The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 13, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. DHC KM H Kit J3. 1923.
peat remedies are often hawked about and Power Co., and Fred Vincent, of
Orgon farms endangering real control. Vincent and Vincent, advertising com­
Ml«» (trace p la tt visited relatives One type of these fake panaceaa la pany. were appointed by the advertis­
I In Thursttui la it week.
merely harmless, having power n eltb . ing club to confer with a University
Mr and Mr». William llaruett have »r for good nor bad. one I* actually com m ittee for dlMcusslon of detail« In
week due Io the heavy rain and wind
started for Union to visit with Mrs. dangerous to the crop« It It said to connection with the award of the
Harnett's parent« They expect to b e iprot#ct> and the thlrd ** •■ W lF Ini scholarship
The fanners of Enterprl«« are haul­ g o n e until after the holidays.
I e lf« live because the remedy 1« not In
Graduates of the school of Journal
ing by team gravel which ha« been
lam who have specialized In advei
hauled by truck over the W illamette
and I« high priced.
Hsing have attained su ccess in their
highway from the rock cruahar to Fred Hpencvr «pent the week end at
Held. Numbered among these are:
the Plea«ont lllll cemetery The grav­ Meaitnwvlew visiting friends and duck
Egg shell color does not affect the Maurice Hyde and Harry Smith, man­
el 1« being laid In tha low places In hunting
'food value of aggl. but It does make ager and assistant manager of Lip-
the road below the Olaon ranch.
|x»e King received the news that his a difference In the appearance. All man Wolfe & C o. Portland: Leith Ab
Mr«. Herman Knutrnn and ft J father who lives at Newport had a
brown or all white eggs will command bott. Ixingvlew adv.-gf Islng representa­
English and Ml»« fieri ha Manning are slight stroke a few days ago.
the highest prices.
tive of the lxuig-Bell Lmber Co.; Ran­
aortlng and packing apples for E. B
Mr and Mrs. Arch Mhnugh who has
dolph Kuhn, account executive with
Range and exercise Is especially
been on a trip through California go­
Mrs. Alexander Llndsry and (taught
ing »< far south as Los Angeles and *l*‘»lrable for poultry breeding stock.
er Elbra have gone to Portland for
few days visit with dauihtert of Long Beach returned home last film ,
Mix r,Misters with each 100 hen«
Mr«. Lind «ay.
Maude Fumistes. I. visiting with ,’ ‘,,,’Uld «**e ,«°"d t,,rU1“ ’r and h“ ch-
Mr» T E llaurlgao has been very
her cousin, Mshel McPherson. In '*
’ -Mhorns.
III the luirt few day»
Community News
U IS. Park« o f flovan lal«. who ha«
» » r v lt i« on tha Frdaral Jury at
Portland, was hmm, Munday.
Mr. and Mr«. It J Knxlhh anti
«lauxlKt-r M » i'« » r,l motor««! to ()o«h<'n
Monday morning Io am* Mr and Mr*
W II Ibtvla of Craw and wt«h thorn
h«n voyage a« they were on their way
to California where they expert to
«pend two month« visiting with rela­
By Speda)
Mr and Mr« P N Laird of Kdan
vale are both on th« alrk liot.
The Pl»a«ant Hill rommunlty d o b
held It« regular mooting Saturday
night. I)e«-etuber H, <’. L. William«
The pupils of Coast Fork cleared Springfield this week.
presiding and T K Haurlgan acting
Mrs Herbert Wales and baby from P 0 R rLAND AD CLUB GIVES
»««•rctury It wa» voted to put 115 »<3*5 op th»lr program and b a,k e|
of the mopey In the tren»ury on the social November 2K They are now Eugene are ¿pending some time with $ 1 5 0 SCHOLARSHIP AT U. W.
her mother. Mrs Ross Mathews.
piano fund. After the>’-«« the planning a Xmas program.
