O lV O T IO TO I 9 K I R I 8 T o r » P R IN Q F IIL D ANO T H I F A N M IR I OF TUR W I L L A M IT T I VALLBV TW E N TIE TH H. of O 1TWSPMNGFHXD news CUTOFF urn « MILL PROGRESSES Dam to Back Wnter Two Mile« Used for Western Lumber Company Logging; First Rail Laid This Week. On« larg« dam la nearing romp)» ,k»n and «41 other la to he construct •>d at the Weatern l.uniher company'« mammoth sawm ill at Wevlflr, accord- In* to Oeorg« Catching. of Spring field. who haa chars« o f the work Fifteen hunk houaea. and a tin« cook houa« of the moat modern atyle have he«n er*|>.-l was sleeted I slot, The budget provide, for a crulae rtow“ for repairs at the Booth Kelly A frame structure to houae the ual training shop will likely ba next summer In order to move rrom the hieh ||aTP conge.tlon ,n the sch ool. senior warden. Herbert J Cox. Junior ,,f | g u county timber to coat »26.- m ill according to O. H Jarrett, super slid c n B BW heafon’ ha i ” torJr* ’ “ r"r' i " ^ “ numb',r *’ ‘ro*M» " ‘We w d K Mi uton. secretary. Item« to take euro of thia amount and the definite date when the »but-down l-lsna for Ina,.11«,Ion and ban. come Inside the legal a.x per cast will begin. Mr Jarrett said, but It though II haa not heen deflnitei _____ “d thia poem, the only way onf since A pa,d « « and a traffic of- the city would «tanrl ~»lv »11 . ftcer whose duties will include Mnd L e a" t h . X e ’ P‘’» C« “ B - d « X T « £ qnet to be held next Tuoiday night were completed. Following the ban quet. which Is scheduled for 7:00 p in . there will be Installation of offic­ ers. and the presentation of Jewels to the past masters: ('. E. Swart«. f ‘ I«* Fil»« IV < I I let.. »> —.. — U man­ Council Hired Paid Chief of built Fire Department After Vol­ this ' unteers Disband; Hurd New Al re- Traffic Officer limitation Increase over last year Do will be some time the latter part of The school district 19 has a valua ' 7*™ t (‘mp]ayP(i at th'" regular m eet, ducting the estimated receipt! of the n e lt W«-ck •tlon of »1.453.329. a bonded Indebted-u ° f tbe C,ty counc11 Monday eyen- county the tax levy for 1924 will be I Shipping of lumber will be contlnu- I tag Mayor Charles Egglmann ap- cd during the closed period, anr. ‘ r i í ? 6? 0®?' “”d . th« »867,058 72 iD la n e r. w ill Pr'°hlb't" • bonded Indebtednesa o f l ”0.“ *“ 8rn,,*°n «rs chief at a The largest cut in the budget a T h e f ram i n r f ,h« ' i°"fc IBOre '-han 8 p*’r eent ot ’be valuation ** «rV ° f 8,5 * mon,h a“d C. N. Hurd h„ h traffic officer at »120 a month. submitted by the county court, was In i The framing of the log-deck was be-, Th(. SDrinefl 'Advertising __ ..111 be of very | decided 10 o ’ erbaul the fire truck. 3,000 00 B-veretl- States. The books mil«« will he hull! about a half mile 600 0 0 ^ e “?,nL“^ t a tH 'n,,,a,Iat,OD rrea, aid to the teachers training Pa> 8m,,a<“’ for keeping the equip- £ ¡¡¡¡2 from the sawmill, according to Mr. FLORENCE BANK ROBBED ” ™e moss* 4» shape _ and • to M-'wer night 12.000.00 a n d 'ra p ta co m ej“ the rep,lir" «>»» for reference, Mr Torbet de- “t in Catching He says much of the W est­ OF $6000 BY THREE MEN Bounty • E S . S O _____________________ clared A number of loans of b o o k s' hre' Tbe traffic officer «rill take the ern Lumber company timber »'.anils ' Care of poor ,6.00000 T F A w it I dc - .have also been made, som e by the ' ruck ° ut ,n day ,,m e to flrea when along this artificial lake. Timber will Mori* than I600A in ¿old and silver (’In u it court 10,000 00! TEA WILL BE professor, tbem aelve.. All oth er, who ’ " J“ “ I. employed at h is regular be cut sod logged Into thk lake From 5.400 00 y 'C C L U 8 (are going away and want to leave part dUt *" at th* Booth Kelly mill Vol- there It will be passed through the wag stolen from the Lune County State County court |Havings bank nt Florence Tu«*«day Court hou®«» ----- 6,600 00 locks to the mill pond below. a --hen.