O IV O T ID TO I N T I M A T OF S F R IN O F IIL D AND T H I F A R M IR fl OF THR W IL L A M IT T I V A L L IY T W E N T IE T H U- ot ° 1PHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “The People’« Paper“ A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TOW N 1|tor»ïï TRAIN JAP SQUARES !; LEAVES FOR ORIENT I SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1923. C O U P L E C E L E B R A T E »STM W IO O IN Q A N N IV E R S A R Y High School Grades For Six Weeks Period Announced S IX N U M B ER 50 GRANB JURY HFARS BOT ROBBER GASES C H ID R E N A D O P T E D A F T E R M O T H E R IE L O S T The six Plckell children who Mr and Mra. Nelson Keater have been quarantined for scar- yeaterday relerbat n to Appear at New Christ — —— • e the Lane county Jail, there being 2* Roof, Mabel—Dep 92. DS 90. MAM Mechanical Drawing; B io l, Biology; Ian Church January 6. Flrat The Springfield bowling team s won ‘ Inmates now Num -rous Springfield Hoc, Sociology; 8ten„ Stenography; 98 Biol 94. Am His 97. Eng 98 JAMES W IT H R O W FUNERAL 1 Sweeney Thelma—Dep 87 Oen 8c fronl Wen,1IlnF team s both her* people hava been subpoenaed as wit- Services Sunday T T . Teacher Training Course; H ELD AT WALKER CHAPEL Im . Biol 95. Soc 90, Eng 95 and at Wendllng Thursday night The nesses. Tomseth Alice— Dep 86. Span 71, ,hat w ,n t 10 W*«««»»« won at Seven boys are alleged to be mem- John T Brown, evangelist begins« The funeral of James Mlnllery revival meeting* at the Chrfatlat SENIORS Blol 94 Geom 1 Inc. Eng 90 U npin" b> 182 Plna- and tbe tean* of the Fang of robb'rs who com- Withrow was held Monday at 3 p m Barker. Mary— Eng 88. Am His 88. Wallace Grace— Dep 93 TTC 87. P1“?1“* Wendling here at duckplns mltted wholsale housebreaking In this «•bun h In Hprlngfleld Hunday. Jan- at lh« Wslknr chapel. Interment w hs yp 3 96. Dep 91 Biol 92 MAM 85 Eng 85 ) won by 147 pln*' s PrlnFfiel| Bauer. Gladys—Dep 94. Eng 89. Civ the gamp at w endling. H arold McPherson. Earl Calkins. Leon llrattaln. Wilbert—Dep 85, 8pan 80, 2« 1852 and died Docemher 22. 1923 #| , hp Vr, „ , ,, rut„ Geom 1 Inc. Alg Inc. 84. Bkkg 97. Typ 84. , Members of the Springfield bowlers Bowman and Alfred Townaend. Bry- , .1 the age of 71 year». 3 months am» w l|| ,Pad lhp Cline. Robert— Dep 95. TTC93, Phys­ ( arr. Ada—Dep 88. Eng t n whp played herp were p 0Uard, Wes- an and McKelvey have been bound 2« day« In 1*80 he waa united in >Prv|,.„M ics 83. Eng 95. ley Stevens and A. A Gibson Those over to the federal grand Jury on (Continued on page 3) wedlock w ith Ida Shaner, lie m o v'd Hawk •. Wayne— Dep 84. Typ 1 86. who went to W-'ndling from here bonds of $1500 fixed by t’nlted Stats» , . . , - Besides the regular rew ires next with his family to California In 1886. „ were Endicott. Wright, Jess Meats. Commissioner U. O. Immel. Their Sunday the Ladlea Missionary society and later. In 1992. catue In Oregon charge Is robbing a government post- W alter Conrad and Leonard Lepley. of lhe Eugene church will present a C H R ISTM A S T R E E ENJOYED CHAMBER MEETS FRIDAY; Mr Withrow la survived hy hl» pageant Thia will he at. 7:30 o'clock office and officers aay they confess. I ------------------------------- BY POWER PLANT PEOPLE MERCHANTS TO GATHER widow. 4 daughters. 