DEVO TED TO IN TER EST OF B R RINO FIELD ANO T M « PARMCRS OF TM « W IL L A M t T T ! VA LLEY 7 ~ ,t o T W B N TIB n THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS u*»»n VBA II TAX LEVY "Th* People's Pipar" — A L iv e NEW SPA PER IN A LIV E TO W N BPR1NGKIELD. LANE COUNTV. OREGON, THURSbAY. JANUARY 10. 182 4. WESTERN UNION TO BUILD LINES ON NATRON CUTOFF Make Arrangement* for Construction Campa, Railroad* Official* Visit NUMBER 52 Politics at County Springfield New» F,VE ° elecates will » » . . ATTEND press meetinc Courthouse Astir It 21 Years Old School to Send Preaidant and Mam- , I bara of Oo-Oattor Staff to Unk veralty Convention. BIB IBB DIM MEARLÏ COMPLETE County Surveyor Seeks Re-elec­ Paper Has History Allied With tion; Frank Taylor Out for the Town; Owners Listed District Attorney Tolls Court A ten wire l »legraph and telephone Sheriff, Others Expected in Order , p |Ve delegate* from the Springfield $35,000 Project for Western Budget Must b* Advertised line over the Natron cut off will be Thia week m ark, the twenty-first hllnpan_ are - , follow ih e Southern Parlfic tracks I Friend, o f Sheriff Fred Stick 1» say-office on Mill ------ ---------------------------------------- company are at Tho dlatrlct attorney, who saya bla Hnrlngfleld t o ! h" hl1" '»O'er plana and they have not Eugene men, Kelly and Amos. had run anB«*r, Audrey McPherson, editor work, and a »mall mill 1» running, I - - . Fkv t l l aa V k lc v l, —I " X g _ —I — advice watt Hot .ought on the budget, ov»r the 'umn, It fr.fin yet been able to prevail upon him to a paper known a . the "Nonpareil" for 01 tbe h ,*h ®*ho°* annual, "Maple turning out timbers for the dam, rail­ fil’d a letter with Ibe county clerk Klamath Falla The deìegntP» will b.» aicom* • Activity on ihe cut-off I. lecrea .ln « ,h " ®“ <'’ “\ a ‘n ” *n Ka*M ? w " ‘ a abort time W ood. In bla turn »old road and big eawmllk TT$: dam settin g forth what the county court likely com e out for aaeesRor and also!*0 L. M Beebe. who conducted th» PAnled by Miss Anne Hill. English ! raise» the water 27 feet and bacg» It dally. Manv official* have made visits , ntu.l do In order to collect taxes In teacher, and graduate of the Unlvar- Ito OakrMge and vicinity lately A th l, election a representative must j P«I*® for a number of years. up three miles. 19J4 slty In 1923 b e elect ' Charles P. Poole- now an under- Eighth grade examinations begin to built under the direction of George »period (lie railroad'. property all and additions and was not advertised along Ibe line They stopped at Mo Ward, treasurer, and E. J. Moore ' l»ker with branch offices in Halsey, day under tha supervision of Mrs. Catching of Springf ld. who was foro- a s required by the old law It la held hawk Junction and W -ndllng on the ' ••‘»"«f school superint-ndent, have not Rrown»vllle and Lebanon. Tha rival ®ra Heraenway. principal of the Lin man of t the dam "William Norris Is InvalliJ Ney.raJ other counties of -msclves aa to irhethcr I,aP®r waa known as the Lane County r®*® school. There is a class of 13 to engineer. The flood gales are so ' Wendling branch before going on to expressed them». the »late, which tried to follow Ihe Woodum Hundsy night over the east w l" ,h s o,ne*" •«**lB N o | S ‘“rh , take the examination«. (delicately adjusted that a child o f new law. are In Ihe name difficulty. side no ■ From complied data . candidate- h av- come out al The dry sheet eventually won out fn a ballot taken In the history class ,•-• thPm with T h s