«» » • • « « . . iof tbe,r Hhrartes In use majr do so to unt6ers will be paid for helping at | when three m en held up c , r| B erg-'county clerk ..... A benefit tea" la the plan of th e tthe .. 7. , i fires u usual , 13.500.00 Rails S tin g Laid Inan, the cashier, and escaped with the,County Sheriff ...... 18.925.00 i The Western ross,ruction coinpan« u, « r i u : , . “ h°<"' ~ „ " “ ' i . - ” "' . T “ b - b - ' b . " t « m . ! . ? » “ - » « •■ » •• - » lt t .lt 6.065.0b ib . p r e ,.« ,, ,P „ has completed the regrading of the loot. Bergman and two customers ¡County Surveyor Bnto ...... 3.396.00 i X c h ^ T i X S i h i ; •»lx miles of old grade above Oak­ were back»-d Into jhe vault and locked .County Treasurer up while the robbers did thalr work County Fair ..... 2.00000 ridge and the Southern Pacific start­ The three men appeared at the hank ’County Coroner 600.00 ed laying rails on It this week A about 11:30 Flashing guns on the l> strict Attorney and Investi- «rew of Mexicans were taken in for Sion at a meeting of the club on the b° ’’" 13 8 The t e ,m ’ weu ° ’T r’ WWB r* lK>rted *» *» d»- cashier they harked him Into the vault ) gallon 2.400 00 evenlng of December 11 at the hnm„ ° Th’,r’ fon ""der the chaneronage of 8,riB< 0 ,8 Improvement and It VM th« track work It was a half hour before Bergman ¡T histle and plant insects 400 00 of Mrs C. E Wheaton president J ■,,M Anne H,H- high school English “ id u »« extension waa much needed • As soon as the track la laid It 1« made hl« escape and gave the alarm. Fruit Inspector 1.800.00 -understood that work on the tunnel After adjournment of the b u s l n m ' M,Mred i ’ * “ U ry ro’ ditl° ’” Poaaea have been searching for the Health Officer 200.00 m eeting Mrs Long, chairman of tb e ‘H U * Un,ver’ lty Oregon. The <* I“” *Bd <* tow»- The matter waa above K h ridge will be started Con­ men ln the sand dunes north of Flo ’indigent Soldiers ........ . • a a a a » *a u i lilt* « ta ttlF T » F a r o s ^41» a « * L . t _____a « _ ■ 800.00 tracts for thia work are expected Io (tntertainment comm ittee, presented return game will be played by the placed In the hands of the finabee raBca rJnsane ...„.... 600 00 bojr»' team In the Springfield high and Judiciary committee with Instruc­ be let «oon Nearly JO tnllea of fall some sta sis, and the boateeg served Justice court .............. .. 1.600 00 has been laid on the other side and school gyntkaslum tomorrow night at tion« to find buyers tor tmprovemeat home-made candles. Hers from Kaleo—JtxepJi Cyr. fa lh . Juvenile 1.200.00 It Is stated that the main summit 1:0S. The return game for the girls district bonds and prepared « atim u e The next meeting r i i be h«ld in er of Milton Cyr o f this city, arrived ¡Tax Cnn«ervation commission 2.500.00 of costa. tunnel will likely be bored from both n o M H i " ” <'h*mb*r ° r roo»». a t ’™ *“ ” ** ere Thursday evening from hla home Registration and election ends. 000 00 which time Will be the annual elea- the game * group of 8ix applications were received for In Kelso. Washington. He will return .School Superintendent —waaawaag v-gy?< > e » f ASs f « i n as a * as. _ * _______ Men who have been cloae to tha entertainers from the Eugene Bible the posKicgt of traffic offiaer 8 !