' THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS Community News By Special Correspondant» BORN— At the home of Mr. and Mr» Ed Brattaln, December 1». 1»23, to Mr. and Mr«. Otto Rice of Maple­ ton, a daughter, weight eight pound« Personals Thr«o carloads of pole» arrived from the »late of Washington to he P L E A S A N T H IL L CAMAS SWALE treated at the Carbollneutn wood-pre­ Mr and Mr». F F. Cooper. Ml»» serving plant on Monday. Mr«. Travl» Kerr and »on Marvin J^m Aubrey of Jasper wm In on arrived Thur»day from Orland, Fall Margaret Cooper and Ml»» Ann Park* fornla, to »pend the holiday« with alt of Arrago motored over Haturday builne»» Monday. tlernard Bean of Marshfield came to »pend the holiday» with r e ta ils » her parent» hurt. to Hprlngfleld thin week for the Christ and old neighbor» In thl« locality. Edgar and Emmett William» left The annual election of officer» took ma» and New Year-» holiday». Munday for Dalla» to »pend the holi­ Dr. R. P. Mortensen 1» driving a place at the local Chrlstlxn church day» Mr«. C Castle and »on Lafeyette Munday morning Tho»e elec ted were ¡new Na»h »odan. New classes will be organ­ arrived Haturday from Knemclaw. ¡elder». II. C. W hoiler. Mr. batten and John Bryan purchased a new Ford ized on the followng dates: W ellington, to visit over the holiday» W. L. Bristow; deacon». Frank Smith. touring car on Monday. William Bowen w m In from Dexter September 17, 24 and Oc­ with her sister. Mr». W. P. NappT. Morton Brlatow. Mr Overhauser, Ed Mr. ami Mr» Roy Bond and »on Hwlft and L. E Park»; dealone«»»«, Monday to buy a new coupe. tober 1st. Mr» F. W. Tunlson of Goshen w m of lloaeburg are vlaltlng a few daya Mrs. Dora llurden. Mr». Ed Swift and In Monday. Courses: here with their uncles, George and Mrs It. J. English. Arthur Campbell of W altervllle The Farmer» Union met i t thl» Ed O'Neal. Bookkeeping, Stenographcl bought a new touring car on Monday. The Catna» Mwale school gave a place Wednesday evening and e l'tte a or Secretarial, Complete David Mill» of Campcreek was a the following offlcera for the coming Christmas entertainment Haturday business visitor In Springfield Mon Business and The Bur­ night. There waa a Chrlsttpi«« tree year: president. W L. Wheeler; vlce- roughs Machines. and a large crowd In attendance. ¡president, C. E Jordan; « icretary, day Jess Gates of Campcreek was In l.lla Smith ami her pupils rendered i M/a Charles William», chaplain, D. Special coures by arrange­ town Monday. a sptrndld program. E. Unton. Ed Masterson of Campcreek was ment. Mr and Mr» C Mutton motored up I Ml»» Bertha Manning of Ibis tlace from Nnrkenxte Saturday night to at-,»pent Christmas In Hprlnglcld nt the In on bu»lne»» Monday Only qualified, experienced Mr. Day of Jesper wa» In Monday. tend the (ttirlstmas program given , homo of her brother, <’. B. Manning teachers employed. by the school. ' Engineer W elsh and family are Former Pastor Here— Walter Bailey, Th.. Farmer« Union held It» regular »pending the holiday» with yetatlvta Our rates are reasonable, ¡former Baptist pastor In this city who meeting at the achool house Wcdnes-j In Mnlem our equipment is up-to-date A large crowd attende I the Christ ha« been attending a Baptist semln- day night and you are assured of a maa pageant put on by the young ' ary In California, 1» In Hprlngfleld for W aller Butler arrived from Philo. thoro, practical training. math to «¿end'the'holiday» at home people at the Endeavor aocletv nt the the holiday« Mr and Mr». J W Armstrong h eld 'local church Bunday evening It was | Har> from Marghfle)d_ H M Peery a family reunion at their home Christ j otto of th» fin-^wt entertainment» e v e r , Mamhfleld 1» »pending the Christ­ EUGENE ina« Mr and Mr« Carl U n d er» and put «•> here and great praise 1» ,’UPilnai) va<.a t|On with hl« aunt and uncle, daughters, Erma and Doria. of Mar- ’he young people for their wonderful Mr. and Mr» Mark Peary. B U S IN E S S C O LLEG E cola. Mr and Mr*. Harry lluah and | «ucce»». Visit from Ashland— Mr and Mr« A. E. ROBERTS, President daughter Hasel from ix>we||, Mr. and ------------------————— Winton Cole are here from Ashland Mr«. Allen Day from Eugene and Mr S U B S T IT U T E R A T IO N 992 Wllamette St. having come up from there to t Armetrou f r a t Ftoraoa D E V IS E D FOR C A LV E S xu? Ms f t t o , ' Mf. Phone 666 were In »tendance Eugene, Oregon Bn- In dairy bard, whose entire output ! <'»'-•» »««»ar. living north of