dMtrirt attorney's letter to the booklet which rad* the per cent of ,h *’u« h •’ '■ reported that both r e p u b « • elections, and the Springfield of the Springfield high school under ,h e ,eTCTS «"«L county court foHewa — perfection of the various place» will IUaB* “ B<1 dnntaorala nspect to hav», r " ' w" * * “ • oM bT B **be » cor- the direction of Pviffegbor Randall Everything Is getting in t»adlnesn Genlletiinn: The attorney general |,e published. " ¡,ul1 ,n ,b ® Held. Likely In t h n lf f,ra ®B- wan consolidated with the EVott. Abraham Lincoln was vobad the f°r the construction of the large milt, yesterday handed down an opinion Wt>rk tu ,nmlt , UBne, whl< h ' B in a r ie s contentn will a l- i1-*"« County Star and run for a short greatest American of the earlier days Two hundred man are at work There with reference to Ihe legality of coun w,„ , , h<. Cascades cut I h e 1*” r**"U ,or n,"*rly local ‘‘m® under that name. Gradually the of the republic, and Woodrow Wilson w»l b i postal service at Westfir ho­ ly tas I-Vie. to the cffc. I that all iNatron v . iw . k . - i l l ,.»«r th.. « , P01" 1 1 '1“"® * ho h“ ’ * b""B uklns J»‘<« »"d the seven policemen then the greatest of m oem times Lincoln «Inning Monday. John Byers is tho cutoff will start near the w est! omployed w-'re no longer necessary to won over George Washington by one new postmaster. The men at Weat- county l.v la . made vtlthout Ihe pub rnil Ijlke , he n e l, weak or ’ «uncling, report p order in the town, the Issue died vott, and Wilson over Theodore Roose- > A® formerly had to get their mall llcntlxn of the budget and the meet two. according to word reaching th is, down, and the name of the paper was ye it by three votes. through Oakridge, but the large lug Of Ihe laxpayera. as provided h y .l|ty T ,„. whtch oboul i,w , CONCERT AT METHODIST changed back to the Springfield N ews. | ------------------------------ - afuount of It entitled them to a postal law. arc null and void I heartily con |B I .„ „ h , will be bored through CHURCH MUSICAL EVENT louLaiam T tk ° T °f COURT ASKS FOREST AID service of their own. cur with Ihe opinion of Ihe altortrry , hH 8Ummlt ridge between Malden In the V nlrereitr of Kan* < general, Inasmuch as It has been my pr » k and Mount Yoran. Because ot Marguerite MacMenua. Mrs. Q .u lt and journalism « ... ran „ for , , hor, (lm(, p ON W ILLAM ETTE ROAD opinion al all l|m es 1 ,,r^p RBOW work Is Nalug held S. P. TRAINS CHANCE Burton Arant to Appear In Con­ Pimm and sons, now In Portland. u , The levy aa made In l-ane county Up on Ihe ^aat aide som ewhat on Ihe bought out tbe corporation. Later It Heavy Tn®ffic »* Oakridge Makes TIM E AND CONNECTIONS cert January IS waa mad« without the publication of grading and the contractor on the Road Work Neceesary; Bond was In the hand« of R. A. Brodie, the budget, aa requir'd by law, and northern section will alart crews on A change In time of the trains on A musical event of unusual Interest now running a printing office In Eu- Projects to ba Improved without the laxpayera* m eeting be- the tunnel Instead, It la reported, the Southern Pacific lines is outlined will be the conoert to be given In the K*®n Howsrd Freeland and Samo ri lug held to discus* the same. Hues* „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extensive work on the W illam ette 8tat“>n ag*"‘ at Spr*M ' Methodist church Friday arm in g. Jan .T r ie r , and then Freeland and Hender- Ihe levy herdofore attempted to he J O H N B R O W N D E L I V E R S nary IB. by Marguerite MacManus?