T l Il'ItS I t A Y. l>E( E M Ilk H 20. 1023. TH E SPKJNGEIELD NEWS P L E D G E D TO 8 O R O R IT V Community News CAMAS SWALE P T. Ilttrlv y , who In»» linen away on I iiir R ic »» fo r it <*<>U(>le> o f d»yr. f t- turne d Haturday night. Th« F iirn c -r» I n Ion held th e ir r«< »r nieetU'K nt the krhnol holt«« h',i'«i Wednoaday B lä ht w l'b u largo iium- tu r In u ltrtid ttiii e, Home new mciti- Item w»re Itlillittu d . Mr. und M o Paul Hecker und M r und Mr». (linrM«, Itiu n w ir » Wvdn«*’ - «luy und T h u r duy v lrlto r» at the H lchaidiieu heul'- T h ")' a • re uti th !r way lio iii« frtiiu CotvniU« M r und Mr» Prunk llti«h und d u ua tite r M y rtl« und Mr. und Mr» J W , A rin «tip tig o f ('•» « veil atteiel • d the m eeting e f the Favillerà I ’ nloti her-, W etlncmlay night Mr». Edgar W illiam » and daughter Mabel »re v is itin g over the holiday« w ith relative» at Italia» Mr. and M m A lle n Day o f Eiigen- vla lte d Sunday w ith M r* Day’« imi rent« here Mr. and Mr«. J W Arm alrting Oy 6o»cial C orretpondsnt« PLEASANT HILL C ham berlain’« PAGE THREW Cough Remedy the I ’ n lv a rs ity of Oregon. Kuip'ne, Dec M other*« Favorite 20 iH p c -la l,) — Aleno b u rliti.T of The Mooting Bini h e e lin g propertlee H prlngflald. » »ophomo re In the lit,ti' tm» « through tu r» , w.-n- 1» building, S pringfield, Oregon. I h ttiy the |ili»t week re p a irin g «ont« of H o rtic u ltu re , Jan. 2-March 19 the vuilon« line». D a iry m anufacturing, Jon. 7 F'-tA 2 1 E II T in k e r «hipped » r u rl iud of Herdsm an mid Cow Testers, Jan upplc« io ll«d B luff, C a lif, Hatnrdnv, 2-June 12 Ile r , und Mr» W. A E lkin» of E« Farm Mechnnlcs, T ractor» » T ru ck -, Pi tir pine stove to il $4.5ft gene were c n ie rta ln -tl ui d ln tie r Sun­ etc,. J hji . 2 March 19 Stove connect«! ,o hot w ater tank i day by Mr. und Mr». Ed S w ift. Farm M echanics (one w e ek), Feti. | M ita A lta M anning, taach« at IS F« b. 23. $5.00 Cental Forks, *« « u week-end gueal T h ird Annual fa n n e r'» School. Feb of her aunt. Ml»» Hertha M ,inning. f-F "b . 23. Mr. and Mra. .Morton lir h to w oi Land C la ssifica tio n and Appraisal Dester were d in n e r giteata Sunday i t Jan 7-Jsn. 12. ‘ the home o f hi» parent«, Mr. trad Mn» A g ric u ltu ra l Econom ic Conference, W. I, llrla 'o w Jun. 21-Jan 25. The C h ristian Endeavor society o f For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n regarding. w l i en shop Is closed Phone 113-W thia place, tvislslod by the F unitny • any course, addre««, T he Registrar. Mr- Grlme*' Manager anbool, w ill have a C hrlatinu« tie , Oregon A g ric u ltu ra l College Corral- Eu«en‘ Springfield end program at th« nbnreh 3un I »v II«, Oregon . evening It w ill he a w hite g ift pro­ gram and donation« o f c lo th in g r. toy» fo r ih " W. C. T It. C h ild ren a I l "in e In Hartland a re asked for. Ev •■fybody come «rad encourage the young people Iti th e ir good work. There w ill he a Christum « tree and ' program at the Co«»t Fork» «(-boot , house Monday evening. December i f , ! — HAY — GRAIN — FLOUR — The •«’»«her, Mi»» A lt» M anning, w ill Buy Here and Save be ay»l»t«d by «tudenla from the E It V A large crow d I» expected. John Nnpper wa« a vtatto r at th home o f his parent a lu r e laut weak II« ha» em ployment In Portlnnd Cheater Pinard, who w«g v»rv In * w ith typhoid fe to r at K lam ath Fall«. I« re p o rt'd a» b e tto r Ila wa« form e rly of Camas Swale Mr. and Mr» W endell Hu-iv a r­ rived Thursday from (To wela. W«»h le g io n to visit w ith relative« here Mr, Iln o y I» Mr». Edgar W illia m -' b ro th er It I! Newhalt I» vla ltlng n few day» » Ith M r and Mr» C h arlie W illiam ». Mr» c » r l Lander» of Marcela I« N O T IC E OF E X E C U T O R ’S SA LE lo r e Io »pend the holiday» w ith her O F R E A L POPERTV parent«. M r and Mr». J W Arm at rang. N otice I« hereby given that by v lr M r and Mr» K lle v W illiam » and tue of an order o f the County Court little «on of M arrnla vlalied Fun la y o f the Htute of Oregon, fo r the County w ith hl» brother, M r E K. W illiam « , <>f lam e, duly made and entered of i and oth er relative». record In the »aid cou rt on the 28th ' M r Ham ll>-ed and Ml»« Jessie WII- day of November, 1923, In the m a tte i Hains were Monday evening visito r» State eonven A ll o f the lo ts num ber«) five and ilo n o f the F. E. C. V. o f A. In Eu­ '¡» lx In the block numbered »evenly- gene this week. „ .nine in Wa»hhurne'» »ub-divln|nn of the Hprlngtteld Investm ent ami Power NOTICE FOR P U B LIC A T IO N i Company » A dd itio n to S pringfield, D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E IN T E R IO K Lane County, Oregon C H. f.nnd O ffice nt Rosehtog, Ore NOW T H E R E F O R E . 