THURSDAY. DBCKMMW 27. J^G K l TUB SPRINOFIRLD NEWS » « . reeling, (hat often sccompals« cons­ 1 70. M »N 75. Eng 8«. Hundred» of dead smelt and other and Ctarence U Bell. Correlila. tipât Ion, Devine. Edward-ID >P 80. MT 88. traall fish are reported to be (biattng To aacertaln why two appropria Gen Sc 58. Alg 2 4«. Eng 2 81 «bout In the vicinity of the wreck tlona. otte of 8400.000 and anothar of Duyea. De Etta— Dep 93. DSA 87. it the Urltlah steam er Welsh Prince 8600.000. for heglnnlng construrtloa of 'Continued from paev one) Dr. H Ralph Dippel, Daallat, V ila* Gen Sc 97. Alg 2 9«. Eng 2 89 In the lower Columbia, aa the result thè Baker irrtgatlon projact In Ore Eaton. Orval—Dep 80. MT 80, Gen building. Springfield. Oregon. of dynamite explosions In blowing 84. Bkkg 97. Typ »0. gon bave noi been used. Representa- Brief Resume of Happenings of open the deck of the bulk. Cline, Harry—Dep 91. Eng 85. Am Sc 1 87. AiU 1 8». Eno 80. live L. C. Cramptou of Michigan, Fauat. Glen— Dep 92. Gen fbc SO. Prominent horticulturists front chatrman of thè suboom m lttee of thè Hla «2. Physics Inc. Bkkg Inc. the Week Collected for Anc Hla 87. Eng 60. many parts of the state held a meet appropriatine* rommlttes handllng In Collier. Allene—Dep 94. Eng V 90. Gerlach. Harry—Dep 90, M r 85. mg In Halara with relation to making tsrlor dapartmant approprlatlona, haa Our Readers. Am Hla 82. Civ 78. Span 60. Gen Sc 87. Anc Hia 90. Eng 74. a survey of the fruit situation pre- deelded to aummon Hecretary of In Cooly. Abbie— Dep 84. Eng V 83, Am Girard. D ori»-fl’ep 91. USA 92. Gem Hla 78. Sten 75. Charlaa R. Taylor waa nominated paralory lo drafting recommendation* I tsrlor Work Frsd A. Phillips and Wll Sc 90. Alg 2 89. Eng 2 83. (or considérât ten at the agricultural llatn A Stewart, who are In Washing Cox. John— Dep 94. Eng V 92. Geotn for poatmaater at Yamhill Hack. Juanita—Dep 93. O'n Sc 90. economic cou(srsnce scheduled (or ton. D. C., representing the Baker S3. Cl» 95, Lat 20. Typ 58. Anc Hia 80. Alg 1 96. Eng 90 Monroe's new 1 10.000 water system Corvallis January 28. project, aleo will be called before (he Dillard. Anna—Dep 92. Eng 91. Geom Halsey. Margaret—Dep 91. DSA 92. la expected to be completed tbta week. 95. Am His 89 Lat «7. Oregon winter wheat acreage tbta subcom m ittee to anawer questions re­ We make a specialty of Gen Sc 94. Alg 95. Eng 2 88. Earl C. McFarland waa nominated year la practically the same aa last garding the delay In getting work Dillard. Kenn.'th—Dep 90, Eng V 57, Hartley. Aaalte— Dep 95, DSA 92, for collector of customs at Cortland. certified milk for babies year, the revised estim ate of which started. Ci» 72. Span 0. Gen Sc 87. Alg 1 90. Eng 78. The office of health officer for the was 898,000 acres, while the condl Dillard. Lenora—Dep 95. Eng V 9« The Pecirtc Bridge company of and alck people. j Hawton. Catherine— Dep 91. Span Albany city schools has been allmlnai lion Is decidedly better than a year Portland, which has th e contract for Cl» 85. Typ 81. Span 85. 