D E V O T E D TO IN W E R B fiT O F « F R IN O F H L D A N O T M 1 FA R M E R S OF T H E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W B N T Y -K IR 8 T YEAR 8PRINOEIELI). LANE COUNTY OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 17 1924. --------------- C H I STARTS ACTION 0 1 PBOPERTÏ HENS Recorder Ordered to Send Out Notice« end Attorney Will Collect If No Reeponee is Re­ ceived; Counoil Orders Lights BOOTH-KELLY SAWMILL VETER A N NEW SPAPERM AN STARTS AFTER SHUTDOWN PASSES AWAY SUNDAY About 300 Mon Oo Sack In Em ploy­ W. I. W eeterfleld, Publleher of Grace m ent; Much R epair W eek Done V alley Journal and F ath er of M an ­ During Layoff The Honth-Kelly sawmill began op- «ratlone Monday altar a tbree-weeka shutdown Around 100 men are now employed One shift In being run, and the plan* re are In operation ager of News. Died Sunday Primary Grades Enroll February 1 Fourteen Took Eighth Crade Examinations; Junior Bas­ ketball Team Wine - <' »f O T J b is rz LIBRARY REPO RT SHOWS 1749 VOLUMES ON HAND Veer's C ircu latio n 12^)28 w ith B ro w .re LltAad aa 3620; 118 Naw •o o k slv "The People's Paper” A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 1 TEACHERS INSTITUTE AT H. S. NEXT WEEK W I Weeterfleld, father of Floyd C. A total of 174» volume« are IlsUd High School Plan« Entertain- Weeterfleld, manager of the Spring- In a report of the Springfield library ment of Over 100 Cueata; AH parents who plan to enter chll- field News. died sudd-nly at hla home compiled for tha year ending Novem­ in the primary department of Luncheon Scheduled; Pro­ at Grass Valley Sunday arm in g __dreo Mr ber 1. 1824, and signed by Miss Mary Weeterfleld wax editor and publisher tb® 'I - ,nco,n school must do to Feb gram Arranged; Roberta, and Mrs. L. K Page, seers- Process tor collection of sll lien* (hiring the shut down the coffer of the Grass Valley Journal and has ruar’r ’ ■ »ceordlng to Mrs Ora H rni ¡U r y o fth » l i b r a r y b o a rd .set w a s /w .n > n lx f.d ik . s. — e-a .. ~ . ... a n w a v n U .a l.^ l a ---- ---------- . ’ v v a iu The second of • series of local on property due tha city was started , d»m • » * completed. and the dam It long been l ARTIST ON LYCEUM 10;30— Opening n e re is »— "Amereea.'* They will be located at Eighth and <' ° I »<” ’w«rd. waa tha high point ".«rly In ,h . Mercy ho.plt.1 Eugene, ’ h7 cboato P r n ,w w o t'° ! A R T IS T ON LYCEUM Invocation, Rev. E. B Luther. Bap­ (I etr-'eta. Sixth and 11 streets and n'" n for HPrtnxfl-Id and he baffled the I . . . tist church. Special music— High . n - » - a Burcham, teacher of civics and agri , agrl- Entertains«- South Second and E streets. I visit Ing guards many times In hrll- haa been made the h>ad nurse Whole school girls’ club. J* iculture, has been coaching the boys’ M onodram atic .The Misses M Dow and France« T he extension of the three seerera ll»n* play» The teem worked well Company of Players In Own 10 : «0— Address of Welcome. Professor Feldon. both from the largest hospital ’ “ 'I ,a,tM uln * ’"'' * Bd In all the eye b tween Main end A ,**’«•?*her l-cwls. forward. Homing, in California arrived fe rn Ix>a An. ,hR ’,UCCM" of J. E. Torbet M agnetic Personality »« 4 " * <» large at re da II and C rtreeta and O and F »"*• »rattaln and Hawke, Response. M r*. Genevieve Beaman. gelre M onday m o rn ing to begin th e ir ” h ' m> accord‘n« t0 streets were discussed by the rounrll- |Eu«rda, all work »1 Into the scoring Coburg Hemenway A whole company of capable and T h e sewer committee reported that II "’ »chine that downed the boy a from Announcements. February 1 Is the date aet for two resourceful placers is combin'd In nurse, and Mias Selden will be cm would coat about «600 to axtegid each *b " Oroye high ---— school ol ----------- Emma — Address. "Preparing for Eighth I debaf . >s of " the