THURSDAY- nWCFCMUKH 18, 1»2». SPRINGFIELD STUDENT LEGUME CROPS DEVELOPED LADIES OF a A. R. ELECT PLAYS ROLE IN DRAMA BY NATURAL LIMESTONE MRS. EGCIMANN PRESIDENT Unlvensltx of Oregon. Rsgene. Dec Mr« Chari*» F K « ,n ,*n n « » * l « t Van of Ita natural limestone •d ths president of the ladles o f the 13.- -< Special ) - T he role of M Pas- sources has greatly assisted |# d, T„ a a . R la a meeting Friday a fte r-' « H e r M Peter Ibbotooa" Du M .u r - ! ch arla- ____ in the Woodman hall She sue t o r t well known play, to be produo reeds M r , Lottie Bowmen retiring ed by the University company of play- ** togum* crops from a very small president. ' ers la the campus theatre on Decern »creage to over 30,000 acres of clover. Other offlcers elected are: Mrs AI Montgomery, senior Vizepresident; Mrs. Mary C. Magill, junior vice- president; Mr«. Lott e C. Bowman, conductor, Mrs W alter I-axton, l rea» nrer Retiring oUlcers are: Mrs Prances K Bean, senior vice-preel- dent; Mrs. I. Montjoy. Junior vke- s e n t; Mrs. W alter I^xton. coa- docton and Mrs Chartes P. Kggli manti, treasurer. Installation of officers will be the flrst Friday In January, at which time farther elective and appointive o f­ fices will be filled Cows kept In box stall» produce mora m ilk and slightly mora butter fat than those kept In stanchions, according to the United States Da- partmeM of Agricultura but tbs slight Incraass In product doss not balance tbs added expen-ie for spars, b««l , ding, and labor Box stalls ara to b* recommended only wh«v» maximum b*r U. IS and K, w ill be taken by 1.000 acres of alfalfa, and extensive production Is dsnlivd regardless of J‘»*ph <'“ • * o* Springfield. plantlngs of soy beans and cowpeai expense, as In testing cows tor rec­ The play Is a subtle tragedy and In 1*33, according to reports to the ords. i the dream scenes essential to the plot United States Department of Agri­ are being elaborately worked out by culture. These are especially Impor­ tbe t'nlvorslty players. Lighting and tant crops to St. Charles farmers a« stage mechanics w ill be handled by dairying la one of their principal In­ members of the company not repre­ dustries. No limestone was being seated la the play -used In the county and practically no Clark Is a Junior In the school of ,rl°v s r o f alfaifa grown when exten drama and the speech arts and Is well ,lan w w k * * » begun there ln 1»18 knoM l on campus for his dramatic That ’r’* r ,h* W lc u ltu n a l extension an(1 interpretative ability He has had *'«ure«l the cooperation of about Important role* In a number of pro- farmers In using lime on arid soil ductitms staged on the campus dui | M * preparation for growing legumes yXiccewful demonstrations of the ¡ng the past year, benefits of lime have Increased each year and community limestone crush­ ers for utilising local limestone have BEEKEEPERS GUIDED BY CHIROPRACTIC Is the seleno« (hat Is restoring health to thousaads who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsllltls, aervousness. sleeplessness, headache«, ealargeed prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by sclnetlfirstly co-ordinating the prin­ ciples of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results are Safe, Sane and Sure. DR. GEO. A. SIMON Ovar Ludford» • 18 W lllaaetta Btrssl Examination Fres 1’bona 355 J IU Q K N I, O R IO O N Springfield News $1.25 per year. The Indies discussed plans for a series of dinners to be served at noon beginning In the near future. ______________________ They will be given In the Woodman \ x l l at a nominal price, ¿ad the gen C O L D W E A T H E R F O R E C A S T S been h to the lime In eral public w ill be Invited. I ---------- three years’ time, < crusher, had been The monthly social meeting for For some years past the W eather , established and this year 11 have been this month will be December 1* at the Bureau of the United States Depart ln ’*’ ** Since 1*30 over 3.000 tons of home of Mrs Eggimann. The ladles ment of Agriculture has been assist- haTB been “ ««<1 In the county tng beekeepers by sending them fore- ¡annually and up to September 1 of this itertain alphabetically. casts of mild periods in the late a u 7 Bar SOW tnt OF REAL POPERTY A Look Around Our fltore W ill Convince the Most Efficient and ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN. COPPER to Individual beekeepers on request. Careful Buyer that Our Stock was All Felected W ith an Eye Both Notice is hereby given