T H E S P R IN G F IE LD NEW S PAGE SIX SAN TA V IS IT S YOUNGSTFRS T R A V E LIN G ON T R A IN S FARM R EM IN D ER S TH U R S D A Y , DEC EM BER ?«». 11*22. Whst- rn t r< mou la recognued na OREGON ANGORA GOATS FARM GROUPS FAVOR IFEW FR LOGANS GROWN SEEK STUMP LAND HOME th-- • ouh c i>( llie Itlghvat qualily Au­ S T A T E CONFERENCE OR MORE M U ST BE EATEN gura goal* kn Ut« U nited H a l o To what extent can and ahouhl B alanced P «due*. 10.1 ann M a ra -tini; A h$tcvlnuitety TOO act»* a re du ¡goat pixnluction he lltcrea -ml In O re­ T horo arc s.'ltloui) acre* uow In aluuip Inutla In Oregon ami thl» area 1« ho- voted to loganberry pm ductloit I» gon? Polley A ppella to Head« of : In pruning th e orchard, bram ble* O regon T his s ta le produce* sit po. T h e an sw er to ¡hat qumu I on will he lug ineroasoil s t 1h« r u a of alm ut « ; •Jay l> O 'g ve ta . (Mil o r o rn am en tala It la well to w atch 'cent of the logan hi yriea grow n In the i oiisldurt'd a t th e econom ic conference 1011. (il H) a c re , cm 1| y,,g» It »ni»ll waxy rings of I n tied Slat« a, lo he held at lit« sta te cdllege Ja n u a ry < ou: l Ütnv who « lated th t iii*«»;s:>'i t o l c***0*llj- for Much of tlila la n l c a s h» ail van- T h e agririihitra', e tro p a-1 'on *l*e iw lgs i -T h -« » a re th e eg! Otx’w rr* a re confronted wiltt th e at 33 to 26. «t it 1Idn (agi-otislv uillised fo r gont gi-saing rhivti n (he enee Is well w orth u a w h a g l t h * tritt eellerylllar. a ilefeil te n ta tiv e of pulling up tunny of titcdr aï-* ç)rowa-u j . V t o may b tï Mtge ,\ P alm iter, clue- or tner, nspig use nu t m ark et -* an d c h ’is ’ll-«-. Dnv. I worm unu*vials) ahnnilant last o a i bi,. st ile grange. He u r ges g tjtn g cr to .« inly son. Rrtuov- i and d v itro y twig* for this r » p ed al ly «dented crop *4 th»* n mlrop.tl wm I ta k e m irt whe ouch thorough AlUtn Ml1* Ol th« h tan- e t h e r leader* of f orni groupa found. r »It'iutloi : Will h« I d o n d n g th e confer» nr o and hop lu to «Zr altu ra! et ottonili’ co th- tak e p art In It a re H erb ert Egl et he bel it thi «Iute coll J.lttuu •d. m rx ‘ unte-in I p resid en t of th ’ farm '2» k, ; Falconer, prealdent e t Ih« r e a l ff r« -er-’l »r era' asso ciatio n ; : nd I D Wit A lx«* o f c u r Chocotatiw or If t th e Ih. presid en t of th e Dt i on D ally co ell ' NOTICE FO d PUBLICATION Hon Hon*- pure detlciona and 'ap p eal Inin nd ’ uod new ly appoint ■d s la te dairy DKPAHTMi NT O F H I E INTKUIOH m oat Inviting F ancy Xmua plant s and httnigaie th e food com m issioner. In iteil tra in s w H . >.-u; Santo I (Its as (greenhouse V S livid ostie,« at R oseburg, O re­ Ixikei an* already packed o r we with nicotine or <|u- all C l . i t and train 'ia t-tv a fte r di: roc T he O regon Iwuikera a on » ill p ark candy lo o rd e r Huy on P briatm aa -1 •’ all the chit Irvn on th e plants throughout with nlc h a s expressed approval and Intention gon. D ecem ber T. ti»2J lion- i a lly mi > aa lo have nil u n ­ the trains, both old and young, will d ust to Kt rid of ull aphids wh Notice Is hereby g li- n that H attie to p art let on le T he financial Atter« lim ited ,«< l< ¡lion O ur candy It g a th e r around ’h ■ tre e la ¡he L-b.erva- may carry th e disease from plant to ' eats a rc stan d in g hack of th e program A rm ent» Culver, widow of R obert II m oderately pi iced. plant. tlitt c ar for t h ’ fec’ivili.-s. "C ount m e In." w rites C D. R orer. Pulver, deceased, of E ugens, O regon The tre e s will be- p lace! un a’l who. on Augii t 24. 