re« sPMK'oraLB news PA G E FOUR T H U R S D A Y . JA N U A R Y 3 1024. MOST MODERN PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVES BOUGHT BY S. P. TO HANDLE GROWING WESTERN TRAFFIC Retuned to Florence— Miss Ma-- Dined W ith Friend»—Mr and Mr» L . E. Bastard took New Year'» dinner guerite Hurd and brothor. Roscoe w ith the Ludtard fam ily in Eugene. Hurd, who were here from Florence spending three days with relstlvea Went to Corvallle and Albany— M r and friends, re tu rn ’d to their home and Mrs Carl Olson drove to C or Thursday. vallls and Albany Sunday. Here from Dothan«—-J. B Hodson W ent to Fall Creek— Mrs. 8. Snookj came from Dot ham to spend Christ­ left Monday to spend three or four ina? and New Year's with hia sister, days at Fall Creek. Mrs Cal Barnes O. A. C. S H O R T II Horticulture, J bji 3 March 1* Dairy manufacturing Jan 7 Feb 1. Herdsman and Cow Teslera, Jan. 1 Juno 13. Farm Mechanics. Tractors, Trucks, etc,. Jan. 3 March 13 Farm M «Himnit's (one week), Feb. IS Feb. 33. Third Annual fanner's School, Feb. 4 Feb 33. M u d Classification and Appralaat( Jan. 74an. 12. Agricultural Economic Conference, Jan 31-Jan 36. For further Information regarding any course, address. The Itegletrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ lis, Oregon. Ward's Went to Corvalllp—Miss Clara Wlas left Monday afternoon for Corvallis, Spends Week-End at Junction— driving down In her car. She spent Mrs. B. A. Washburn? spent t h e ' X *w Year s Day with relative«. Dr. week end at Junction City with her 1- N. W idner and fam ily her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs Or<(v, . T„ i t Here for Holiday»—John E Hast­ here with his roth»r, Howard Free­ ings and son Leland were down from land, P M. Freeland of Bakersville. McGlymn. Oregon, to sp?nd the holi­ California, left tar his home New He spent the summer days In Springfield and Thurston. I Years day here in Oregon Returned to Florence— Mr. and Mrs . M. J W ear Floyd D Thompson returned to Flo Here frc,v W altarvlll renr« Thursday after visiting their tn of W altervllle was In Springfield parents, M r and Mrs. L. E. Thomp attending to business matters on Sat­ urday. He reports a fine community son. Returned to w .c o t n o - 1 h „ r«n, Chrlstma« at the W altervllle church ----------- . “ th Th« evolution o f the ra ilro a d locom otive hero is shown in a strikin g m anner. A l the lop B*B* " ‘ *C «"‘’ “ «“ •¡n -ty p * locom otive o f th« Southern Pacific, for heavy trana- Jr w h7 . X ' E m . : w T k |W,,h 8 , r~ and ehlld" n 8 ,,rogn,m 1 7 nt. r B;a l P~ ~ " B" Standing b e .id . it. in .h a rp c o n tr.a t, i . t h . old “ C. P. H u ntin g - Jr., who spent ton. or Locom otive No. I o f th a t ra ilro a d . B elow ia the famous “ R ocket" which pulled tha with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Ray Stacey of Marshfield spent the first tra m in 1829, at w h a t was then considered the re m a rk a b le speed o f 24 miles an hour. Tomseth. returned to ramp 34 seth her? John at Wendling Sundav. ; holidays with his parents. j Mrs. Win. E. Stacey. C O U R B IB Intensive practical Inalructlon In agricultural specialties varying from ona week Io 10 weeks as follows: General Agriculture, Jan 2 March W ent to Signai— Bert Eaton went Left for Portland— M r and MYs through Springfield on his way home Ronald Roberts left Saturday morn to Sfgnal tar a visit. Ing tar Portland to visit Mrs Rob­ W ent to Ashland— Mr. and Mrs R. ert's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs J. W ard and daughter Martha at­ W ill Abeen. Th.’y returned Monday tended the funelral of M r. father in Ashland Friday. Fined (nr Oeer Meat L. T tlroat. south tan Lane county rancher, was lined l i l t by Judge Jeaae U. Well» In Justice court last Friday on the charge of Illegal potsea- »Ion of venison. Deputy (lame Warden Hawker mad* (he arreat. 