THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS D K V O T IO TO I N T I K M T O F B P R IN O F Ig L D A N O T H I FA R M E R » OF T H E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY SPRINOPIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. TWENTIETH YEAH rare Votn it 60 to 3 to Amend the Charter In Order thnt Refund Bonds Could be Sold and Tax Levied to Principal Th» people of hpringfleld voted the >*'0,000 refund bonds by so to 13 et the apodal vlocllon held »1 the <'lty hall Monday The vote waa to »mend the charter In order that the bond« could be «old The bond» will be la aued to take up the >110,000 l»»Ue coming due In April The rlty'e bonded Indebtedness 1« In th« neighborhood of >200,000 but the >60,000 block are the only ones coming due Boon, Because of Ihers being no fund« Io take up thia latter amount It waa necessary to vote new bond*. The charter amendment aolhorlxea the wale of (he bond« and provide* tor a levy of a , pedal tax to P»> the principal and Interest thereon rae t C. rt >•>•• The election board waa: N Dor tty, chairman, John Ketela, judge, AbMe F Wheaton, Judge; Rog* Mont clerk, and Basketball Lcwrenee bunds HI c m ELECTION gomery «•lertt. METHODIST BROTHERHOOD ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Vina McLean, MASONS HELD PUBLIC INSTALLATION TUESDAY New Officers Oiven C hairs and Jewels Are Preeented to V eteran « of Lodge; Program Given Team to Play Give 3 ______ -A c t P lay ~ M onroe; H l-V Club H o ld , in itia tio n and Supper at High gthoot Bng and younif {Heads at which 53 A paper weight made of a croas Flattery’s Drug Store and Bol­ term before the Ghrl»tm»» vacu iglve a three act play, "Mr». B rigg, person» were present. Lawrence May Hectlon of the first steel rail laid on They will be print'd In the Spring ling Ailey in Springfield and < f the Poultry Yard," Friday atyer- ,g , be new president; R. W. F m lth .'tte Natron cutoff line at Kirk waj field News next week. A program Roney Brother* Store i n noon and evening at the high acliool flrgl vice-president; Randall Scott.j r(., eived thia week by W. F. Walker, will lake the place o f the regular a« , . . ,_ stin b ly tomorrow al 1:00 p m . with A cast of the m oatplover aec10.73 waa added Response, Randall Scott, Mr. Walker also announces that ,®Y and deputy sheriffs The three who in accordance will, .h e tradition In A atenda„ Ce by the Iad,„ - quartet there will be no meeting of the »re youths ranging from 17 y e a n to the high school the nam e, of be b o y . u „ dpg|r„d * N. W. cham ber on Monday night since it is »bout 31 admit entering the Ooshca were drawn by the w illiam Pollard, TH IE F SENDS LOOT BACK flrrat aanoclaliun game with the i n'on , Not only a ' l th»v interested ln . . , , v „ „ lh . _ , „ fc Margaret Hemenway Recitation. Fretynan Torebt. AS CHRISTMAS PRESENT th ese crimes but they will he found ** * ' ° ' . Ralph, her ,on • • Ed Bates vocal solo, Geoge Signor. to nave mhen p a n m other recect ' “ T / T l r h I » l e r Wilcox will ac Jlra’ #l*° h”r "°n 1-*",er Knou»« Recitation Evan Hughes A small package received th rou gh , robbert<< gpHngfield end vicinity, uar> II. ( oach l i s t e r ' ,lco* 'Alvlra, her daughter. lone Rhodes V|o| tn duet> j»aul a„d Arthur Cotter the mall on Saturday by U. O. Bush- said Sheriff Fred Stlckc’.s thia morn- ■ company the five to Monrow The high faer The dlnner 3erved by # I school this year Joined the Oregon Evelyn Jacobson mtttee from the Ladles' Aid under t1™“ t0 i Sheriff S tk k els tax been Vyxtch- i high school athletic association. 