1 w ill on and iron, t ecomber 5. 1923 a fte r the 29th 'la y o f D«*cember. 1923. Notice 1« hereby given that H r in t ,he " f ,''r * nk A D e l’ue. at J Uray. o f Eugene Oregon .............. ' Orn' V f ° i ’" ‘ “ J* S P f'" « ’ * 1''-1 ,, ,, . • .. O rego n, offer fo r «ale and »ell at prt- May H , 1920. made Homestead en try. VB„ . fo r ,.aHh ,n h lin ,| or „ p„ n Herlal No. 013728, fo r t h ’ Lot 4 o f the beat tern«» obtalnalde. a ll the» Section 5 T ow nship 17 P , Range 3 rig h t anil title and tnlerewt and e ita te W W illa m e tte M e-ldlan |, . „ file d , 'ed. had nt the tim e o f her death. In notloe of Inten tion to make F inal «nd to hereinbefore described real Three-Year proof to es’n b lith claim , property. to the land ubovu «1« M rlb c il, before Dated th ia 28th day o f November. E I). Im m el, t t s C mimlviNlnner, at 1923. C H A V N C Y M KAC H EM hl« o ffice »t Eugne Oregon, on the Executor fo r the estate o f E m ily M. 17th day of January 19:’ t Raker, deceased. Claimant name» a» witnesses: Frank A. DePne, A tto ro n e y foro the C. II. Hwango, o f Coburg, O regon; estate N-29- D13-2O 27 John Honlnger, o f ( nnnrg Oregon,- Thomas Green, o f C dm rg, O regon; T , L. Barber, of Cob irg, Oregon. Mr. and Mr«. 8. J Goddard were In W. II CANNON. Register, iH prlngtteld on a bualnea» tr ip from O) 13 20. 27, J3 i W a lte rv llle on Monday D r 8. Ralph Dlppel. O culist. V ltu» W a lte r P la tt o f T hursto n wa« a b iilld ia g . S pringfield. Oregon. Springfield business v is ito r Monday. Holiday Special The Raymond Marlati Plumbing Company CHIROPRACTIC Is the science that is restoring health to thousands who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsilitis, nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, enlargeed prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by scinetlfically co-ordinating the prin­ ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results are Safe, Sane and Sure. DR. GEO. A. SIMON E xam ina tion Freo l ’hoiio 355 J Over Lu d ford'« 91C W illam ette Street E U G E N E , O REG O N Sanitary Meat Market / The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make you a regular customer. FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY Holverson Bros, Props. of all kinds Figure the saving you have made here during the year and you have a profit th a t is satisfactory. Our prices will give you the sam e profit every tim e you buy. Morrison & Clingan “The Store of Quality" Corner of Third and Main Those who buy — Make happy fam ilies. The b e tte r food you buy— the be tte r health you have. W e are headquarters fo r health foods. W . M. Green, Prop. Community Cash Store W . M. Green. Prop. Phone 44- 9 Invest Safely In Our N ew Issue of 7% Gold Notes c ONTINUED GROWTH of the business of the Mountain States Power Company calls for many improvements, additions and extensions during the next twelve months. TH IS MEANS renewed OPPORTUNITY for a home investment which helps to build up this community and pays you a good rate of in'p terest with 100 per cent safety. You can invest either by cash purchase or on the Monthly Invest­ ment Plan. Rin^s fòrX'MAS^^ * I* DIAMONDS SET in White Gold Rings. $35 to $85 ONYX RINGS, Set with a small Diamond, $7.50 to $15.00 RUBY RINGS from $5.00 to $18.00 LARGE AMETHYST RINGS in White Gold, $12.00 to $18.00 AGATE RINGS from »3.00 to $5.50 Don’t forget the Babies A large selection of these rings In White, Green and Yellow Gold at $1.00 each BRACELET WATCHES are going feet. Better select now and have your watoh laid aside until Chrletmas. OUR COMPANY now supplies a total population of 206,000, includ­ ing the cities of Tacoma, Everett, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Marshfield, Sandpoint and Kalispell, with one or more kinds of utility 'service. Its' business is diversified among half a hundred thriving communities. EARNINGS available for the payment of interest on these Notes ara more than eight times the requirements. ASK US FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE FULLY DESCRIBING T H IS SPLENDID INVESTMENT.