• » -99 re • • A • THURSDAY. PBCKMHEK 20. IM S. THE aPRINOgMPLP XKW8 PAGE EIGHT a iv s n Leng »sntsnes fo r Boots OLD BANTA BAYB— WHAT BECOMES OF CIRCUIT COURT GRANTS SPRINGFIELD GIRL WILL H arry Melson, am bulane» driver, MANY HUNTING LICENSE THE LICENSE FEES? waa found guilty of IH gal po»»es DECREES OF DIVORCE FEES COLLECTED IN 1923 GRADUATE AT UNIVERSITY »Ion of liquor In Juatlco co u rt Tuea H unting sn.t fishing tieens* tee» collected a t th e otBce of th e county clerk this y ear totaled *1.979.15. ac­ cording to • com pilation m ade by Mr». R. S B ryson this m orning. May. ■when fisherm en take to th e stream s in g reat num bers, was th e heavy- m onth in license sales. ,370 50 being taken in then Septem ber, w hen deer h u n te rs tak e th e field, is next with »33$ .40. One hundred seventy h u n te rs' li­ cences w ere - '.! it $3 Tw enty county h a u le rs' licenses, for boys be­ tw een 14 and IS y ears of age. were «add for *1.50 each Five non resi­ dents took ou t hunting licenses at *10 each. The 164 an g lers' licenses sold d u r­ ing the y ear brought each, 20 county an g lers' license», ,1 5 0 each, and nine non residents an g lers' 11- censss brought varying am ounts Non­ resident sportsm en are charged the es^ne sum th a t an Oregon sport-m an would be charged in th e ir sta te Combination licenses to th e num ber c f 154 were disposed of. S everal vorce d ecrees w ere hand I’n iverslty of Oregon, Eugene. Dee N .— (S p e c ia l.)- Maud F. O orrte of cd down by ludge S klpw orth in c ir­ Springfield Is one of th e SS persons cuit co o il .h s we»k lV ie rtlo n and who will receive a degree from th e cruel and Inhum an tre a u u « n l con U niversity of O regon In Jan u ary , 1924 stltu le grounds on which sep aratio n She will receive a B A degree from w as g ran ted T heodora (1. C hurchill was granted the d ep artm en t of botany and bac­ ‘a d ecree from Jo h n S C hurchill, Mar- teriology Of the SS degrees to be granted, cot» d ruggist, ou grounds of cruelty five will he given by the school of S he claim s h«> made h er leave hem» education, seven by th e school of and tre a te d h er In o th e r harsh man- bu sin ess adm inistration, th ree by the ners. T h e couple w aa m arried In d e p artm en t of botany and h a c t-rl July. 190$. Ada M Vlnyard w as given a d i­ ology, th re e by the d ep artm en t of Eng!t>h literatu re, tw o by th e d ep art vorce from W alter S Vlnyard on m ent of economics and one each by grounds of desertio n T h« couple was th e following schools and depart m arried in Albany S ep tem ber .10. 1919. It 11 C hase was g ranted a decree m en ts: m usic, philosophy, history, psychology- fine a rts, chem istry, med from M yrtice A Chase on grounds of desertion. The couple w a» m arried trin e anil physical education. T h ere a re now 41 stu d en ts reg ister in R oseburg Ju n e 26, 1923. ed n t th e 1 'niverslty who will receive degrees upon com pletion of this term 's T h e II I’. K. W II V club met work. W ed n e sd a y afternoon w ith Mrs Val online. T he aftern o o n waa spent DENTISTRY at low er prices. Dr. N pleasantly a fte r which refreshm ents tf were served W. y.n ery . Sutton Bldg F orty eight sta le s collected »152.- day and w as fined »500 and soutencad 3*7.023 In 1923 as receipt» from auto­ to six month» In Jail Mel»on w as a r­ mobile llcen ie fees. T he coet of ool j rested Momlay night aa he waa about lection, ill» cust of the plain» them i to deliver a bolli» of boo»» to a f r a t­ selves, and o th er expenses w as le»» ern ity house In Eugen» Jam e» C than four million dollars, so that a Sm ith. of Mabel, received th e sam e total Of *1411.759,00 waa left aa the sen ten ce for a sim ilar offense « / i nel profit» to be spent on highw ays ; m ined in th u t (own. Thi - »urn la divided Into approprln lions for S tate highway departm ent». 16 m illion»; F ederal aid fund». 