The Mundav school la planning to
1 »'ver»lty of Oregon. Eugene. Dec.
evening wa« «pent In singing and ■»
give a program and Christmas tree a t / 3’ <Spe«-i»I > Work in advertising
general «octal time The nest med-
the church for Xtnas
| at the l ’r>lv«ralty of Oregon received
Ing will be the first Saturday In
Mr and Mr» C. F. (1 Wel»a form­ The Thurston bs kethall teama are al*nal recognition when it wa« an-j
erly of this vicinity, moved their house- going to Springfield next Friday even -louced ,od“ >' ,hat the b,,ard of director» i
The Chrlatmn« program which t» In
■ hold good t to Portland Monday, liav. Ing to play the teams there Thev ,,f the Advertising Club of Portland j
the hand« of the Christian Endeavor
I Ing located >n business there
played at the hall here last Friday has Toted an a«*nual »150 acholarshlp
society will be given Sunday 'venlllg,
There will he a m eeting of the evening Both Thurston teams were
' be Unlveralty student enrolled in
Daeambar 23 The pageant win bo
Camas Ixwnl of the Farmer« t'nlon victorious.
advertising course« best qualified to |
followed by a gift »errlce Every.
. . to
. i bring som ething. 'at the school hou«e Wednesday night
A W Weaver made a business trip receive the award
one I» requeued
The scholarship will be known a*
for the C W II M Children’s Home I™ ’ ™
also be a »pedal meeting to Eugene Wednesday. He It look-
Ing for some milk cows to buy as he tbe Advertising Club of Portland '
Clothing, canned goods, to v . „„ , <>»'he -choid hoard that night,
contemplate» »tartlng his cheese fac- »< holarslilp, It was voted unanimously!
money «re «11 ne«sl.d. After th . gift | J"h" « •« * •
« '» •
¡by the board of director« of the club, i
«ervlce there will h e » Christmas t r e e / ' - ' - «1«"” «»«urday and Munday lory again.
James A. Ormandy, general pa»sen-
and a Mania Claus for the llttie
France* Wull «chleger.
gera agent of the Southern Pacific!
« Co.; W . P. Mtrandborg. publicity dl-1
Mr and Mr» J M Davenport of •
At the Plea«nnt HUI high school
* ret,or ot tbfl Portland Railway, Light
Friday night. Decemtier 7. the El­ Creswsdl v rtite tl Munday with Mr. and *
mira basket ball boys tram was beaten Mr» J W Armstrong
Mr and Mrs. E K. W illiams visit
by the Pleasant Hill team by a score
Two vegetable crops a season and
of 43 to 31 The Trent-Dexter basket- ed Munday afternoon In Creswell wl'h
use of cover crop» to maintain aolls
ball girls team heat the pleasant HUI Mr and Mr«. Sherman Morris
Mr and Mrs. W. II Brown of Salem In physical and fertility condition«, l
girls by a score of 21 to IS
Mr and M r , M Overhalser enter­ were recent visitors here at the home are advantages of Irrigating the veg 1
etable garden. Quality and size are
tained Rev and Mrs Elkina of Eu­ of their niece. Mrs. J. T. Hurley
Ml»« Blanche W eiss took dinner Improved by water at the right time.
gene for dinner Hundsy
It will enable the growing of one
Mr R J English has let a contract Munday with the Napper family.
Mr »nd Mrs George Rickets and crop at least not ln competition with
for the rutting of <00 cord of wood
Mr. Ulenu Ludtkc were Munday visit­ (eeral growers. Insuring a good mar­
u n acquainted » ¡m Westing*
on his ranch at fTcnsaOt Hill.
bouse Attention— the differ-
Mr and Mrs H F McKIfresh and ors at the home of their parents. Mr ket. Irrigation crops hit the m ark et1
ent b in d o f battery
both earlier and later than unwater
little daughter, who have been OC. and Mrs August 1-udlke
b uilt on the idea o f beeping
Walter Butler, who la In his senior ed crops.
cupylag a cabin near the camp of the
yo u r preeent battery on tbo
Camas Lumber C o. barely escaped year at the l*bllomath college, was a
lob to the last— ar.,1 a t tbo
bast p o * t it le cost Io 'On.
