The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 13, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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    U , l&M.
The U th annual convention of the
Oregon Hotel Men's aaaorlatlon waa
held In Portland with more than 100
delegatea In attendance.
Tha atate highway department haa RANGE STOCK INDUSTRY
granted permlaalen to tha Coast Pew
• r company ta reconstruct and satend
Ita power line oa the Roosevelt high Western gtatoa Hava H a lf •lllla n
Agt article osi Oeorge Davenport,
way between Manhattan and Oara
Aeraa Suited to No Other
local chairman of tha 4L'a, written by
Profitable Use
_D. W. McKinnon, secretary of that
Haturday afternoon at I o'clock a
organisation, was published In the 4L
memorial tablai placed on the old
Permanence of the range cattle and „
Methodist church at Jacksonville, .beep Industry In the eleven western BuJ,eUW ,Or D^ enjb" 1 The Bui
which la said to be tha oldest Protes­ states hav bee,, recognised and the *eUn *•
ln Portland, from (Ha­
tant church building now standing state oolleg. a, Including O. A. C , are “ ?c‘ h«»d<iu*rters A character sketch
waat of the Rocky mountains, was un­
to Join efforts In helping the range of Mr. Davenport, under the title
livestock men with some of their ' **en wrho Make the 4L Work" ap-
Oeneral Manager A. F. S Steele of knotty problems These atatei have P®-1" * 1- U>«*th«r with M r Davenport's
tha Apple Growers' asaoclatlon has an area of «60 million acres which can Photo« ’»P»>. His capacity for under
received a letter from United States
standing disputes between employers
be used only for graxlng
Henatnr McNary to tha effect that
More than a third of the area Is and employes, bis work as a ploneei
stored apples may be utilised as se­
• * ’’>»' »'«‘«W
public land, not under control and
curity for loans with Intermediate
Mr. Davenport
so badly overgrazed that inter» are not bies are set forth.
credit banka.
getting full carrying capacity.
It left Springfield December 1 to visit
Farm acreage In Oregon for 1921, furnishes much of the vprtng and tall hla moher. now 98 years old, who
all) resides l n Bowling Green, Ky,,
exclusive of 11 counties which have grass and needs wiser handling.
he old home.
not reported. aggregated 4.944.971 57
Control of animal diseases and pace
arrea aa agalnat 1.419,964.88 acres In
coordinated production and mar-
1921. This information was contain- k(. „ n< cu„,
f w ||lcrwMlBg'
•d In a slat men t by Carl Fisher, state
weight of fleece, and Improving feeds
lax commissioner.
and feeding are other Items In tht
Petitions numerously signed by per ^program. The situation for Oreogt
sons residing In 2« counties of Ore ; will be opened up In the agricultural
gon urging tha appointment of Wallace conference to be held at the college
McCamant of Ponlaad. to tha United I January 21 IB
States court of appsala. ninth circuit. I
t Growers, Investigators and national
Han Francisco, have reached Wash-
■ leaders will assist In working out the
Ington and will be submitted to Preal
program In these subjerta and also for
dent Coolidge.
fruits and vegetables, field crops,
More satisfactory distribution of dairy products and poultry.
harvest labor to the end that both the
After the group programs have been
employer and employs may ba bene- generally worked out they w ill be sub­
flted will be attempted by the Reason­ mitted to a geneml conference fot
able Employment commission. which coordination with all the others for a
waa organised at a conference held In comprehensive plan of farming In
(he otflree of C. H. Gram, state labor Oregon
commissioner, at Salem.
Cooperative marketing and banking
were dleruaeed at the annual con­
vention at The Dalles of the Oregon
State Horticultural aoclety.
The Medford achool district census
for thia year, Juat taken, ahowa the
largeat achool population In the city's
hlatory, the number being 2111.
Federal prohibition officers have
notified operators of cider plants that
they must cease manufacturing elder
unless the finished product contains
bnnxoale of soda. Cider manufactur­
ers allege that the order will ruin
their business, as the soda content
spoilt the flavor of the apple product.
The fourth annual W inter fair and
eighth annual Southern Oregon Poul­
try allow, combined, waa held In the
Chautauqua building In Aahland.
Axel Krlckaon, a logger, waa drown­
ed when he accidentally tell Into the
Nehalem river at the lllrkenaeld Lum­
ber company camp al Rlrkenaeld.
