PAGE FIVE T lfB BPRBNOHELD NEWS THURSDAY. PBCE.MIYKR 20 these surpluses or reduce their pro caring FOR PETER •• Personals tent to which pork production can be OREGON'S FRUIT OUTPUT OREGON MEDICAL SCHOOL ductlon and also a means of-J ntreas­ Increased by better utlllxatton of farm CAN FEED MANY MILLIONS ing production of the nuts to supply wanton. HIGH STANDARD REWARD market demands, will be earnsatly How to Find Boyara of Surplus to Be Fined foe Hwving Valeen «ought. U nlverdty of Oregon. Eugene, Dec county, arrested a few days ago on Threshed Out In Conference J Henry Thompson of Pwiillolon re- standards at i calvad medical treatment In Spring- 2 0 — (Special.)—High ■y j e m i i a . p a r » o n » Oregon produce» only 62 per ten t of a charge of Illegal possession of deer at O. A. C. the University of Oregon achool of ' Held Tueaday. | her pork requirement». One of the meat, pleaded guilty tn Judge Wells* medicine have won for the Institution « w b | mm »«I * Muât*«!» »>ail along the hall, tlruily tleter* Wendling Tuesday o„ a ahoptlng trip applea needed by her own citizens, to 2« will be determination of the ex Jail ship In Alpha Omega Alpha la baaed mined to dross Immeitlately for her Luke Morehouse was a bualnesa seven time«' the pears, eight time»)« on acholarahlp In medical study. The club, the Knur O'clock. visitor In Hprlngfleld Tueaday from the »mall fruit«, and 60 time* the society corre«ponda In medicine to Hut lem|>tutlnn. lu the ahit|>e of I*»- Ilia home In Pall Creek. prune», according to figure« compiled Phi Beta Kappa In arts and science» ter, barred the way. by the college extension service Thia Mr and Mr« Tom Aubrey of Tbur With Peter auch a dellclotlB mite, 'ton were In town «hopping Tueaday. Only medical schools with the highest large surplus of specialities contrib­ »landings are eligible for admission who could have refrained from play­ J. It Pt»h of Motor route H la driv­ The University of Oregon chapter utes to but 20 per cent of the natlona. ing with him. unmindful of the flying Momenta} When the tall clock uttered ing a new «-door Pord sedan whlrh waa unanimously approved by tho food supply How to develop production and mar­ a throaty algnnl inclining quarter I»- be purchased In Hprlngfleld Monday, society's committee on extension and fore four. Mr», Hollander aped to her I Charles Grant waa In from Thura by the twenty-»even chapters of the keting program for the Important ¡Oregon «peclalty fruit crops and en dreaalng table auil anld to the maid ton Tuesday on hualneaa organlxatlln. who then appeared: 1 George Platt of Thuraton was here | ' Membership In Alpha Omega .V courage and guide expansion of tne • i ’leaw brush thia gown and And my on business Tuesday fruit and nut Industry will be one of pba la looked up by the medical pro­ gray ahoea. I have to aak you today, Mra. Womb and son of W altervllle fession as the highest honor and re­ the big problems before the horticul­ heeauae Norah hna gone home, tural section of the agricultural eco­ were In Hprlngfleld Tueaday. ward that a medical atudent may "l"m aorry to be late to my club," nomic conference at the college. Jan­ Clarence Belknap of Belknap gain," »aid Dr Raymond E. Watkln». ahe rallied on In her norvou»nc«a. Spring» was In town on bualneas a member of the staff of the achool uary 21 to 26. •'Mat week I couldn't go heeauae Pe­ Information on production and treud ter wan III. You won't mind looking Tueaday of medicine "Members are elected Glenn Laves was In from Walter only toward the close of their four of the Industry tn competing district» after Peter tialay. will you. A in y f regarding tree frutto, small fruita Following a awlft aurvey In the mir­ villa Tuesday. years of medical study. The three ror. Mra. Hollander left the Imuae. The Davla brother» were In from Greek letter» of Alpha Omega Alpha nuts, and vegetable», la being com­ piled by members of the horticultural »winging along with auch radiant vi­ Camp Creek on business Monday. mean 'To b« worthy to serve the suf­ ¡staff to present to the growers attena , tality that tin* young elm tree» nodded N A Chaffee of Dexter waa In fering.' " tbelr approval. ing the conference. Hprlngfleld on a bualnesa trip on Tue»- The requirement« for membership I Commercial production of loganber­ Two abort block» brought her to the are: scholarship, strength of charac-t home of her hoate». Several figure» day. ries. walnuts, and filberts in the rlad In gown» of pi. «tel »hath-», seated ! Mrs 1-evl Neet is working In the ter. Individuality and originality, i United States la limited to Oregon. In a »emlclrcle on the Ineloaed porch, Ketela drug store for a few days moral character in the broadest sene•(. Washington, and California. On the guve the effect of a rainbow Juat fad­ during the Cbrlatma« rush, Including unaelflahn"»». and respect ing fm m ti>e »ky. t>n the porch wan a George Kelly went through Spring- for oneself and for other» wlrth high average, approximately 36 million pounds of walnuts and 19 million hr««« plate Inacrihed. ''Sntiiuel Brown. field Monday on hla way to the W est­ Ideals. pounds of filberts are Imported an­ M. D." ern lumber company at Waatflr. The following «tudenta of the school Mr« Brown bore her tardy gue«t Into The Springfield Mill and Grain of medicine have been elected: EdwP. nually by thia country. Parts of this the library for a rnufldenllal moment. state are considered especially well company received a carload of poul­ E. Osgood. Otla B . S c h re u d ’ r. M o rris " T h e m yatcrlo ua .Mr». Ixiwell hna adapted to growing these two crops. come out of her h ling place nt hint. try feed and a carload of mill-run L Brldgentan, Paul Holbrook. W ei- Methods of finding a way to market • ren C. Hunter. Ml»» Ruth E. Wat­ Itut »he looks »<> «ad and hasn't ai»>kea from Portland on Monday. (Dr. W H. Pollard went to Mabie a worth I'm delegating you to »It be- kins and John LeCocq. • h ie tier and draw her out." Saturday on bualneas. VISIT OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Member» of the farultv of the achool "Hut. F r a n c » , l*ve tried to cull on Mr» P A Winfrey waa down from of emdlctne elected a re- Dean Rich­ Note the Savings You Can Make Here! her wit bout auccoaa." Marcola on a shopping trip Monday. ard B. Dlllehunt. Dr. J Earl Else, aa The two wotm-n then »tcniieil out <»n Mr». C. M Ptsher was operated »latant professor of surgery; Dr Roh Wool Serge in black, brown, red, blue and green, th e |M*rch, w h ere M r». H o lla n d e r took on Sunday night at the Hprlngfleld ert L. Benson, professor of pathol­ full yard wide, yard from ......, , . 75c t0 ™ the vacant chair next Mr«. Lowell. ogy; Dr. Harold Myers, professor of Rome one then in q u ired a fte r P eter. hospital. Windsor Crepe in a variety of colors, yard wide ¿gc "Ile'a gelling along beantlftllly now, pharmacology; and Dr Ralph < Mat- Ginghams, Toile Du X°rd and Zephyr 32c to Heeding and Cow Testing Taught and lie grow» more Intelligent every son. assistant professor of medicine. I Wiry herdamanshlp prat ¡ice anil day." Apron Ginghams, large variety - --- -- - - 18c t0 "Ju»t how old 1« Peter}“ questioned cow testing experience will be affort'- FOR SALE—Electric Heater. Can be Do not longer delay the Honteslead Cretonnes in a variety of colors and17c 3Sc M r» Ixtwell. T in* fa ra w a y took In Iter •*d In the special course at O. A. C. seen at Pprlngfleld Crenm»ry d20 eve» vanlahod nnd In Iter pah* cheek» beginning January 3 and running tor selection of holiday gifts. Heavy Outing Flannels ....................................... 1/c to two exquisite dimple» burnt Into flower five months Each man will take a “ P e te r 1» three months old," replied Muslins from ............. - .......................................... 140 t0 The stock is larger, variety The United States Imported .w av­ Mr». Holl tndcr At that moment her few cow» front the college purebred Unbleached Sheeting, 10-4 only ............... - ................... greater and you will receive good Intention» of following up thia herd», and feed, manage and milk erage of 76.700.000 pounds o ’ v ’ltiuts aliening were »mothered by n renewal them for the entire time They will and 19,600.000 pound« of fllbcrtc 1n Indian Head Pillow Tubing, 42-inch. linen finish, yd..... 45c better attention than will of Hu* mitaleal program. In the "oB- also weigh and teat the milk a« re­ each of the years 1919, 1920 and 1921. Gifts That Would Be Appreciated fusion of adieus, Mr». Ixiwell »llpvel quired both In 'co w testing a« ocla- Commercial rm duc’ion of walnuts In be possible at the eleventh uiiti"thiil awuy. tlon ami official testing work. It ha» the United States ta limited to t i e $1.9b hour. Pillow Cases, two in a box. a t ................. Haiti Mr. Hollander to hl« wife at been hard for tho dairy owner to find Statea of Oregon Washington and $1.45 Jap Lunch Cloths, bluebird designs, a t ...... dinner: "We've a uew nittn nt the o f­ experienced men qualified to hatidl« - California The extent to which nut $1.35 to $1-98 fice now. lie'« la-en here a month, tmt Prices are as low as may ladies’ Silk Hose at ............... - ...... .......... hl» herd to get high and economical 'growing should be encouraged tn this $1.45 I hiuln't happen»»! to talk with him Ladies' Silk Wool Hcse in black or brown l>e expected for quality $1.98 before. He come« from Cleveland— production and at the same Unie main­ 'state will be gone Into thoroughly at Children's Wool Sweaters, size 24 to 28. at naked C> be transferred on account