Spring Mr», ft K D enham and «on til« and daughter. Mr« Travis K err,' 1» »old a« whole milk at high prices, ____ ________________ ______ visited Sunday In Cottage Grove with Cure 1» need for a m eant »f raising ■ their cousin, Mm Haymond Jons« the calve» on other feed» A number Mr« August Leldtke visited In Crew- of substitute ration« have been work j well Sunday with her daughter. Mr» ed out at various experiment station s. G mrge Rickets. which have proved fairly satl«factory. ■ Mr and Mr». Robert Huffman and fin the experimental farm o ' th» , family of Pleasant Hill visited Sunday Cnlted State» Department of Agri- Is the science that is restoring health to thousands with the Sutton family. vulture, at Beltsville. Md.. a mixture who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsilitls, nervousness, Ml«« Lila Fmllh left Runday to has been devised as the result of ex j «pend Christmas at her home In A l, parlance. which tv sugge-ted for use sleeplessness, headaches, enlargeed prostrate glands, high bans “ ’ ¡In raising calve» where the whole blood pressure etc., by scinetifically co-ordinating the prin­ The .flown» children. M artha.1 milk la mor« profitably disponed or ciples of Chligipractic and Electro-Therapy. The results Laura. Bllza and Alva Downs, who are through other source». attending high achool at Sutherlinj The department"» recommended ra are Safe, Sane and Sure. thl» wlnt ‘r. are spending their Christ- Hon la aa folio vs: Take SO parts fine mas vacation at home ;ly ground corn, 16 parts lln».'o-t oil D R . G E O . A. S IM O N Fred Butler arrived recently from meal. 15 part« finely ground relied Over Ludford’i Examination Free Chiloquin, O re. to spend Christmas oat«. Hi part« dried blood flour. 10 916 Willamette Street Phone 355-J part» sklm-mllk powder one-half pari ! it home. EUGENE. OREGON ¡salt. Stir up with warm water at th« | 'rate of 1 pound of the m«al mixture j th» to about 8 pounds of water Increase Cham berlain’« Cough Remedy gradually a» 'he whole m’lk 1» de Mosher's Favorite creased, until at the time the calf 1» The sooting and healing properties 60 daya old It thould be getting only of Chatnhollaln's Cough Remedy, Its the gruel At this time 1M, t.1 2 roundr plensunt la te and prompt and effec or the meal mixed with w-x'er will tuul cure* have made It a favorite ton dilute a day's feed. Tie» total with people everywhere It Is es- quantity of milk used 1» ab >ut 300 peclnlly prlted by mother» with pound»; If le w 1» fed the calve» are young children for colds, croup and ¡|kely |(j b# Mn, hrlfty whooping cough, as It alway» afford» quick relief nud I« free from opium Wendllng Soecial Sunday and other h»rmfo1 drug». to B The Wendttng special did not run Always Open for ENROLLMENT C H IR O P R A C T IC — HAY — G R A IN — W. M. Green, Prop. Community Cash Store W. M. Green, Prop. Subscribefor the Springfield News YOU CANNO T APPEAL to her more strongly than by asking her to have some of our Ice cream. To all of out friends nud patrons we extend most sincere greetings and good wishes for the New Year. Morrison & Clingan “The Store of Quality” Phone 44* V <« come to us for It. EGGIMANN’S A HAPPY NEW Y E A R IS OUR BEST WISH TO YOU The Farmers’ Exchange F. O. B Dem« I r r » L > i!l® Considering the improved appearance of th e new Ford Touring C a r, one would naturally expect a proportionate advance in price. Larger scale production, however, haa made it pos­ sible to incorporate in this new type to u rin g car a number of d e c id e d im­ provement« w ith o u t in ­ ¡ill creasing its cost to the purchaser. A comparison extending over a long period of years w ill reveal th e fact that the present price is actu­ ally th e low est at which the five-passenger open car has ever been sold. The Ford T o u rin g C a r stands today, as it always has, a most rem arkable value in the motor car field. FOR T H E N EW YEA R It is not at all surpris­ ing that the new For- dor Sedan is proving extremely popular as a New Year gift. For this handsome closed type body is a truly ex­ ceptional value at its I «AJL« TILOCK4 T & A C T O A 4 present price - $685, fully equipped. Inspect this new For- dor Sedan at your first opportunity and ar range for its delivery on New Y’ear’s morn- ing. You can buy this car through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan In the good old fashion way A. R. Sneed Dept. Store S h i w ill ap­ preciate your good taste If you T k o Car