THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, lp;>. tob s m n r PAOBTHRM THURSTON ClassifiedAdvertisements Community News what y«w want to M il, buy w tot you want to buy through ealumna W rite or phene TW O CAMAS SWALE PLEASANT HILL W alter Hager la getting to be quite SGLDEMINO OF A U , K IND S On al­ BOARD and LODGING In private a euremful trapper, having caught a lay b-rtwee the Ijttop aod Bmeed* fam ily 17 a week Corner 2nd end bobcat, a oayote nd two coon last W. M Harqula. JI7 D Mre C. F W illiam *. 117 week Frank Copies killed four coon FX »ft S A l.lP -4 rn o m ftnuso In Kprlng- In one night, also, « n tK N IN EUG ENE flold E U rtrio light, water Price Mre, (Jacar W illiam» arrived Tuee- FOR T H E D A T OR W EEK llto# terms. or would conoldor ear day from Bhrrldnn for e few day»' ■TO P A T T H B ee part payment Phone 1676J or vlelt with rd ellve» here. M ATLOCK H O T E L * nail at 1078 I «w ren co Bugene. Ml»» L ila Smith reaumed her duties CORNER 8TH A W IL L A M E T T E a * teacher In Idle Cams» Rwale echool F U R N IS H E D Apartment» end room» fur rent by day or month, Elite r ° M »»KNT—Clean modern fvrnlibed Wednesday after »pending her holi­ Hotel. 2nd and Mein »treat tf » P » rtm -ta . » btorkn fro m Main day vacation nt her home In Albany. M r*. J. M Button we» taken sudden- etreet. H block from atreet car. I f 'l y III on New Year's day. 413 8 3n" «*>• H th day of feature w ill be Installation of of-1 REPORT OF T H E C O N D ITIO N OF T H E Oregon. R F. D. No 1 • Barney December. 1888. and the date of the- Eugene Bull»r waa a vlaltor over Ctnaae, of Eugene, Orsgea. R F. D flr l, publication thereof le the 30th the week-end at ohma. No 1; M ary Lackey of Bugspe. Ore- dey of December IM S A t Springfield. In the 8tate of Oregon at the close of basine«« on The Downs children l i f t Thursday M a F D No 1 I W IL L IA M S A BEAN. December 31eL IM S. ' w »» ra w a rn M Attorneys for Plaintiff tor Sutherlin to resume their high W. H CANNON. Register Eugene. Oregon school work after spending the boll D. Ik, 8». 37. J. k. Ik R m . 27. J 8. it . 17. 14 81 day* at home. RESOURCES I H A V E A CASH BU YER for Spring Loans and discount a Including rediscount* Held rnaldenca. Also o»4 for Me- ..|IM ,< lt .l7 shown in items 3» and 30. tf any ________ Overdrafts secured and u u s e c u r'd ____ _____ 853.71 Knntle river farms I nn«d more Hat U. 8. government securities owned, including Inga. A F, Flowers, Realtor. Jl# 10.850 00 those shown in Items 30 and 35. It any W H. BROOKE HOUSE WIRING Other bonds, warrants and seenrittos. Including foreign Attorney at Law ■ P E C IA L PRICK on piala work Dr government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including Prepared te de Moue-wlHng ef all those shown in Items 30 and 35. It a n y ___________---------- 25.725 90 N W Emery. dsatlsL Button Bldg ■ lapa, A. F. GRAHAM , Comer ef Banking house. 314,800; furniture and fixtures. 33,500.00 __ 18,700.00 tf F B National Bank Bldg (ah) Cash on hand la vault and due from banks, bankers 8th and M streets. F. O. Baa I I and trust companies designated and approved reserve Phono 338 J Bngone. Ore Card of Thanka agents of this bank ............... .... ......................................... .......... 45.093 61 We w ith to express our heartfelt Ik. Exchanges for clearing house and Items on other banks la the same city or town aa r »porting b a n k __ ___ _______ 395.08 appreciation to thoa- who extended Total cash and due from banka. Items 5, 9 and 10, 345.489 79 O'DAY’S PAINT SHOP us help and aptnpathy duFInr the Call death of our beloved l.nsband and AaLo painting and aale tope Paint Total 265.239.47 father la wholesale qaaatitlea. SUTTON TRANSFER L IA B IL IT IE S MRP. JA NE M O UNTJO Y Near the mill race. Bugene. Ore. 30.000 00 I t Capital Stock Paid in W AF.TER M O UNTJO Y Phone 57 5.000.00 17. Surplus fund „■ -, __ M 3 B. «ih Ave. Phone 1887-J I C L O ID M O UNTJO Y 18. (a) Undivided profita 84.559 74 S M IT H M O UNTJOY .None (h i Lees current expensaa. Interest and taxes paid 4.559 74 Commercial State Bank of Springfield B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y DEM AND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due tb j State of Oregon, county, cities or other public fu n d s __ 194.084 52 Automobile. Fir« and L ift 5.423.05 84. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding IN S U R A N C E 200 00 Surety Btndo^ Phon« «17 | Dr. S Ralph Dlpple. Dent let. Vitu» 26. Certified checks outstanding ___________ a _____ ..................... Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject My bunlftooo 1« to pretaet «e«r ( Building. Springfield. Oregon. to reserve. Item« 23. 24, 26. 26 ....... ............... ........ 