Springfield ' ------- -------- —. , tbe magnetic personality , — a ’W«r Petition« ere out on these | ' return game will be played In ployed as night nurse. Cottage Grove affirmative team < Ib>e Randle, who " Is *® to » be * hpaiM heart on , j Crade Examinations.” Superinten­ The operating room h a . been newly — th« ? “ “ * * * Or° ” affl" " a»'” »*»"’ * * RaBdIe Improvements which are »aid to b. Grove March 7, Monroe la dent J. A. Chnrchin. equlpprt. .m l new supplies add'd I d ,h,‘ «•<•»«▼. January 22 at «:15 in the e rm in g at touch needed for the sanitary condl • r* ‘*duled to play here January 26. “The A new natlent Christian H f ,Bam h'’’* - "* ,n ’ be -»venlng. sn-t the high school auditorium In a pro- *1;<5— Round Tale discussion tlona of the rlty, The council anti —— — —— — anson o gprlngfleld affirmative team will gram of Interpretative recital. Miss Problems In M v School.” All t'acb - Cottage Grove, was admitted to the dputed the petitions by expreeatng CRESCENDO CLUB GIVES go to Eugene to d»bat* «he Engevr* Randle appears under the auspices of era are requested to take som>s part hospital Tuesday. th cm a rlrw Individually a . favorable' M U S IC A L P R O G R A M F R I D A Y negative team on the sui ,’ect of the the 4L lyceum Whether th.» dram-j in this discussion. Led by Superin- to the Improvement. _ _ | O O F I n n r F IN C T A I c tax. atie S'lectlon he from the magic pen tendent C. G. Springer, Marcola. The report of the library, b.vdrd A„ to hr>r Mnothrr ® ALLS | There is a nosslhllltv »hat ther» of Shakeepeare or simply from “ Pol- 1J:16— Noon. Lunch w ill he served In covering the annual meeting and elee- mu, | ra j program of m erit Is offerea O FFICERS FOR YEAR will be a faculty debate In assembly lyuna" or something quite as In keep- the building by the domestic sel- tkm waa received and approved by by the Crescendo club which praemta — - tomorrow on the Income tax so that Ing with our time, this real artist of department under the direction fits rounrll 1 he Odd Fellow« nt-1 and Installed the students may get pointers and nr» rhe platform croates living characters Miss McClintock. three artista In a concert at the M Hh Mayor Kgglm.nn and .11 thurch „ e|üng January officers last evening In the f. O. O. F pare fu rth er for th» coming contests with a stralghforwnrd and simple a r t - ' l T i — Special music, nnder direction of the round) were present to an- hall They were to have met the ! The high school haskethsll team Freahness and rythm are interwovau I ot M m .. Norman T. Byroe. U b I vbt » 1« The program follow«: awer roll call the w ill plav the Fnlversltv high school In her work She unites vivid dram -| »’’ Y " f Oregon School of Music Î. Sonata G minor Part Ini previous Wednesday night, but m cling was postponed because of ,team at four o'clock this aft«»rnoon Stic power and wholesome humor and 1:80— DenartnvJnts High school. Ad- II Polonalae Op. 4. D major T W E N T Y COUPLES ENJOY ^wakens keenest Interest and sym-1 d-ess by Sup-rintendent Churchill. Wlenlawskl the Illness of Era .»at Black, the new In the Springfield gymnasium chief I ___________________ “ Administering the High School pathy in h#r appreciative audiences. Marguerite MacManus N EED LEC R A FT O IN N ER Officers were Installed as follows; , Course of Study.“ ' Critics declare Miss Randle’s voice nt a. 8 h » Never Told Her Love E N T E R T A IN FR IE N D S ON E. G. Black, noble grand; O M. O l-l to be like a wonderfnl musical Instru- j lnt?rmedfnteand Rural section; As- Twenty couples enjoyed a a ll Haydn W EDDING A N N IVER SA R Y ment which responds, vibrates, throbs S'm blv hall. “The Retarded Child o’clock dlna< r given by the new mam h My liv e ly Celia . Old Engllsl. aon. secretary; J. W Coffin treaaur- er; Fred W. Barnard and Z Kintxlev. and His Promotion.” Led by F. A. bars of Needlermft for the members and echoes to every seirltual emotion c The I jimh W ith the Delicate The sixth wedding anniversary of Gal1«*gly. Wendllng and their husband«. The affair was rah. warden; Chas. Mr, and Mrs. W. H Adrian was the Inspires the same deep feeling, wheth­ held Friday night at the Anchorage IV Redt. Olunae Alfln II Moments Nolf. conductor: Bruce I-anahury. out­ occnaion of an Informal .»venlng party er of pathos or humor. In the hearts of Elizabeth Page. baa house In Kugen < and wna In the Aria; D.