-serious Injury when a tree crashed recent visitor at his home here.
Egg size and ahape Is Inherited
J B Buoy arrived Monday evening Gradhal aelection of those birds which
through the roof of the cabin within
2ft inches of the head o f their beds for a visit *B h hhi daughter, Mrs. In addition to a large number also
Thursday mdrnlng during the high E. E. Williams
lay "selects** will tn time eliminate
W lulls
the birds laying the lower grade eggs
Westinghouse Service
The lumber mills above Dexter
D r S Ralph Dlppel. Dentist. Viras
a. Eugene. Ore. 971 Oak
ware closed the latter part of last bulldiag. Springfield. Oregaa.
Three type« of Insect and dlseasw
the Botsford-CoiUtlne Co.; Arne
rdvertlsing manager of the On-gaa
City Enterprise.
C h am berlaln ’a Cough
M oeller's Favorite
The sooting and healing properties
of Chambellaln's Cough Remedy, it«
pleasant taste and prompt and effeo-
tual cures have made ft a favorit*
with people everywhere. It la en-
peclally prized by mothers with
young children for cold«, croup and
whooping cough, as it alwaya affords
quick relief and Is free from opium
and other harmful drugs.
DIAMONDS SET in White Cold Rings, $35 to $85
ONYX RINGS. Set with a small Diamond, $7.50
to $15.00
RUBY RINGS from $5.00 to $18.00
LARGE AMETHYST RINGS in White Gold, $12.00
to $18.00
AGATE RINGS from »3.00 to $5.50
Don't forget the Babies
A large selection of these rings in White, Green
and Yellow Gold at $1.00 each
BRACELET WATCHES are going fast. Better
select now and have your watth laid aside
until Christmas.
D. W.
“There’s Something in Our Store
For Every Stocking”
Visit Our Claridge
Gift Shop
There is real sutisfactlon In giving something that la prac­
tical and useful because auch gifts are always acceptable to the
Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Leath­
er Goods, Ivory Goods. Atomizers, etc. etc.—Some of the things
we suggest for gifts. (See our windows)
Originators of distinctive gifts.
We have been fortunate in
obtaining this line of gifts for
Springfield. The line includes
gifts from all over the world,
stub as—
Japanese Pottery and Lacquered
Ware. Italian Pottery, Austrian
Metal Novelties, Oriental In­
cense Burners. American Paper
Novelties, Myrtle Wood, Bronze
Ware, etc.
“See our windows”
Society Box
For the Old Folks
Don't overlook the old folks.
They too wish to be remember­
ed at Christmas time. Books.
Calendars, Vacuum Bottles. Hot
Water Bottles, etc., are appro­
priate for the purpose.
Send mother a box of candy,
too, and see that father gets a
box of cigars.
We have a most complete line
of Eaton Crane’s Stationery—
“the world’s best ln writing
liaper.” Always an acceptable
gift. Prices from 75c to $5.00.
Tree Ornaments
Beautiful packages ranging
in price from $1.00 to $10.00.
Xmas Hard Candy 5 lb.
tins, $2.00.
Xmas Hard Candy
We also cairy a line of Whit­
m ans .'-lid Johnston’s Choco­
lates. Be R.tro to include a box
of hocolates with your gift«.
The children will not think
they have'had a real Xmas un­
less you fix up a Christmas tree
for them and decorate it with
pr»>tty ornaments. We have
Ornaments, Tinsel. Candles. Ar­
tificial Snow, etc. Come in and
look them over.
Xmas Cards and Booklets.
Santa Claus is a reality to the little folk so aee to it that
their wishes are all fulfilled. In Addition to special gifts pro
vide plenty of Dolls, Games, Toys, Candy, etc. for them.
(See onr special toy window)
th «
We carry a complete line of
Eastman Kodaks. Prices $2.00
to $50.00. A splendid Xmas gift.
Fountain Pens
are always an acceptable gift.
We are agents for the Shaeffer
Pens. Prices from $2.75 to »8.75.
Pencils, 50c to $3.50.
Shop Early