1M3, m ade p resid en t of th e E ugene B ank of Coiti­ S outhern Pacific's lim ited train s op­ P eaches may be sprav li for peach m erce and m em ber of th e sgVIctlltttral 11 onio, tend E ntry. S tila i. No. ÚI434O. > eratin g betw e-n I'nrtland. Ogden and leaf curl an y tim e betw een December ^commission of th e A m erican Han for th e S ts of N E ’-» of. Section 5 E l Paso on C hi.ctm .is Day. I and F eb ru ary 1 B ordeaux f i x t u r e .asso ciatio n . "I assu re you rig h t uow T ow nship IOS. R ange 4VV,, Wttlain S-ff-30, p roperly m ade a t home, is .th a t I will be p r e s e n t“ etto M eridian, h.ia filed u n ties of I« CHRISTMAS CANOlES much su p erio r to litne su lp h u r or th e i K eith Pow ell, ch airm an of the agri I mit ton to m ake Final T hroe year ready mixed com m ercial B ordeaux fo r.c u ltu ra l com m ittee of th e s ta te hank proof, to estab lish claim lo the land (Front 0. A. C. Extension Se/vice) th is purpose. E very tw ig »nd bud e rs asso ciatio n , Indicates h is belief above described, before E. t) tu m id H om em ade candies bidden r th e 'm u s t he covered to in su re co m p lete, In th e co n feren ce and his In tention ,,V. S. C om m issioner, a t his office, nt depth of a dainiv box o r basket dec- ¡protection from this disease. The first - to be presen t, lEugeue, O regon, ou th e 14th day of T he I.lnn-Betttnn county h an k ers as« Ja n u a ry 1924 o rated w ith re-’ Hbbon nod a bit of favorable stre tc h of w eath er should holly o r m istletoe, cam * a m essage ¡he utilized for this Job. sociatlon will hold Its Jan u a ry m eet C laim ant nam es aa wReaaee: Mar of ch eer Following a re some C hrist Ing at th e college durin g th e co n fer eus Dunn, of Eugene. Oregon, R F m as candies which a re a plea Hire to I). No. I ; Da ltd Sm ith, of E ugene, T h e grow ing of head lettu ce is well cnee m ake a s well as to e a t: The com m ercial In te re ita a re like- O regon. R. F. D. No. I ; Harney suited to Oregon conditions since th e letim ate and soil a re favorable a n d ( w ,s* k ’lrln g ln ,h * »»neral schem e of C louse, of Eugene, Oregon. R F D FORDS $10.00 and up, other care in proportion P arisian Sw ee'? ic b etterm en t o f farm ing bv No. I; Mary Luckey, of Eugniie, O re 1 pound raisin s (seed ed ' , iitnless th e season Is unusually dry . econom , 1 pound tigs I pound w alnu’s ' ’■**•“ « » n ° ‘ generally necessary J'rt“lu^ on “ • * * » 'lem ands g„n. It F D No. I 1 pound date« ¡Production o f uniform , solid heads ” P n r ,,»B‘i J ch am b er and o th e rs will be W It CANNON. R egister P repare fruit l.y rem oving seeds and depenil,i lar«ely on th e v ariety and P1*** » ' D 13, 20. 37. J. 3. 10 cutting off aten, ends w here necessary |especially th e seed -strain Barn- P u t all fruits a r.l n u ts Utrottsh food >’artl nianure *» ’he best fertilixer, as Visited a t P a rk e rs'— Mr and Mrs 1 chopper u s in r »He co arsest cu tter. •P°c>r soil» mean sm all heads. W E. Iloldredge and son. Ed. had Roll out on a b- ard to on—half inch S unday d in n e r and sp en t th e day : Mrs Shy H untington was o p e ra te d ' with Mr. and Mrs J C P a rk e r and thickness. Dus; with powdeie-1 sugar. c u t in sq u a re .. Almost any dried on at th e Mercy hospital in Eugene on family. T hey w ere h ere from T ren t for th e day. fru its may be used, such as prunes, S aturday m orning. pears, peache*. citron, etc Th-.- Prices Reasonable W e’ll treat your bal- A ll W o rk G uaranteed squares may be dipped in eh o io late if lery right— no m atter desired S anta S onrl Christi The Sweetest Gift of All EGGIMANN’S Doll The Old Buss Up A u to P a in tin g - Top Dressing Used Ca rs Save $3.94 Nut T ruit C i'a m - s 1 cup raisins 1 pound late* 1 cap w ainuts honey AVash and stone d ates and put with nuts and raisins through food -hop­ p e r; add h o e e r to m ix tu re Pack one-half inch deep in oiled tin and let stand 24 hour«. Cut in s^ u rre s and roll in powder-?