PAOS POUR TH S SPIUNOPIRLD N HW3 THURSDAY- DHCHMRHR 18, 1938. SERVICE DEPARTMENT « . hrancnes to cttopnrktr »action in a Portland new spa p- r. ». MANY STUDENTS WORK oral Inc. rug-making, window washing. land newspaper, another la an at­ with American Legion posts in fur l'or the host high school new« notes and watting on tahlea. tine tendant at a filling «talion and otte WAY AT UNIVERSITY «Hiking, OF LEGION IS ACTIVE therance of Americanisation work sect ion In a newspaper out side of man la a circulation agent for a Fort- ■nun has a Job on a farm. Portland. ». For the be»t advertising among aliens. Portland. Ore., Dee. 1 3 — A c tlv R i» » Cnlveralty of Oregon. Eugene. Dee and busmen» management o f a high €>t the State l.ecto n Service Depart­ school year book 1«. For the best 13. — (Special.) — Men students en ment for the month of November In­ GOVERNOR WILL SPEAK high school school magasine 11 l'or rolled In the University of Oregou. clude 94 «-om pen »at ion caaea; 5t> per TO HIGH SCHOOL PRESS the beat story in a high schied mag by working at regular aaid odd Jobs, have earned »10.3*5 since the begin­ r a a c < -nt compensation claim s; SS at azine. ning of the fall term, according to Adavtta; 7 copies of discharge; 2 I'nlverslty of Oregon. Eugene. Dee. Mra. C. It. Ihumelly. employment aec back pay claim s; and numerous trav­ ,1 1 — (Special.t—Oov Walter M Pierce NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION retary for the campus Y M C. A. e l pay, lost discharge». reimburse­ ha« accepteal an invitation to speak S lxtyon e men employed In regular ment for funerals, guardianship cases to the delegates of the Oregon High jtEPARTMKNT OF TUB INTERIOR work are paying for their room and M ake her look as if she had some p e p in her. and other matters The report d is. School Press Association and the As­ V S. land office at Roseburg. Ore­ board. 33 are paying for their hoard closes that c lalms were adjusted with sociation of High School Student Body and all are making more than room the ex-service men at the Hospitals, Presidents to be held at the I'nlve, gon. December 7. 1923. and state Institutions through pet laity of Oregon Jan. It and 12. Gov­ Notice Is hereby g lven that Hattie reut Men working at odd Jobs earn aonal visits by the fta te Service Of­ ernor Pierce'» address has been Armenta l*ulver. widow of Robert B. enough to defray minor expensea. Work done by the men ronalits of ficer of the Legion. scheduled for the afternoon of Jan Pulver, deceased, of Eugene. Oregon, The Service Department has oper­ 13 at 1:30 o'clock. Ilia subject will who. on August 24. 1923, made unloading freight cara. painting, car ated free of charge to vetenuw of be **Lh* Enforcement.” Homestead Entry. Serial. No, »14540. penterlng. sign.w riting, window dec- the World War and their dependents The program of the high school for the S i , of N B i, of Section 5, in the adjuration of claim s art «in* conferences will be announced in a Township I9S. Range 4\V,. W iliam out of World War Service. Ex-service ¡few days. Much interest has been ette Meridian, has filed notice of In- men with unsettled claim s are asked ; evidenced In the high school Journal tontlon to make Final Three-year ,4 .5 0 Prices Reasonable AH W ork Guaranteed to get in touch with service officers I-in efficiency contest. Certificates oi proof, to establish claim to the laud Four pi’s." stove coil o f local posts of the American Legion . merit will be awarded at the high above described, before K, O lmnirl, Stove connected to hot water tank or communicate direct with the State school press conference as follows: V. 8 Commissioner, at his office, at $5.00 Department of the American Legion. 1 For the best example of a re­ »Eugene. Oregon, on the 14th day of Portland. porter's work on a high school paper. January 1924 1 For the best original editorial 3. Claimant names as wttusaea: Mar American Legion posts and branch For the best record of service to a cue Dunn, of Eugene. Oregon. R. F es of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and high school on the part of a h ig h 1!). No. I; David Smith, of Eugene, Lumbermen will band together for school paper. 