PAGE SIX THE SPRUNG HELD NEWS Mra. K eeler In P o rtla n d — Mra. Ku. Hom« Y eitofd»»— Mr«. J. C. P » rk * waa removed to her home from the M e rry hospital In Eugene yesterday. Returned from Montana— M r an I M r * Tru m an Ga.v returned from a month's sojourn in Billings, M ontana, on Sunday eveulng III at Home— John S h u lti of F all C reek who has been 111 at his home In F a ll Creek for the past week is alow gene K e a te r le ft yesterday on a bus! nest trip to Portland. She w ill stop at the home o f bar daughter. M rs K O. Jarvis H e r return la expected to . | Adm itted to Hospital— Mra. Joseph M itch ell of W hat Springfield was ad- morrow. | m illed to the Springfield hospital on W lnaanriads E n te rta in - M r and Tuesday. Mra. John W tn ie n rte d entertaleil with W en t to Idaho— M l-a Oall G ray of a six o'clock dinner oh F riday night the Mode m illin ery shop left for T w in tor M rs F ran k Sm ith of Portland, amt Falls, Idaho. Tuesday morning where her parenta, M r and M rs John Fugate she w ill spend some time w ith her of Eugene. IX n n e r gueats of the W in- parents She w ill return a fte r the senrteds on Sunday fo r four o'clock Christm as and New Y ear holiday« dinner were M r and M rt J. C. Ifisrker THURSDAY DRCKMBKR 13. 1928 S. P. Engineer In Tow n— A South ern Factfic engineer, who refuees to give hie name or any Inform ation about hlm stalled in h i* house early this week. M ra. Cogill ill— Mrs. Prank Cogill la quite ill at her home She was taken sick last week and took a turn for the worse on Monday night W e n t Hunting— Jess Seavey. R on­ ald Roberta, H a rry W atson and W . H . A drian went hunting for ducks be­ low Coburg on Sunday. Home from Hospital— Mrs. Fred Geissler. who underwent a m a jo r op­ eration tw o weeks ago a t the Mercy hospital in Eugene, is expected home today. Injured Hand— W A L am bert in jured his hand w hile w orking at the Booth-Kelly m ill on Wednesday. He ran a large slivver through his fin g er w hile handling timbers. Going to San Francisco— Mrs. W il­ liam Becker and fam ily left yesterday fo r C alifornia. They are driving through to San Fsancisco where they w ill be joined by M r Becker Leaving fo r C alifornia— John Mason is leaving fo r C alifornia this week where he «rill spend the w in te r H e Is going for his health, and w ill probably return to Springfield in the spring H e may go on into Mexico before his return to this city. Convalescing a fte r Illness— Mrs. E. W D rew of lionna was removed from the Mercy hospital in Eugene to the home o f the John Adams fam ily on Tuesday where she w ill rem ain for a few days She recently underwent a m ajo r operation this Xmas The Cheney Phonograph Plays all records design No needle noise Some good uted bargains in Victors, Edisons. C olum bia* Eugene Music Shop 8 East 9th SATURDAY M. A. Roach A Peter B. Kyne Story with H E LE N E C H AD W IC K C LAIR E W INDSOR NORMAN KERRY Tw o reel Comedy— "H om e Brewed Y o u th ” M a k e T h is A n SUNDAY E le c tr ic a l X m a s Theodore Roberts UWK-Oxi *Mt M iw n x w tr u i A N O T H E R S H IP M E N T O F ORANGES H ave arrived. Get your Xmas Oranges now. Naval Orange* $1.50 Bushel. New IN ( ( Electrical Gifts That Are Always W anted TOASTERS AMERICAN BEAUTIES CURLING IRON FLASHLIGHT TABLE STOVE DIMA-LITE READING LAMP COZY (¡LOW HEATER envelope hung a r o u n d th e d o ll's Be, k. and the slips the names of g irl* were givp[] ou{ •B R