T U V R R O a Y, JANUARY 8 1034. KHK H Pm w o— LP NBWH P A O B P IV Ï NO TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N D B P A R TM B N T O F T U B IN T E R IO R U. S. Land Office at Rnaebtitg, Oro ■ do . I ocotnbor K, 1923 Cl ass ifiodAdvertls emcnts • • ' I whet you wont to M il, buy wtiat you wont to buy through these •olumno. W rite or phono TW O Notice Io hereby given that Grant who. on who, T K A iif - t bevrolet 1 ton truck L O T for aolo on »ary easy torma. Can M»F »4. >»2«. » • ' ! • Hometlead entry, tor 4 paae-nger touring car. or what ' pay for It In work. Ba* B. B 1 8®Hal No. 012728. for thv fx»t 4 of lui to youT F. Frees», Hprlugfleld Kepnar. U Section 8 Township J7 • „ Minco t Bakery Phono 61 .... —— W W illam ette Meridian ba* filed W H E N IN EUG ENE Ft>H HALE—«room bouse In Spring- nolle« of Intention to make Final FOR T U B D A T OR W E E K Three-Year proof to ealebllah claim P«lil Ekctrto light, wator Price •T O P A T T U B ♦ ltOO terms. or would cnnelder cor to the land above described, before M ATLOCK H O T E L « iE. O. Inunel, U g c imrulvelonar at * • Port payment Phono 1878J or CORNER HTH A W IL L A M E T T E hie office at Eugno. Oregon, on the «•oll ot 107b LaWrence. Eugene. I7th day of January t FOR R E N T Clean modern furnished FI R N I8 H K D Apartments and room* sperim enta 3 bbxka fro m Malli | Claimant names a * witnesses: fur root by day or month. Elite C. Il Kwango, of Coburg. Oregon, street, I» block from «tract car. >lol»l. Srd and Mam .troot. if **- ■ ■ .-LTU-.-u - ____ - __ 413 8 2nd at. if John Rnnlnger, of (o o u rg Oregon, Thomas Gre«n, of «¡»burg. Oregon; SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Hr N W. Emery, d vn tlet Button Bldg Dr. B. Ralph Dippal. Dentist, Vitu» T, L. Barber, of Cob >rg. Oregon. — J. urwy, Gray, or of Eugene .«• sugene, Oregon ■ 1 ■ I' THI Many persona aay our « ream Is than «•ream— It home mads Is so rresmy, Ice r lr b and full of the moat d elirium pure flavoring. They always ask for a second helping of our cream. preparvd to d« Houo-wirlng of all Kind«. A. F. O RAHAM , Cornar of F. o. B«x 18« O'DAY’S PAINT SHOP A«to painting and anta topa Paint la wholesale quanlltlee. Near the mill race, Bugene, Ore. M 3 E 3U> Ave. Phon« 1227J W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Aut« BgulFtoa*» W. O. V. block Phans n-M . Rae PhM« 81J DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T I8 T Button Bldg. Fhena K U Residence Phone 12» W •prlngflsld, Oregon D. W. ROOF JIWELER F IN E W A TC H R E I'A IH IN O A S P EC IA LTY •prlngflsld. Oregon WM. C. HUGHES F IR E ANO A U TO INSUR ANC E Btsacnaaor to John Edwards and Ballinger A Ma Pharaon laauranca ides. Ofloa at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon Springfield Gravel Go, All kinds of gravel for con« oretB or road work. Wa make a specialty of crushed rock and rook «and. Bunk- are at foot of Main on MM1 HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. JOHN M, WILLIAMS Attorney for Voterons Stats Aid Commission, Foldlera Bonus JLaans A. A. ANDERSON post» of , he |n th)j ma, | t r [ paid-up membership for 1924. Certified seed potatoes from the | Weaton mountain district entered in an o,,,c,al teat ln »he Yakima valley I ' with lots from 17 other districts in i Ore* ° B- " ashlngton and Idaho, pro duced the highest score la the tests. h* r 7 >n’T ",li t Pra>e<1 ,o r ,o Parrish. m erc< w |t|j wishes for you all a New Y ear full of wishes come true. Let’s take 1924 firmly In hand and MAKE It de­ liver to each one of his share of us happiness, prosperity and progress. Don't let one day of the year