64. Gen Sc 94. Alg 1 75. Eng Inc. ed. ago. reports F. L. Kent, statistician the construction of ths new draw, Ferguson. Bertha—Dep 95, Alg 93. Horning. E d ith -D ep 85. Typ 1 70. Geom 90. Am Hia 93. Lat 95. Dog poisoners have been at work In of the department ot agriculture. The bridge across the M wla and Clark Gen S« 91. Alg 2 71 Eng 2 85. Gaster. Lila—Dep 94. Eng 85, Afn Mad font (or a week or two and many condition of the growing wheat la river at Astoria, suffered a loss esti­ Hryarhuk. Anna—Gen Sc Inc. MA placed at 97 per rent ot normal. His S3. Civ 79 mated aa high aa 818.000 and work canine peta have met death. M 77. Alg 88. Eng 2 82. Dep 85. Gasier, Ruby—Dep 94. Eng 93. Am Tom Murray, ex-convict and coo- on the bridge waa delayed by a North Bend decided to construct a I Inman. Violet—O*p 90. Qea Sc 84. Hia 92. Ci» 82. ILat 95 new school building by a rota of 153 fessed leader of the trio who hold up , strange accident. The concrete base SPRINGFIELD. OREGON Anc Hia 81 Alg 1 95. Eng 83. Harper, l.enabelle.—Dep 93. Eng 91. the l-an<> County State bank at Flor- for the east rest of the bascule draw to 13. at an eleetlon held Saturday. Jack. C ecilie—Dep 90. Gen Sc 88 PHONE 36F3 Geom 95. Civ 97, Span 95. Lyle B Chappel has been certified eoce on the morning of December 11, aad consistIng of a solid block, weigh Anc Hla SO. Alg I 84, Eng 90 was arrested In Portland with four lug approximately 300,000 pounds, bad Holrerson. Jennie—Dep 94. Eng V by the civil service commission as the Lenhart. Esther— Dep 92. DSA 94. 89. Geom 90. Am His 92. Span 92. only eligible for the postmasterahlp other men. one of whom, the police been complete* and permitted to eat Oen Sc 94. Alg 2 82. Eng 2 81 said, has been ail but positively i3»ntl- undar water for the required 26 days Hoppe. Rosella—Dep 93, Eng V 90. Lombard. F rink—Dep 9«. Meeh Dr at North Bend_ Geom S3. Civ 82, Lat 62. , fled aj of the ¡J4UJB trio Th» Tvstjt were mjtde iyi>Hh^ construction oganberry producers of the Salem stun ot f l 4?3. said to br?e been stolen „7 the T ase was pronounced perfect. Jack. Pauline—»Dep 95. Eng V 97. -Dep 87 MT 1 95. Gen section are considering the advlsabll The water waa pumped from the cof­ Geom 98, Am His 95. Civ 99. t'pan 97 L0UK from the bank, was recovered. lty of uniting for the regulation of Jacobson. Bernice—Dep 95. Eng V ’ <• A1* 1 ,nc Fn* 5] fer dam and preparation* wars made Herbert Egbert of The Dalle*, and . . . . . .... cropa and prices. Lvnch J? Mrs. O. B. Jon», of Monmouth, w .r . ’« t>roc" ' 1 w“ h “ ’B’ ,r “i " on <* 93. Geom 97. Civ 97. Span 92 The infant daughter ot Mr and Mrs Male. Lucille— Dep 91. Eng 92, Civ Anc Hls ss Alg 1 . — re elected pre.ldent and secretary >»* * Male. Lucille— Dep 91. Eng 92, Cl» Lyons. Theda--D ep 90. O'n Sc 86. • j L. Tate of Redmond waa burned . foot tide the huge block of concrete W e’ll treat your bat­ 71. Sten 88. Typ 75. treasurer at the final seailona at Eu .. . . . , j s . .. : to death when the Tate restdenco took tery right— no m atter . . »Dili horlxontally in the middle and Manning. Verna—D?p 95. Eng 90. Anc Hls 85. Eng 62 gene of the state convention of the v . ’ Manning. Jesslv—Dep 95. Gen Sc fire from an overheated atove. what make it is. Weel- . . . . . . . . w waa raised aeveral feet by the floating Am His 84. Cl» SO. D S A. 94 Educational and C ooperative Farm ’ . . . . . . . .. 