4« T l ÏV RB HAY, JANUARY 10. 192 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS la R o u la and Maxlco, wh«a a man uptoaoa tka guv- i«nL Ko la akoL la th« V allad S u m s Ko la phuto- cnaahad for tba rutc-gravur» a a v llo n —Fort W «yt» g>a lia al. a TM E W IL L A M E T T E B. > K A M T , IM lio r F. C. M. MM at •*» poatoffloa. BpeiogfloitL Orason <■ a a 1?un u p That wrltar who saya tharw la ao logical raaaoa for (ha steady invrwaaa o f divorça should atudy tba pli» of tta cana la lha allay.—North Adama Harald. t h e J la c j! OUR APPLES TO ENQLANO MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATS Advaaca * 1 1» Thro» Months Oaa Toar la Singla Oogy — Baa Months ___________ TSc Northwest apple growers bare reason to congratulate them selves on the dXaat of the protection program at the recent English elections. The proposed new protect I re tariff would have added about 75 cants to the coat of a SPRINGFIELD. JANUARY 10. M ît box of American apples »old In the markets of the trailed Kingdom. But even with this victory there will be not COUNTRY'S BUSINESS CONDITIONS |murh reason for extravagant rejoicing If no better profits While the volume of em ploym ent is two per are made on the comping exports than on those made from cent sm aller than In the spring it is three p er the yt'ld of the harvest of 1922, Those apples were sold re n t larger than a year ago. according to the in­ abroad because they were so cheap they were in the na dex of factory em ploym ent of the Federal R e ­ tare of a g if t Of course they were thus taken off the serve board. C ontracts for new buildings are 20 local market But at tin» best they w ire dumped on the English market by our growers. per cent greater th an last, year. Final estim ates show larger yields of com . oats, A London correspondent to the Oregon Voter vava that tobacco and cotton than in 1922 and sm aller in spite of this low price the consumer In Fnglan I did yields of wheat, hay and potatoes. Each of ten not get much proAl from (he loassustain si by the American crops, except wheat, showed an increase in value grou-ra. Speaking of prices for this fruit In the English markets this writer say»: ‘ The retail price of anv decent according to the federal governm ent's report. Railroad freight shipm ents shows a heavier apples la seldom leas than double t h i price paid by the volume th an in previtwis years duriug the fall retailer, and commonly threw Umee the going p u re at the period. Wholesale trade is but slightly larger than primary sa le " This enormous margin, he w iselv aaya a year ago but retail trade increased 11 per cent. greatly lim its consumption. Wholesale prices are three per cent lower than ' H ) state« that American applet constitute no less than onefourth of the total of apples eaten in England, und the previous year. that Canada tends a Ilka amount. Ha advises that Amer lean growers, instead of dumping their eecond class ap­ E d ito r ia l C om m ent ples in England, system atica]ly market thWr hes* grades U P TO E U R O P E A L O N E there, feeding their supplies into the trade as nestled, It w F orofe, and "Europe only. thaS la to blame (or tta avoiding glutting and eo cutting out much of t h i su p er •addition», and by no tw ist can even a fracUor. of respons­ profits of retailers. ibility for them be laid at America'a door. Wasbiugtc-n T his writer holds that on the apple crop of 1122 A m er Post lean growers lost no leas than 33.000 000 because of their • • • lack of system atic marketing Until oar growers learn to Aa Secretary Denby aaya. if oar warship« aran't made co-operate in establishing a foreign market as welt aa a •qua] in effectlvem aa to those of the other fellow, what's home one, they may expect to lose to the power that do-a tba use of paying out good money to maintain them at know how to trade sysut& atically and coop eratively — •11.— Marion Star. Portland Telegram. j.--- •BREAD J 1 M aintain a high alundartl of Bread Excellence In your hotn<* by the constant utte of FEATHERFLAKE FLOUR “ It Makes Bread Light Aa a Feather” Springfield Mill & Grain Co. BORN—Janusur «, l i l t , at the HISTORIC CABIN SHOWN Mercy hospital in Eugene, to Mr and A PICTURE OF YOUTH Mrs. T. C. W illiams of Marcóla, a ■ h i .J b — IN ‘‘TOB’ABLE DAVID” daughter, weight < pounds. EUGENE CO LLEC TIO N AGENCY , Boys and girls of all ages, every­ When "Tol'abki David.” which As- No collection, no fee. No entry where. Will rejoice a t the new s of Mrs. W P Tyson has been ill the soclatMd First National Picture«. Inc. fee or do«» Ilegal departmeet the presentation of Douglas Fairbanks past few days. is releasing aa Richard Barthelmess f i t — W H BROWERS. Mgr first starring vehicle, appears on the Jr'a, first Paramount picture. “Steph Saturday CAJ^L AND SEE Dr N. W Emery screen at Bell Theatre ea Stepe Out." at the Rex Theatre nortirjrnerv for the first time will see this week. Tbs story U one of a typ­ on prices on plate and