of tain the health and vigor o’ the ani­ the agricultural economic conference goods so there is nothing Indies’ and Children's Kgrchiefs, in b^xes. at ....50c to 98c mals. If th ao trained herdsmen fall to be held at C< rvallls. Januarv 21 U hl« wife. Ill« name la Ix tw e ll " to be gained by waiting. ••Itenlly} I aaw Mr». Ixtwell thl» af­ It will not he for lack of suitable 2?, tex t. Give Umbrellas ternoon." ________ I ' experience. What would be appreciated more than a good Silk Umbrel­ "They Inst their little hoy ln«t win­ We have extra help this la? Among our assortment you will find any color desired, ter ami Mr». Lowell waa »« beside her- week so you may be sure aelf with remorse »hat they had to L. E. BEAN. in the most beatltul handles, at low^er prices JOHN M. WILLIAMS Attorney for State Land leave their old «urroutulliig». The child Attorney for Veterans State ot prompt attention. wit» killed by it truck." Board. B Aid Commission, "How dreadful!" State School fund Ixians. I'O'i Off on All Ladies' and Children's Wool Dresses tid d lers Bonu» Loan» "You »aw her today. Hilda}" "Ye«; Prance» Invited her to attend This Week Only our club meeting We must try to tnnke tiling» plen»»nt for her I think I 11 aak her over tomorrow. I won't men­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW tion tea, however. That remind» m«*— E ugene, O reg o n 860 W illam ette Street. we had the heat punch thia afternoon. Tliere was pineapple In It, and ginger I..censed to practice In all Court- of th« State, the F^ ra' 52 Stores 605-609 Willamette Street 52 Stores ale—anti, yum-yum. Iola of strawber­ and Supreme Court of the United State- General p ra ctlcc-A ! Phone 31 ries." neas promptly and carefully attended to -C h a rg cs reasonahl "Ah. atrnwherrlea' Thia shortcake 1» a dream. Mary 1» a prlae cook, even If »he doe» have a vlllalnoua temiier." anld Mr. Hollander. "Yea, Indeed.'- replied bln wife, lend­ ing the way from the dining room to the wide ¡torch, lnateatl of «eating herself In the wicker awing, ahe then exclaimed: "I believe I'll run over to Mra. Low­ ell'» now anti aak lo r Io come here to­ morrow." Although Mr». Ixtwell accepted the Invitation, »he was late In arriving the next afternoon. Mr« Hollander» other friend» had come anti gone. Peter hud been brought In. admired anil carried out again before Amy announced Mra. Lowell. She apologlxed for her tardlneaa, ray­ ing that ahe had been looking through her trunk». On coming In »he had fur­ tively placed a basket near her chtilr. All the while Mr«. Hollander talked to her guest, Mra. Ixtwell looked a» If •he were trying to catch aoma unheard Don't forget that Christmas only comes once each year and aound. and longed to utter a question which ahe tumid not frame. that the Kiddies expect to get all the candies, nuts, oranges Then, with a »wishing rush, In burat Mary, acarlet-faced. and other good things that they can eat and remember "Not one minute more will I stay, that we carry a large assortment of those things. Our prices ma'am. 'Tla bad enough to have an Our Candy is fresh from the factory and the price is right. All kinds animal come Into my klrchen nt nil, are right and quality of the best. Help the kiddies have a hut that dirty lieiiwt of a Peter I Pom of nuts^ plain or mixed. Special Xmas prices. perralnen’ or what not, he'» eaten alt good time at Christmas. my shad rosea, had luck to him!" Before Mra. Hollander could tqteitk, Mra. Lowell had fallen from her chair. Jnat then came Mra. Brown, unan­ Take Advantage of Our Low Prices Final Week For Christmas Choosing $3«S8<° $ 7 .8 5 Williams & Bean “Shop E arly" C. J. Breier Co. We Save You Money on TOYS and CANDY Dry Goods nounced. "(lb, Prances, you hleaslugl Tell me, dear, is Ram home}" •‘He surely la, Hilda.’ •'Telephone, quick, Amy, to Doctor Brown. Never mind picking up those thing« until afterward»." Prom out of the basket had tumbled a Turkish towel bunny, a celluloid swan anti a quaintly-carved rattle "Oh, the poor, poor thing! cried Mr» Hollander. "You don't auppose— hut no; she couldn't have thought that Peter wn't a baby I" Mrs. Elsie Mellen of CottaRn Grove uadei-wnnt an operation In the Spring- fìéì 1 ’ ■'<< j r\n M o n d a y niornhiK- We have lots of good presents in our Dry Goods depart­ ment at a nominal price for the holidays. Red Hot Special on ORANGES 10c Per Dozen $2.26 the Case Fancy Work 42P£ ^ nner A wonderful a s s o r t m e n t , We can give you the very best This is an exceptional offer various designs and styles. of value In this line of gifts. —one you will readily take Stamped - goods* niost any­ You’ll save $noney on this if advantage of. you compare quality. thing you want. i# A. R. Sneed Dept Store Stationery Wilson’s Variety Store Located at 336 Main Street