- THURSDAY. DBCRMBRR 27 Ifl'.S PAGE FTVTS THE BPRIWOOBLD NBWB .... SUM M ONS N O T IC I OF K X K C U T O R 'S SALK THURSTON NOTES In the Circuit Curt o f the State OF REA L PO P ER TV of Oregon, for tha County of lame, Notice la hereby given that by vlr Curtis Price, who Is attending O. Iva Jackson, Plaintiff, va, Clyde Jack- tue of an order of the County Court A. C , returned home last werk to • • I I w hat you w ant to aall, buy what you w ant to buy through these of the for ------------- the Coun*y spend the holidays in. oeienuani «•■- State - of - Or« gon, -- son. defendant columns- W rits or phono T W O • *— ■“ ol To Clyde Jackaon. the above named | of * * Lane, duly made — and ■* — entered Mis»-» Eva Pheteplace and Hazel irenuuni j record in the said court on the J&tb defendant Edmlxton, who go to normal at Mon In the name of the S tate of Oregon. d#y o, NoVBInber. 1,33, the mattei Tt> TRADE Chevrolet I ton truck You are hereby required to appear and ' t|„. „„tate of Emily M, Baker, d - are spending the holidays at their N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N tor 4 pa«« nger tnuilni car. or what — — a 4. —. .... I a. * 811«.si e s e e t s la iu l . a ! V n /I I I I /,» , the complant filed against c a s e d s , directing me - a, as egecutor of homes in Thurston ha»» you? F Free« «. Springfield DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR answer Jack and Harry Harbert. who have vou In the above entitled and Court said estate to sell all the real prop Itakery I’hntie 61. i tf. S livnd office at Roseburg. Ore­ on or before th« 27th day of Decem­ erty belonging to »aid e late, towlt: bom working In the logging camp ber. 1923, the earns being more than All of the lots numbered five and near Reedspdrt for several weeks il.tMtT C ra n k fo r tf< rlpp„ Booth car gon. December 7, 1923. i »I» w eeks from the date of th« first Fliothr rclitrn to Nvwa office lie- Nolle» Is hereby glv»n that Hattie publcatlon of thia summns and be six In the block numbered seventy are home for the holidays. »—................................- ---------- _ l n in e In Washburn«-'« sub-division of Melvin Bu«-!l returned home from ward '127 Armenta Pulver, widow of Robert •’ Ing Ihe time preserbed for such ap- . ; tl ' «III » n it P o w e r pearance by you In the order for the the Sprlngfleld nye.tm ent Klamath Falls Sunday Pulver, deceased, of Eugene, Oregon F u ll HALE 0 room house III Spring a. a* • ».4 t.. «.«.<•» Company» Mr and Mrs Jack ('»ram and son t ^ p t v . Addition Oregon. to Springfield made puhlcsllon of this sum m on, h. re n fluid E l'd r ic light, water. Price who. on Augutt 24. 1922 THEREFORE. I will on and John from Tillamook are visiting 11400 tcruut, or would i »nalder rar lloiuatfead Entry. Serial. No. 014540, entered on record and If you fa|l so In Mr appear and answer for want thereof, ' n s r s m h s r 19"'! their daughter, Mrs. Ira Gray. day of Herember 19- na part payment Phon« 1875 J or for the Sty of NE*4 of. Section 6, th'i Plaintiff will apply ,o Ihe Court ;»b*r <»>« Township 19S, Mange 4W., Wiliam for the relief In her complaint d e - « t the office of Frank A. DaPue, at Ct'tnm formerly resided In Thurs­ call at 1075 l^twr«itc«a Eugene. ••It» Meridian, hns filed notice of In­ torn«y for the estate In Springfield ton but thia Is the first visit back ’ o " gon. offer for sale and sell at p ri­ here since leaving 27 years ago. FURNISHED Apartments and roams tention to mnke Final T hree year msnded and prayed for towlt; Alta Joso went to Portland Sunday for runt by day or month. Kilt«» proof, to establish claim to the land der ree of the Court dlsolvtng *®*l»ata »ale for cash In hand or upon Hotel. 3rd and Main a ,r e st tf above deiyrlhed. before E. O luiiMl bonds of matrimony now anil here-, tj,H beat term s obtainable, all the to visit relatives and spend the holi­ lofore «xtstlng between you and and title and In C rest and estate . ,U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at I Plaintiff on the grounds of cruel and tha, the said Emily M. Baker, decea» day . FOR R E N T —Clean modern furnished John William entertained the Junior | «Eugene, Oregon on tire 14th day of Inhuman treatment. and for sucliip,). had at the time of her death. In aparbmentia 3 Mprka ffroin Main o tter relief cs the Court may seem - an<| to hereinbefore described real Sunday school class with a turkey January 