} sugar. On Your W eek-end Trip to Portland by Buying a F ruit Candies .Slightly w a rn aay iru it Je’ly o r thu-lt p reserv e and a id ccn fectto cer'r m g a r. s tirrin g with • sp on. Cream w’t-i ;b? hands, adding s e j a r until of the con eistency c f fo r l?n t T ake jlc c e s the slx e .o f a fllbf t roll into tiny bails and flatten into wr?.--s. Place on wax-J ed paper; next ’;•/ lip melt->d rho« - | d a t e and pla?e again on waxed p aper j u n til firm. . -------- ■*£*- BOUND TRIP TICKET W eek-End T icke ts on Sale F r i­ days Saturdays and Sundays, re tu rn lim it fo llo w in g Tuesday. TAKE THE — Ask A gent fo r fares and o th e r in fo rm a tio n o r w rite JOHN Asst I M. SCOTT, Pascenger Traffic M anager P o rtlan d , Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines noQfStinns Ausco Take-a-P icture Pack age, contains Camera, 4 Film s and Album $5.00 Diaries fo r 1924, 80c to $1.20 Hiblgs $1.65 to $5.75 S tationery, a splendid assort­ m ent o f g ift packages 40c to ................................ $3.00 Eversharp Pencils. 60« to ................................ $3.50 Dow P e n c ils ..................... 50c WISTINGHODSE B A T T E R IE S j W E S T IN G H O U S E S E R V IC E Eugene 2 4 0 M a in Street Springfield G E T ^ IE NECKW EARFOR C hristmas ) / / / T R A IN Regardless oD Weaither, I t is Safe, C om fortable and Dejiend- able. Oregon A gricultural College, Cor- I vallis. IIe< 20.— (Special.)— Meador V e lis of Marcola Is fledged to Kap pa Kappa Psi. national band fr a te rl oily. Well is a Junior In the school i of agriculture. I ir a lh ! DiK Heiser’s Auto Paint Shop 15-Day T icke ts are on Sale D ai­ ly to S tations in Oregon; C hoco'ate C aram els 1 cup K iro syrup % cup b u tter 2 c u ts granulated sugar cup milk Aj cake chocolat» Boil until a hard hail is formed in cold w ater Remove from fire; add cut w alnuts (H cup». Pour into oiled p ar. cool and cut into squares, using a scissors . _ _ _ _ _ _ Joins Band F raternity what make it ia. Weal* inghouse Attention w ill keep it vigorttiis, tie- tw n d u h le u u«l lo n g - live«!. And eronom- C onklin Gold Pen and Pencil Sets, medium length, $9.50 Toys fo r the C hildren G reeting Cards C hristm as Tree D ecorations Pyralin Ivory Electric Perfum e Vaporizer 1-ight ................... $10.00 Mary Garden T o ile t S e t a - T oilet W ater, Com pact, Talc ............................ $3.75 Bouquet Ramee T o ile t Set— Powuer Perfum e, T o ile t W ater T alcum ......... »6.00 Jonteel T o ile t Set $7.60 C onklin M idget Sets o f Gold Pen and Pencil, o n ly 3 i z? C u te j Sets Juehes In le n g th — $8.50 .... « ’«, $1.00. $1.5«, $e.#e C o n klin F o nntais Pens ....................>...12.76 to $6.26 FLANERY'S, DeVilblss P erfum lzers ...........- ...............$1.00, $1.50 T oilet W aters .................... 75c, »1.00, $1.50 Perfum e ........ 40c to $2.50 C ara Nome Double C om pact S ilver Cases $2.00 SALE ON SUITS and OVERCOATS for the HOLIDAYS 1-3 OFF I want a Knit Vest I want a Nice Hat I want a Nice Cap And I w ant several other things that go with Haba- dashery and I want you to get them at Three Flow ers Double Com - paci ............................ $1.50 Jonteel U tility set in leather case, lia s com pact powder and rouge, lip stick and eye brow pencil .............. $3.00 B illfo ld s .... ........ 75c to $3.00 Vverready Flashlights ................$1.36, $2.00, $2.76 Shavtug M trrrq » 40e t« $5.$0 The R e x a ll Sf on Hall’s Cash Store