that by vlr ' and there has been a systematic ser- SWINGING WRINGER toQuality and Economy tue of an order of the County Court j vice of this character In New Tork of the Slate of Oregon, for the County carried out in cooperation with of Lane, dnly made and entered of ApJ>ry Department of the State record in the said court on the 28th College of Agriculture. day of November, 1923, ln the matter W . M. Green, Prop The scope of this work Is to be of the estate of Emily M. Baker, de­ ceased, directing me as executor of enlarged so that beekeepers ln any said estate to sell all the real prop part of the country can have sent to erty belonging to said estate, to wit: them such forecasts. The W eather A ll of the lots numbered five ajid Bureau w ill make no charge for Its nix ln the block numbered seventy- service«, but recipients w ill be ex­ nine in Waahbume’s subdivision of pected to pay the telegraph charges the Springfield Investment and Power When plans are more fully worked Company's Addition to Springfield, out detailed information as to the Lane County. Oregon. N O W TH E R E FO R E . I w ill on and method of obtaining the forecasts wilt afte r the 2*th day of December. 1*23, be published In Journals devoted to at the office of Frank A. DePue, at | b* ekeep,nK torney for the estate in Springfield. --------------------------------- Oregon, offer for sale and sell at pri-i — — - ▼ate sale for cash in hand or upor the best term», obtainafage. all tl» A Good T hin g — D O N 'T M IS S IT right and title and Intereat and »«tat< Send your name and address plainly that the said Emily M Baker, dec ess ed. had at the time of her death. In written together with 5 cents (and this and to hereinbefore described real slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co. Dea Moines. Iowa, and receive In re­ property. turn a trial package containing Cham­ Dated this 28th day of November berlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, 1*33. colds, croup bronchial, "flu" and C H A U N C Y M EAC HEM whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Executor for the estate of Emily M Chamberlain’s Stomach and Lrver Tab Baker, deceased. lets for stomach troubles. Indigestion, Frank A. DePue. Attoroney foro the gassy pains that crowd the heart, bil­ estate iousness and constipation; Cham be r- N-2»- D-13-20-27 la ’n ’s Salve, needed In every family THE DEMAND FOR MODERN NECESSITIES, progressively .upplied, for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and Dr. S. Ralph Dipple. Dentist, Vitus skin affections; these valued family provides steady employment for the permanent properties of M ountaij medicines for only » cents. Don’t Building, Springfield. Oregon. miss 1L States Power Company 365 days in the year. ‘ *1*11’”1 S P E C IA L Xmas Offer “1900 C ataract Washer” Those who buy Community Cash Store TUB Henderer E lectric Supply 40,000 Steady Customers Are Back of This I n v e s t m e n t Sanitary Meat Market The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make you a regular customer. FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY Holverson Bros, Props. Save $3.94 On Your Week-end Trip to Portland by Buying a THE VOLUME OF USEFUL SERVICE and the number of people and industries served increase steadily. New plants, extensions, addy’ tions and improvements must be constructed each year to keep pace with community growth. THE BUSINESS DOES NOT FLUCTUATE. It is solid and depend able, and therefore, makes possible an investment of great strength and stability. OUR 7% GOLD NOTES have become a favorite form of investment among our Customers. A large construction program for 1924 provide.! new opportunity for investment that pays a good return with safety. The investment may be made by Cash Purchase or on the Monthly Payment Plan. LET US SEND YOU OUR ATTRACTIVE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET SHOWING THE PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY. ROUND TRIP TICKET Week-End Tickets on Sale Fri­ days Saturdays and Sundays, return limit following Tuesday. 15-Day Tickets are on Sale Dai­ ly to Stations in Oregon. TAKE THE TRAIN ite^aj-dlesa lrf\ Woaftlu«-, It Is Safe, Comfortable and Depend­ able. —Ask Agent for fares and other information or write JO H N M. M ountian S ta tes Power Company Telephone 58 Springfield, Oregon S C O T T, Asst. Paaeenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon. Southern PacificLines •YOU SHOULD BE AN INVESTOR”