TniTRgpAV, JANUARY PACK FOUR RADIO TO BE ERECTED AT SPRINGFIELD HIGH IM I. Admitted t© Hospital—Mr«. Harry Thetnle of W attervllle was admitted to tb> Merry hospital in Eugene Monday Thel' after uncle Mrs Leaving fo r San Diego—C. M Dority leatee today for San Diego. California, where he will make an extended visit with relatives. He may remain for th > entire winter. Underwent Operation—Jack Hen- derer underwent an operation for ap­ pendicitis at the Mercy hospital in Ku gene on Tuesday. He la ratting along very well. Fandrem. employed in the office of Dr W C Rebtaan, was c a ll’d to Silverton Sunday by the illness of a relative. Entertained at Dfnner—Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cyr and sons, Joe, Clin ton and Virgil, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Lloyd. U nderw ent Operation— Mrs. M. Mier of Camp Creek underwent a major operation at the Mercy hospital in Eug-me Tuesday morning. Returned from Portland — Alice .------------ (n Tom seth returned . Saturday evening from Portland where she visited at the Kille«n home. She was accom­ panied home by Miss Eileen Killeen and Al Killeen. .« entertain the members end their bee writs a « »« o'clock dinner on Friday. January 11. •« Aueli-ra«» In Eugene The next regular me «tin« will be January 17 at lire home of Mrs. Miller In Eugene INCOMK TAX IN NUTSHKLL WHOf Single pei saus who had net lucolue of »1.000 or more or A pole (or a radio apparatus Io be gross Income of *5 000 or more, erected on the grounds of the Spring W e n t te Portland— A. J. Perklna and married couplet who had Held high school was u u llieiit'd al Meat at Edwards' Moms leavea for Portland toutgtil on a busi n ef income of »2,000 or more a meeting of the school lauri.I In Ih • The home of Mrs John Edwards I,OT for sale on vary easy tanna. Caa ness trip or gross Incorna of *6.000 or office of Dr W II Pollard, « halrmnn. was the scene of a very pleasant t»f pay for I» In w U more Quillst file returns a( 7:30 Tuesday nlxhl A. J Morgan i fair Friday sftm noon. when the Ken Kepner. Treatened w tth A p pen diciti*— Jack manual training teacher at the high , Henderer h * . been ill the past week W HENf Th* P -r'"d •• fn,ni jalngton club li f t In Ha regular sea schiari. Is to Install the radio reeelv-1 threatened with appendiciti. 1 J ,n u * ry ‘ ,o slon The ladles spent the afternoon W H IR I? Collector of Internal Ing sci with wires running from the |In sewing, refreshments being served Went to Cottage Grove— l'r and revenue for the district In which pole to the arhool building, later In the afternoon Mrs Edwards Mrs. Ora llem anw sy. principal of i wan chosen pr «aidant of the club Mrs X. W. Emery visited Mr and the person lives or has his the Lincoln school, was authorised to Mrs. William IAghtfoot In Cottage principal place of business Members present were: Meadamea W Grove on Sunday. HOWf Instruction on Fo-m give the Junior high school the right C, Hcbhan. l.evl Neet. Anule Knox. J j to use the gymnasium un‘r >»»« - cording to the of Mrs, II P. Mortensen on Thursday, j in Sprtngfleld Saturday ! must flle ,ncome-*"x return. records of County Clerk It S Bryson. Thoao pre» «nt were Mesdames Harry | J c , Gates of Camp Creek w as In «1 «>»"* « le i ----------------------------------- II. 8t«wart. Ih n W («rite». O. II Ja- ■ all Income received by the taxpayer , Jackson Residence Burnt Carli during the year from snlnry or wage, | T h . farm residence of H C Jack r»tt. W H Pollard. W J Scoli. xrtr1nn TOW N A N D VICINITY Returned from Thurston— Miss n>a Hastings returned yesterday ►pending three daya with her and aunt at Thurston. Mr. and C hari's Hastings. Í THE SPRINQFIEI-TKNEWS Zn Society Bakers Bread Costs you' LESS I om hip trouble business, trade, profession or voca- son. near Wat’e-vllle, burned to th « it}l * I . . rn and J F Ketels Guests of the rltih Herman Mason was here from Mar- Hon. dealing In property. Interest, ground last Rundav and the house. w e r e Mrs. II. C Jackson nnd daughtvi , vesterday ( rent, or dividend", or from t h « trans hold effects were practically all lest Wilma. •action of any business carried on for Mr Jackson is the organiser of ihe Mrs A R Cole visited the Roy A. ! The n st Spring The A. E. X. E. A. 8 met at the Mrs. O. P Rud> started from Cameron. field has been confined to her bed htyne of Mrs W. C. Wright Tuesday W isconsin five months ago traveling with