*'® owned It Jointly, and from them highway from Lowell to Oakridge i s ) ! field. The to Oak- ... train from Eugene ** made by your honorable body Is null ( ®>e to Maxey and W esterfirid. the planned this year bv County Com-1?**** **” hCT® #t th* same time. FORCEFUL MESSAGES violinist. Mrs. Jam es [.ester Gault. 11 came and void and It Is necessary that yon . . * KtV t e»A F«V < as ar 1» 1 A n a— m l.n lo .a r . Emmrit Sharp and N e ls ' re* r" ‘B< “ Oakridge at ■' 1 - «oprano, and Burton Arant, ptanlst ao P®®*«®! ownership. Immediately lake steps provided by ( - 12:45 In the afternoon Instead of 1:20. Spaakeg a t Cbristam Church Thia .„mpanlat. ---------------- - Roney, who are in Portland at the . . . u - « r* Ilia alatute to lawfully leyv a tax In } .1,1» , 11 wil1 nrsive here at about i;50, and state highway cocfm ission meeting. , - . , . * luine county Th» alatute further' Weak Be I lave* Bible the Inerrent • Mr*. MacManus I» a violinist of MRS. EMERY HEADS . ___ , 1 in Eugene at 3:05. The change is fo note, having toured tha United States seeking to receive foraat service aid Word of God provides (hat the assessor must turn begin Sunday. CITY LIBRARY BOARD on this section. The forest service I In. roll over Io the sheriff not later --------- l,n w1,h the great plan- Mra v w- n » -..» , . * Onl’r cP®®«te» with the state and l u Of 0,6 main tr* ‘D’ "umer M than «5 days before April 5. and In! Jobn Brown has met the expect* 1st. 8b.» has also appeared In concert *' n®c * “ r>' to get this aid through, lM ves lkhe“‘l of number 1« Instead of view of this fact It la Imperative that tlou of all thoae who have heard him ¡with many olh er noted artist« Mrs. dent of the S r r ln r f lZ ? ! ^ of the Springfield library board , he cfimmlMlioB ’ vl«a veraa as at present. Number 54 v h this j Gault I. director of (he Lorelei choru. for the comln< yon at once order th.» publication a t , preach at the Christian rhnrr will arrive In Portland at 7:15 in th« tha budgal and gel a dale for Ihe wvrit. according to Jan ie. Pointer, |»n.Corvallta and Is well known aa a Tu.»sday evening at the library bull* library bullu-1 S®*»®»! thousand dollars have been morBin< ¡„«taad of 7:40. and number of unusual ' -»■■■ ability, A m eeting of the taxpayers. In order that paetor of the church. One moment soloist -* * program ’o.trro‘ L 1he rtty ha" I” * " ' ‘D " ‘C’’nt m°nthB °" 1» »®®ive there at 9:00 in th« yon may lawfully le w a (ax In Tune Ihe audience Is roaring with laughter given by her recently over ihe Ore Other officers elected are: vice pree. “ o" by the county. The great In- morning instead of 7:34. county for thia year. The Inst dat > and the next moment they are swayed gonian radio In Portland brought at. done. Mrs James Dnvls; secretary. in traffic brought on by tha The paesengyr train to Oakridge will upon which tbe rolls may be turaea : with the masterful thought of th j Gos- enthusiastic response, and was ac „ P“Ke: ll’T ,,riaB Ml»« W estern Lumber company at Westfli be kBOWn aa number 91 and 92 instead claimed one of Ihe best ever given over Io the sheriff Is the 20th day of gel. There Is no room for doubt or Mary Roberts. Members -riected to ha« been largely responsible for the of being called special. February. 