get away without showing you some defin­ ite step in advacne. Happy New Year! Now— Let s Go» 39 Year« of Helpful Service The N a t io n a l F ir s t B ank lndorM m ent pf pre(|1 » M •» PertJaod- Portland, • as the Hver rfver Is la en- en- » »»•<|c a tlc road It ion • during Jack Harbit. who spent Chrtstmi e rtr lrw • »•« conditions during the the past past year year (lrw4y wtthin the CDoftnas af tha rta ta have bean favorable to the spread at with his mother, returned to Reed Secretary of of W W ar ar Weak« Weak« has has ad advised U»« flra blight, he he stated. stated. Pruning fire blight, Pruning of port Monday. Secretary vised the Far ta lo — Now and Ole Rasera Hasel Bdmiston returned to Mb Sheriff Hurlburt*« tax collection de- the diseased and infected wood and partment In Multnomah county has tbe uae o f poison spray w ill be resort­ mouth Wednesday after spending tl •1 4 0 ta 92.00 holidays at home. collected and turned over to County ed to. The Mountain States Power com- Curtis ------------------- Pric», ---------vr. who attends O. A. Traaaurer Lewis this year a total of •14.290,399.94, which exceeds the pany. which serves all cities in Coos r»turned to Corvallt, Tuesday sfl amount ef taxes on the books tor this eounty except Bandon with power and spending ths holidays with his paren ft year by «360.34141. electricity, has announced probably Its Anda Calvert, who works at Wei largest single piece of development tor ling, spent New Year’s day with 1 The Upper Columbia Athletic league 1O«J Your Home When In a______ __ _ _s—a WW - > _ . . . Instituted by tbe principals of the 1934. The expansion Involves a new sister. Sir,. John Edmlston. Springfield Kenneth Giles, who resided bei schools of Sherman. Gilliam, Morrow electric plant which Is to be construct­ and Wheeler counties last spring, w ill ed in North Bend. Tbe cost ot this ten years ago le visiting old friend C. M. DOR1TY. Thomas W illiam frrrn Oakland open Its serlas of basketball games this plant, which was made necessary by Administrator. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL week. Tbe series w ill Include 70 to the extraordinary progreee in Coos vlsltlsg his daughter, Mrs Ehrne D. 27-J. 2-10-17-2«. county during 1923. w ill be between We?t 76 Inter-blgb school games. D E N T IS T »800.000 and 8760.000. j w illia m Hamilton N O T IC E TO CEOITORS was in Thu- Oswald W est Fern Hobbs and H. Phone 3 The 1923 act of the Oregon legisla ' ton last Thursday. Notice Is hereby glven that the un- M. Parks are the Incorporators of the 1 demlgned have been arrolnted hv the Fort Rock Development company, for ! 1 tOr* Springfield tore, ' creating creat,n* county cottn,’r tax ‘ ax supervision supervision , I Miss Esther McPherson vteit, County Court of the State of Oregon Oregon which articles of Incorporation were ' “ nd cona* rTat,on commissions, was relatives in Thurston last week for la n e County Admlnlatratos for filed with with the the corporation co ro o ra tln n department declared void because of defective title Mrs Msb»l Crowe Is vi Ring rel the estate of Mary Ann Chapman, filed deceared All persons having claims at Salem. Capital stock Is to be 810,- In a memoranda opinion handed down tires In Thu.stoa c 'ng the hoi against said estate are hereby notl- by the supreme court. A supplemental YOUNG A RAY I fled to present the same, duly veri­ 000. and Portland will be headquarters. opinion setting out more fully the days. Tentative grades for cannery t fied and with the proper voucher« Attorney« at Law The lowest bid opened at Portland views ot tbe court w ill be prepared to the said