43°? ’ ' "Say, Dill, W ra lin g lio u a e Atlrnllon will p u l llin t battery o f yo u » back on Ila feeL ll'g ■ superior — «nil economical I aer- vice for all batteries, ro- gitrtllca« of make.** ! I I WESTINGHOUSE Mr. and H E most modern passenger auxiliary booster engine and 47.44O In the g -u .re l policy of the Boulhera locomotives thus tar desigaed pound» wlieu this auxiliary engine la Pacific of keeping well to the fore In have just reached the Pacific “» * ’ •“ starting and at »low speed serving (he public with the very beet ooaet and w ill be of material The tractive power of 67.610 pounds, transportation possible. In handling the record winter oo«»»rtnd Into hauling capacity. increased power of the new loco- tourist traffic from eastern states. » • • » • «hat theme locoinollvea can motives will permit the handling of Returned to W endling— B artley I Garland Griffith, who was Injured They are the result of years of 7 “ »Urtlng. T ate, brother of Mrs L. E. Danks. laa« w * k •» »" »“ to accident. Is a b le ! study and experience by Southern t a u r t e . X r % . . t a n g . r t” ta . J \ e ^ d .’ . ^ V X X ^ U b w T ^ s ’ ucb d'“ i1“' returned to Wendling Sunday after «0 be “ P * nd around. Pnctflc experts and planned to beet of fifty miles an hour About 3.360 .» , up«r heaters feed water heaters speeding Christmas here with the Carey Thompson and brother.! condition, here Operetta» of horeepower. equal to 147 fllw e r" and the booster e n „ u . n r. reeulting heavier trains on longer runt w ill «XP« automobiles. Is developed u. w for ap. r, Uug . lun Danks family. Frank Thompson, were in from Vida resuIL together with added comfort The Bret of these gigantic englnas otny. Visit» Aunt and Uncle— Miss The! ma Hastings left Monday night fo r, Mrs. O. F. Thatcher and two chll-i to passeagert through smoothness In wl11 opvrate over the dlBcult tuoun- The naw Pacific engines w ill make startlng and handling of train* ts,a »od d*aert run between Los the through run without change ba­ Thurston to spend New Year's with , dren were here frtFu Wendling FYI-1 ~ Angeles and El Paso the "6-g-l," '4-1-3," nr er "M o u a -! * tween San rmnclsc-o and Los Angeles. Known as tbe -' her uncle and aupnt. M r and Mrs day. t h . . . monster engines , T \ * * >u,hprn recently or pulling sin h fast trains as the " to ,a C h T le a H a a tln g s , Al Killeen of Portland arrived here | tain Type, monsisr engines d, red , U ly .lh r w kx-omotl ere to be put mto e.rm c. wita ta.' £ £ ^ - • ^ 7 . * « ^ r ^ o ’r d ^ O' h(* J " " ' * T0b‘“ * P«rt . m ‘ „ A ° nu J 8Z »« Portland to Oakridge Monday. H i had been home to Lebanon for Christmas and L. S. Scott of W altervllle was in wa? returning to work |on business Saturday. B A T T E R IE S W E S T IN G H O U S E SERVICE Eugene i •v,oda’' Nephew Goes Home— Burrel Hoff Saturday evening to spend New Year's £ c X A T ta * 7 E I? " , • dd' “ 0" »«»“ » ' • ' “ anan. nephew of Mrs. L. E. Danks wi,h Mr- and Mrs. Pete Tomseth and era Pacific Company In handling Type passenger engines; a ll heavy h o w transcontlnc.tal train .. ^Pacific £ £ . *'»“ • » « • ' ^ o m o « ta o who was here visiting his aunt over tamily. Christmas, returned to hia home in ------------------------------- - They are equipped with the very . an, 5 7 " C *C° * " d Mapleton Monday morning. BORN— At their home in W alter- lalast devices for Increasing power « T s io w a ,n,pror’ and economy, are 97 feet. 4(6 Inch», 7.1«,:' d e U v . E * ” - ville, December 30. 