1924 •trvet. tb block ft,mi street car. dinner Sunday at the home of Earnest . i property, Claimant name« as wttesaes: Mar ¡meet. This summits Is served upon y o u , day November. West. 413 H 2nd at K cue Dunn, of Eugene. Oregon. It. F by publication thereof pursuant t o 1 tn,,, Z y Stanley Aso. wlio attends the U. • CHAUN'CY MEACHEM D No. 1; David Smith, of Eugene. an order of the Hon. O.. F, Sklp-I HEMSTITCHING- The Mutton Shop. Executor for the estate of Emily M. of O., spent Sunday visiting his fath­ 'Oregon. II. F D No I; Hurney worth. Judge -3» the above ?ourt- Muttons. Pleated skirt«. *9 Sevenih er. Clouse, of Eugene, Oregon, It F D made and entered "f record on the y aj,er. dec-eased. Ave. East Euge«i< Phone 116M-L lfith day of November, 1923, order Frank A. DePue. Attoroney foro the John William motored to Oakland No. 1; Mary Luckey, of Eugeaie. Ore­ once each week for six successive I>27 Monday to spend Christmas with his Ing that this summons be published | e8lal gon. ft. F D No. 1. N 29- D13-20-27 parents. o n c e e a c h w e e k f o r six successive _____ __________ ____ W II CANNON, Register F o il H U N T -T w o sleeping rooms Mr and Mrs. Earnest W est drove J D 13 20. 27. J. 3. 10 weeks In the Springfield News and g p E r , AL p r i c e on plate work Dr •127 tu t I) street the date of the first publlcaton will , ,, , Sutton Bldg to Dorena Monday to visit relatives lie November the 15th' 1923. and of N W. Emery, dentist button Bldg and sp?nd Christmas. LOT for sale on very easy terms Can E IG H T H G RADE E X A M IN A T IO N S ¡the last publication will bo Decern j , Mr. and Mrs. Cumm and Mr. and pay for It in work. See E. F. The mid year eighth grade examina­ ber 27tb. 1923.. --------------- — ----------- Msr. Ira Gray motored to Landaur Frank A. DePue Attorney for th e, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Kepner U tions will be given In districts where Monday to vlalt Stanley Gray and | there are pupils who have compiled Plat"'!!?, rssidence and post office' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR family. with the legal conditions necessary address. Sprlngfleld, Oregon. WHEN IN EUGENE and for whom application for ques Mrs. George left for Pendleton Sat­ N 15. 22. 29, D, 13. 20 57! U. S Land Office st Rosehuig, Ore FOR THE DAT OR WEEK lions has been sent, on Thursday and gon. I ecember 6, 1923. urday for an extended visit with rela­ •T O P AT THE Friday, January 10 and 11. Notice is hereby given that Grant tives. E J MOORE. MATLOCK HOTEL • SUMMONS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmiston and J Gray, of Eugene Oregon who. on County School Superintendent CORNER «TH A WILLAMETTE ,D 27, J-3. In the Circuit Court of the State May 14. 1920. made Homestead entry. family spent Christmas at M J. Me- - » . ___ * L M .» A Serial No. 012726. a for th s t « Lot 4 r x f of Klin home In Springfield. of Oregon, for the County of I-ane.. John Francis Wlkoff. plaintiff, vs. Section 5, Township 17 B , «tinge 3 John Edmiston and fajnlly spent Marlon K. Wlkoff. defendant, W. W illam ette Meridian ba» filed Christmas in Sprlngfleld at Bud Me named dep ndant : notice of Intention to make Final Pherson's. In the name sm e of the State of Ore ore- Y proof t0 ..,«»blibh claim Mrs. J T. Harbirt had a family gon. vou ere hereby required t ° I p 8 j , , . to the land above drsfldbfd. before reunion of all her children and fam appear and answer the complaint ,o ,n e lanQ W H. BROOKE Those rresent HOUSE WIRING fll«d against you tn the above en -|E . O. lmmel. ’ S. C trnmissloner, at Hies for Christmas were: Mrs Genevieve Beaman and | titled Court and cauxe, on or before |,ls office at Eugne. Oregon, on the Attorney at Law prepared to do Houe-wlring of ell the 27th day of Derember. 1923. t h e j Kth day of January U 2 t « daughter Zora and son Leonard from Kind». A. P. G R A H A M , Corner of i same being more than »lx weeks c i a jmant names as witnesses-, Coburg. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Har U S National Bank llldg. from the date of the « « » I»nW,c* '| c „ Swango of Coburg. Oregon; bert and two sens from Srringfleld. 