administrators at the of- Specialising la tha law of Real , flee of Gordon 8 Wells. In the Morn­ by Captain George Mayo, corps ot later, It was announced. The opinion matoes have been prepar’ d by tb United States IDepartment ot Agr Property and Coiporatlaas. ing Register building. Eugene, Ore- engineers, U. 8. A , for the delivery of handed down by the supreme court culture and are being urged for ado; 280,000 tons of rock to be used In I gon, within six months from the first Office« g«0 W illam ette Street in no way affects the tax supervising tlcn by produc-ra and the trade Trad Jetty construction at tbe mouth ot the publication of this notice. Eugaaa and conservation commission naw in Hate of the first publication of this Umpqua river, was 81-48 a ton. It operation In Multnomah county. The * an,?’,, 0 " " rr ,T ■ notice Is December « 1923 was filed by Joplin A Eldon of Port­ Multnomah county commission ^®»»»1»»*"» b»T® Indorsed the grade Thomas I. Chapman land. *ated by the legislature tn 1*13. I n pi :nciF,e aD<^ H expected tha THO M AS I CHAPM AN. FRANK A. DE PUE No emergency fund is available ! a nurab<>r »«»»•’« dse t E. B. W att era, postmaster at 8tayton W IL L IA M H . C H A PM A N A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Administrators of the estate of for the past two years, has been re- from ir w n w u ic d a. r r a o a A dam s, Ol ®rades ’n " 'r e n s ’ e iio n s d s riL which J. Frank Adams, of H ary Ann Chapman, deceased. NO TARY PUB LIC moved from office, following a visit of Klamath Falls, can be paid for dike ,be com,nE season, D 8-1,7-20-27 ;J-3. a pottofflce Inspector from Portland construction performed by him some­ Button aprlngBold who. It was said, found the postmaster thing ___ _____________ NO TICE FOR P U B LIC A TIO N more than a _ year ago in process Buldllng Oropan. £ ,H ® li r r CO URT O F T H E 81200 or 91300 abort ln his accounts. C O V N T Y OF ORBOON ’ ’CR i - a n e Mias Mildred English has been ap­ of reclaiming a part of Hank's marsh D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E IN T E R IO I ln Klamath county. It has been sug- TT 8. ” load *— J office * “ — at ~ Roseburg, On ~ U. L S»®1’» T’lalntlff, vs. 8. B pointed acting postmaster. tested by American Legion officers gon, December 7. 1923. jMACK’î ’S UMBRELLA SHOP Deverell. Defendant, Thera was only one fatality due to at Klamath Falls that Contractor I Oppoalta Opposi' Notice Is hereby given that H attl Post Offica, Rugane, 8 B J De»er«H. »»>• defendant Industrial aoetdenta In Oregon during Adams should be paid for this work Armenta Pulver, widow of Robert P above named the week ending December 17, accord­ for which ha submitted a bill for 824,- Pulver, deceased, of Eugene. Oregon IN T H E N A M E O F TILE S T A T E %laek ■look « or Catered Caaver.. AH I O F OREGON you are hereby requir­ ing te a report prepared by the state l i t . Bx-Sacrotary of the Interior Lana who. on August 24, l»22t mad ed to appear and answer the com- Industrial accident commlsalos. The undertook to arrange Serial. No’ V 01464« — for the redama- — I Homestead Entry. azwaaas, AW« Parte Made te Order. P . ? l* d a»aln»t You 1» the above victim was Robert Williams, a laborer, tlon of Hank’s marsh and other into for tha 8fe of NEU of Section entitled suit within six weeks from w ith headquarters at Prospect. A to­ lands tn the upper Klamath lake ooun- Township i t s . Range 4W . Wlllai the date of the Aral publication of this summons, being the service r«* tal of 888 accidents were reported. try an the basis of giving long-time ette Meridian, has filed notice of I I , , TO,Bn,0B" upon you and If you •»■■— — ■ I ■■ ^pr WUOIIUUUWU W«BTK PR - - - - - on — ___ — to , be reclaimed tesitlon to make Final Thrae-yeu Cantrwcte sonstrucUon work on - laaass tha — land L. B SUDAN. for want th» tha thfrd unM of tha Southern Pacific »® tb® contractors la raturu tor their BARBER SHOP “The Loop ia Bngane. Eugene. Lane A m » » the Lape Conatv County. Oragoi. ideratgned administrator -will sen at public ibllc auction the ths following described 1 real satate belonging to said estate of Oeorge Horton, deceased, to-wtt: Lot Twenty-four In Block Thirty- three In Fairmount Addition to Eu­ gene. Lane County. Oregon, now a i part of tbe City of Eugene In Lane County. Oregon, to th» hlghavt bid­ der for cash and. if no satisfactory bid la received therefore at such time that such bids be rejected and thera- aft»r he wfll proceed to te ll the same at private sale 1 9 -? ^ ^ »Bis 31st day of December, I Williams & Attorney tor State Land Board, State Sehool fund Loaap. Bean A TTO R N EY-A T-LA W M0 W illam ette Street, reg..n The Flret National Bank D IR E C T O R Y HOUSE WIRING Phone Rügen« 941 -L «. Happy New Year OF EUGENE I i w . it; for _ a a ......... de< ree forever dissolving to S find C. Topping, shertff ....................... . Efforts 4 . . W I V « VW I U U i H. p . Kz. lu m p in g , B lie r il dent Coolidge. fh a t n v a e r la a o ------ * be?w^nrr^ frn ,rw n,. r„’? A -----------------------1 nr"’r , * X.,’ » ‘ a ,n; of _ _ charged with con- •Inca 1883 ;between plaintiff and defendant and A total of 33,649 applications for cash granting >o plaintiff care, custody and v#rlln« ,o his own use more than bonus and loans have been received, control of said minor child. Madeline 12000 belonging to tbe county, have according to a report prepared by tbe O Pearson and for such other and so far been unavailing. w orio war veterans' v^teranfc sta tê aid coro mia- world state eommlo- further relief ae to the Court may rate« , | on. paid ag- THURSTON NOTES Seem equitable and Just I Automobile Inaurane, --------- —- — for col- i «»V ». v Cash o » » bonne u u u u s a applications ppucauuuB p a iu Bg- Thla vummone la served upon you Hslon and property damage are due to gregate 21600 representing »4 634- SeU N . e - .................... X ™ ^ ^ .... ....... I.*“ .’ .’ mgic t* ' e ,B 340 00 App.lcatlons for .oana paid by T h i young people of the neighbo a .. W ISIIB Hon O **F 8k'ipUwortb?>ju.I? g fr^f “T 5 ,U' Ur*' th* h*11* ' oi a num »h. commission total 4527 and aggre- hood were out coasting on New Year above court made, dated and entered I * * of lnauranca 1 gate 912.237,300. day. W M. BROOKE nf record on the 17th day of Derem•! In 1*23, for the first year since John Price and fam ily spent Sui The Oregon supreme court, in an Attorney at Law mnn. l V L M l T L T ,h.* ' ,h " ” m < »»«»• »hen tb . Port of Portland com opinion w ritten by Justice Brown, held day with Fred Gray. mons he published for six consecutive „ „ _ and sucre«slve weeks 1 mlMlon took <»»« »he »-»wage eerv- that all Che proceedings attending the I Mr. and Mrs Jack Cumm and to I W illiams A Bean. Attorneys for the ,ce between Portland and the sea. It Issue and sale of bonds in the amount John returned to their home at TUI; V. 8 National Bank Bldg ----------------------— plaintiff, residence and poet office ad-, has been operated at a profit, Phooe 839 J Eugene. O r.. of 82.2OO.tMO by the Harney Valley Ir- nM)ok last week **»«»• visiting thi drete, Eugene. Oregon _ .. _ district were were legal. legal. The The opln- opln- | da“Sbt-r. Mrs. Ira Gray Southern Pacific n 20. 27. J 3. 