THURSDAY. I >H< EMBER CiassifiedAdvertisements SUMMONS In the Circuit Curt <■* block fiotu street car. . , . , _ ., . In the name of the 8tate of Ora- Chamberlain a Tableta KOn. y OU ar„ hereby required to 413 8 2nd at. for The Springfield News EUGENE COLLECTION AGENCY No collection, no fee. No entry foe or dues. Legal department. W, H. BROWERS. Mgr (21— W H. BROWERS. Mgr. HOUSE WIRING Prepared to do Hous-wArlrvg of all Klnda A. P. GRAHAM, Corner of Mb and M et resta. P. O. Box 1M B U S IN E S S O'DAY’S PAINT SHOP Auto painting and auto tops. Paint In wholesale quantities. Near the mill race. Eugene. Ore. 3«2 B. 8th Ave. Phone 1187-4 W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equip.«ant W. O. W. block Office Phone 62 M. Res. Phone 62-J PIANO LESSONS Ruth Scott Byrne Accredited Teacher Phone Eugene 941-L DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Button Bldg. Phons 20-J Rstldanee Phone 12# W Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE W a T C H REPAIRING A BPBC1ALTY "I have frequently used Chamber- . appear and answer the complaint . . l ., . fil'd against you In the above en- lain s ablets, during the past three , c ou-j Bn(i cause, on or before years, and have found them sp len -; the 27th day of December. 1923. tho did for headache and bllllous attack» . | , sm r being more than tlx weeks I am oaly too ploaaed. at any time, from the date of tbe first publíca­ lo »peak a won! of praise for thorn." «¡o» this summons and being tbe . .. . u v, n— G«“ e proscribed for such appeaiance write» Mrs. Laura M Hoyt Roekport. K • by you In ordej- of publcotion of this New York. summon« herein entered of record und If you fall so to appear and ans- Bprlngfleld N ews 61 26 per year. wer for wnn, thereof the plaintiff will apply to th e Court for the relief In his CUT FLOWERS. POTTED PLANT8 comp|B(n t demanded and prayed for, and Floral Designine towit; For a judgment and decree Dionixrd A Ran in JuncMcgi City of th |s Court dissolving the bonds of Florist, Kodak Shop. 10th and Will. matrimony now and heretofore exist­ Phone «1« ing between you and plaintiff on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat- I ment a»d for such other relief as to tbe Court shall seem meet.. Thia summons Is served upon you by fmhllratlon thereof pursuant to an order of the Hon. G. F. Skip- worth. Judge of the shove Court, made and entered of record on the Call 12th dav of November, 1923. order­ i n g that this summons be published once each week for rlx successive SUTTON TRANSFER and consecutive weeks In the Spring- field News and th» dr.te of the first Phone 57 publication will be November 15th. 1923. and tho date of the last pub­ lication will be December 27th. 1923.. 1 Frank A. DePue. Attorney for the Plaintiff, .«residence and post office GEO.. N, McLEAN address. Springfield. Oregon.. Automobile, Fire and Ltfa N. 16. 22. 29.. D «. 13. 20, 27,. IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds.. Phona S17 NOTICE TO CEDITORS My buslnaca la to protaot your buslneta Notice Is hereby given that the un­ 860 W illameftx St. Eugena Oregon dersigned have been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane Coti.ntv Administrates for | A. A. ANDERSON the estate of Mary Ann Chapman, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby not I BARBER SHOP fled to present the same, duly veri­ fied and with the proper vouehert, For Sale— New and Old Razors to the said administrators at tho of­ fice o f Gordon 8. Wells, In the Morn­ 81 00 to 82.00 ing Register building. Eugene. Ore­ go n . within six months from the first publication of this uotlce. Date of the first publication of this notice Is December 6 1923. Thomas I. Chapman THOMAS I CHAPMAN. Your Home When In WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN Administrators of the estate of Springfield Mury Ann Chapman, deceased. D 6-13-20-27 ;J-3. D IR E C T O R Y “ T he Loop” DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL D E N T IS T Phone 3 Springfield Oregon Springfield. Oregon YOUNG A RAY Attornaya at Law Specializing In the law of Real Property and Corporations. Succeasor to John Edwarde and Offloes 860 W illam ette Street Balllnger A McPherson Insurance ■ Eugene, OreSM agenctes. Office at When You Are Constipated To Insure a healthy action ofthe bowels and correct disorders of the liver, take two of Chamberlain's Tablets Immediately after supper. They will not only cause a gentle movement of the bowels, without un- effects. but banish that dull, stupid feeling, that often accom palet cons- WM. G. HUGHES FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon Springfield Gravel Go. All kind« of gravAl for con­ crete or rond work. We make a specialty of cruehed rock and rock «and. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. , HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS li»2S. Estate of Andrew J. Cruxan. deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Janie L. Cruxan. executrix of the last will and testam ent of Andrew J. Crusnn, decease«!, has filed In the County FRANK A. DEPUE 1 Court of liie State of Oregon. In and ATTORNEY AT LAW for Lane County, her flnnl report as such executrix; and that ten o'clock NOTARY PUBLIC In the forenoon of Monday, the 24th Button Springfield day of December, IMS. at the Court Buidllng Oregon. room there«Jf, ihave heenl by the Court, fixed and appointed as the time MACK'S UMBRELLA SHOP and place for hearing odjectlnns to said report and for the final settle­ Opposite Poet Office( Eugene, ment of the estate of said deceased. Box 1SS JANIE L. CRVZAN. . Executrix Black or Colored Coover-. All Re­ A, E WHEELER. Attorney. pair Parts Made to Order. t.22,29 dfl,,l»,M. Ashby C. Dickson, Portland lawyer SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of was appointed by Governor Pierce t( Oregon fortlJioe County. succeed John H. Bell, Judge of depart M ai Ida Elizabeth Pearson. Plaintiff, ment No. 1 of the district court ol vs Stanton B, Pearson. Defendant. Mnltnomnh county. Judge Bell hi» To Stanton B Pearson: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF resigned, to leave office on January 1 , OREGON, You are hereby required to B. O. Roberts ho wax sentence« Bppear BOd axtswer the comnlalnt filed Brief Resume of Happenings ot at Roseburg to serve five years In tht against you In the above entitled cause the Week Coi'e^ted for state penitentiary for the part hi '>n or before six weeks from the flat- played In the operation of an allege« nt ,h« "J” Publication of this sum- Our Re