1934. Indecision In Ibe minds of those who over the radio. the library board were: Mrs. Lee work being neceesary. The county Iluprtnn A,rant. who conducts a It is assentisi that you give this hear Brown He believes th» Bible _ , „ , c >®®k and Mrs. Vina McLain Mrs has bond moway to spend on this HAMLIN APPOINTED TO Th ° a th *> matter your Immediate a lt «nilón Injla th» Inerrant word of God and the i S S d °w iB accon, north county lino, in the Slnslaw for- order Ihe’ tbe business of the county only certain foundation upon which field, will accompany the other artlat. secretary for 14 years. FORM REPUBLICAN CLUBS and ahm piny a group of aoloa. | The pun h a s . of 27 n »w 'b ook . was est. is .1 ^ , one that federal aid is Jmay not be crippled for the next Imsn h a . to build for eternity. T lw w n c e r t Is under G»e « u .p lce, of announced In a report by M l,. R ob-! sought on lrikewlee the rt»d year John Mellis Hamlin, eon of Post­ One of the out sanding features of the Creecendo Music, club, a Eugene Larts. .Ibmrian. Donors i f flv’e" naw o í ^ . ““* , u u “^ i 7 ^ “ w „ 7 ^ l ' Z R espectfully submitted. m aster F. B. Hamlin, has Just been Dr. Brown's preaching Is tb» descrip­ CLYDE N JOHNSTON. tion of conditions In Chins. Japan, orgnninntlon The earn, program w ill,b ook s are Ed Bloewm. Mm. 8 Jacob ¡year. Due to the cutting down of appointed by the Republican national District Attorney jB()|a anj Europe as he saw them, lu also be given In the Methodist church son and Mr. Cooper money alloted to mad work In the e®ntr*l com m ittee a , organiser of r » In Eugene on the evening of January Mrs^ Jam es Davla served the ladles budget and the heavy maintenance publican clubs in collegia» and univer­ hla taro trips around tho world. Sat­ 22. T Stetnway grand piano will be with lig ball. In s u lt­ appreciated. ADDRESS P.-T. M EETING M. M. Peery, are m em ber, o f the Jury held In the high school auditorium ing officer was I R. h i hrnond. dlt F arm ers' Union W e re b o u *. Elect Monday night at 8:15 o’clock The A welcome la ««tended to all people trlct deputy grand peirtartb of Ihe Colonel W. D. G. Mercer of Bugewp next program to be presented la one Pengra encampm»nt. Ralph l-alr-d. of Creswell, president to attend th ese services. A comfort­ Legion Installs xrill give hla address "Mother Low»" by Emma Dee Randall on the evening of the Farmers' Union, was elected able building is the general verdict Officers were Installed a t a meet Newly elected officer' ianlalled at a m eeting of the Parent-Teacher nrealdent of the C ooperative Ware- of those that are attending the serv­ Ing of the Springfield poet of tha of January 22. Th» trio included George Chenot, were: ah let patriarch. Oswald »I. Ol­ association Friday. January 11, at 2:34 house at a meeting of farmers last ices. American Legion In tbe W. O. W. hall who 1» also manager, WUIIam T. Beek. son; high priest. W. O. Hughes; san o'clock In the afternoon at the Llncohs Ualurday, Other officer, and directors Friday night H. B. Froriand was In Mr Chenot 1or warden. John K ateh. Sr.; acriba, M ItllOl chosen were: C. B Jordan Crwrwell, THREE BOOZE PRISONERS stalled as commander. C. A. Sw aste ns and Olanden Cragge The lecture will be praaeeded by a plays the trrimbone. piano and tenor H. A. Kort; treasurer. F. F Barnard. •aeemtary treasurer; Oeorge Rebel "TRUSTIES” MAKE ESCAPE vice-commander, Jess Meats as sec­ naxaphone. Mr. Beek'e Instrument« | AW »’nti®» offletwe were also Install­ short business session. All parens, berk. Cottage Grove; T. J. Bweeney, ond vice-president. Verdon May ad­ are the trumpet, «lid^cornet and ban-'"*,: ff“1*1*- J°hn S. Lorah; Inside sen- and others Interested are urged to be J r . Creewell. and W