41IB.707 68 keeinass T IM E AND SAVINO S DEPOSITS, subject to reeerve and pay­ »80 Wlllamotto St. Eufono Oregon able on demand or subject to notlca: SUM M ONS In the Circuit Court of the State of 27. Tim e certificates ot deposit outstanding _________________ 24.972.15 Total of time and givings deposits payable on demand or Oregon for ila e e County. subject to notice, items 27 and 28 __a—«-............824.972 15 Matilda Elisabeth Pennon. Plaintiff, A. A. ANDERSON va Stanton B Pearson. Defendant. Total 3255.239.47 To Stanton B Pearson: BARBER SHOP IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E OF State of Oiwgon, County of Lana. ae. OKEOON. You are hereby required to I. O. B. Xeseey. president, of the above named hank, do M®emnly swear | For Sol«— Now and Old Raaors appear and answer the complaint filed that the above statement to true to the beet of my knowledge aad belief. against you In the above entitled cause G. B. K E 8 8E Y . President 8100 to 82.00 Correct— Attest: W elby Stevens. M. M Peary, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January. 1924. I FRAN K A. DePVE, Notary Public of thia Summons Is Dœember (S E A L ) My commission expires January 9, 1924 “ T h e L o o p ” O tO .. N. M eLEAN W. F. WALKER F U N E R A L DIRECTOR Fall Auto Iqulp-aeat W. O. W. block tific o F to a e 19-M Bee Phene 43-J PIANO LESSONS Ruth Scott Byrng Arcrodlted Teacher Phone W urpb « 941-L O, M Spagun. Mutual U fa Insur­ ance Co.. Bugene. Ore. Phone 377 tf DR. N. W. EMERY Charter No. Fhene kO-J Residence Phone 12» W Springfield. Or span DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL D E N T IS T Phone 3 Springfield Oregon J ffW K L IR F IN E W A TC H R K I’A IRINO A SPEC IA LTY Springfield. Oregon YOUNG A RAY Attorneys at Law FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE I Specializing In the law of Real Property and Corporations. Offices 860 W illam ette Street Eugene. OraffOB Buccewnr to John Edwards and Ualllngnr A McPherson Insurance agencies. Office at FRANK A. DE PUE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, A TTO R N EY Oregon AT LAW NO TARY PUBLIC 8utton Buldllnq Springfield Gravel Go. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. First National Bank for a decree forever dissolvine At Springfield, in the State of Oregon, at the close or business December Slst, 1923. RESOURCES Pearson, and for such other and Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, ecceptanoes of other hanks, and foreign bills of exch: nge or drafts sold with in dorreoMat of this bank ................. .......... ...»----------- 367.140.02 Thia summons la served upon you Total loans .... ................... ................................ ......... ............. ..... 3 Overdrafts, secured, None; unsecured. 3152 63 ...»______________ G. F. Sklpworth. judge of the U S. Government securities owned: Deposi’ed to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 6,250 00 i< All other Unit d States Govcrnnrrnt securities (Including prtraiums, if any) .......................... ................... .......... 20.673.44 1923. directing that thia sum- Total ................................. ...................... ............... :..... ...... ................ _ ... , .. Other bonds, atocka, a ,c u rit'rt, etc.: ...... ........................................... .. * A Bean. Attorneys for the ' nanklng House. 38,000 00; Furniture and fixtures. 32.748.01 ....... residence and post office ail , eg, atp owned o th e r than banking house ......... »........................ < ........... * t » tn -is o, i Lawful rf>serve with F eleral Reserve Bank ..................................... n . 20. 27, J. s, i o. 17. Z4 | (-asi, vau|| an<] «mount due from national banks ...... ................ Am ount duo from State banks, bankers, and tru s t companies in NOTICE OF the United States (other than included In items 8. 9 and 10 A D M IN IS TR A TO R 'S SALE I hecks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting Notice Is herehy given that pur- bank (o th e r than Item 12 ... ........................ .................. .........— the Probate Miscellaneous ersh items ..........— ........................................................... Redemption fund with U. S. Treas and due from U. S. Treasur r II D. W. ROOF WM. G. HUGHES REPO RT OF C O N D ITIO N OF T H E Your Home When In Springfield O KNTIBT ■wtton Bldg. a D istrict No. 12 It < estate ribed was duly by la w -V h l.l I . J MACK'S UMBRELLA SHOP L IA B IL IT IE S * toc* P"‘‘> • " ....................... - .......................................................... » a ^ h n rlr'e d "to and If no antlsG i ‘ r “ I * “ '1« r o e e iv e d f o r «,.1,1 n rn n -1 ‘ ” e >' < * • ’"«W O n ts tn n d t: g .................................................................. .......................................................... Opposite Post Office Box 166 Williams & Bean Eugene, ¡I YEARS OF SERVICE For forty year the First Na­ tional has piloted the financial destlnJaa of many businesses In Eugene, many homes and many individuals. Through those forty years we bare learned the value of co­ operation and personal Interest as a baste for what w» know In the general way, "service ~ — Bo, you see. yours to the benefit of tbea» many years ot contact with the country and Its problems. Let ua apply th »m to your probleqn. 