34 million»; m aintenance of F ederal aid j roads. 3 , m illion»; construction of I o th er than Federal aid road», tity mil Hons; m aintenance of o th er than Fed oral aid toads. 31 l» million»; ami The IntSV hOUBBWif» will given a» aid to counties. 25«» eplllon» SATURDAY presented w'lth « holldny If New llam p ah tra collect« the larg hu» tlu- Spring Hebt itakeiv eat rwvonue per Individual car or RALPH LEWIS and |h e r buklug for her. truck, g ettin g an a v rrag e of *35 73 < JOHNNIE WALKER each, w hile A risons i» easiest upon T h al m akes It car ow ners from the liretiae stan d IN point obtaining but *6 69 each. Bel! T h e a tre Earl B tahlinan and slater N alda wiu leave Friday to spend th e holidays with th eir p aren ts at D etroit. Oregon SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr N W. Em ery, dentist. Sutton Bldg tf "Westbound L im ite d " The m ighty Photodnuna flesh mid si eel It i> too good to mi»». Mity Nice of for the whole family also. \Ve are able to handle any order for baked goods from the smallest to banquet si««. Two r»cl comedy— No matter what you ure wanting our prices are moder­ ate flu- quality In ulwayn high. "THEIR FIRST VACATION" L et Us H elp You W ith Your Xmas S h o p p in g SUNDAY — MONDAY HAVE YOU TRIED OUR HOOT GIBSON Huckleberry P -I-E IN “Dead Game” A rtp-nnortlng western comedy — Howled Over. If not you are iiihuilng one of the beet treat» of th-» sea- ron. Made fr.'»n real Washing- U»n huckleberrlett, mind you! ! XMAS TUESDAY. DEC. 25th and WEDNESDAY. DEC. 26th SOMETHING FOR THE CAR FOR CHRISTMAS We have Christmas Presents for the Auto from 25c up. Come in for suggestions. l»B uh« «Io Mity Nice Roy Stewart IN “ B a ck to Yellow Jacket” S p rin g field B akery A Peter II. Kyne Story Also two reel comedy. Fred Frese, Prop. Wishing You A M erry X m a s Riverside Dairy I FARMERS EXCHANGE We make a specialty certified milk for of SPRINGFIELD GARAGE The Christmas Gift Store of Springfield Authorized Ford and Chevrolet Service Phone 11 4th and Main And a store where yon receive courteous service babies and sick people. W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD. OREGON Shop here to save and for Satisfaction PHONE 34F3 The Gifts are toe numerous to mention— Ladies Silk Umbrellas ... $5.00 to $10. Beautiful gift blouses in special Xmas sale $ 1.50 to $9.75 Unties silk cntnisole. beautiful lace trimmed. band embroidered. In all shinies $1.50 up Unties silk com bination suits $1.50 up We carry a big variety of fancy work, guest towels, Turkish towels, bureau anil dresser scarfs. (añiles handkerchiefs, pure linen, hand embroidered, latest novelties. Rocker Rugs Floor Lamp Electric Percolator Silverware Pyrex Alminum Ware FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS Wagons Air Guns Tricycles FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR DAD Safety Razor Arm Chair Keen Cutter Tool In Holly Box Pocket Knife A NEW COLONIAL RANGE $65.00 to $122.00 Kiddie Cars Pedal Cars Wright & Son Special offerings of a wonderful selection of wom en's hand hags at reduced prices $l.f»0 up We carry a full line of Duster Brown ladies silk stockings in all shades $1.00 up A beautiful assortm ent of children's and ladles' slippers in big varieties of colors a t greatly reduced prices. Heavy silk hose for men ...................................................... 75t Wool Sport Sw eaters $5.00 to $7.50 Silk handkerchiefs for men ................................................. 50c Wonderful selection of silk and knitted lies to gull any taste BQo, $1.00 Pure linen handkerchiefs, fancy garters, an il bands, and etc., suitable for men for Christinas presents. Our big selection of line unbreakable dolls m akes a wonderful gift and sure will please the children. Will be glad to show you all, and rem ember “ We A lw a y s Sell it for L e ss” Farmers Exchange )