4 For the best methods Oregon. It. F D No 1; Barney Americanization work, according to of handling advertbing 5 For the Clou»», of Eugene. Oregon. It F D When shop is closed Phone 113 \V tvi-ent action of the board of di­ best general mechanical make-up 6. 'No. 1; Mary Lui-key. of Eugnne, Ore- M r. Crim ea, M a n a g e r* 240 M ain Street Springfield rectors of the 4L organization which For the best mimeograph newspaper gon R. F. D No. 1 Eugene Springfield w as held in Portland. Oregon. Thej For the best high school news note» W . I I C A N N O N . Register Doll The Old Buss Up Auto Painting - Top Dressing Used Cars Holiday Special The Raymond Marlatt Plumbing Company DiK Heiser’s Auto Paint Shop Tot aW rry CMrfmag **, Wh* &iwefèraìfaoa - -A -» L a x nty-x MrtM’ VMcu - e Odished-for Eugene’s Big Christmas Store Will Help You With Your Gift Problems T H E SP A R K of the Yuletide spirit is .g n ited -C h ristm a. »hopping is in full sway. You will find A x Billy’s a grea* * Christmas store of gift suggestions, rich with thosethat are useful ae well as givable and which breathe the spirit of service and thoughtfulness. Bhind your choice is the store’s reputation addin? immeaurably to the value of your gift and to the pleadure of giving. SO MANY XMAS THINGS HERE THAT ABOUT ALL WE CAN DO IS TO SAY COME AND SEE Entire Stock of Women’s Trimmed Hats Price FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY FORMERLY $3.75, SALE $5.95, SALE »875. SALE 1250. SALE 16.50. SALE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE $1.88 $2.98 $4 38 6.2’j 8 25 S urely there is no more fo rce fu l manner o f In fo rm in g o u r patrons o f the im portance o f this m illin e ry sale than by m erely s ta tln r there are no reservations fro m o u r e n tire stock o f trim m e d hats. T h is is an induce­ m ent fo r the wom an o r miss to purchase a new m odel fo r holiday tim e. THE JAPANESE GIFT SHOP Our big toyland is already very busy, and here you will And «-emingly everything lo delight the kiddies ln way of toys. Autos — Kiddy Kars — Teddy Bears Cats — Dogs — Monkeyo — H orn, T ra m s — Dolls and Buggies — W agon» Drums — Air Rifles — Podl Tables And a Host of Games For Both Young and Adults, Etc. Eta. It is advisable to com e to our Toyland now and -elect the toys wanted as they Bie surely going fast, and selec­ tion will not be so good after a while. C H A L L E N G E M A M A D O L LS »1-50 A limited number only of these soft mama doll? and measure 20 Inches in height Cunningly dressed in checked peg top romper» with hood to match. — Also Mama Dolls at 50c —Toy Suit Cason, Price 35c — Tractors with Strong Springs $1.35 — Steam Rollers w ith Strong Springs $1.25 Second Floor — Rag D o lls, p ric e BOe Japanese Flower Bowl« with Frogs, 35c W ise Owl Book Ends with Rhinestone Eyes, pair »2.50 F riend Husband, Surprise Set of Dishesl H er W ith a The largest stock of dishware and Crockery In Lane county to select from— Fécond Floor. X A F E W S U G G E S T IO N S FOR " H IM " N icely furnished Ash Tray«, bronze •fl,ni:h with with glass c« lit e r removable, »1.35 to »2.25. Shaving Glass Stands with mug and Friday and S iturday Rug Special $1.37 Beautifully novel rag rugs, ze 28 x E2 Inches, In blue pink, yellow end l o w i. Ma;.’i- ’here Is a spot In the home on ’he floor, perhaps by your bed. that needs a soft, closely woven rug Don’t Forget Darling Baby R| •• 1 ■ -.or, .1 i, ■ -r.t a , i.r .1111.0- -igg- tlons for the precious little one Many new things recettig add’ d. Second f o o r T 'o b ru sh w ith h a n g e r fo r cat h item. Collar Bugs. T rav elin g Het Military Brushes ln leather case. S m o k e r Seta. Second Floor ALL WOOL OVERCOATS $19.00 •—Home comforts and pleasures are ac­ cented at Christina« tim