8 1 las Green, “a near relation" ,h e leadership of Mra- Fred Lwuh. , n • u ’np’ aa® ®n' | ng a gang of young fellows living In , I A «upper and Initiation of new Mr. Burcham Decorations were little llBaeled part of the loot tahen wh*n thta vicinity and declares the yob- . . . , fh m ln e ln a r fla l/t V X ill n «4 O w o tw menicrs was held by the Hl-Y club on Mr Lee, a wealthy neighbor t h , C Springfield Mill a and Grain r»r»VTl. com -. oi aB orgAnUe»* anil greenery, " V* ,panyx Mfe waa robbetj , «oath ago. hag had tfce Bryan boy wbo About >ISO and stamp«, beside« >l5, (g in non-negotlable w eu ritle. were taken at the time of the robbery. Mi --------- ! Bushman believe« that the spoils were A blanket order directing the sher- div| ded between two men, and that lff ,o 8eU tax dellnu«>d that he could not realise on the COUDly cou rt' »r r " rdi,1g to Com- (he gMOllne books. He said that he m lssloner Emmett Sharp, who says wished that the other robber would the proceeds will be u d to retire likewise have a change of heart, and outstanding county warrants. Here- especially would appreciate the return tofore the sheriff has conducted sales o i the securities. The loss of some .„ d If there were no bidders for t h e ‘Hfe insurance policies and bonds has amount of taxes against the land th e -cauged considerable Inconveniencet. gher)ff b(d R ,n |n , be name of (he I The was addres8ed to hls bot J7 yearg ojd him be'ore 'b|K wM sb ,e lfi deflDi, e|y e,tab- Tuesday night Edw ard K lrtle y , a , Willard Carney f _. senior frtg.n .he I’n le.r.lly of Oregofi ' nta dauKb(er he boys. The! , Winifred Tyson SHERIFF TO SELL TAX at Eugene, addressed the supper was served In the domeallc Da|(|y ThorntoIli v irg ln la T friend DELINQUENT PROPERTY > lish his guilt. science rooms by Ml»« f*aullne Mc­ Mildred Jacoson j A long term In the federal peniten­ Public Inetallstion of offleere of Lib Clintock. domosttc «t-lence teacher, as­ Mrs. O'Connor, with no liking for tiary faces Bryan and McKilvery. say , Zola Smith erty I xm I x «’ Number 171 A F »nd A sisted by membert of her claas. goats the officers, who declare they have Ten electric plates are now Lnntalled conftlgged M followed a 7:00 o'clock dinner In Mandy Batev whose tongue will The Goshen store wa» . ... _ _ the Masonic hall Tuesday night Ap­ In the domestic science department stumble Della C la rk following their purchase by the school « r p v -in a n d M - K ilv e r v c a m e pointive offlees were filled on the a<>ne ** ' ' . . .. board. evening ”1' ° "JÎ n tn ^ F d ^ v a i d s to e n t e r - h e Lenore Rtubberfield. a new atudent ('. A. Kwnrti. newly elected matter, 300 DELEGATES ATTEND . waa the in>.talllng offlcBr. the « h e r jfr o ® Ba**’»'*««. Orotou. rogtoUrod 1* FARMERS UNION MEETING H anery drUg S‘° re W“ h ' hem new offlet ra being Dr. 8. Ralph IBppel. “ >•' »Prlngfleld high school this week ' T ,u t 20 ,e,ters in ,b e 1 "Hcd State» senior wanton: Herbert J. Cox. Junior Thomas It Powers J r . Gordon It I Convention in Eugene Very S u ccor mail had been opened and the pack- warden; It A Washburnc. treasurer.1 Rldtngs. J. Lloyd Msttmon. D. DeVet M any Farm P ro b le m , Ox- fu l county. The new order directs the home in W illamette Heights, "so Mr. ages stolen was communicated to Fed­ and C E Wheaton, secretary Ap ; Hempey and M Roy Porter Jr., were The goods from tha sheriff to sell the tax delinquent | ________ Bushman _____ feels _____ that ____ the _______ robber _____ was eral officials. cussed and Acted Upon polntlve offlees will be filled by Os vlaltors In the Springfield high school property for what he can get for It perhaps not a total stranger to him Btocb ot tb - Goshen store Included wnld M Olson, senior deacon; Verdo„ I Thursday from the Cnlveralty high mostly cigars, cigarettes and candy. With more than 300 delegates regardless of the taxes and penalties, and t<> this part of the country.- May, junior deacon; Ix-tl II Neel, j»«'hool In Eugene They were especial The mail littered the floor when the -------------------------- senior steward; Paul Itasford, Junior Ir Interested In the Springfield Oo attendance the state convention of j store was opened in the ^lorntng. steward, and J F K elels. tiler. ¡Geller, as they are eonsldertng »tart the Farmers union, which includes AFTER 55 YEARS APART MR. AND MRS. CARL OLSON The burglars entered through the rear Jew el- were preaentvd by the lodge lnX » h,« h school paper in their school .Oregon and Southern Idaho, are THREE BROTHERS MEET CELEBRATE WEDDING DAY door to the five past masters, with F M "*»’ T«*' concluding a three day» sea so n In A hole was cut In the back door ot Roth uinking the presenlallon speech.) Y tytenlay was drest-up day at I Eugene today. Many