•< Uta ............. M, auditorium on the evening of Decem­ --------------'city'» charter In order to Vote »50.000 during assem bly hour on Friday b r ig s’ la” ’. " " « • * ,h * «he "rs’ figure, If the bonds are Total expenditures »989.567 72 refund bonds ,o take rare of those the question. Resolved: That a high ber 8 In the second of the Ellison- , r ,t,'‘ r , V'i < n’ h” 1 b*,Ore m"«“ r'«> »"IT »Mt Per — — ---------------------- ledknlng due next year. school should be allowed to graduate Whlte lyceum numbers sponsored by •n the part of the M n e cossty court cent Is allowed on them They are the 4L’s. The next number will be the students who have a failure against NEEDLECRAFT MEMBERS --------------------- — after ntenthem of the Linn county (ax free Buckeye male trio on January 7. them in any subject. The debaters. ENJOY CHRISTMAS P A R TY ' TK- . “ “X t t . t t " •„ «»» »our, had Interviewed the Judge a n d , ____________________ Piano and accordian numbers, music I I I comm issioners In Eugene lh*clslon 5. on file clarinet, drums and taps, as • ire* .ready for services bv Sunday after were: affirmative. Beulah Mr» R. E Yo»ler and daughter Thurman, was ,o make n tax levy of »75.000 rath l y XX ^ '< an,,eira:e»l. according to / B ^ : — We. Al,c«~ T ^ well as saxaphone selection« were Martha, who have been here for two er than vote bonds. Llnn and Lane R B. Moshler. member of the bnilding <8,h an'. D e e m her 14. in the Lincoln the stocking«. h|l|coIlv ’ »0«. Including the , roper,y near Elmira. The Wilson school building at 3:00 o'clock, instead to definite plans »«» postponed for a In the Chamber rooms above the Com­ Claus cam* and filled at __ _______________ I home burned at Elmira June 7, 1922. of on the following Friday, so that the week. It whs decided not to have an mercial Stale hank on the 4th Monday Children's games were played all al evangelist during the tie», year, hut of thia month A number of commlt- ternopn and light refreshm euts were To Celebrate W edding A n n.vec.ary i X i c t a ^ t a r "a r V . R hd° ^ h *'hr‘8’maS pro*™m" raay he given In a il.'Hconesa has been sen, for who I1''** ri'Por,» will be heard, according •served. Those prestmt included Me« 1 cr afo r I J > s. !convicted for arson in burning the the room , on December 21. A number of the friends of Mr and barn anrt arp .,ervJn(f aentence the will come from Seattle to help with rnca by ny a The Springfield Sa.nd and G ravel N ..,n, ,„-M Monday on X “ < •» « - , „ x ' Iti Springfield m ,? g* her htishnnd. Mr. Wooge ha« been there for som e time. The couple will make th^lr homo I» that place. Left for California Mrs. Jain»» I.nxton left Monday where he has been living for «nine Edna S w atls and Mildred Morgan. for California whnrn she will Join her time past. The land la liver bottom and Mrs The Indies came In cm ,nine, as tn- Turne who hushatwl. work In the Booth Kelly logging land, nml Mr. Ralley is well pleusen »amps waa children's party. The club have been visiting at the home of I at Wendling. with his purrhase. < iwill no, meet again until the first firRt ,nplr ibelr onugnter. daughter, Mrs Elmer Maxey, Home fo r W e r l End ¡Friday In January have returned Io Seattle. M- Elvln George Catching was here front Beck nt Mill— E E. Hartung of tile Coming for Holidays— Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Strand, sister of Mrs. Maxey, and I W es,fir Spending ,l»e w eekend with Springfield Booth.Kelly office Ion » J. Lemmons of I’ortla.nd are exported | Mrs P ettlt »if Fail Creek ■« ,i in ¡son, Robert, have returned (o Spokane Ills wife. was hack on the Job vestiTday morn­ to arrive in this city on Bunday to,