PACK POUR TUB <•>. I» « » . k r M e C I s te M A C K IE S )s 4 1 e » ls > e « rT M IIS fllvverlng acrosa country Is not as Joyful as It sounds.“ growled M r. Bellamy. as he munched • dried beef sandwich. “Don't call my Roiway a ’filw e r '," objected Jack Hellamy. “W hat is that Behind us?" Jack asked. “A very disreputable car—probably B a n d its ” It was an ambitious little closed car. much the worse fo r wear. Suddenly there was a loud report and the Koi w ay listed s little . Jack stopped the car at the side o f the road. ■'Tire, front— flat,” explained Jack as he got out and removed his coat. I Mr. Bellamy growled Inarticulately as he, too. scrambled out. Hut he paused, petrified, as the shabby little flivver came up and stopped In front o f them. A girl's charming face looked out at them. She sat at the wheel. She was wearing knickers and soft w hite blouse, w ith a round hat on her misty dark hair. Beside her sat another girl, fa ir and blue-eyed, in the same attire. f M r Hellamy. at heart a kindly man. beamed upon them and asked huskily: •'Haven't any w ater on board, have your “ I am sorry— we have drinking wa- , ter. not enough for— " “ Don't want it for the car— dying o f thirst.” explained M r. Bellamy. “T he poor thing 1” exclaimed the o th er girl. “I w ill get It Dorothy." At the sound of Dorothy's name the head of Jack Bellamy emerged turtle- wise from beneath the car, besmeared w ith grease and sand, his expectant «yes seeking the dark-haired girl. She •a w him at the same moment and paled. His head vanished Instantly to reappear at Its proper height beside bis father. “Oh. see the pretty man." breathed Helen as she passed Dorothy w ith a thermos bottle In her hand. “ Idio t,” groaned Dorothy, wondering [ w hat adverse fa te had brought ber to the same tra il w ith Jack Bellam y, w hose erratic fath er had refused to al- | low his son to m arry a poor, unknown g irl. T he girl herself, sn ambitions • r t student, was tow proud to enter a hostile fam ily, so she had tent Jack , aw ay. They bad loat sight o f each j other, and now Mie and Nina Gray. Jigging along In their beloved ”b uiay j wagon,” Journeyed from town to town and sketching by the way. had found themselves tra ilin g a gorgeous car th a t blocked the narrowing road. And ’ ft had proved to be the car o f Jack’s objectionable and objecting parent. Mr B ellam r drank deeply from the • liv e r cup again and again It was a •h illin g cup— Dorothy's christening cup— and b re h e r name. T he horn­ rim med speclaeles eg U r Bellamy peered closely at the Inscription. “Dorothy M e a re s — M etres — that your name?" he asked sharply. “ Yes," admitted Dorothy, regaining fcer lost color. “ I knew a Meares. Old friend of mine. W e used to hunt In Canada to­ gether. long ago. W hat was your fa ­ ther's nam e?' ’■Nathaniel,*' she said reluctantly. Bellamy looked disturbed, and his fs -e Softened. - H e was my friend, and he has pawed away, my dear?" “Two years ago. at Seattle." she an •«■-red sadly. H e nodded. “I beard that. A brave man and a thoroughly honest friend. I am very glad to meet h it daughter. My name is Bellamy, Angus Bellam y." "Thank you. M r. Bellamy. M y fa ­ th e r always kept your picture In h it study, the one In which you were land­ ing a monster trout." “ Hight I Jack, come here and meet the daughter of an old friend of mine. M iss Meares. this Is— ’’ Dorothy's slim form stiffened. “I have met your son, M r. Bellamy." “Jack, you never told me, air." H e frow ned on Jack. “ Miss .Meares Is the young lady 1 wish to marry, dad." lie said at last. B h a t : bristled Mr. Bellamy, try ­ ing to collect all the astounding facts before him and tit them Into the puz kle of Hie undesirable girl Jack had wanted to marry. "W hat? W h a tT ’ I "One of Dorothy's pie«." irrelevantly broke In Helen G ra f, as she came tow ard them with a huge fluky apple pie In her hunds. “I am starved, and I t la twenty miles to the next town— who will have a slice of pie?" she put her things on the running hoard of tlie H olw ay. She flushed a silver knife and passed pieces of delicious pie around on paper plates. Mr. B ellam y’ate. and mutely passed his plate fo r more. “Anyone who can m ake a P|e like this . . . tj,e daughter o f my best friend . . . I D orothy, my dear, go and make It on w ith Jack !'