problems of AfterTteing separated for more th an ’ A number of the friends of Mr and the Flanery drug store with a bracing and ( E Swart», first master of the Springfield high school, the boys coin- I special interest to the farmers have flRy.flve years three brothers. George, ^ r s Carl Olson Joined with them Fri- Bprlngfl. ld lodge, making the re "»F ’<> »‘ b»«l ‘n polched overalls, and been discussed and acted upon. Pho Ilan and J(m I)e, n are tog(,ther here da n, ht , o ceieb ra> their 25th wed bit and po<’ket knife U ” s thou’tbt sponse Jew el, were presented Io "... like, and I h e girls with their hair nominal growth of the fa ;,.era union Springfleld for a re d1ng anniversary. Those present t0 haVe been d° De abi>Ut 2 00 * ” m.. j, t .. "lOW— * In *. I,, t.l.l. mt«— ft«— S..,S in W — nn ».bare f.m m— niKce. un|on . _ - 1. — . ■ » been werf. ; Mr. and Mrs O. B Kessey, Mr. since numerous articles were found n braids The three upper both In Oregon where Ihe member Qeorge Dean who has Messrs. C. E Swarta, C. E laid out which were not taken, and William Koucli. Harry F Stewart and clussee do this one day each year for whip haa trebled and the country nt a re8|dent of Springfield for the last and Mrs. Jim Clark. Mr. and Mrs. large was reported for the last year. yPa„ ha<1 not aeen elther of M Mfg m|Uob It «» thought that the night ’•»‘chman the entertainment of the freshmen. J F. Hotels. rx , w o o I the h n „ „ brotbeM glnpp hp wag . )pgg , . hgn , ™ - ' * M; 7 nd“ „'ra7 J n V in ix t the h o r rounds r m n H u c shortly h n r t l v after t that hat Governor W alter Vi M. l» H lo ere- was e; i ’N eet; M7 ' and m making M Htevent, Eugene attorney, ANDERSON MFC. CO. principle speaker al Wednesday even- „ ypar old Ag an jnfant when „ „ D f and Mrg w hour frightened the th.eves. who ran gave the address of the evening on INSTALLS NEW MACHINE "’•’"’lon nt ,h e ch "n,,M*r of conv mother died he was taken into the c Rebhan. Dr and Mrs S. Ralph th* ' " ’J d° ° r The '“ 8 ,ncIud*d the meaning and benetlta of Masonry. Pierce, as chairman of ‘u- wnttws, ------ ,h t home of a Mr. Teegarden with whom oippp], Mr and Mrs. John F. Ketels, rings, necklaces, automatic pencils, The program, arranged by Mr. Ketole. be >ag twenty-two years Mr and Mrg Dan Crites, Mr. and and toilet sets. Matches were found was as follow»: A new up-to-date fa l feeding mold taxation committee. Introduced a ret- h(> Hvpd Vocal d u et-M a ry Elisabeth Whit «"■ *»» Installed and running on Sal- olullon calling for a severance tax o|d Hjg bTOthers. George and Dan. Mrg Riley Snodgrass. Mr. and Mrs. around the back door, indicating that timber and natural resources and bad started out from the old hetne as o H Jarrett Mr and Mrs. Harry the men did not use the usual flash- ney and Charlotte Stewart • urtlay at the Ajtderson Manufacturing on “ ™ ad“p<"' youths and onen of the brothers had st.w arL Mr a . i W .R er Scott Plano duel .Mrs. Paul Baaford ami company. The lt \th e r concern form telephone office remembered having Cooperation among the farmers to ,.T,,n beard of the others for over and Mr and Mrs F . m . R oth . erl.v known as the lx.i.d Manufiteturing Mrs. L. II. Neel. heard som eone run down the alley at market their produits was urged by company la progressing under the new Vocnl solo- Mrs C A. Swarta. _ . ,, , , , forty years. • A great deal of fun was supplied Abou, # ypar ago tbrougb jnforma- by the mogk wedding staged by the about 2:00. ownership with O. F Anderson a« Governor 1 lerce who said In his Vocal solo— Mrs. J. F Kelels. , !"ot» gathered from tourists George men wjlh Mr K etels as bride. Dr.' A package left by J. F. K etels on chief stockholder and corporation ’ pP**'b: Heading- W IL. Ron e rt 'Is absolutely ne<| ssa ty that lH>nn heard of b|g brother Dan whom |»;ppei a, groom. Mr. W hitney as the outside ot the postofflee stamped president The concern w ill speelallxe The banquet waa In charge of F Lggiinatin. chairman, C. A. Bwnrts In w holesale Inferior llnlsh, according nil farm products be marketed co- he Iocated and , ince that tlme the mtn,gter Mr Cyr aa rIng.b„an ,r, Mr. and addressed for the mail was