Oregon pensions have been granted
aa follows: Verda A. Orchard. Port-
land. 630; Delbert A. Lyons, Central
Point, 612; James W. Hackman, Tim
her. I l l ; James Morlarlty, Portland.
I l l ; Carl Woolman, Baker. I l l ; James
Arthur. Portland. 115; Andrew Brats,
Portland, 111; W illiam C. Hlclnboth
am. Batacada.-|18.
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
Tha Eugene MBanna have decided to
•roc« a naw lampla no«« year
Fire completely deatroyed the Chil­
oquin hotel al Chiloquin, 10 mllea
north of Klamath Falla.
The total aaaaaamant of public utlll-
tlc« of Union county la |t.«82.l«2. Laat
year's assessment waa 16.127.41«.
Tha Eugene lodge ol Elks haa ap­
pointed a committee to Investigate the
feasibility of remodeling Ita temple.
Members of the W illamette Valley
Grain Growers' aaaorlatlon held a con
fereace in Halem to dlacuaa market
Herenly-elg earloada. or approxi­
mately more aneep were shlp-
*"d out of Bend thia (all than In the
fall of 1111
The Pacific northwest Intercolle­
giate conference meeting, acbeduled
Io be held In Hpokane, haa been
awltched to Portland.
To relieve the shortage of dwelling
houaea In Albany a building and loan
aaeoclallon la planned by aeveral bual
neaa men of that city.
Attorneys of the atate, at an In­
formal gathering In Halem. prevented
Io the aupreme court an oil paint­
ing of Justice Oeorge H. Burnett.
Two additional unite of IS mllea and
one of 11 mllea on the Klamath-Ku-
gene line will be contracted by the
(iouthern Pacific on December I t .
Fred C. Hchulte. former constable
and deputy ehertff at Reedsport. waa
found guilty of accepting a bribe
from B O. Roberta, confessed boot­
Dr Mabel Alkln and Mra. 8. E. A.
Smith, both of Portland, were appoint­
ed by Governor Pierce aa membera of
the advlaory board of the atate In­
itial rial achool for glrla.
The Oregon Walnut Orowera’ asso-
Ration, hi session at Salem, voted to
lolfl Its eonventlon next year at New-
L. 8. Otis of Newberg waa
and 0 . H. Schauater
vlsqtml president
rf dorrs
rallta W*s re-aleeted secretary
A^ a result, of tha wind and rain
itotan that swept tha atate last week,
iirjc ts la Warrenton were flooded;
'ocae Qpll on the Columbia River hlgh-
vag and trees blocked other roads;
4eulde spd Warrenton telephone
iwltchboarda were burned nut; the
turned area of Astoria waa flooded
when a high tide backed up over the
legwall; Young's hay and John Day
Irawbridgoa worn put out of controls-
■lop temporarily; and minor damage
F»a dona at Hood Itlver.
III at Heme
urday evening, and Is still confined
H T. Mitchell wee taken 111 Satur- to bla home et (th end B streets.
of all
Buy Hera and Sava
"MORE FOR LESS” is a fact that we can and have been
demonstrating to our customers. If you are not buying here
there IS a reason why you should.
M o r r is o n
C lin g a n
“The Store of Quality”
Corner of Third and Main
Phone 44*
A Positive Fact
Hill’s Economy Store
In the study of the effects off hot-
water sterilization on teat-cup rub­
bers of milking machines, the Unite.
Stales Department of Agriculture
found that the life ot these rubber»
when regularly sterilised by this meth­
od verted from « to 17 weeks. It
wsa also found that hot water gave
better results In reducing the nuiu
her of bacteria than did the use of
either ohlor*,n solution or salt and
chlorln solution. The Bureau of Stan
dards, cooperating with the T7nlteu
States Department of Agriculture
found that It Js very Important that
these teat-cup rubbers be made of so-
called pure gum compound, and that
they should be thoroughly cleaned
before sterilisation, as a little butter
fat remaining t»n them haa a deetruo
tlve effect In connectlo with tho beet.
Mrs. Robert ilyera of Los Angeles,
bride of a weak, waa drowned In tbs
W illamette river at Harrisburg, when
an automobile driven by W illiam J.
