t s p irit w ith the determ ination to days when the German hordes devastated north- C - » constructive answ er s p e -d iiy " e m and eastern France and then give up When Press despatches of Janu ary 7 fr-pn Berlin, tn comment th e battle turned to their own soils. lc 7 on »ltu»tion in 0 - rm any aay "T h e brightest «pot of • • * a ll is fact th a t G erm any realizes reparations question With the passing of the tax conservative and must ba settled if actual bankruptcy and collapse I« to supervision commission the county has seen the 1 *>< avoided. suprem e court throw another of Oregon’s freak I Reasoning m«n here In te rp re t the new year's recon- law s into the scrap heap. Nobody is crying a b o u t 'e o latio n ' ta lk of P r e .ld -n t M lllerand of France as sincere, th e loss of the new tax m akers' Somehow it is I and » symptom that, if the situation is s k illfu lly handled n ot quite in line with dem ocracy to elect officers by both sides, the muddle m ay be cl « re d up an d then have somebody else appoint guardians If business men and executive« of the type chosen to lo r them . History records th a t our forefathers 'r*p re s e n t the U nited S l a t * on the In te rn a tio n a l Com m lttee are given h a lf an opportunity It Is almost a safe fought over things like that. bet th a t Europe can expect to see a practical plan evolved the Uu- Cleveland is m aking plans to "keep dry" dur­ which w ill help brtng about a satisfactory solution of ing the republican convention. Cleveland has a present European financial tangle.— In d u s tria l N •«» duty to perform tow ard the country. It would ( res'J- 4>e a calam ity if the delegates became drunk and . • • nom inated some of the men who are candidates.1 The Roseburg damsels who created a disturbance • • • ,th e m ain s tre e t o ver In Tw enty-six states have passed compensation »gain S u th e rlin on the o th -r night are able to be up and around— Roseburg New s-R eview . January Thaw Sacrifice Sale AT HALL’S CASH STORE Forced to sell at a sacrifice owing to the mill shut down which knocks the props from under business. My creditors are howling for their money and as my December bills are still unpaid I am obliged to sell at prices that are greatly reduced. S25. $ 2 8 , $ 3 0 SUITS AT $ 10 , $ 1 2 .5 0 »"<1 $15 $ 3 0 .0 0 OVERCOATS AT l / 2 All leather Glove» for $1.25 up at a 25% reduction . Rubber Footwear — 2-Piece Underwear — Unioneuits — Sox — Slipper» Raintest Cloth.. — Drees Pant» — Work Pant» — Corduroy Pant, and Breechea — Jacket» — Sweater Coat» — Leather Coat» Cap« — Work Shoe» — Dress Shoes And Hi-Top» Regular J2 OVERALLS at $1.65 EVERYTHING CUT TO THE QUICK