opened operatively. We simply cannot con- two have ,jved tog.e ther here In Baa{ord as'bridesm aid and Mr. Neat hut not stolen, which indicated and 11 .M Stewart Table decorations to Mr. Anderson. nrini"floi,i 1 ,ns best man. Preceding the ceremony that the thieves were -prowling around were In keeping will. Ihe Christmas j The five men In Ihe corporation are tlnue to produce the articles , the c Springfield. world juiust ea. and allow onrselve* : Tuesday evening Jim Dean arrived Rpbban Kessev. Stewart and the SprtngfleM postofflee. aeason, being holly and mlsIJMoe, all men who have worked In Ihe plant I M L - Bartlett, proprietor of the with baskets of fruit as centerpiece» for some lim e; betides Mr. Anderson, to be continually exploited by the from Hornbrook. California. During c l k , ang "F orgotten" ......... .......... ..........— wh(> was foreman and assistant man- numerous middlemen. Transportation , hf. laa, forty years Ihe three broth- i Many beautiful gifts In silver wers bowling alley, believes the revolvers Leglon to Elect ager. They are Clifford Fandrem. Mer- -In fact—every line of business ex- erg bad continually been trying t o l pregenUd to (he o iso n s—a cake tray, to have been taken by someone famil- Anntiul election of officer« will h e,rill Manley, Malford Knowlton a n l cept the producers is organized. It is ijocate the other two. For about a raea( fork> gel.Vjng spoon, salt and iar with the place. W ilh e lm Store Robbed conducted by tile Hprlngl-Lld peel '(’. M Wlcka. They took over the own- staled by the department of agrlcul- ygar Jln, 1>an baa bPen in variou s'p'"pper shakers and candlesticks ture that the producer, on the n»er | partg of OreKon but was not located | R,.freghmeIltg weve 8erved |„te in Rohhers made a big haul Wednes- o f'th e American Legion at a Ineetlng ‘ershlp on December 3. Friday night In the W. O W. Iinll j The mill has been running nt It» full age gels only one dollar out of .hree by hig brother George till last Jan- h evening d ni bt wben they cleaned out the ln lla v a n n i< l n v t those h n s o t who t 'h n r consume n n u i i m u tha» » paid by the uary. Installation will be on Ihe evening ¡capacity of fiOOO feet of sanded finish i dollars big W elhelm Department store at fan n ers’ products— two-thlrd, of thf of ihe first Friday ln January. ¡per day. and working two shifts for Teacherg Taking Examination« Monroe. Hundreds of dollars worth The nominating al Ihe Inst meet ¡the past week. A carload of the Hand­ prlc paid by Ihe consumer Is decid­ Receive Railroad Supplies Seventy-five teachers are taking the ¡of silverware, guns, rifles, silver pen- ing Included Ihe follow ing. H. B. ed finish was shipped yesterday to edly too Urge n share to pay for the A train of 32 cars passed through seml-annual teachers examinations be- cil» and expensive Christmas goods Freeland for commander. C. A. Swarts California, and another will he sent coat of dlstrlbut'on ” Uprlngfleld on its way to Oakridge ; in(? COBductpd this week In the coun- were taken. The loot was ev»den‘ly for vice commander. Jean Meals for the last o f this week. Sunday. A number of laborers w e r e !(y court room by School Superinten (carried away In trucks or autom obile, Red Croe« to Elect ■econd vice commander. Verdon May on It, and a considerable amoimt ¡denj g j Moore. The examinations believes the sheriff's office. The store Funeral Held for adjutant. J. M. Larson and C. B. .. .. . , The . annual . . {meeting , . of „ the J Lane equipment was Included Rail laying ’ gtartpd WednP, day and will end Sat- 'has been broken Into many tf a e s be- The funeral of Mrs Henseny for finance officers. Two K atherine|cou»tv chapter America,, Red < ross nachlnPry and 01|tflt werP sent afternoon. Examinations are fore but this is the largest haul re- :>n Decent- Decent Iwlll 1 will the _ . _____ ___ r>n«ie„ 1 • ------- , . . . _________ i . who was died held nt Carter on afternoon . . . . In every ¡ported. . . No . had «.„.i •» members of Ihe hoard of directors will Gordon er 13. 1923 December 1« a. ¡offices he of held the Friday chairman. Judge at G. th F. e |„ 2 / ° ' ” ’ nn ” th„ a n„ ,,1Brn Pnclflc !