86. Anc Hls 88. Alg 1 78. Eng 60 According to Lao McCarn. superln- inghouse Attentlou will ... ... __ . of the cofferdam , to which It clung McMullin. Merl—Dep 95. Eng V 91. era union of Oregon. W asco county Markham. Pa ,n'ee—Den ’ A Typ I lenden, of tha Atgea hatchery, the » » , selected aa tha next meeting by ,rlcl,o a ' keep it vigorous» de­ Geom SO. Am His SO. Span 48. p en d a b le and lo n g - j steelhead egg take In that district will Cline. Alice— Dep 95. Eng 89. Civ 70, Sten 1 78. Ene 90 place, and It la probable that the gath- , Masterson. Dorothy—Dep »3. DSA reach a total of 10.000.000 or better Uved. And re u n o m - When You Are Constipated 87. Bkkg 92. Typ 88. ertng will be held at The Italles. ie a tlv ! To Insure a healthy action ofthe Patrons of the Cloverdale Telephone Root. Vera— Dep 86. Eng 84. Geom 92, Gen Sc 90. Alg 85. Eng 87 There were five fatalities due to McPherson, Paulin«— D -r 92. Oen company of Tillamook county have fil ­ bowels and correct disorders of the 83. Span 93. Industrial accidents in Oregon dur Sc 56. Anc H ls 83. Alg 1 80. Fng 91. ! liver, take two of Chamberlain's ed with the public service comtnla Spencer. Lois—Dep 91, Eng 86. Am Miller. Gw-na ilyn—Dep 92. Gen Sc slon a complaint charging inadequate ing the week ending December 20, , Tablets Immediately after eupper BATTERIES H is 73. Civ 73. Span 89. Typ 90. according to a report prepared by the W IS T IN O H O U B E 1 89. Anc His 90. Alg 1 8« Eng 1 90. service. They will not only cause a gentle Stewart. Charlotte—(Dep S8, Eng state Industrial accident commission Morse. Grace—Deo 92. Gen Sc 70. S E R V IC E E u g en e . » , movement of the bowels, without un- 88, Am His 83. Gen Sc 89. Span 84. William Wurxweiler. well known The victim» were H. K McKIddy. Ne- Anc His 80. A g 1 72. Eng 86. , .. L i . effects, but banish that dull, stupid :------- -— * Thurman. Beulah— Dep 96, Eng 92. stockman of central Oregon, president . haletn. fireman; D. C. Hemmlnger. K Morse. L a n e-H ep 93 MT 1 85. Oen Zyn His SO. Civ 85. Lat 90 of the Bank ot Prineville and for the Portland, locomotive engineer; Charles ■■ ■ "• j i i m 'w e 1 Whltx»?y. Mary Dep 91 .Eng 90. Sc 60. Alg 1 70. Eng 75 last two years mayor of the city, died Fox, Glendale, engineer; Alex Erick NAdvornik. Charles— Dep SI'. MT Geom 94. Span 93. Idit 90. in Portland. son, Clatskanie, hook tender, and 1 85. Gen Sc 85, Alg 1 96. Er.g 79 SOPHOMORES The Dalles school board ha» an­ Glen Crayton. Lowell, pnndman A Nadvornik. H attie— 92 PSA 94. port the formation of an export com Haugann. M a r g a r e t— Dep 94. Eng Gen Sc 95. Alg 7 99. Eng 2 86. mission for handling wheat were 76. MAX His 80. Typ 88. D S 92. Thompson. C s.n»le*—Dep 74, Meeh adopted at Pendleton by the execu Hawton. Myrtle—Dep 90. Alg 61. ,Dr 86. Gen Sc 92. Alg 2 51, Eng 2 79 ttve committee of the Umatilla county We are offering a lot of Am His 85. Span 85. Tomseth. A bile— Dep 56, Gen Sc (arm bureau. good thingH th