A. Andrews, One woman and two men prison­ jutant and J M [Larson flnanca of- Jo. The baritone horn end p h n 0 are tlnel. F. O. Black; outside sentinel, present. Col. M'?rrer's address is ede- W altervllle. ers of the county escaped Sunday and fleer. Charles E. Nolf; first natch. J. H. sidered a classic In English, accord­ R E. Morrison, manager, presented have not be.»n located. They were ' Four new memlK»r, have been added played by Glendon Craggs. Brun^mette; second watch. P. G. San- ing to Mrs. C. A. Swarts, president Tha program featured Ihe brass trio the reports showing that ths w ar» Minnie Cndden Larfcln. 8 O. Barker J»o «*ra old. is on her way had been sent to the county poor *lny night of pneumonia, aacordlng to Apartment House Sold Imkevlew. Oregon, who was unable IL® ’ ‘’ L1 h 'r brother In Springfield, farm to work and tho men were work word received by friends here Mr. Mrs. Luti Diss The apartment house at 534 Four- to attend. Grand Junior Warden Her C. F. Scott, Sr., 80 years old. Miss Ing aa Iruateea In the courlhoua» yard 8n,i Mr«. Erlckaon resided in Spring- teenth sronue east, formerly owned by bert E. W alker of the grand eneamp- Scott liv e , at London. Ontario. Canada, field two years ngo. Mr" (Luts, wlf» of Floyd Luis, « when they made their escape Mr, and Mrs. D. H Conklin, has been ment of Or*»gon was present also, as and Is at present In Kansas City, Mis­ former employe In the Springfield w ......... "■ »old to D. W. Crites of Springfield, It were Past Grand Patriarch W M. souri. She w ill soon be tn Portland Spending W inter In California Southern Pacific depot, died at tuber­ Marriage L loenae, of Weak George Davenport, heed of the lo­ has been announced Crltea takes im­ Green and Paet Qraud Master W. F where she w ill vlalt relatives, and culosis th is week, according to word then come here. Marriage llren s's Issued during the cal 4L'», Is «pending , pleasant win­ mediate possession. The deal la said Walker received through friends, Mr». Luts n _ ._ i._ u ____ _ was being taken to Arisons by her past week hy the county rlerk In­ ter In Ixvng Beach, California. The to Involve about $13.009. ( Patriarch Whdmvorih gave a talk oa Itusband In the hopes of Improving her clude George H. Waggoner, legal, and weather la fn e there, h> writes Io Odd Fellowship and told of his trip Ex-Nun Lectured health, hut died one hour after reach­ Paulina M Hchults. legal both of En- his M ends hem. a'though his health The Carbnllasum Wood-Preserving a® Oregon driegate to (he Sover'lgn Sister I m t reala. sa sx-nua, gave a in g Tiiaaon. Mr. Luts was on a leava gana; Floyd B, Foreman, 23. Wood- has uol Improved a s much as ha had oosxpaey rsceiv-d a carload of o r e * ' l-odga. laatnra ia the Bell T heatre Fridag nt aheeace from tha Eugene d-'pot Ilog, and Alice Hakkeu. S3, N; expected from the chaage. H-» tta a eta seta Friday It arrived i« a teak r-r After the rocslar barium« snd the nlaht. ajid spoke again «a S aad ay * where hla prexant position Is B u rial, and George I-ee lire war, 2$. Fell to «a »a to Pnwl'fig Gra«n B aatashg from 8t. Ixmia Park. Miuuaavta Da iaste.Ita.tloa light refWekrnentH of the Baptist churah. On Monday at- will ha In MMeaarl where Mr*, laris'*'/'reek, sad BiaAys Statham 19, »Baud to visit tie nr-»«h« t rh a sac raaahad, Taeedsy they aant a 'bMmhMt ef Wear sandwMIe»«. eeffee »ad • doaghante taraooa eke addressed Ihe w om en hs peraaks realdR * • • •• ,f N pH 8»hh» »a •alMfraig. Jwaaa a^ad j . X . Jw/te? * • Baf**‘ akW V Hi. j