39 Years of Helpful Service T h e First National Bank O F EUGENE Since 1 8 « It Is Your Privilege and Duty to Buy Drugs Where You Can Do the Best When you want anything which is usually sold at an up-to-date d r u g s h o p , come in and see how well prepared we are to serve you. In such cases you may be certain that the quality is right and no less sure that the price is right, too. However, we are always glad to have you compare goods and prices. If we can give you the most and best for your money, we want your trade, if we can't we don't expect it. But we ask the privilege of always showing you w:hat we can do. 67,140.02 152.63 Always Open for 26.82344 72.778.68 10.748 01 25,505.90 13,290 66 27.861.76 ENROLLMENT 3.011.33 New classes will be organ­ ized on the loiiowng dates: 412.70 2 86 312.50 September 17, 24 and Oc­ tober 1st. ' b,250 0 0 1 2.260.00 2,121 08 ; Cashier's checks outstanding ....... ........................................................... Total of two above lt»ms ........ ......................... ......3 4.381.08 Demand do p o ilts (othe r than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable w ith in 30 da ys): 1 w . the ..... In d iv id u a l deposits subject to check ...................................................... 116,537.39 I N otice Is hereby given tha t on th ”>"houri C f r t l i i a l i a t f t ' t j t i ’ t i t e In I f f s tbldn 30 days (o th .'r than fo r Black or Colored Coover-. All Re- money borrowed) ...».................. .......... - ..... ................................... 25.884 40 1 pair Parts Made to Order. < State, county, or other lunicipal deposits securwl by pledge of t assets of this bank or surety bond .................. - ..... - ................ 26,338 07 ------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1 T o t il of d-’ m snd deposits (o th e r than bank deposits) subject to Reserve ................................................. 3168,759^6 public nnetlon the fo llo w in g described real estate belonging to said estate Tim a deposits subject to Resarve (Payable after 30 L. B. BEAN. JO H N M. W IL L IA M S daya, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and of George H o rto n , deceased, to-wlt: Attorney for State Land postal savings): Attorney for Veterana State Lot T w e n ty-fo u r In Block T h irty 15,626.00 Board, three In F airm o un t A d d itio n to E u­ C ertificates o f deposit (othe r than fo r ,money borrowed ............... Aid Commission, 19.717.01 gene, Lane County, Oregon, now a O th er tim e deposits .............................................................................. State School fund I-oana. Fold 1er» Bonus Loan». part 'o f tho C ity o f Eugene In Lane Total of time deposits subject to Reserve ...........335.343.01 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ County. Oregon, to th» h ig h " t bid­ T o ta l ................. ..."....... .................................. ....... —..... '._____ .3248,040 49 der fo r cash end. If no sa tisfa cto ry Idd 1» received therefore at such tlm » thnt such hide he rejected and t h c r ’- Stale o f Oregon. County of Lane, aa.: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW I, Lloyd C. M a rtin , cashier of the above named bank do solem n ly swear nft i r ho w ill proceed to sell the 860 W llla m .tt. Street. Eu0en i’ Ore8°" th a t the above statem ent Is tru e to th e h ’st of m v knowledge and belief. same nt p riva te sale L L O Y D C M A R T IN . Cashier Hated th is 21«t ilav o f December, Licensed to p ra ctice In a ll Courts o f the State, the Federal Courts C orrect— A tte s t: AVm. O Hughes. L. K Page. B. M. McPherson. D irectors. 1923. Subscribed and sworn to before mo th is 9th day o f January, 1924. C M D O R ITY. and Suprem e C ourt of the U nited State» General p r a c tle e - A l busi F rank A (DePne, N o ta ry Public fo r Oregon. Administrator. ne«, p ro m ptly and ca re fu lly attended to -C h a rg e s reasonable. D, 27 J 8-10-17-24 (R EA L) My commission expires January 9. 1924, I FO R TY on Total .......................................... .................. ............... ...... '715.615.15 Springfield Oregon. Herald and Howard motored out from Bugene Baaday and spent the day a* P. R Edmlston« Membws of the Davis district met during the holiday vacation and erect- ad a play shed The ladies prepared dinner at the school hones. Courses: Bookkeeping, Stenographcl or Secretarial, Complete Business and The Bur­ roughs Machines. Special coures by arrange­ ment. Only qualified, experienced teachers employed. Our rates are reasonable, our equipment is up-to-date and you are assured of a thoro, practical training. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. ROBERTS, P resident 992 W llam ette St. P hone 666 Eugene, Oregon