• D orothy led Jack to the shabby, happy little car that she and Helen 1 owned together. She bent, and swept I a kiss at the open door. "T h e d ear old buzzy-wagon , . . ' Jt brought us right to you I" “ J want to kiss It myself," grinned I J td k . “only It's a pPy to waste ’am |” | Frank Campbell was In from Thurs­ D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E IN T E R IO R ton Saturday. D an W in fre y of P lea-an t H ill waa a business v is ito r In Springfield Sun day. O tto Rice returned home to M aple- ton Monday. J C. Stapleton. Alvadore m erchant, was In this city Monday on busiue»» T. K. W illia m - was here from hla home near Springfield to transact bust- Back at W o rk Thomas Oreen, of C »burg, O regon, T , L Harber, of CnJ» trg. Oregon. W It CANNON. Register OI t í , ïo. »7. JS .......... « V . 8. Land O ffice at Rosehutg. Ore gwn. I ecem ber fi, IMS3, Notice Is hereby given that tira n t J. Oray. of Eugene, Oregon who, on | M ay 14, 1920. made Homestead entry, S erial No. 013724. for tb s L ot 4 of Section 5, Tow nship 17 S . Range .1 W . W illa m e tte M eridian has filed notice of intention to m ake F in al We Save You Money on TOYS and CANDY Our Candy is fresh from the factory and the price is right All kinds of nuts, plain or mixed. Special Xmas prices. Fancy Work I The New Store of the Green Merrell Co. Stationery ¿ « £ 42 PIECK DINNER SKT $10.00 A wonderful a s s o r t m e n t, We can give you the very heat various designs and styles, of value In this line of gifts. This is an exceptional ofTer Stamped goods, most any- You’ll save na»ney on this If —one you will readily take thing you want. You com pare quality. ad van Inge of. Wilson’s Variety Store Located at 336 Mala Street Located at 825 Willamette street is now open. New merchandise, especially desirable as gifts are displayed in wonderous array. We especially invite you to visit our new store in our new location and make this your store when in Eugene. Phonograph SALE HERE’S MUSIC FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS green ITIerrell Co. “One of Eugene’s Leading S tores’’ CANDY? XMAS AVTOtASTie This beautiful new style Console Phonograph, which plays all makes of records, at practically half price— $97.50 10 Double 75c Records Free With Each Instrument __ Don t forget that Christmas only comes once each year and that the Kiddies expect to get all the candies, nuts, oranges and other good things that they can eat and remember that we carry a large assortment of those things. Our prices are right and quality of the best. Help the kiddies have a good time at Christmas. Dry Goods We have lots of good presents in our Dry Goods depart­ ment at a nominal price for holiday presents. F eed s — E. C. Trapp, popular conductor on 1 the Southern Pacific lines, is bank at work on the train running be­ tween Albany and Oakridge, accord Ing to his friends In the city. He will be on the mixed train after several months spent elsewhere on the divi- ry f LCYSOTXCLIS on Monday. I T h ree Y ear proof to »s’ ubllsh d uini n t h day of January. I":’ « Claimant names as wltneaaes: a a I A carlond of pole» arrived from to the land above dcm rlhed. before .C a rly le . W ashington, on Monday to be •C O tunnel, l ’ g. ( ' iniiulssloner at C II Kwango, o f Coburg. O trgon - ¡treated at tb« Carbollneunt wood pre hl» office at R u g tie Oregon, on the John Hettinger, of ( onurg Oregon Luke Morehouse was In Springfield B(,rvlBg plant, on business Monday from his home in F allereek N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N .. THE BUZZY WAGON By C L A R IS S A THURSDAY DFX’EMHEH 13, 1 »23 NBWS Be sure to get an extra sack of feed for the old hen and) Cow for a Christmas present. MB* A. R. Sneed Dept Store FOR THREE DAYS ONLY PAY ONLY $7.50 DOWN AND $2.00 PER WEEK Why not take advantage of this offer and have one of these models set aside for Christmas delivery? Laraway Music Stores Store» in Eugene and Corvallis 1