2 g-nndaona and In the evening An 'vangellatlc aer Earl Calkins and Harold McPherson LEGION POST ELECTS The Chamber of Commerce 2 brother« living In California Th» tnon will he preached at 8:30 o ’clock have been hound over to the federal The «ptployes of the Mountain O FFICERS; G IVE BASKETS grand Jury On charges of attempting will meet tomorrow night In the daughter« are Mra Dora E William» Tlie first service« were held In th e 'S 's te s Power company and ¡heir fum — Chamber rooms on call of W. of Portland. Mr« Mae Arehart of Port­ to rob the same postofflee and fixed new church la«I Sunday The new lllea enjoyed a Chlratmas party Fri­ H. B Freeland was elected com land, Mr» Effie M< Kensey of Eugen • F. Walker, president. The bonds fixed at $500. Townsend's bonds structure, costing 911,000, will aeat day night at the power plant The mander of the Fpringfield post of the and Mr« Gladys Stewart of Spring- meeting was postponed because were fixed in the same sj-nount. He at pre« -nt 500 people J .«»I Sunday's tree waa decorated, and on it was a American Legion at a legion m eet-j J field One daughter. Grade, died Im of Chrlatmas eve. The newly ' will be returned to the reform school service Included the pageant, "The small p re» ‘nt for each o a t present, Ing Friday night In the W. O. W. hall. 1895 The two grandsons are Clark formed merchants cr il t asso­ from which he is on parole, according Angela and the Shepherd«," and the as well as nuta. popcorn and candy. C. A. Swarts Is the new vice-com­ Williams and Mark Arehart. ciation will meet following the to Sheriff Fred Stlckels. It is ex- "Visit of the Three Wlae Men" de­ Mistletoe was an added decoration I ’ i mander. Jess Meats, second vice-corn regular cham h'r business. As „ , „ m peeled that the district attonrsy will the room. Santa Claus gave out the picting Chrlatmas seen.»« there is much business to trans­ • ask for Indictment« against all the FUNERAL SERVICES FOR lairson. finance officer. The churcn crowd' assembled at presents, and presented each of the youtha held regardless of the federal act President Walker urges a MRS. W H E A T F IL L H ELD . Morrison's hall at 9 16 marching In ladles with a threepound box of New m gm 'brs »’ere elected to the eiiarges. large attendance. candy from the company | a hodv to the new church, many executive board. T hese were Vern Much of the loot from the varloua Those present were; Mr. and M r s . ____________________________________ W oolley, Ray McPherson, C. F Scott Funeral services were conducted In PaPrylllg rh, lni frt,m , b„ ,,M hpad robberies has been recovered at the the Walker Chapel Monday morning qnMrtera Regular Sunday school ser­ W C I-agan and sons Robert and Q N E Q F FOUNDERS OF and P. C. Tyson. homes of the boys. The Bryan lad Danks and a i 10 orlock for Mr» Della ( orrol , y|CPg WPPP b ,,|d „„ time nt 9:45 a. Russell. Mr and Mrs. A special m eeting has been called TOW N IS VISITO R HERE for tomorrow night to finish up the claims that be lost heavily In his haul Wheatflll of Eugene, who died at the m A, (hp s „nday nlgb, gprvlcP. ful. daughter June. Mr. and Mrs. E. M when his father's barn past of Spring- Hprlngfleld hospital ecamber 21. 1923 .ndpd w„ h r,0 ni(1-p alan<1. Richardson and children Beulah. Boh W a |k Fjr, t Bank membership drive. field burned a few w eeks ago. T h e body waa «hipped to Porllan.l for ,ng „„ many „„ 7r> away and Dick. Mr and Mrs L. A. Smith. A number of Christmas baskets Among the places the robber gang Vault, Concrete Building and crDematlon. after which II will ba The church was not completed, at Mr and Mrs R L. Burnett and small were given by the Legion to the poor jjag confessed to have entered, acedrd- Elevator in City sent to Graml Rapid«. Michigan, f'"- |,.aK, r,,Kpect to the heating plant, ¡»«n