e What could be better for gifts than artistic accès sortes for the home? Somethings are both useful and ornamental and others purely ornamental. Both kinds are here in profusion. Chinese Basket», uniquely trimmed with Beads, Rings and T assels 40c to $1.25 Nut Bowls with Hammer $1 00 Nut Bowls with Cracker and Picks. »1 25 .Mahogany finish Candle Sticks, pr., 75c Chinese Trays 35c to »1.25 Tokenabe Vases, wonderful values, 59c Tokenabe Vases 25c Shaving S ets In nice silk lined case. Hath Itohe Blankets. Evernbarp Pencils Fountain Pen«. Ingersoll Watches, D'gi Clocks Oregon R j’be for th a t lounge o r car. SOMETHING PRACTICAL FOR HIM. SURE! OUR MEN’S SECTION WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS— W »weti w ho wish to give p ractical g lfia to men a t C hristm as are rem inded that In o u r M idi's S tore arc fu rn ish in g s mi h uh great num bers of inen buy fo r th d lr own use, hence are the kind they lik e to wear. T h is g ilt hint Khould b e heeded am i selection made fro m o u r broad and varied stocks o f fixings fo r men. —The far off country of Japan Is cleartv depleted here on Ax Billy's second floor and to those who wish to get som ething quite different, som ething unique should not fail to come. Toytown, that’s the Place! Mirocsrii* A feeling o f real sa tisfaction fo r him in e ith e r an oxford grey o r brow n heal her O’Coat. F ull belted, double breasted, raglan sleeve«. New — sure. Sizes 36 to 44. HE'LL WELCOME A BATHROBE, $7.50 COMFY SLIPPERS FOR ALL F o r Men, pair $1.75 to $3.50 F or W omen, pr. $1.50 to $2.00 F o r C hildren, pr. $1.15 to $1.45 A pair of these comfy Slippers will give comfort many months after the passing of Christmas. D istinctive «lin ks afford wonderful selection. Select the favorite color early—now Solo Eugene Agents for Women’s "Queen Quality" Footwear Ex­ perienced Shoe Fitters at your Service. A F E W R E M IN D E R S FOR " H E R ’’ Bbqnjt Manicure Hets In silk lined eases for dres«lng table or In leather rolls. Ivory individual pinna to fill or add lo sets. B eautiful M antel Clocks. Silverw are, 1847 R ogers, Win. Rogers Com m unity Plate, , ; , Individual piece» in best selling patterns. Ivorv and-Amber Tone Bouduolr sits. G loves rem em ber. Bath Rob - Blankets. Wouldn’t sho appreciate a nice B!nn- ket? We have a wonderful seit i llon— Virgin Wools end Cotton 1 In pretty blocks. Lln<-n 1,1101(1 Cloths Evereliarp pen cils. Beads Handkerchiefs. Beautiful Beaded Bag Soft, fleecy bathrobes th a t envelop a fel low and plenty to spare and keep him w arm . Cheery patterns o f blue, grey and brow n. Sizes 3X to44. BRUSH WOOL SCARFS To keep a man's neck w arm combined w ith a little fad as well. Lovely tw o color combinu tlons o f brow n and tan and greys. T ile fr in g ­ ed ends add to th e ir effectiveness, LISLE HOSE. Pair 35c Fine mercerized lisle dress Hose in medium grey, cordovan, French tan, navy or black. Hose is one thing a man wears every day, therefore you cannot get him too many. Sizes 10 to 1 1 3 pairs $1.00 or box of 6 pr. $1.95 SILK HOSE, Pair 95c of pure thread silk. In black, cordovan, navy or champngne. GARTER AND ARM BAND SETS. 65c Attractively put up in holiday boxes and so givoable yet inexpensive. LEATHER FACED DRIVING GLOVES, pr. $2.25 If ho drives a car, especially during the win­ ter months, think how much more pleasant it would bo with a pair of theso leather faced wool gauntlot driving gloves. Genorous 7- inch gauntlet. Sizes 8’/ a to 1O’/ a, Boys' Wool Tweed S u ii••., $10.75 SmpriscH Johnnie o r H illy o r w hatever I i I h rig h tfu l nunie happens to bo w ith something pi’iu tical a Tweed Suit. Nobby pleated back, f ill belli d, l ull lined in grey and brown tweed m ixtures. Sizes X to 17. Double life tmltH lie* caime they com e w ith 2 pairs of knickerB. Perhaps An Overcoat for the Boy, $12.50 Made very m uch like dad «, (hi «<< warm wool O’coatH hi piuart brown heather Sk/e« 12 to IS and full lined. ~ ~~ : » - 1