T l 1V R S B A Y , D E C E M B E R 3«. 1923. f S O K FOUR an M ìw Bessla Bench w»r» t h , hua» a«aaa Saaantawn huida were presen; TOW N A N D VICINITY Haa Scarlet FOvaa— Clifford Koch la III at hU home in S te w a rd addition w ith scarlet fever. The house waa «narantlned on Friday Preached at Janpne— l*rof*»aor Ran- dan Scott of the Springfield high p . g. o.'a Go to Corvadlo— Mesdames people __________________ _______ L id * MncOtiwan. Henry Korf. W.( H En torta In at Olnaor— M r and Mrs. , | \ ____ , i | Brd and _ Han Crites attended a *• 11 _ ____ E Lee entertained Mr. and Mrs. i mncheon ° t U»e ** ®- ®- Oacar Lee and Mr. Ban Conway at tiei j ixn tha Oregon Agrtcullurnl col- dinner Monday night In honor of On (i„ge cainpua on Saturday All four b,rth)lB, ¡belong to the Kugene chapter which car Lee's birthday. __ .. Joined with the chapters at Lebanon * £ ■ ^ X r lX . Herbert J.ckso«' Alba" ’f and Conra“ “ for th* a(,a,r B mhool went to Jaape, >Jinay^w er* , Rona|(, Roberw Bnd Roy A. Hun, Grimes to Manage Hospital— The he conducted prvat. X < • ¡phreya are piannlnj to leave for Mlnaea Kathleen puivjn nee w —------~ --- --------- and Manna M t * ‘ * n^|««ao. In Kroll Saturday night where they gerBj j , aaaos.w nurses have ‘ bren Il on UH C VWWW» -------- ------- w who —--- ------- w o n t to Joapec— W H . Shelley w en* I\rv» w ill go duck hunting on the lake. ci,Brtv ot the Sprlngdeld hospital for through here on his way to h it home some time past, are motoring to San tn Jasper on Monday He had been In They Will return on Sunday. • . _ «. V n -rrv Francisco the 11 ret ot the year to Eugene oil business. Here from * " " » • * • * - * \ £ " T Bp, nd , he winter In San Francisco o . On jBnuarv t , hv hospital manage- Lett for Landax— Stanley Gray left son of Mr. and Mrs londay for for Landa*. “ will be taken over by Mr and Springfield Monday Landax. He He 8 ^ n« fle,d' town since Saturday re-,night iron, Wh te ah, • clarence Grimes. owner, of th, had been in cal treatment. ¡Me 1« employed In the round b o o m < reiving medical He will spend the Christmas holidays bu,ldln» Away Over Week-End — M r and here with his parents. Mrs. Levi Xeet I Met Brother H e re -C a re y Thorny to Cottage Grove vi.u in g M Ira N e « is | mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. X brother. Henry Thorap Jolly M is e r, M eet— The Jolly M il They met for a social time Thursdar night at the countiy club in Bngen* Hanclng nnd cards were diversions Refreshments of sand wiche- coffee cake and Ice creau were served Those pro-ent included : Mr and M r. Frank Oeorge of Ku gen.- Hr and Mrs K R. D erting er of Eugene Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Hacks thoroe of Kugene. M r and Mrs Charles O'Brien of Kugene. M r and Mrs. Leonard 'Liles of Goshen. Mr. and Mrs K 0 Sutton. Fred Cllngan nnd Mrs Zells Cantrell. M r and Mr.- W ilbur Lloyd. Mr and Bra. II n Skin Called to A .h .a n d -R J •IT ALWAYS PAYS TO of ,h“lr fa,h“ru J 1 Uar'1 I Going to Portland— M r. and Mrs Stewart, «on-in-law and daughter of J. W Coffin are leaving for Portland Mrs. E’.tinger. on Saturday to spend Christmas with M j|| Stoppe(J for Day_ D u r iM | W . R Dawson of Albany were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian this week. They arrived Tuesday for a coupl- of days' stay. son. Mr. W ilmot, M r and Mrs. Prat* ' Holverson and two children. Fay and Buford, and M r and Mrs. 1. X. Endl- cott and Junior Endicott. Eastman’s Grocery Formerly Farm er Kxchsng* Grocery Deptmeut Electrical Gifts That Are Always Wanted and had to have several stitches U f e l « * — ,h» « . h !whO 1» M FearS ° W- TheT * er* BC' H *“ companled by Mr. and Mrs. Jim for. He cut it severely while using Hac( Family Gathering— Mr. an«, an ax. Mrs. Roy Holverson entertained with _ M _______ T -. v — _ a family dinner on Sunday. Thoio i u .i, u present were Mr. Holverson s mother was quite badly burned on his face v ... ■ I . j. and sister, Mrs W J. Lepley aud and hands by an explosion of di;- . . It . „ , « Miss Jennie Htflvtm on and a la . tills ,e at his home near Springfield i 1 _ , . Holverson s father. David Lyons. Tuesday morning. p u e r in