Billy. Mr. and Mrs Harold Hart of Springfield, and arrangements nr* | n(, sheriff’s office, are the fol- Interment hut , h„ building will he practically I>*F and little daughter. Mr and Mra , being made to organize the charity The man who built the first piece _ i-h x i f u n d l c w ' n * - Mr» Wheatflll died nt the ng«‘ A> | completed this week., according t o , Otto Smith and small daughter. Mr, - - - •• *ork The ccpimnnity f)rgt of thp yeflr A ftey, »later Mra. Lulu Cole of Decatur. Ill- I .... . Hartley, sister o f Harold Hartley, ¡MANY COUPLES MARRY . n t a d ,e r . h e liv e d n in e ,n s‘ a lla ,io n - represent«- ^ fo r e the K X els burglary, who waa here from Campcreek. The Seventh Day Adventist |ia» nr ye ago < . ' lives of each ward will be appointed A]bert p prfect g residence on the IN HOLIDAY SEASON years. He la now living In Bethany. t<> com,n,tte? an„ ek by couples wishing M embers of the P rlc llla d u b met Kx,.hange and the .'levator BOYS H U R T IN BUG The Prussian home which was en­ C O M M U N ITY PROGRAM ,o *’•' married during lh* holidays, at the home of Mrs. N. L. Howard which Is In the Sneed building The A C C ID EN T ON SUNDAY tered several times. — — 'Those securing licenses were Newall i December 21 for their Christmas bank vault is now being used in the Mra Miley Petty and pupil« of the It Job and Alta Taylor, of Veneta; party The house waa decorated In The Peterson and Flagg residency« City Recorder's office. Garland Griffith had his shoulder Ci^naa Center achool invited th. lr | Albert E. Terry and Pearl Hughes white chrysanthemums and mistletoe. Old-timers remember Mr RlvatCa blade and collar bone dislocated and the W est Springfield «tore. was The Ixtop pool hall w he-e knives friends and neighbors In to t Ip them o( Eugene; Chalate Ward, of Dorene, A dainty two-cour»t luncheon talent for carrying things on his head while driving in the Ford bug of Boh enjoy a community Cbr'atmna tree ¡and Alice Rradford. of Co’tage Grove served and Chrlatmas gifts were ex- —a basket of eggs while riding a priscoll with young Driscoll, Lyndel and cash were taken a month ago. The Springfield flour |mill. where a Frlday - night The eutertalneit n' was — ---------- ------- -------------- V , William H Smith and Pearl Cary, changed The next m eeting will be bicycle, a table upside-down with a Gardner and Roland Parksr east of lh> following: both of Eugene; Arnold Huffman. A1- with Mrs. Howard Freeland on Jan- bottle balanced on each leg. er.'n a Springfield las, Sunday afternoon 1 amount., of .non-nego, a e curl,ie«. gasoline ticket« and other Song Glad Chrlatmaa Tima hy the pine, and Helen Ruth Renfro. Blachly: uary 11. 1924. barrel on its side. They recall as The car was turned com pletely over, school i Harold Newhall Troxler and Coraly Those present Included Mrs. J. A well the time a clrcua atopped In Eu- pinning all bu, Parker underneath. thing« were taken, only a few week« Reading--Christmas Dnv hy Je a sl» W Gr’en, both of Creswell; Lyman Tomseth. Mrs. A J Morgan. Mrs. 1. gene, and offered him mor? than he He was riding on Ihe back, and was ago. Resides these a holdnp or two is Williams. A. Chexem and Helen W, Barr. both'D . L arlm ’“ Mrs W. L. Rouse. Mrs could make st the mason's trade to thrown off and clear of the car. Crostl« Christmas hy Ml, l o t i Me of Eugene; Rov Merlan. Albany, and |R iley Snodgrass. Mrs. C. A Swarts. also charged against the gang. Join them. He told them, however. Although driving at a moderate Cuhbins Margaret Rusaell. Eugene; Arthur R. (Mrs. William Donaldson. Mrs. 1» E. that he was not looking for a Job J Taje sp?ed, the car »truck loose Reading Always Christmas hy Ar Myers and Anna latke, both of Sag-1Raeford. Mrs. L. Wright, Mrs. P. S Mr. and Mrs. Rlvett leave Spring- gravel, and when Driscoll tried to POULTRY YARD SHOW NETS Inaw; Clarence Caytea, of Cottage ; Rasford. Mrs. A. J McKy. Mrs. John Ihnr Owens. ft.