10. 17 24 ' The ne i,ou»nern Psvlflc company In rlgation rlgation district ---------- ---- It-----L ' ' a report filed ln the offices of the i Ion affirmed the decree of Judge Dal- H - M. Pric?, who has been on NOTICE OF public service commission. Indicated ton Biggs, who heard the case ln the tr»P to Los Angeles, California, A D M IN IS T R A TO R 'S SALE that the corporation now has a snr- Harney Harnev county muntv circuit efrenlt court. rftnr, ' visiting his son. John and tci-nflv f!|n lly . Call Notice Is hereby given that. p u e ! Blll. „ „ A «well and Clifford W eaver ipei suant to an OTder of the Probat«- P f “ Oregon. A. C. Strange, county school super- SUTTON TRANSFER •New Year’s day with ‘ heir parent Court of Lana County. Oregon. mad>< The recently organlxad Portland intendent for Clatsop county, ° n. ,ke 13th day of Marrh Pulp A Paper company w ill erect a elected president of the Oregon State Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver. Phone 57 deceased. w h " r*n and ml11 ap,,roxlma!,‘,y D .- Teachers' association, ln session at Mrs. Spurlock and two sons, wf undersigned, as adm inistrator of the North Portland harbor, ac- Portland. Mias Cornelia Spencer, of have been keeping bouse for Mr. Ba .said estate was duly authorised to cording to plans of the company. Portland, was elected vice president nett, have moved to Corvallis. sell the real property herein descrlh-t The 1922 season brought court con- * * nd 2. O. MacLaughlin, of Benton - Mr. and ------ Mrs --------------------------- W illiam Barnett, - wt ed at nuhilc 1« ,7 m e ivzz season brought court con- saacuaugnii OBOk N, M cLEAN prescribed by law and If no™ e a t l7 1 Tlct,on* *® 1,7 Persons for careless county, and A. C. Rice, of >“ * • been visiting Mrs. Barnett a o d i « o{ Portland. Portland, : ■ have Barnett's s 1 Automobil«. Flra and LW« factory bid Is received for said prop oe,a ,r,th f,re ln th* national forests members of the executive committee. ' rents in eastern Oregon, have retain IN S U R A N C E S S L » ** * ,ld V 1* ,h * B aald admlB' 07 Or*< °n and Washington, accord-i F irs blight and the San Jose scale homa •u ra ty ■ •n « s , Phan« «47 bid?and to< a report r ’ TeD ont by the •“ * «* »««eked In every orchard In A,ta ’ <*>• *h o spent Christmas My buninaan ia to prwtaa* m w T bualaeaa arty at private pel® trtet foreeter’i office In Portland. Um atilla county where found next P° “U*nd, returned home Thursdi M 0 Wlllamasta S t lugana Or Notice le hereby f Iren that on the Aathortnatlon by ©onrresi It not If plan« annonocud by R. F. IHer father came home with her ai Of'on<,ay M bonr D lr ", , , r T lav the construction of the Wilbur, deputy state and eounty hortt- ¡»Pent Thursday nlghL starting ba« the'BouthwMt door of the C d tirt^ o u s* ' 8 * Uwood brtd» * «cross the W illam ette cultural inspector, are realised. CH- »0 Washington Friday morning, B U S IN E S S Acv-retlited Teacher I To Stanton B Pearson; ' I Salem I . buying more lluuor classes accord,n< 10 »»formatloa »hat has | IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E OE now , han - n_ .. .... . b®®® received by Fred Bennlon. coun ¡OREGON, You are hereby required to b*atory ty agent appear and answer the comulalnt filed • <‘'ordln< to W illiam Gahlsdorf. pro- Plans are now being put under way agalnat you in the above entitled cause Prtetor of tbe largest glassware store ln Portland and throughout tbe entire . on or before six weeks from the date ' In the city. of the firs’, publication of this sum —. . . . state to raise a fund of Slot), 000 ln mens The date of the flrrt publira Th* •P»|B