the afternoon they were Visit from Albani'—M r. and Mrs. Joined by Mr. and Mrs Alva McPher-l we nn> offering 'i I“ 1 good things tlnil *111 help Hpreml the season cheer. The thing» you *«»• the thing» we hnve at lower coat. City Delivery Make This An Electrical Xmas Ward. S ! Cut Hand— Leslie Dwinell was in t°n Monday, water flooded the lower Monday from John Seavey’ , hop P »« of the mill so that the la h mill ranch to have an injured hand cared not bP ™ n un,1‘ neXt daT For That Big D inner TRADE AT CRAY'S er of Mrs. E. G Sage of Campcreek J Ward and Mrs. Ona fittin g « wen- fell and struck her head Thursday called to Ashland Sunday morning by j their son and daughter. Herbert Cof drB(nlDg of the Mountain States fin and Miss Florence Coffin. They company-s reBerTllkr on the w ill return on Wednesday L , , , abo -Idge — Arthur Bushman went to Oa'cridge on busi­ ness Tuesday, ret- ■ -lng rha raJne -evening He reports that ev ythlng | Is booming up that » ly. the Southern I Pacific having ;en' in dozen« of new Jmen to work on 'he tra x-laylng He ’ also said that there was f-Ik an-ong the men of the bnildine of a larger Visiting at McKlins— James O'Goi isawm ill in flic .r?!-,n ia fliu near nian of Minneapolis is vhiting his future forger tl-'n -u y 'r. this part nephew and nif-re in this ci*./. Mr. of the country. •n d Mrs. M. J. M cKlIn. He will spend Had “ Kid" Party— The Progressive the Christmas ho'idays with them l-e- fore going on 'o Iz>s Angeles and San 22 members met Friday night In the Diego. Califgornla. for the winter sea­ I. O. O. F. hall where they enjoyeo son. Before coming here he stopp« d a children's party. The ladles all ¡came dressed as children and plsved a t Spokane, Seattle and other points children's games. Mrs Ernest Blsck visiting relatives and frien,l3. Attended Party— Mesdames Lida MacGowan. Henry Korf. Dan Crites. A lfred Morgan and W. F. W alker went to Eugene Monday night where they attended a party of the P. E. O. eist-rhood at the home of Miss Lola Howe. Decorations were in the Christmas spirit with a tree. iisaor a spas "590 Give One For Christmas Hear Ye Hear Ye Lower Priced Than Ever Before T H E m any d esirab le qualities inherent in the Fordor Sedan commend this car to the considera­ tion of every discriminating motorist. W h e n , in connection w ith th e e qualities, the low price of the car is considered, the value „1 the Fordor Sedan becomes unique. In it you obtain, at the lowest possible cost a car of snug comfort, good appearance, and high utility. The last few hours are at hand but new stockd just received have added a great deal to the vari­ ety of the most desirable gifts f r Xmas. convenient operation, dependable performance, and « inc life auv are well of its appearance. lon< w«..* known. ^.^»ww— T he style ------- « . the attractive comfort of ita interior, are exactly in line w ith the present-day demand. T he Tudor Sedan i , a gilt every member of the fam­ ily w ill share. It adds to daily happiness; It w ill extend the joyous spirit of Christmas to every day of the year. radiator, broad cowl, sun visor, and large windows make it stylish in appear­ ance. Yet it is sold at the lowest price ever asked for a Sedan— only $590 Lo.b. Detroit. T his new Ford type is of an exceptionally pleasing design. W id e doors open­ ing forward, foldiwg right front seat, and a too.-ny interior make it a conven­ ient car to use; its high The rich, permanent luster of its finish, the quiet good tasteof its upholstery, and the ornamental treatment of its full-nickeled hard­ ware, all help to make it a car you are proud to drive. Car can fr< obtained through ihr Ford It rrhty Punhurr Plan. You can fray »*« car (frroagfr th» Ford W'tthly Purchait Plan Come early in the morning—select from otir new stock the things you want—we have gifts of all sorts at most any price you care to pay. læ S CAI LADIES— Come here this week to buy your gift handkerchiefs - - - beautiful new shipment just in - - - extrem ely low prices. CAI 7 HI g OH ' - reen ITlerrell Co. men s wear “ ooo of Eugene's best stores" 325 Willamette St. I» > < O Fi I. '♦ \ i l " r Wing Motor Go 5PRINGFIELD, OREGON