*h Vlenl, Non T a rta r 2:15— Address— “W hy Teach’ ” Super- side guardian; Hugh Jollff. Inside given last evening to thirty-seven ■ f . nature of a New Year’s party. Old . I from the Marriage of their friends. Bridge whist and "500"1 er *,arere „ ' In “ Pollyuna" Emma D. Randle I s ! Intendent Joseph T Glenn. Eugene. Father Tim e greet'd the guest« «a H garo) Moxnrt guardian; W. A. Martin, chaplain. were the diversions «__ g^_.»x «_______________ _____ a — Clrtfllnr . . . Mrs. . . . Clarke . . K at h»r best Critics have proclaimed Clostng AdHrp«« Address. "Some they arrived and New Year'« kewple« Mrs JiUrnes Lester Gault Wheaton won the ladles bridg.« prise . . ; . . urements for the Teacher’s Effici­ Cham ber Meets January adornvl Ihe tables where a motif of - 28 - , . .. . . . . . . _ . . i her work In this sweet, wholesome a. Irish Tune from Country ency.” Superintendent J, A Church- ____ T I’® next meeting of the Springfield , m i * 'P,"Y- 88 being unsurpassed from the pink and white was carrbd out. Derry _ ....... .. Grainger Chaminade Chamber of Commerce will be . week T « * " b'an‘‘ ®‘ standpoint of real dramatic art T h e . Ill. Star SnangKrt Banner. Miss Vir- Hosts for the dinner wore M r and b. The Fauna ...... I.lsxt ,rora M<,nd»y bight In the Chamber w“ P'-®»®” ’ « ’ to M r. »nd Mrs Adri« announcement of her coming here In «,n U Tomlinson, pianist Mr» Floyd Flanery. Mr. and Mrs. c. Rhapaody No « rooms. Commlttoau are h a rt al work by th* ,r ««*''*•• , ’a '® ,n ,be ’» « » '« ‘g sureg , capacity audl3t.ee for this J. F Keiels. M r and Mrs. E May. Burton Arant a Nocturne Op 72. No 1 . .. on ’’®«dV d™ »" tor «" »rch to be' Ou*8t" "‘®'«d*d: and Mrs. 8. ___________________ and Mre C. J Reolt. Guests were , Io . > » "• • • “ r L TO SPRINGFIELD PLANT M r and Mrs W. I I Adrian. M r and P *r«n t-T each era to M eet Baras.to hist west of Springfield. W F W alk M r and M r* Ron* ld R«b-*rts. I Mrs D W Clark. Mr. and Mrs Carl tanas Misa The county court bas awarded the -a r a s s ie I M r aB(J Mrg Mar)l M p ^ r y M r and I Due to a misiMid.Tstanding the er. president, states. Fisher of Eugepe. Dr and Mrs S, Spanish Dance. Op. 26. No. Mrs ""Harry W hitney M r and Mrs mBetlnK ot ,he P" ® nt-T®®cher aeso- printing of the 27.000 tax recs'pts fo r Ralph Hlppel. M r and Mrs. R ob'rl « .... .......................... Sarasa!e Clarke E Wheaton M - and Mrs A A l­ l. ¡ciaUon wa" not be,d Ia8t Friday as 1924 to the W illam ette Press, publlsh- W oodm an Officers Installed Drury. M r and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Margii' rite MacManus was previously announerd, but winders of the Springfield Naw«. This Is fred Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Installation of officers for the Mod- M r and Mrs W N Ixtng. M r and n be held at the regular time In the the first year that the county’s largest The Nightingale Haa a Lyre Clark. M t , and Mrs E. O. Sutton, Mr. Whelpley ern »nd the Royal Neigh- Mrs A 0 McKensle of Eugene. Mr. of Gold afternoon this Friday at the Lincoln Job has been printed outside of Eu- M r and M eD em ild bo1* w a* b ,ld l a ,t n,* bt ln ,b ® W ° - and Mrs,' John Edwards. and Mrs M artin M iller of Eugene, Sacrament .... school building gene. Putting the tax receipts up for Mrs. A. J, Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. I. M