1923, to M r and Have Position»— Jack Lines of Mrs. John ilnkbusch. a daughter. tn length, ahd 16 feet. I l k Inches la t , . j Seattle and R. D Brown of Wilson. height Their tractive or culllnx f 7 ? .. ‘ ‘>1rd * ra wl11 ma,‘ * » toU1 , P k of 113 new locomotives that will be N orth Dakota, stopped in Sprinfield power is 67.610 pound, without the nvn,table wltb.n the next year to aid Monday on th rir way to Oakridge to IN C O M E T A X IN N U T S H E L L take positions there. Many Interests Interested New V alve Installed WHO? Single per sans who had Came f r r t Thurston— Elva Gray net income of or more or ilc f reiontatlv •» of many agencies 1 A new blow-off valve was put In at and Gladys Hastings w?re down from gross income of IS.000 or more Interested l n Oregon's agriculture w ill'th e Mountain S ta fs Power company Thurston Friday, and went through and married couples who had participate In the state-wide agricut on Monday, which will be used n» nn Springfield on their way to visit Mrs. net income of $2.000 or more tural economic conference that Is to ‘ exhaust on the outside. Instead of E. S. Spires in Eugene. or gross Incom? of $5.000 or be h -Id January 23 to 25 at Coryaills j <>n tbe inside A hole wa cut in the more imust file returns. Producers of poultry, crops, all kinds brick wall, and lhr»e-Jn< h pipe al Rented Doritv P'ace— Mr. and Mrs W H E N ? The filing period i from of Uvesttx-k. fruits and nuts, and !tached to the boiler and connect’d Jim Stewart rented the C. M. Dorlty January 1 to March 15. 1921 dairy products will rne't with bank up. The new arrangement will make property this we k. Thev have been W HERE? Collector of in'ernal staying with Mr. Stewart's uncle, ero and husines« Wen In thoroughly most of the noise outside Instead of revenue for the district in which analyzing problem» of production and Inside, according to >|z E Danks. R. J W ard, -Ince their arrival from the person lives or has his marketing and In formulating a state- superintendent. Canada. principal place of business wide program that will serve is a ------- -■ Back from Visit— C. F May >f Lan HOW? Instruction on Fo-m guide to future devalopmenf of the - dax was here Monday on his way state's agricultural resources A ra rP,>" , * r dropped his hammer 1010A and Form 1040; also tbs home to his ranch from a visit with The conference will be orgsnlted A™™ th" t<>P ° f “ hu,ldln« and Jelled, law and reguatlona. his daughter. Mr» A. 8. Gish, of Che­ along commodity lines, the various ‘,Look ont below?" WHAT Four per cent normal halis. Washington, with whom h> tax on the first 34.000 of net In­ groups meeting first In «eparat > ses Pat looked out of a window, and the spent Christmas come in ercese of the personal ,slons and later reporting their re c -, hammer hit him on the h*ad He exemption and credit» for de­ -ommendations to the entire confer- ««Id. "You Americans use funny Ian Lett tar Shannon— Mr. and Mrs. R pendents. Eight per cent nor ence. where each r ’port will be bar guage." E Yod?- and baby Martha left mal tax on halanc of net Income. monlzed w ith all the others. S p rin g field ,fo r their home In Shan­ “W hy " asked the carpenter Surtax from 1 per cent to 50 non Thursday morning after spending "You say 'look out' when you mean Christmas here with Mrs Yoder s ! _ per vcul n nel cent ” on net incomes over | D r 8 Ralph Dlppsl. Dentist. Vitas 'look In.' ” replied Pat. 34 000 for the year 1923 bunding. Bprlngfleld. Oregoa parents. Mr. and Mr». W. M Green Tips for Taxpayers Bastard» Entertain—M ' and Mrs L. E Bastard «•ntarti’ ined at S e n -1 No. L day dinner M r an t Mr«. Paul Bar January 1. 1924, mark« the begin ford. Mr. and M rr George Bastard of nin* ot «be period tar filing Incom> Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Staffer of tax return» for the year 1923 The Eugene. period ends at midnight of March 15. 1924 Heavy penalties are pro- i Returned to Bridal Veil Russell O l-, Tided by the revenue act tar fa llu rt son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ol. or willful refusal to make a return son. and Odin Olson, son of Mrs and pay the tax on time Emma Olson, returned to Bridal Veil Foyn 1040A, heretofore used for Snnday after spending Christmas reporting net Income of 95.000 and week with their parents In Spring 1?»». f rom whatever source derived, | has been revbed In the interests of Go to W estfir— Mr. and Mrs. W the lBr* p"t r1«»" of taxpayers— wage E Rumble of Eugene went through j earnera and "a lr,*‘d P *"® "» R«!»»