a t will help Hemenway. ShirDy—Dep 87, Eng 58. MAM 71. Alg 2 72. Eng 2 8« ppread the season cheer. The total expense to Jackson coun­ 90. Alg 70. MAM Hls 87. D. S. 85 Torbet. Fremont—Dep 91. Gen Pc ty In Its Investigation and search for The things you want are Hughes. Elixabeth—Dep 92. Eng 94, 1 89. Anc His 97, Alg 1 87 1 90 the Siskiyou tunnel train bandits and the things we have—a t Am His 90. Lat 96. D S 90 Wallace. Tho nas— Dep 95. Gen Se murderers, since the day the crime lower cost. Hughes. Howard—Dep 85. Eng Inc 80. Anc His 73. Alg 1 87. Eng «1 City Delivery was committed early In October, to Geom 90. CI» 82. Typ 90. Lat SO date, amounts to 9670.56. Kixer. Florence—(Dep 90. Eng 90. O. A. C. SHORT COURSES Bids for resurfacing with crushed Biol 94. Sten 90. Typ 85. Intensive practical instruction In rock the Umatilla-Echo section of the I^ambert. Lucille— Dep 88. Eng 82. agricultural specialties varying from , 0 regon tfgH. covering a distance MAM His 70. D 8. 85. one week to 20 weeks as follows miles, will be opened at the next Layson. Thelma—Dep 85. Eng 88, General Agriculture, Jan 2 March mee, ln, o, , he h „ h w .y com m l» MAM Hls »0. D. S 85. I | slon. to be held In Portland January Formerly Farmer Exchange Moon. Gsorge—Dep 80. Eng 81, 19. Grooery Deptment Horticulture, Jaji 2-March 19 8. Geom 89. M. T. 85 Dairy manufacturing Jan. 7-Feb. 2 Nelson. Ernest—Dep 85. Eng 90, Lake county leads In the state with Herdsman and Cow Testers, Jan. MAM Hls 90. Typ 80, M T relation to the proportion of boys Nelson Viola— Dep 90. Eng 73. Am Î June 12 in girls that complete a standard four Farm Mechanics. Tractors, Trucks, year high school course, according to H is 63. C iv 60. T y p 80 Pembe^ Mae— I)ep 84^ ,Eng Inc. etc . Jan 2-March 19 announcement made by J. A. Church­ Farm Mechanics (one week), Feb ill, state superintendent of public In­ Anc Hls 83 Nice. Paul—«Dep 86. Geom 82, CI» 18-Feb. 23. struction. Third Annual Canner's School, Feb 85. While out shooting chum salmon Pember, Mar«hall—Dep 76. Eng 75. 4-Feb. 23. with a borrowed shotgun, Chris Land Classification and Appraisal MAM Hls 70. Biol 82. M T 80 Zwelfel, 16. of Nehalem, accidentally Pritrha-d. Waflte^-—Dep 90, Eng Jaa 7-J*n. 12. tripped and fell on the gun. which Agricultural Economic Conference, 83. Geom 83. MAM Hls 77 was discharged The shot tore off Redding. Alonzo—D ip 87. E,ng 30 ' Jan 21 Jan 25. the nose and part ot hi* forehsad For further Information regarding MAM Hls 63. M T. 90. and left eye. Skalicky, Libble— Dep 92. Eng 91. *"7 ronr»®, address, The Registrar, An estimated total of 55,592 auto­ Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ Biol 90. Typ 87. D 8. 92. mobiles. the bulk of which were tour- j lis, Oregon, Stark. Florence— Dep 89. Eng 80, | 1st*, passed through Beker on the Old Biol 85. Typ 85. D. 8. 