r and Mrs Carl Olson. P r and A candy rale w ill be held for the bids sav'd the county more than «160 Song of t b i Open I-«Forge \V hall Following tha regular meet­ D ’Larim er. Mr. and Mra. B. A. Mrs R P. Mortensen, Dr. pnd Mrs. benefit of the play-shed that has been on this one Job under the amounts A Memory Needham ing a social tim e was enjoyed. Re Washburns, Mr. Fr.»d Cllngan. Mrs. freshments were served. W. H. Pollard. Mr and Mrs W . H. erected by the association on the paid In previous years to the Eugene Crying of W at'V .......... ....... Zella Cantrell. Mrs. Edease Cox. Mrs. W alker. Rev and Mrs. T. D. Ya’ nes grounds at the iLincoln school. firm. .............. ...Campbell Tipton Maude Bryan. Welby Stevens. Mrs. 8sf«ty Council Meats and M r and Mrs, D W Crites f The Wind's Ln the South. Scott J A. Adrian of Eugene, Mrs J A. The safety rouncll of the Loyal T h « color sch eme of pink and white Button's G ive Party Marriage Licenses Issued Mrs. James Lester Gault I-eglon of l-oggers and the Lumber­ Seavey. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olsou and | was rsrrted out In crepe paper caps, The Nile (violin obbligato) ..... pleasant event of the week was Marriage licenses Issued during tbe Mr. and Mrs. Frank DePue which ware present cd Io each guest ..... ..... ........................ ......... I/.'roux men met Tuesday afternoon In the an evening party on Friday evening.past week by the county clerk include lunch room beside the garage a t the After dinner the guest* took part In given by Mr. and Mrs, E. O. Sutton the following: Lyon Leroy Lawrence, Booth-Kelly mill. Several recommen­ gam vs appropriate tp th«» s«»nsott at their home at Sixth and E streets. 28. Albany, and Grace M Leelie, 30, Mrs. Freeland E n tertain « Club Woodqraft I natal la dations for further safety devices at There was « grand march, slowly led Music and games of “508" ware di­ Eugene; W illiam Dale Tusslng. 27, The Nelghora of Woodcraft held m»d ® bY lh ® council. - by Father Tim«, «nd a beautv con. Mr». H B. Freland entertained th e ith® m ,l> versions. Guests of M r and Mrs Sut­ Eugene, and Helen Hansen. 18. Junc­ P rirllla club Friday aflcrnoon. Jan ! Election BleeHon of officers, which was to public Installation at W’ . O. W. hall ton were Mr. and Mrs J. H. Seavey. tion Ctty. and Ralph Wenley Isaac­ last for men which ended In « He. uary 11. at her horn«. The aft »rnoon !tal<® P1»4'" «’ the meeting was post- January «, The following officers were Mr. and Mrs, James Clark. M r and son. 26. Eugen-e, and LaVerne Sacks, was spent In fancy work and playing P"” ®** un’ ” ’he next session In two installed:- P. N- G.. Edith Lax ton; Mm. Frank DePue. if r . and Mrs. W. 25, Eugene Bylveatsr Funeral Hers Funeral servie«« for Melvins Syl- pit. I .»tar a luncheon was served by weeks. The council recommended the N. O.. Mab.»l Meet; Adolae. Jennie H. Adrian. Mr. and Mrs John Ed­ yastar. who died at the home of hat the hmtese The next meeting of the Installation of boards between the Shanka; Marg.. .Lilly Kleer: clerk, ward«. -Welby Stevens, Mrs Jo Anawecs Damage Suit nephew. Charles Sylvester, at S ili­ club w ill be with Mrs. 1. D. Larim »r eaws In the mill and the placing of Nina McPheraqn; banker. Lottie Bow­ seph Bryan. Mr. and Mm. I. D. Lart- An answer to the «30.008 damage electric lights alndi railings at tMn man: AtL. Minnie G irard; Cap. O.. mefi. cons on Jsanary 16. 