other work, tf one of the most famous historic spots ical American hoy. a high school D r B. Ralph Dippel. DeatML Vitas of the Civil War. It Is Mosby's cabin pupil. Stephen Harlow, Jr., like most kulidiag. SpriagOeM. Oragwa. In which the famous Confederate red-blooded boys of his age. haa an guerilla leader took refuge after the aversion for text books As the story Annual importa of Cblneae eggs attle of W inchester The story is pic­ progresses. Stephen go«» to Constan­ into the United States are more than turesquely told In the famous poem tinople. where hit father has se c t offset by exporta of American eggs, of “Sheridan Twenty Miles Away.” “ Say, BiU, him to study Turkish history Con­ Tradition In the Virginia mountains the United States D -rartm ent of Ag­ Attention w ill pat that trary to exp ectation s Constantlnopk to this day Insists that any man desir­ riculture" declares Moreover, the Im­ r yonra is full of excitem ent for Stephen— If ported eggs are mainly dried and ing to escape cannot be captured In I t ’s a a revolution, the kidnapping of the this t-rritory. frosin eggs used by the larger bak­ Sultan's eon and street fights galore Union soldiers hot on the trail of eries. confectioners, and other w hole­ viee fa r all count for anything. sale consumera. * wii -reas American Mosby, came to the cabin where be of -Stephen Steps Out” is a fast mov. exporta are principally shell eggs. Dur­ had paused for a bite to eat Without tngfl comedy throughout. It Is a pic­ ing the ten month-’ tid in g October. hesitation he climbed Into the chlgn ture all will enjoy Thsodore Roberts 1123, 15.000.000 pounds of dried and ney Searching the place they failed is featured In support of the star ana froten eggs were Imported, aa com par to find him, aa the hot chimney seem ­ others in the cawt ioclude Noah WESTINGHOUSE ed Inaccessible to them as a biding Beery, Harry Myers and Frank Cur­ ed with 18.000.000 pounds Imported place SERVICE Eugene rier. Joseph Heoabery wag the di- during the corresponding period of 1923. rsetor Spri n g fi eld New» 11-30 per year FAIRBANKS JR’S. FIRST; WISTINGHODSE H - CHIROPRACTIC Is the science that is restoring health to thousands who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsilltla. nervousness, sleeplessness, headache«, enlargeed prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by scinetlflcaliy co-ordinating the prin­ ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results are Safe, Sane and Sure. -- ■ -< Your Investment C H IP OFF T H E OLD BLOCK In Ms First picture A thrill-filled tale of ad­ venture in the Orient Bubbling with Fun Tingling Excitement Lightning DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS jr 'Stephen Steps Out* THEODORE ROBERTS Action Now Playing— THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY •Jλ. On Good Groceries this year will retu rn you a greater profit if you buy here. The quantity and quality are al­ ways right. Community Cash Store W. M. Green, Prop. DR. GEO. A. SIMON Examination Free Phone 355-J Over Lud ford's 915 W illam ette Street E U G E N E , O REG O N Form the Habit of buying Sanitary Meat Market Round Trip Tickets The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make you a regular customer. FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY The saving made on two trips by purchasing “re tu rn ” instead of "one­ way'' tickets. I h approxim ately the cost of one round trip ticket. Holverson Bros, Props. 3 Trips for the Price of 2 In addition to Having you money, the train can be deiiended upon to furnish you with II Safe and Comfortable ICE CREAM OF RARE FLAVOR Everybody like« a dish of our cream, because of Its velvety softness and rithnei-s of flavor. Nothing of the “store cream ” about It—It tastes and 1» Ilk » the good old fashioned creamy kind you love. service, irrespective of rain, snow, ice and o ther unfavorable w eather conditions. Ride the Train T he Tudor Sedan 1« a gift every member of the fam­ ily w ill share. It adda to dally happineaa. It w ill extend the Joyous spirit oi Christmas to every day oi the year. radiator, broad cowl, aun viaor, and large windows make it atyliah in appear­ ance. Yet it iaaoldat the lowest price ever asked lor a Sedan— only $500 I.O.B. Detroit. Thia new Ford type ia oi an exceptionally pleaaing design. W id e doors open­ ing forward, folding right front neat, and a roomy Interior make It a conven­ ient car to uae; ita high The rich, permanent luster oi its finish, the quiet g.xxl taste of its upholstery, and the ornamental treatment of ita full-nickeled hard­ ware, all help to make it a car you are proud to drive. Tkit Car can b t obtain'd tbront h tba Ford ft'n bly Purduuo Plan. Loral Agent will gladly give you any In­ formation y o j knay wish regarding fares and train schedules. A sst EGGIMANN’S Give One For Christmas W ing M otor Co. J O H N M. S C O T T Pass >nger Traffic Manager PORTLAND, OREGON CA S o u t ;P O R J S 1 ’ 4-