-Id for Rlrhrru'nd. California, on )f ba(.k lnto th<1 mWne; Janies A Rentle and B eu la h 'll. S,earner. Bertha Butler and Ethel MeCuhblns Fifty dollars was cleared by the weeks with th d r son. Jin, Rlvett. OTPrlurDPd Parher managed to lift ■ — Vocal duet—Dear Little Htrang >r hv F Hanna, both of Cottage «Grove; | then return to Springfield. From he?e Jhp R(de bug pnollgh , or two performance of "Mrs Briggs of the James I Borthlck. of IDextnr, and | Vlatl Cowart Family— I.en H Ethel McCubblna and Bertha Butler. they will then go to Minneapolis, of voung men to crawl out, and Poultry Yard' 'by the pupilq of the Beading The Man on Our Street hy Lillie Mlrlum Bohnrt, of Trent. a n d land fan, | | y of R |dgPfleld spent Christ- Minn., to visit their son Floyd, and (hpn thpy Jo,npd , n 1t Lincoln .school, the proceeds on the Dr Robert M Graves and Emma K e n - ma|l (n s pr|ngfiP|d visiting at the Karl Griswold. ,o Brunswick. Nebraska, to visit their They were picked up hy passing evening of December 21 to go toward nett, both of Eugene. I home of A. J. Cowart« Also », the Recitation hy Oliver Petty dnughter. Mrs George McFall, before nlntortsts and brought to Springfield the playshed at the Lincoln school Cowart home waa Mr. Cowart's broth going hc,ne to Bethany. Dialogue- The Gosslper M r. Tnltle to a physician Resides the dlsloca- built hy the Parent Teacher associa­ Will Teach In Military School—Joe er. J. J. Cowart, and fejnlly of Free by Earl Griswold and Arthur Owi ne j Hons Griffith suffered s e v r e bruises tion. The afternoon proceeds will go Recitation Scaring Sanit Claus by Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs J .’ 1» I water and Arvll Hvman nnd family of I. O. O. F FN C A M PM EN T ¡on his chest, and som e internal In to the Junior high school student Cliirk, li'aves Springfield January 1 «Wondllng. Mr Cowart's brother and A llee Asher, ELEC T NEW O FFICERS Juries which have no, proved to be body. The three-act play was sta g e! It ‘ailing When Daddy Ll«h,« the to take a teaching position | n the Hill family have left for California to --------- i of a serious nature. Gardn'et4 had In the high school under Ihe dlrec- Chrlatmaa Tree hy Bertha Butler. I Military academy In Portland H o spend some time visiting relatives Officers were elected nt n meeting has knPP (njttrPd. nnd Parker and Ilion of Mr». Ora eed Hemenway, prin­ Song Sing a Song of Chrlslm.i, by has been attending the University o f, .......................... cipal of Ihe Lincoln school, who form­ of W. B Pengra Encampment Num- p r |gPo)i suffer'd minor bruises. Ihe school. | Oregon nl Eugene whore he Is a Jolly Misers Meet erly taught dramatics at normal h e r 67 1 O. O. P. in th e 1 O. O. F. i ____________________ Reading—Getting the Chrlslmas , Junior In the deparlme.nl of drama , The Jolly Mixers club me, Th,tra­ hall Friday night. They were. O M. school, and has had experience ay a Went to Reunion Tree hv Milton MiCuhblns. inili! Hi- sin im b a i t s While In lo r , d,|v „jgh, at the country club In En-¡Dlson. chief patriarch; W. 1 Hughes. public entertainer. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. \V. Coffln bad ‘h eir Innil lie ex”i‘Cts to lake some I’nlver- gene at Ihclr regular fortnightly par­ high priest; John Kebtls Sr., sm io r Rending by Ethel Petty T h e part, of Mrs B riggs .. - __ was taken Dialogue A Pbrlutiiins Box from I si, v cx6 nslon work as well. A, the ty. Lnt> In the evening refreshments warden; J. Verp Woolb v. Iunior war- ' \ d’Kc h»r fo - ‘he Lrst by M)sq Margaret Hemenway. a Vnl- neadem y he Wilt join Lynn Hoycrofl. of hn, lin n b 'S . coffee and pumpkin den; lf. A. Korf. »crlhe, nnd F. F. „ m e In 10 years when they w en, ,o vp, a,tv pf O rrgon stndPt,t , nnd th a t Aun, .l ine by the school P ortland for C h ris,m ar. They stayed of nrppn , hp baghfu, ,ovpr. by eolll’re fríen:,, who 11 now super Rending Shining Around III ple with whipped cream were served. Bjirnard. treasurer with th' lr son and daughter. 'Herbert Otto Burcham, instructor at the Lin­ (hero. llii'l McCnliblns. I visor of all,lo, b by E Ethel C h rl'fiias T,.- « bv ,n»4nlla,Ion will he held op the Dancing and cards were Hie diversion S nnd Florence Coffin, and were join­ coln school. All the other members of Hong Upon Ilio H ousdop. I — ------ evening of January 4. 1921. a, which of Ihe evening. ed hy Ralph Coffin of Portland, and the cast were Junior hign chord stu­ Expect Friends— Mr and Mrs. W. M embTs a l,ending were; Mr. nnd time appointive officers will bo an Harry Coffin of Yakima. Waehlngt dents: Ed Bates, iLester Km use. Tone M rs Van Valzab Takes T rip r— Mrs W. Powers and son Walter of Bene, Airs. Frank George of Eugene, Dr nounced and Install 'd. Rhodes, Evelyn Jaeohson. Willard Car­ A. II. Van Vulznli left Ha,unlay rifluii Nevada, will n’ rlve the Inn' of this and Mrs. E. R. D e,flinger of Eugene, W. E. Wadsworth, past grand pa­ Broke Leg ney, Winifred Tyson, Mildred Jacob­ lug on « six months' trip through Jlie week for a fow dava vl II with Mr. Mr and Mrs. T.lovd Heck»,horn» of triarch of the state, wl'l visit of­ 1*. J. Lewis broke hla leg ye-tp-d-v son, Zola Smith and Della Clark. enst. Hlie Is going by way of Port- and Mra Rov A. H um " 'rev, Mr Rug,inc. Mr and Mrs Charles O'Brien ficially for Hie Rlatu grand pal,larch, land, stopping to see her sons who I Powers Is n conductor for the South- ,,f Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. ¡Leonard who Is unable to attend tho Installa­ afternoon while delivering woo'* B r Has Measles (bore. e i n I ’ l l , I l l e arc attending dental co"»g Dr. J E. Richmond, district the Harry M Stewart f” n' i jf.tl'S of Goshen. Mr. And Mrs. E O. tion C. M. Culler, former Eugene p'dioe- berne and going on In Ih» Dr i Sutton. Fred Clingan anil Mrs. Zella deputy front Eugene, a metnebr of Whit» hauling the weed ,h ", Indicted for forgery, was scut In Paulsboro, New Je ' i will • V isits Father— Frunk Beckett came Cantrell. Mr. and M rs. Wilbur Lloyd. the Springfield encampment, will he JcrkuS up. puli ng hint off ie ' la w ijcrrm be county Jail to the Sprlngflelrt stop it, W ashington 'Hi visit ¡down from Portland to have Christ- Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Skinner. Mr and Installing officer. A aoclal ihn» will The horses rap across - v ,itIii4 eastern < Ule« b*1 • return« mas dlnnar with his father, B. B. Mrs. E ver»,, Harney. Mr. and Mrs. follow the installation, xml light re- on C street then fell dowr. and wart bcapithl yesterday atten tion . , He la freshm ents will be served «topped. (down with tha measles. 'Buckelt, Milton Cyra all of Springfield. , flag -. r * * W - ---------- • |