9 th and M streets.. P. O. Box 188 « • B - Phon» 83H-J Eugene. Ore. tlon of this summons and being the time preecrtbed for such appearance John Reninger, of ton u rg Oregon, Mr and Mrs. Lawrsnca Gossler iron by you In ordey of publcatlon of this Thomas Green, of Coburg. Oregon; Wendllng. Mrs. Vernon H erson from southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Barber, of Cob >rg. Oregon. summons herein entered of record,-j-. l ~ O'DAY'S PAINT SHOP W. H CANNON. Register Beaman and son of Portland. Jack. and If you fall ao to appear and ans Call Ü1 13 20, 27, J3 Harry. Cecil and Hele Harbert 1 wer for want thereof th» plaintiff »111 Auto painting and auto topa Paint Miss Ethel Harris of Salem is visit­ apply to the Court for the relief In hie | In wholesale quantitive. SUTTON TRANSFER N O T IC E OF ing relatives and friends here. complaint demanded and prayed for, i A D M I N I S T R A T O R ’ S S A |L E Mrs. Alb?rta W eaver and daughter ; towlt; For a Judgment and decree' NoUce D hereby given that, pur- Neer the mill race. Eugene. Ore. Phone 57 of Court dissolving bonds of illa n t to an order of the Probate are srending the holidays with her ui th i „ |s | . v.»«,. ...... .. the — --------— 382 K 8th Ave. Phone 1387-J matrimony now and heretofore exist- f ourt of Lane County. Oregon, made parents. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Mathews j tng between you and plaintiff on the an,| entered on the 13th day of March, j Mrs. Ira Gray gave a party Wed grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat- 1912. In the « íí ^ h f ^ e h v ^ t h ’ nexdav night In honor of her brother GEO.. N. M cL E A N W. F. WALKER ment a-d for such other relief as to deceased, wherein and »hereby tne . . . , ...__u . th» Court shnll seen) meet.. I undersigned, as administrator of th> .and parents who are visiting her Automobile, F ire and L ife F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R This summons Is served upon you said estate was duly authorized to -phey je (t Thurston about 27 years IN S U R A N C E bv publication thereof pursuant to sell the real property herein describ- ago Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 F ull Auto Equip .ient an order o f the Hon, G. F. Skip- ed at public auction in the manner My buelne-s Is to protect ycur I worth Judge of the above Court, prescribed by law and if no satis- business W O. W . block made and entered of record on the factory bid Is received for saidI prop 860 W l l l a m r t t e S t. E u g e n e O r e g o n Office Phone 82 M Res Phone 82 J 12th day of November. 1923. order erty at said sale, then saidI adtnin- Ing that this summons be published *,tra to r. ,g .h e said crop-1 once each week for clx successive bids and proceed to sell the said prop A. A. ANDERSON flMd T ew e: Uande ^ ’ .18 of^the“ « " « e% t V P - Vh . X «ha, on the I Classified Advertisements mm m B U S IN E S S PIANO LESSONS Ruth Scott Byrne Accredited teacher SHOP publication will he November 15th. 2«th day of ¿ 1!>j f í . ' f c . i h S S . s í ó , « “o » n h ' . . . . . For Sale— New and Old Razorq 1 1 00 to 12.00 Phone Eugene 941-L address II DR. N. W. EMERY m D IR E C T O R Y BARBER The Loop” Springfield. Oregon N. 15. — .9,. D S, 13. .0 . 27.. N O T IC E A Savings Suggestion for You, Too T O C E O IT O R S Wishing You a Mity Nice New Year Right now is a most op­ portune time to remind you how much more con­ venient it is to look ahead and save for the unusual expenditures. See what Chirstmas is do­ ing to your bank account! Why not have a savings account for the additional expenditures that come in “ bunches?” You may pay taxes in the same way, too, through a savings account at the First Natloanl. 39 Years of Helpful Service The First National Bank OF EUGENE 8lnce 1883 Bell Theatre Extends to each and everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. SATURDAY Harry Carey IN “The M iracle Baby” A snow storm, a chase through the mountains and the out­ standing dramatic work of Carey makes this one of tho best pictures ever produced by this great Western star. J Two Reel Comedy— “ Twin Husbands" be)on|f(DK to sald e8, ate f Ow,rep Horton deceased, to-wit: SUNDAY — Lot Twenty fotfr In Block Thirty three in Fairmount Addition to Eu 1 I gene Lane County. Oregon, no» a ttVp m take this ODDOrtunitA ; They’re off. par, of the C„y of Eugene tn Lane " e 11Re t o t a x e t h is oj portu . I County. Oregon, to th=> highest bid- th_nk voll fo_ .hp tOVal SUD- The Blue Ribbon der for cash and. If no satisfactory l o tn an K J o u ,o r l u e nJ?«) P bid Is received therefore at such „m e w h to h v o n h a v e g iv e n n