* Springfield Morday on their way t o 1 ,roDI fllx PflaeH to a single sheet W estfir where M r. Rumble will work Form 1040A u to be u"e*1 for reP°rt' at his trade as a carpenter They had in* ne4 income of 15,000 and less de Just been to Gold tndale, Washington? ^ved chiefly from salaries and to visit their daughters. Mrs. Ellis ’•’»F**' Persons any part of whose D Conwell and M is- Mildred Rumble ’» « > ■ • ,H derived from a busin’ss or profession, farming, sale of prop- Here f r |m Albany— T. M Humph- eyfy or rent, though the amount Is r ys of Albany was down Snnday to »5.000 or less, will be required to visit hia son. Roy A Humphreys, of u»e (he larger form, 1040 The use of (Springfield. and to bring his little Form 1040 Is required also In all grandson, Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Rov cases where the net Income was In Humphreys and son Charles had lust excess of »5,000. regardless of wheth- returned from a trip to O akrldg’ T . , »y from salary business, profession. M . Humphreys returned home Mon ,,r other taxable sources day morning. ,. , j it b?lng impossible to determine and tblB which form I? desired •z,n p®Pl*» of both forms will be sent Mrs. W alter Decker and little son ■taxpayers who filed individual re returned to »heir home In Belling­ ham. Washington, on Thursday Mrs burn« for the year 1922. and may he obtained ale« at the offices eg col­ Dedrer has b«»» here tor th-s past lector» of Internal revenue and two months for her heatth. and has branch upon written request been staying w ith her prsnM, M r R eturn «o W ashington— M r eno Jtfra. J M. Thempt'W M r. Thomp non wns here for (bn Ghrtalptns tax, S. M Spagna. Mutual Life Insnf- t tattle« »ban Cn., Bwgese, Ore Pheas 377 tf 'h . through run of 63« m ils, brtween Ogden and Sparks Th. B. . a r t ,y „ . P u ita ... c. r . . . . I ° ‘ h ,r *J “ lpm»ul of latest design also being placed in operation to carry ’ P“ * tar furnishing lh* “ ol" mod* rB »»«»Ir» Duelleee * n< »»»«"«h roadbed, eic-ellenl food Io dining care end courteous attantiou add to S e J i Z i o ^ f u . v . i X EUGCNE C O L L E C T IO N Riverside Dairy We make a »peelally certified milk fur of bablca and alck people. A G EN C V No collection, no fee. No entry f'“' or dues l^igal department. W H BROWERS. Mgr W . F . Clin e S P R IN G F IE L D . Springfield News 31 25 per year. O R EG O N PHO NE 31P3 E L L IS O N -W H IT E L Y C E U M BUREAU Appear for its third attraction BUCKEYE MALE TRIO, LIKE MINSTRELS' OF OLD, WILL "DOUBLE IN BRASS" CHIROPRACTIC Is the science that Is restoring health to thousands who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsilitis, nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, enlargeed prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by sclnetiflcally co-ordinating the prin­ ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results are Safe, Sane and Sure. DR. GEO. A. SIMON Examination Free Phone 355-J Over Ludtard's #16 W illam ette Street E U G E N E , O REG O N of all kinds — H A Y — G R A IN — F LO U R — Buy Her® and Sav* d ^ 1?nK»F<»7t 1« a fact that we can and have been Morrison & Clingan “Thn Btore of Quality" Corner o l TWfrd »• I Main ■BMnMMmMHMiu « -« ,v -------W — g— ^ ^ m i _ Phon» 44- rim l.m k "},. T ri., .Is ,miy u line singing organisation, but Is also a instrumentalist» featuring brans work 'n their program Thu members are George Cl,em.t. artist on the trombone, saxophone; William T ueek, who plays slide cornet ami banjo, an,I Glen,led Gr.ggs n „star Urn tart one horn. In the v,„-„, work, first? second tenor, end harlh, J s r r i . 7 sients sre given and very tine harmony effects .r e obtained | here Zro r ^ : , x : 7 , : upr: : . v ,e ................................ - — rr ou , ,,r H IG H S C H O O L A U D IT O R IU M Monday, January 7th, 8:15 p. m. Under Au.pic