In the Circuit Court of the State o f , will begin the - •*««•••• filling of the streets -- M-------- V B S Irs'flfr.tt rne eeici / County. ' „ u m iu Oregon for tl llAtie In tbe devastated district of Astoria ¡vs Stanton B I ’earsiTn ^iJ—fe n d a iit^ ’ l aboat ,b ® ® pec ted to attend. The Oregon public service commis­ sion baa revoked the certificate of operation Issued to tbe Royal Blue stage lines on tba ground that tbe corporation had allowed Ita liability The Ban Francisco section of the and property damage Insurance to ex­ American Mathematical society will pire. Stages bave been operated by meet in Eugene next winter. the company between Portland and A record breaking enrollment of Astoria. puptla in the Eugene achoola la re- a. a . _ __ ' The - —- S case .MMWV WK'URill brought UJ by IUV the JTMCIIIC Pacific po e y Joseph T . Glean, city au ; Spruce corporation to restrain tbe Ore perlntendent. j gon puW|c eommlaston from en- Bouthcrn Pacific employes from , forcing an order making the corpora Roseburg and nearby points met In I lion's railroad a common carrier be- W. II CANNON, Register Roseburg for a safety first and fuel 1 t»cen South Beach and Waldport, w ill OJ 13 30. 37, J3 ■avlng conference. • be appealed to tba federal court of ap- J D r H Ralnh t*»» ot »he American Le peal* M 8an Fran('l»«>. »» »• on .1 Bunding “ X X m n ' V “ “ ’ « '° n « ,U” * bur< '« • * • « • ' • » tf hulldlag, Springfield. Oregon. etti end M «trveSa OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Eugene, Oregon Licensed (<> practice In all Courts of the State, the Federal Courts and Supreme Court of the United State,. General practice—All busi­ ness promptly and carefully attended to— Charges rsasonabls. proof, to establish claim to tha plaintiff will apply to tbe court for a decree dissolving tbe marring* con- system’s new main line In Oregon he construction work. The American be­ above described, before E O. Imma b®tw®«n 7<»u and tween Klamath FaM, and Eugene have D*0® P®®» at KUnatli FaDe protected, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office, a th e plaintiff. been let te the Utah Oenstructlon com- bowevar, and after bids bod bagn re­ This summons ia pnbllshed once a pan y ef Ogden and San Francisco and c«*vod, tbe lowest ot wbieb an i> Eugene. Oregon, on tbe 14th day o January l»24. weak tor six consecutive weeks bv the order of the Hon O F Bklpworih tbe Stewart A Welch company of claiming Hank’s marsh was subaRtsd Claimant name, as wltessee: M a, and San -«A-ru.us Froaelsco. — according bY Contractor ------------------------------ Adams, the Interior — do- cus ¡fudge of the above entitled court, Seattle --------------------- --------------------------- cus uunn, Dunn, of of Eugene, Eugene, Oregon, Oregon. R. R. La w a . woatroanl rV m a a izIm st A sa Ui ----a-- -*■ - made and entered on the 17th dav ot announcement by J. A. Ormandy. M*®®»» d®cid®d to let no contracts. B No 1; of Ueoomber, 1923. and tbo date of the general leral passenger agent for th» the work and 1 r.____ „ R p D No p „ B the com. com Adams proceeded wtth with Qregon flrst Dublloatlon tb, r-o f is the ?nth pany. Tha contracts provide for 32 ' a 5 C,OU"#. ° f Eu* enp' « F. I day of Deoembor. I« *» miles of rail-bed and Include the build­ whleh the department h a. refused te No , M L W IL L IA M S £ B F \N . Attorneys for Plaintiff ing of a 3700-foot tunnel under tba par on the grounds that be was Bet ron R. p D No / Fngene, Oregon autheriseil to go ahead. ’ ’ w „ summit of the Cascade range. • M . 37. J. 2. 10. 17, 24. 21. W. H. CA N N O N , Register D. IS 20, 37, J. 8, 1