------- ba' « conducted practically arrest, been made at be chosen from the four nominee». subject taught in the public schools. noon lottay. M 11 Hunt ley, Vern Woolley, Ray Me the Walker Chapel. Mrs. Gordon wat ISklpwortli. A complete board of di Ihe widow of William Gordon, and I rectors Is to be elected. Mrs. M. J. Pherson and C F. Scott. Church Oif Christ Car Not Stolen M arriage Licenses Issued bad resided In this city for some time. Macklin la the director at present The Bible school will meet at "Mor­ Marriage license Issued during the Rev. T. I). Varnea officiated at Ihe front Springfield. O essrter Leaves Hospital The Overland touring car of Frank rison's hall" at 9:30 and march to wM 'Vaken from its p a n week by the county Clark In- Julius Busier, a deserter from Ihe funeral services. the new church home Help us hav-j Lenhart which Bridge Club Meets elude the following: James L. Nay­ United Slates navy, who was trans parking place on 10th street in Ett ¡200 in Bible school. lor. 19. and Echo Stanley. 17. both of The (lenefleld Bridge club met Report on P.-T. Meeting ferred from Ute Eugene hospital to this week w a, not stolen, s t , Rev. Mr. Pointer preaches at 11:0b. gene was first believed. A. B. Loud of .BlaclUy Marvin Cox 22. Gold son, and A report from the » tati Parent Thursday afternoon al Ihe homo of! the Springfield hospital on Tuesday Subject: "Jestis Christ or Man, Tlt-j the Loud manufacturing company had ,L ela Syphert, a< > . . to receive treatment for tuhorctiloata. Teacher aasorjatlon was made hv Mr». W. C. Ilehhnn The next meet- Bible or Infblellty.” Coombs. 23. Eugene, and Angie Wat­ left on Wednestlay without anyone yet Mrs. Stetwin and Mra. F. L. I’oln- Ing will he with Mr». Harry M. Stew- a claim on a car answering the same | The Blltle school will give the son. 21. Eugene; Frank Patterson, 21, (llscnverlttg hla whereabouts. ; dexter of Eugene nt a ntepllng of th e'a rt. Special guests on that day were Christmas program In the evening at description and took the 'Lenhart cat Eugene, and Catherine Marie W eber, ijlanlel llannanl of Mollnlla wa» di» Springfield organization on Friday at Mesdames 1. D. Larimer. Jess Sea- by mistake. 18, Eugene. vey a,ml E. O. Sutton Club ment 7:30 In Ute new building. t barged Hitlurdny. ’»be Lincoln school. Mr». Jack Furl y was discharged ; One new work lhat the different as- Iters present were Mesdames Harry W ife W ants Divorce New Equipm ent at Plan t $1200 Dog Tax from the Bprlngfleld hospital on Sun- j soclatlon« are taking tip 1» the nutrl- M Stewart. 8 Ralph Dlppel, Levi Matilda E. Pearson has filed suit The E. C. W’ilfert gravel plant d(iy I tlon clinic. Following a definite pro- Net I Carl Fisher. Cogswell Cantp- I4tne county collet ted >1.294 In dog ______ —— — - ----- ¡gram each child is weighed and tueas hell, Harry Whitney, Carl Olson and («erf»’”1 tbP rlv, r fro,n Springfield tut j in circuit court for divorce from her on j taxes durli ’ '92-. according to tha the Pacific highway plans to add new 'husband. Stanton B. Pearson, Aliena Collier will leave Friday t o ' tired carefully. Anyone 7 per cant J. F. Ketels. — — _ . . . ditty clerk. WThlle ____________________ ! equipment which will Increase it» ¡grounds of non-support The couple rep rt o> >. (spend Christmas with her parents vni' wt ght I, given a special diet . .. yf dogs , In iLana ¡were In t California In 1917. , t l i . > r annr. pd W F. Walker went to AshlanC. capacity soon. A new electric hoist were married allfc 1 ihn up. near Albatyr ln to The wife alleged she has been com- county nly It t log* » ere reported. yesterday jnornlng to be gone for a and the crusher is to bs put In i« | I'.lind ext er presented -the local W. C. McLagan. plant suiierLote« ' Relied to »UDDort the husband and Th> tbttt were male’ and 15J deni for the Mountain Stale» Fow. r :o < 14. n with a charter which will couple of days His office I» 1« charge g,v« a dally capacity at about 175 ¡pelled to «upport the tonet !►». ^t4i«lr W o chlldre». » « V- . . of J. S. Lerah la hls abseac«. .yard» ef gravel. tl k> ,iUv awioclatloa I c|.n p en y , wual to Albany on byslnssv j»v i i 1