1»24. were held • week from («morrow Fred Cttngnn. Mrfi. Z « a suit started In the circuit court by Those present Included: Mrs, John chu,e’ *® ,hlng8 ° 1»* would further Rhode Lloyd; inner eentlnel, Os ha Cantrell. Mr. snd Mrs Ronald Rob­ Mrs Ellen Jane F allier .of Springfield, ynslartay afternoon at two ’o’clock Webb; outer sentinel. Florence Klaer. erts and Miss Crystal Bryan. a t the W alker nhapel. Rurial was Tomseth. Mrs Norman H. Howard. make accident« Improbable. haa he-i'n f lir t by the Western Lum btr m anor’"'«. M ary C. Magill, l-lllah mads In the Mt. V »rnnn cemetery hy Mrs. L. W right. Mrs Paul S. nssfort. company. Mrs. V allle r seeks to col­ Rhodes and Virgie Reynold; flag bear Ship Hog Fuel the aids of® her father and molhst Mrs W llllatn Berry. Mrs. W illiam Bridge Club at M ra Stewart’s lect damages for the loss of her son Th« Booth Kelly company will soon er. M yrtle Egglmann, after which re who pnssed away many years ago. Donaldson. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. The Gra-?fleld Bridge club enjoyed who was killed while working at Mias Sylvester was known fam iliar­ Mrs W. H. Steamier and Mr«, C A. begin shipping hog fuel from Spring- freshments were served and everyo».» Its regular session Thursday after, Westfir. The company claims he was field. Tbe first shipment of the fuel had a fine time A good crowd was noon at the home of Mrs. H arry M. careless and hla death waa due te ly «« “ Aunt Vlnar " Shs was 71 year» Swart«. has been sent to Corvallis, where It out. old. having hi'en born In Green coun Stewart on Second street Thoe» at­ his own neglect. will ba used In the heating plant of ty. Wisconsin, on September «, 18SS tending were Mra D W Crltee, Miss Fine« Collected Legion to Have Rifles i the Oregon Agricultural college O. She la survived by two brothers. P. Edna Swartx. Mrs. B. A. Washburn.» G rangers to Elect T hirty dollars In fines were collect­ A. C. has bean a regular customer for The American Legion meets F ri­ and the hostess. At the next meeting M. Sylvester of near Portland. sn<1 The annnal meeting of the Grang­ H. F. Sylvester of Jasper, Oregon, ed In lh« Springfield police court this Ihe fuel, but of cutirse no shipments day night in the W. O. W. hall. Rifle those having the lowest bridge score ers' Eugene warehouse has been call­ who with ser.'rsl nieces and nephews, week, according to City Record1 .»r J ♦bnve been mads whlla the mill has supplies for the starting of a Legion w ill entertain. ed for January 26. Directors w ill be W. Coffin been shut dowa. rifle club are on the way from San mourn her loss eheted to replace the retiring officers. H C Conrad and J W C arter of Francisco, California Tbe rifle club Club to Danae Tra Colei, C. D. Ror.tr and A. C. M il­ Fnreno were oai'h fined five dollars Mrs L . A. Tobias hua he.»n suffer- will have to mgage a ranch for reg­ •■Hsrd-Tlmee" Party Bet The first dance of the season for lar. ular prnctlce, according to a ruling of The Neighbors of Woodcraft villi for cnaslng a street ear as It was nn- ing with Influenza the past week the Fort,nightly club is to be lu Stev- Frnnh Svhsmp of Oakridge was In the government, or they cannot ac­ bold a A ’’hard limes” partv at Its next 'loading passsrgera. Guy Oldham of ens hall this evening at 9 o'clock •’T w e e ty -T w o s ” Meet meeting nl Ihe Wovdtunn to 11 Jsnu 'rv , Eiigen » and Montlov of Eugene wars ¡Springfield and spont Ihe day yeeter- cept the firearms W. H, Adrian Is chapman of th » a*- The "Twenty-Twos’’ met Frldtev eve- 23. E ' ervhody Is urged ’o cnt’ie t’ rr»s-'i nch fined five dollars for speeding n* dav Ifa lr Over twentv conr’es helonglvg Lnr nt th.- I O. O F hall. Mrs I.oe cd In old cloth'>ff The Wocdr i ’ l ,the street Intarsectlons. and L. M Mm H. TV " Ip ry of Portland visit- M r and ..... M r» C. A Murray nari to the clnb ar« strecte-l. M v -i s | (■ <1 Mrs. F. F, Barnard were Needle clnb wi’ l meet Ihe «< » di .■■ r ’l of Creswell paid a «Ifl fine fer ,ed with Mr. and Mrs. W E Stacey,M rs. P iarakl of Engeae «pent Saad«V|be furnished bv fhe H arry W in , F ii " i f ->« T h ' next meeting w ill following Iks party n sai«g jea Msrndaj. at w R ■laear'e. orehrttra. l i In li Ci' ii.^ . February I. ° 'I’ *