85. Oregon Trail during the last year, ac­ Stewart. Lewis—Dep 79, Eng 67. . Oregon postmasters were confirm­ cording to a report prepared by Wal­ Oeqj-n 75. MAM Hls 71. La» 61 ed by the senate as follows: Fred D. ter Meacham, president of the Old Stewart, Harold—Dep 90. M T 95 Wagner, Ashland; Henry A. Barrett,' Oregon Trail association. Week-Kntl Tickets on Hale Fri- Athena; Diana Snyder, Aurora; Arthur | In a decision handed down at As M. T. 95, Typ 80 (luys S aturdays and SundnyH, Yarnes. Raymond—>Dep 94, Eng »2, C. Wahl, Banks; W illis C. Cady, Bes ; , orjB (,y Circuit Court Judge J, A retu rn limit following Tuesday. Ceoin 90. Anc Hls 95. verton; James J. Hogan. Bend; \\ II ! , fop recent consolidation of FRESHMEN liam H Hays, Brownsville, Arb y A. j district No. 7. nt Clatsop coun- 15-Day T ickets arc on Hale Dal­ Anderson. C h rlstv -D ep 90. Oen Be j Solllager, Canyon City; Cortis C. Held-i |y wHh district No. 66 of Columbia ly to Htations in Oregon. 1 88. Anc I l’s 85, Air 1 86. Eng . - rich, Chiloquin; l i s t e r A. < awfleld, i rounty was held Illegal for Hie roAHon Abe me, Dortha— Dep 95, DSA 92 Crane; William O. Hoover, Fossil; (that no p ro p e r n o tic e of the special TAKE THE TRAIN Oen 8c 2 94. Alg 90. Eng 2 87 Andrew R. Sigmund. Gervais; F’-” 1* | „lection was given. B ettis. Oliver— TKp M. M T. 3 R5. , \v*. i.’aster, Haln**s; William T. Ply, Convictions under the prohibition IteganlleHH o r Wiuuther, It In HAM Hip 75. Anc His R3. Enr . Hot. Lake; N ellie Elliott, John Day; law are growing In number and heav Kale, Com fortable and Depend­ Brnsfleld. Alda—D»p 83. DSA 75 ; Kmrna Hufstater, Knappa; Fred I’. ier fines and jail sentences are being able. Oen Sc 60, Alg 1 Inc. Eng 52 Cronemlller, Lakeview; William H meted out than ever before, accord­ Brattaln. Helen~fD en 88, DSA 85. Cook, Madras; Duncan E. Douglas, ing to reports received ,y J. A. Un Ask Agent for fares and other Marshfield; Elmer Hopkins, Milton; Oen Se 90, Ale 1 87. Eng »0 inform ation or write ville, federal prohibition director, Brush. Kenneth— Dep 89. M eth Dr Otis A. Weaverton, Monmouth; Gap- from every sheriff in the state. Eighty JOHN M. SCOTT. hart D. Ebner, Mount Angel; Oliver 94. G m 8c 91, Alg 67, Eng 2 89 six per cent of those arrested by the A6sL Patr.enger Traffic Manager P. Shoemaker, Newport; Evelyn I). Carlton. low a—D»p 91. DSA 90: state officers In the last fiscal year, Portland, Oregon. Davenport, Dak Grove; Pauline W. Oen Se 96 Alg 2 99. Eng 2 90. ending Juno 30, 1923, were eonvleted. Platt. Ontario; Grace W. Gumwell, Casfcel. Rav—Den 75. MT 88 Cien There were 1678 errests made In the Powers; Clifford S. Benson, Reeds 8 c 86. Alg 2 30. Ene 2 77. year and of these 1145 persons were port; Nellie P. HtacbweH, Shedd; Nora Clower Mlldred—Dep 91. Oen Se eynvlcted. The fines totalled |159.- Macoon, Warrenton. 88. Anc Hls 95. Alg 1 95. Eng 88 656 77. T ole, (Lotice— Dep 80. MT 83. Typ H ig h S chool G ra d e * For S ix W e e k * G iven OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Riverside Dairy W. F. Cline ¡”7 ® * ** L , WISTWGHOUSE S anitary M e a t M a rk e t Holverson Bros, Props. For That Big D inner Eastman’s Grocery W e wish our many friends a most Happy and Prosperous New Year W e Extend to you OUR GREETINGS for the NEW YEAR HALL'S C A SH STO R E Save $3.94 On Y our W eek-end Trip to Portland by Buying a ROUND TRIP TICKET Southern Pacific Lines