TJ U T RHDAY. JANUARY $ 1 »34 TH E SPRlNOFfELD NEWS PAOS SIX John Curri» Ole» Celebrate Anniversary Have New Radio»—Floyd Flat»»-» John Curri» of ssburg. »5, »h o dlsd The anniversary of their marriage and Levi H. Neet are each owners at bis homo Deeemher 2*. 1929, was of n ’w radio sets Installed at their was celerated December 17 by Mr. htfrled Db-ciuber 2# The funeral H ere on SualneOe— Kd I. Connelly homes this wuekt Ttr'ro arc now and Mrs It C. Mark ’s The Market's 1 servire» were held at Ma home. Itev County C om m IM ionor Sign O rder was In SpringflvM from Camp Creek about 10 radios In Springfield. have celobruted their wedding annb versary for the last live years. Guests ' Gordon Urltlin preachlng thè funeral D efin itely Settling Amount of yesterday on buatneas. Injured Head— Franklin Drury, son present Included Mr and Mrs. Covsll. Bvrtuon Money to be Raised The dvceased w»s bori» Auguri l i . ______ Confined to Bod— E U Garrison of of Mr and Mrs. Robert Drury, cut J Mias Maggie llurua, Miss Awbrey. Carrying a levy for all purpose. In ““ conlDMd “ » h " his head Sunda>) while riding h it ¡Mrs Pearl Hell. Mrs. Urlnuer. all of IS2S In Ireland Ho le nurvlved hy ione son John and three daughtrrr In new bicycle, a Christmas present. Ho ' Eugene bed for the past week the sum of »862.06972 the county bumped into the stone wail of the Idrment was In Oreenwood eenie’.ery court has made an order for the Entertained on Saturday— Mr. and Methodist church, culling a gash sev- 19J« Australia has prohibited the Im­ le s s taxes The order la signed « ---- by . Mrs H. W iley, daughter l.uvlle and Chariw (Irani of Thurston was In aral iuches long clear through to th i C'|mmissloner» Emmett Sharp and . so> Kenneth were dinner guests and portation of adult bees to prevent the skull Several stitches were taken. Sprlngllcld yesterday. Nels Roney. Judge C. P. Barnard >l)| |hrt evening at the Charles My Introduction of serious diseases of withheld his signature The amount pr)| hom# Saturday. adult been, such as the isle of Wight Had Operation—Mrs. B. H. Mas J O. (lortnan. of M inneapolis, who of mon?y to he raised Is under that •erson. who underwent an op'ratlon I die *ase. An exception I* made of the of last year It 1« seggregaled as fob III fro m Pneumonia— t H. John for gallstone» a week ago at the I I'nlted States, this being the only has l»'en visiting al the M J McKlln ,ow<. , son's son Leonard Is seritwu 111 with Mercy hospital In Eugene. Is getting country from which Importations are home In Springfield. leaves Friday for State tax. »401.960 53. ' pneumonia* and has been for several permitted, according to the Bureau of Loa A ngeles, wherv he will spend the along nicely. General funds tor county p u rp ose, days past- Entomology. I'nlted Slates Ifepart winter with relative, Mr Gorman 1» Mrs. McKlln', unde 1 ment of Agriculture »281,»85. Misa Cray Home—Miss Oril Gray Buckeye Trld to Appear County school purposes. »1S5.«97 SS Sunday from Twin Falls. County high school purposes, »67,- Idaho, where she visited her parents The Buckeye Male trio will appear 300 over Christmas. i nt the higtt school auditorium on the > County school library purposes. »1,- evening of January 7. ta 8:15 o’clock ] COUNTY TAX LEVY IS FIXED AT $862.059.72 356 9$. TOWN Homo Interest to meet deficiency payment of Interest on road bonds, »18.000. Market road funds, »55.500 Total levy for all purpo»?s. J6S2. AND VICINITY fro m Sacram ento— Ben Da- vidsen is home from Sacramento. Cal This Is the third numboy of the Kill I I torn la. visiting his parents. Mr and son-w hite ly cei\u sponsored hy the Mrs R E. Davidson. He r.dursned i 4 L's. home Sunday. I. O. 0 F. to Install , « , at«»rt-.< Went to Portland—Robert Drury Is Delciencv levies for school districts i . hack from Po-tiand where he went on , The local Odd Fellows lodge will •ha» did not le w a special tax were Saturday to take a railroad exaknloa . hold installation of officers next Wed made as follows: neoday evening. January 9. lu the I District 12 ------------------------ 3- "tills ,ion IO. O. F hall. ... ..... 1 7 mills District 49 Visiting In Los Angeles— Mr. and —-------------------------— ____ 5. mills Mrs C. E. Hill of W est Springfield District 112 ____ .3 mills left Saturday for Los Angeles, Cali­ DENTISTRY at lower prices. Dr. N District 150 ____1 mills fornia. to be gone a month. W. lju ery . Sutton Bldg. tf JMstrict 141 ........... 4 mills District 149 ______ U n d erg o e s O p e ra tio n — M rs Jess ____ 5. m ills District 168 5. mills Smitson underwent an operation thia District 170 5. mills morning at the M-’rcy hospital In District 190 A levy of .0175 cents per acre for Eugene forest Are patrol In both th? ea-t and H#r# |# r T r#ltm ent_ Mnt L Ad. w e r t t a e sections was ordered dtnjfton of Marco„ ar, Considerable discussion has arisen Sprtn help m ake It a success. Springfield Bakery Fred Frese, Prop. SUNDAY JOHNNY HINES In “SURE FIRE FLINT” Comedy— “A Jan ito r's Fall' WEDNESDAY “ SLIPPY McCEE The free Tire Offer That Startled the World C-T-C’s Guaranteed to Outwear Any Other Make Tire on the Market A* E’LL put up a new tire that a a C-T-C will outrun and outwear any other make tire, size for size, you want to match against i t W I ft Buy a new C-T-C tire for any wheel of your car and put a new tire, same size, of any other make on the opposite wheel. Then drive them mile for mile, continuously. If th« C-T-C tire't outwear the other tire we’ll present you a new C-T-C tire FREE. Freshen up, for winter because, winter days are indoor day», you will want to keep your home bright and light and cheerful. Protect your fam ily from w inter’ » dulL Thia rcMuarkabb: factory Guaranty obtains on C-T-C» bought only from authorized C-T-C deal­ er« between November 15th and Junuary 15th, and ia the strongest backing any tire manufac­ turer baa ever put behind his product. fio M 8» 41 IS C-T-C tirea h av. warranted this unheard-of .iemonrtration o t oooZidaiioe by equally aa remarkable performance. They a re tha strongest, toughest, longest enduring tires built. nes« and your home from w inter wear by painting N O W . Outside, iiuide, everywhere, on floor», woodwork, and furniture your home will welcome the brush that is dipped in an Acm e Q uality can. BUY YOUR TIRES NOW FOR SPRING N o w is the time to protect and beautify before the wear and tear of winter is upon ut. i I 4 J i 1 l 1 « ■ « M I» In spite of their GUARANTEED SUPERIORITY C-T-C h cost NO MORE than ordinary tiren. For over 40 years Acme Q uality product» have been recognized as the standard of the industry. T h e re is an Acm e Q uality finish for every purpose- -paints, varnishes, stains and enamels. O u r recommendation goes with every can. x’ 1.1'» ’ ACME quality VI ►M V» Paints, Enamels, Stains, Varnishes , Wright & Son T I R ND Springfield Garage A Jtborized Ford and Chevrolet Service