THURSDAY : v — DECUMBRR 13. 1923. —" —— — T H E 8PR1VOÌBBLD NEWS ——— — PAGE F IV » IU M M O N I I NOTICK OF SPECIAL ELECTIO N of Springfield, filed In the office of i Increase Growers' lee Plant In tbo Circuit Curt of tha Hint« ■ Nolle« la hereby glvtpi that a' apeo the Berretary of State, February 10, ’ The Eugene F ru it Growers' Ice plant of Oregon, for lb« County of l>ane, |Bi p|m.lloI1 w||| bp held , be TowI, 1293, and to amend all subsequent will be greatly Increased In capacity Iva Jarkaon. I ’lalntilf. va, Clyde Jack- Springfield Oregon, at City Hall amendments thereto enacted by the Tor next season by the Installation of • • I I w hat you w ant to M il, buy w hat you w ant to buy through thooo •on. defendant. To Clyde Jhekaon tbs above named ° n ,he 17th day 01 D* ewnber, 1923,: L*glalntlve Assembly or by vote of Two carloads of neat machinery whieb ealum na W rit« or phono T W O defendant • at whteli special election there will the people by adding Chapter X II. . have arrived at the plant The cap. In the name of the State of Oregon, •*, submitted to the legal voters of authorising tha Iseuance and sale of 1 aelty of the plant now Is 12 tom and r o l l MALI*. llughea Hot Point Hlor ,T H K M O TIIKRH ItK F T A U K A N T on &th ]u- " 'e Court to the legal voten of the said town,cordes- of the Tow n of Springfield fo ri the motor saving In gas alone will for rent by day or month Elite ,or ,he re ,“,f her C('mI'lal,l‘ de- for their adoption or rejection at the ; submission to the legal voters of the , Stew arts H ave Quests In a few weeks pay Ih» cost of tha Hotcl. 2 K and Main street tf " ,a,,Pr 27th, 1923. 'people. , sumbltted to the legal voters by the Cost you less too. and white W. K Macklin, Spring- TRAN K A. D E I’UE Kr“ nk Al D* P" * A“ on,ey for ,h e j Be It enacted by the people of the touncl1 ln ‘ he manner required by field. Ore. dl3 City Delivery Attorney for Executrix ,n d P” '* own of Springfield Lane County £‘iate ,aw ; that is to say. by publication avk * a K ra n H ua address, ° r<* ol’1’3 , / o f Oregon, that an act entitled. “An resolution In full In the ANNA AR A M N LO T for sale on very easy terms. Can Executrix of the last will of Elisa­ ______________ i act to Incorporate the town of Spring- Springfield News, a newspaper pub pay for It In work. Bsv E. E beth Brut e M< Donal d.deceased. field, and to repeal all acts and parts M»hed In the town of Springfield, for N 15. 22. 29. D «. 13 Kepnsr u Hague. « “ I “ “ 1 J -Ife ’ » • 7 , | « * Bc to rv .|a M n F t0 tlle tncorPor* t l0n Of ,wo consecutive publications within Eugene. O re , Phone 8.7 tf I #f an„ B„ Bct, lt h e fifteen days immediately preceu Estate of Andrew J Cruxan. deceased W H E N IN EUGENE N O T IC K O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T amendatory th ereo f" filed ln the of- ,n* the »P*clal election, and also to Form erly Farm er Exchange FOR T H E DAY OR W EEK Notice h hereby given (hat Janie SUMMONS flee of the Secretary of State. Febru -pO8t a roPY of the 881(1 resolutions in Grocery DeptmenL •T O P AT THE la Cruxan, executrix of the last will In the Circuit Court of the State *ry 19th. 1893. and all acts amejidlnfc t.hre\ P “ bllc ..pl8C.e’ ?e“ t. te.n <10) MATLOCK HOTEL « and te .la m .n t of Andrew J. Cretan. of nrP(fon for tfce County of [JU)e days before the date of said election. said acts adopted by the Legislative CO RNER 8TH A W IL L A M E T T E deceaeeti, haa fUod In the County John Francis Wikoff. plaintiff, vs. Assembly or by vote of the people be Adopted by the Council of the Court of M e State of Oregon. In und Marion K. Wikoff. defendant, and the some Is hereby amended b> Town of Springfield on the 26th day for Lane County, her final report as | named defendant : adding thereto Chapter X ll, to rean of November. 1923, by the followinB H E M 8 T IT C H IN O — The Button Hhop. such executrix; and that ten o'clock! In the name of the State of Ore- ■vote: as follows'. Buttons. Pleated skirts. 69 Seventh In the forenoon of Monday, the 24th you «r® hereby required YEAS, 4. CH APTER X ll Ave. East Kugnng Hhone 1168-L day of December. 1923. at the C o u . t and an'‘w* ,; tha complaint NAYS, None. Section 143 (a) For the purpose of D27 filed against you In the above en Who Earns the Pin room thxwe-^f. have been, by the ,itle d Court and cauae. on or before procuring fund« In an amount, togeth- Submitted to the Mayor November Court. fixed and appointed aa the lim e ¡the 27th day of December. 