O T H E R S UNDER T H E S K IN ” (9th Street Store R o b t Callahan 1 . an Bell Theatre W o nd erful lone and b eau tiful tu J10 a month place* a Cheney In your home for Xm as UNIVERSAL IRON in TR AD E AT C R A Y ’S” J. W. Stevens P layer IXanos a specialty. R eatoualtle terms. WAFFLE IRONS -ealed IT A LW A Y S PAYS TO New standard Pianos— guaranteed 10 yearn—S ta rt your boy and g irl HOT POINT IRON T h e doll contest conducted for sev. rr a l weeks p;-st by the Ketels drug store dosed Tuesday night, and it H announced bv J F. K e te l, that the person drawing the check w ith the name A n n a ' on It Is winner. The w inner may call at the store and re­ ceive the 24-lnch doll. O ver 750 tickets were given free w ith purchases. The winning slip EGGIMANN’S unti fo r a sh o rt (line I w ill on these articles, fo r cash. Pianos, $15 down, $10 a month PERCOLATORS "A nna” G e t- Doll cycles anti Bicycle T ires, m ake a big reduction E n tertain ed w ith D in ner— An an­ niversary dinner was given by M i.j and Mrs. W. H. Adrian at th e ir home here in Springfield on Monday night. M r and Mrs. O. E. Adrian of Eugene whose 33rd wedding anniversary was the occasion of the festivities were the honor guests. Mrs. Fat Adrian of Eugene was a!s<> p resent — ----------------------------- I mu over stocked on B i­ EXTRA SPECIAL FOR XMAS Gumpy’’ Comedy— G R A Y 5 C A S M iC A R R y “I T ’S A G IF T ” I ’J MONDAY OUR BIC C O U N TR Y STORE N IG H T W IT H RECULAR PIC TU R E PROGRAM G IVIN G AW AY MORE CAN AR IES WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS for all purposes W EDNESDAY C O LLEEN MOORE in Henderer Electric Supply “ LOOK YOUR B E S T ” A R upert Hughes P icture Comedy— "His Wife’s Friend” FARMERS EXCHANGE The Christmas Gift Store of Springfield A nd a store where you receive courteous service Shop here to save and for Satisfaction The Gifts are too numerous to mention__ I-adles silk U m brella*, $10 values B e a u tifu l g ift blouses in special X iiih h sale 15.96 $4.50 to $!».7B Ladles silk camisole. be a u tifu l lace trim m ed, hand embroidered, in a ll shades $1.50 tip In d ie s «Ilk com bination «nit« $1.50 up We ca rry a big variety o f fancy w ork, guest towels I u rk is h towel«, bureau and dresser scarfs. FOR M OTHER In d ie s hamlkep- hlefs, pure linen, baud embroidered latest novelties. Special offerings o f a w o n d e rfu l selection o f w om en’s hand hag« at reduced price« g j g0 Rocker Rugs Floor Lamp We ca rry a fu ll line of B uster Brow n ludies «Ilk stocking« in a ll shade« Electric Percolator A b e autifu l assortm ent of children'« am i ladies' «Uppers $1.00 up In big varieties o f color« at g re a tly reduced price«. Silverware Pyrex Heavy silk hose fo r men Alminum Ware 75, Wool sport sweater* S ilk handkerchief« fo r men FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS Aii Guns O ur big «election o f Hue unbreakable doll« make« a w onderful g ift and sure w ill please I be children. T ricycles FOR TH E W HOLE F A M ILY Safety Razor Arm Chair Keen Cutter Tool in Holly Box Pocket Knife A NEW COLONIAL RANGE $65.00 to 22 00 5oc. $1.00 Pure linen handkerchief«, fancy garters, arm hand« and etc., snllabb lo r men fo r Christum « pre«ents’ Wagons FOR DAD W onderful «election o f «ilk mid kn itte d ties to ««lb any lasle r,Oc Kiddie Cura W ill be glad to «bow you all, and rem em ber r Pedai Cars I “ We M w a ys Sell it for Less" Wright & Son — Farmers Exchange