Parks of San Francisco plunged down
tba steep ferry approach on the Pa­
Hare from Junction City
cific highway Into I I feet of water
M r and Mrs. Claude B. W athbume
while the ferry boat waa on the op­
-<pent Sunday In thia city with Mr.
posite side of the river.
There were two fatalities In Ore­ Weshburne's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
gon Industries during the week end- B. A. Washburne. They came here
i Ing December «. according to a re­ from Junction City where Mr. Wash
port prepared by tha atate industrial burne Is vice-president of the First
accident commission.
The victims National bank.
' were W alter Stuart, Seaside, brake-
maa. and Amos Breeden. Black Rock,
pile driver. A total of <37 accidents
were reported during the week.
Construction of the retaining walla
All train service on (be Eugene-Coos
for the atreeta In the dovaataled die
bay brunch ot the Southern Pacific
irlct of Aalnrla and of the tunnels railway waa tied up on account of
for the protection of the trunk sow- I
damage to a steel bridge across the
era haa been completed.
Hulslaw river near Llnslaw. 3« miles
W illiam A. Marahall. who waa re­ weal of Eugene. A fir tree (our feet
appointed a member of the atate In- In diameter fell scrota the bridge and
lualrlal accident commlaalnn haa serv­ caved In the top part of II so that
ed In thia capacity alnce the creation trains were unable to operate over it.
of the department In 1911.
The total value of taxable property
An arteaian well with a flow of 120 In Oregon. Including that oquallxed
gallona per minute haa been encount­ by the state board of equalization and
ered at a depth of 425 feet at the that equullxed and apportioned by the
worklnga of the Eastern Oregon Oil state tax commission. Is 61,042,419,-
Exploration company near Hermiston. 618 «6, according to a report prepared
A quarantine on all dairy and breed­ by Earl Fisher, stale tax commission­
ing cattle brought Into Oregon from er. Last year the total value of the
California betaine operative Decem­ taxable properly was 11.009,499.1G0.38.
ber 1, many caaea of tuberculoala In
The outlet of Slltcoos lake, which
tout hern Oregon having boen traced to Is only two miles front the Pacific
ocean In western Lane county. Is
The demand for the appropriation again clogged by ssnd, due to wind
of further funds to complete the and high sea. The state fish and
Tongue Point naval baae along lines game commlaalon this fall cleared the
originally planned la being carried channel of obstructions In order that
llr je t to Secretary of the Navy Denby salmon might enter the lake to spawn
but It la now worse than aver, reports
by Senator McNary.
A ahlpment of eight black foxes, state.
raiued at |«000. haa arrived at Klgm
Home decision with regard to reor­
ttlj Falls by express, consigned from ganising new Irrigation projecta In
Near Brunswlek, Maine, to Captain H. Oregon should coma from the secre­
B. Hansbury. who Is starting a fox tary of the Interior In the next few
weeks. In the laat aeveral days a
'arm on upper Klamath lake.
Head offlalals of the Oalitornla-Ore- determined drive has been made by
lotl Power company In San Francisco the Oregon delegation In both houses
lave authorised Immediate construc- of congress, supported by representa­
lon of a half mllllnn-dollar power tives of four new projects in the state,
slant on Link river In Klamath Falla (or some definite step toward the de­
velopment of further Irrigation.
elih a capacity of 4500 horsepower.
Carries the LARGEST STOCK of Christmas
Goods and Toys of any store in Lane county.
Our customers tell us that our recently en­
larged store has the most complete assort­
ment of holiday merchandise ever displayed
in Eugene.
A Comparison Proves It
Our prices are lower and the immense stock
gives you wonderful advantages in the select­
Hill’s Economy Store
Eugene, Oregon
lava baen approved, subject to minor
modlfleattone, by tbs board of rlre r
xnd harbor engineers, as a result of
x hearing In Washington, D. C.. at
which tha Oregon delegation and real-
lenta of that section placed new facts
before the hoard. If thia project M
rompleted the federal government will
appropriate about Illn.OOO.
Tha secretary af the Interior at the
request of Representative Slnaott. bat
held up patents to land In Oregon In­
volved In tha eases of F. A. Hyde, C.
W. Clark and others.
Mr. Hlnnott
acted on the telegraphed request of
Attorney-General Van W inkle of Ore-
The caaea involve atate
jaed under ths old lieu land lea
jbtaln title to government latufc