1923. th e ! e(. fun(Js , own trea, urv 26th, 1923 Money 7 FOR R E N T — Clean modern furnished Approved by the Mayor November apartm ent« 3 bbxka Jtrmii M ain and place for hearing odjectlon. Itri.a m e being more than Hx w e e k .; B ,1CBble to (he purpoge. sufflc,ent to Do you earn yopr boy'a spend -onHn»««lA 26th, 1923. street, H block from street car. •aid report and for the final settle- Hom the dal« of the first publics- mem nr the «.tate ».id deceased llon o1 G*1» summons and being the PaY, redeem and retire Springfl-ld ing money Do you earn the C. F. EG GIM ANN. ‘ j K ie t r m -7 A N Hme prescribed for such appearance Improvement Bends." dated April 1., 413 H 2nd st if nickels your little girl spends Mayor. jby you In order of publeatlon of this j 1914 maturing April 1. 1924. and op- i for The Springfield News Executrix, summon« herein entered of record ; t)<>na| Bt anv gemi-annual coupon p e r-lA t‘ est: for candy? O r does the young­ ster earn it—either at home or A E W IIK E L E R . Attorney »nd If you fall so to appear and ans- lod on Bnd after ^ e year from date' J- w CO FFIN. at some little Job outside? n22,29. dS..l3.M. wer for want thereof the plaintiff will the prh w |pai gum of 250,135 37. i Recorder N-2-29-D 6 ______ ,lpply 10 t h<* Court for ,he rel,ef hl* with accrued Interest, said botids be ---------- HOUSE WIRING C U T FLOW ERS. PO TTED PLANTS complaint demanded and prayed for. | )nK „umbered 23 to 123. and In de There is a great principle In­ E. O. Furke was In on business from Prapared to do Houa-wffrlng of all and F lo ral Designing towlt; For a Judgment and decree i nora|natlons of 150 each except No .Cushman Tuesday, volved. The child that haa learn­ Kinds. A. P. O R A H A M , Cornar of • Dtxwmrd A. R a m i Junctlrgi City of th|s Court dissolving the bonds of 123 ,n , he pdnc,pa| BUm of j i 32 37,, ed the economics of the thing 9th and M a tra a ta P. O. Boa 188 Florist. Kodak Shop. 10th and W ill, matrimony now and heretofore « ' « t - „ ach and R„ of wh!cil Baid bonds are, never asks for the money to buy ln< between you and plaintiff on tne t , ... a . j Phone 616 something he desire;— he asks grounds creel Inhuman * x , Town \£ ssy vn ‘, M ' .. . , Is . O o ld ld h Santa savs for a way to earn it. ment a-d of for such and other relief treat- as to •» er' ’> the of Springfield a n t a says— ClassifiedAdvertisements Certainly Eastman’s Grocery the Court shall seem meet.. hereby auhorixed and empowered to This summons Is served uoon you |brue ana dispose of general obliga « O r” r n R k l£ Uon bonds of sold town In the sun. an order mt the Hon. G. F. Skip- ,250.009). worth. Judge of the above Court. - . , , . , . made and entered of record on the p a id bonds to be In denominations of Call 12th day of November. 1923. order-1 2500 or 21000 each, to bear such date i Ing that this summons he published or dBteB a9 thP Council may deter ! once each week for r.lx successive SUTTON TRANSFER mine, and to mature In twenty years and consecutive weeks In the Spring- field News and the date of the first from date, said bonds to be slgneo Phone 57 publication will be November 15th. by the Mayor aad countersigned by 1923. and the date of the lost pub­ the Recoider under the corporate lication will be December 27th. 1923.. Frank A. DePue, Attorney for the seal of said town, and td bear Inter­ PlaHidff .fresldv-nce and post office est at the rate of six (6 ) per cent pet GEO.. N. McLEAN address. Springfield. Oregon.. annum, payable senif-a.nnually. said Automobile. Flr>* and Life N.. 15. 22. 29.. D.. 6. 13. 20. 27.. interest being represented by Interest IN S U R A N C I coupons thereto attached bearing the Surety Bonds.. Phone S17 N O T IC E T O C E D IT O R S facsimile srlruatures of the Mayor and My b u tln e .s Is to protect y«ur business The busy housew ife'w ill be Notice Is hereby glyen that the un­ recorder, whereby the Town of Spring- 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon dersigned have been ecrclnted bv tF» field shall be held in substance and presented with a holiday— 1 ounty t'ourt of the State of Oregon. pffec, to undertake and promise to! ibre P-> «> ^ e bearer of sab. bends a t. We know the whole family A. A. ANDERSON