influenza. afternoon Tba hours were spent In y auto and representing the Fergus The small daughter of Ernest Con­ needlework R efreshm ents were serv Falls Woolen mt'ls They report busi­ ley of Camp Creek has been 111 with ed later in the afternoon Those pres ness good and business men and far­ Influenza ®nt w ere Mesdame« X. W Emery. J. mers optimistic. B A. Rathbun had his tonsils r>- of Furniture, Stoves. Floor Coverings and Household W Coffin, C. E Ewarts, M J. Me Injured Hand— M -s. A J Davis of moved Friday. articles will interest every thrifty buyer. Our store has Klin. J. C. McMurray. L. May. Wil­ Springfield R F. D Xumber 1 was Mrs B. A Rathbun, who has been liams and Mrs. Wright the hostess been re-arranged so that each department is really a In town th“ past week to have her treated for blood poisoning, is re- store in itself. hand «titched. While entting up a b«ef covering. SATURDAY E. E. Martin of the Eugene office of , to can she cut the side of her left the Booth Kelly Lumber company was hand quite severely. RICHARD BARTHELMESS in Ppringfleld Monday on an Inspec . Returned to Reno— Mr and Mrs W tlon tour. in W Powers, who have been visiting Earl Hall was down from Marcola Mr and Mrs. Roy A Humphreys for Monday on business. the past several days, relum ed to C E. Pryor was In Springfield from th dr home in Reno. Nevada, Monday Dexter Monday. A drama of Mountain Mothers night. Leonard Johnson Is recovering from and mountain men. and the lova a severe illness of pn«umonla of u mountain mother for bar Spent Week-end at W en dllnp —Clay j L. E. Basford Is confined to his son. too Barber spent the week-end at home with a cold. Don't mtafl the finest plrtura Wendiing visiting h is b ro ile r and Mrs. M Hills of Jasper was In town ¡ that llarfhelmeaa baa appeared and Mrs. T. “ A ¡.hopping Monday sMterln law. Mr. ---- In. Barber He ruum ed to Springfield: was a Spring­ Monday morning. field visitor from Dexter Saturday. Comedy— "T h * Smile W in s1' I Went to Lebanon— Mr. and Mrs A C. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. B. G. LOST— Pair of shell rimmed glasses. SUNDAY Fankey. accompanied by Mra E. C. Return to John Fitzgerald or leave McElroy, drove to Lebanon today at N ews office J10 aaainst tftt where the past noble grands of the Rebekah lodge entertain their hus- k life r to /f Born—At Goshen. December 30, hands with a covered dish supper at < w inU r! 6:30 this sv.m'ng. They are driving 1»2R. to Mr and Mrs. George V Haley. a son. down and will return late tonight Enrich your blood, build up your I ayatem and ward off colds by using with Tony the Wonder Hom«. Traded for Orange Ranch—J W. REXAqL EMULSION OF COD U V B R Another great picture by thin Hopp.« e^mpldted a deal yesterday OIL. It'» a remarkable food tonic— with John Xeher of Porterville. Call popular Western Star made from flneat quality Norwegian fom ia. whpreby he traded his ranch in It I h a brand new picture and we oil, pleasantly flavored. Highly con­ Douglas Garden for the Xeher orange are pretty certain you have not centrated, but ea«y to ’ak e grove near PartervIH’i. Mil H op p e' seen It before. made a trip to Portervlll“ last week , To combat a cold and for rellering Two Reel Comedy— « •fid Is well satisfied with the trade , faverishnees. headache, and muscular “TIjtE MUMY" I pains, we recommend REXALL LAX M cK ee Funeral Held We make a apecialty of ATIVE ASPIRIN COLD TABLET«. WEDNESDAY Funeral »arrices tor George W Me certified milk for babies Kaa, age 7* year», will be held at hi« For sim ple coughs rely on REXALL WESLEY BARRY horn« In Marcola thia attent ion nt ¡ and sick people. CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP. It in 2:0« o'clock. Mr M eg ee died at hie- soothes the membranes snd relieves bom » on January 7. 1»24. following a , “RAG9 TO R IC H E S ’* congestion. Absolutely usfe for ehll- b rief illaaaa. H* had been a reeMaei ¡ Packed with airtlon, thrilling dren. of Marcóla for ih e BMt 1* ream ¡y.y*1 * n,.,<* •'tirrlng adventure. Mr McKee w as a mem ber of t l ! Freckles' In seen In one of the Odd Fellows aad tbe M a.on'e lodges j FLANERY’S DRUG STORE greetest and most lovable roles SPR IN G FIELD , OREGON F u n .l a arrangement« follow word *a- 1 of hi« career. eMved from relativo» In Wlttaor O n PHONH B4F3 [Two Rao I Camedy— ada. W. F. W alk»- -rf Rp-ingdeld baa Fkjt»a 1 ftPRiN«lFiiff:(n , ORB eharge of Mia tauaceJ a